Dec 242017
Kurtan is a Russian maze arcade game with really fantastic graphics. The game is challenging with a multitude of different screens.
File KURTAN.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Kurtan is a Russian maze arcade game with really fantastic graphics. The game is challenging with a multitude of different screens.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
EGAVGA.BGI 5139 3376 deflated
FONT.KRT 1848 596 deflated
KURTAN.EXE 76752 36111 deflated
TEMPO.KRT 14976 3402 deflated
VOL0.KRT 142130 18841 deflated
VOL1.KRT 62926 15247 deflated
VOL2.KRT 28971 5122 deflated

Download File KURTAN.ZIP Here

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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