Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : HEART.ZIP
Filename : ORDER-UK.DOC

Output of file : ORDER-UK.DOC contained in archive : HEART.ZIP
==============================[ ORDER FORM ]==================================
Epic MegaGames UK Orders: (0) 767-260-903
11 Baker Ave, Potton Fax: (0) 767-262-043
Beds. SG19 2PJ England Compuserve: 100265,213 (GO EPIC for orders)

Prices are POUNDS STERLING, fully inclusive.
This order form is for orders in the United Kingdom

You always receive a bonus disk of games FREE with your order.
Please place a check mark in the [ ] boxes below, and add up the totals.

[ ] Special discount! Order any TWO products below and
SAVE œ2.00 -- or buy THREE and save œ4................... SAVE __________

Pinball Products:
[ ] Epic Pinball Pack 1: Android/Gold/Excalibur/Crash.........œ23.99 __________
[ ] Epic Pinball Pack 2: Magic/Jungle/Deep Sea/Enigma.........œ23.99 __________
[ ] Both Pinball packs - order them together and save!........œ34.99 __________
[ ] Silverball: The retail pinball game with 5 new tables.....œ29.99 __________
[ ] Both Pinball Packs plus Silverball (a Pinball overdose!)..œ59.99 __________

Arcade and Adventure games:
[ ] Ken's Labyrinth trilogy. Can you save your dog Sparky?...œ23.99 __________
[ ] Zone 66: Missions 1-4.....................................œ23.99 __________
[ ] Zone 66: Missions 1-8 Mega Pack...........................œ23.99 __________
[ ] Solar Winds: Both episodes of Jake Stone's adventure.....œ23.99 __________
[ ] Dare to Dream: A trilogy of graphical adventures.........œ23.99 __________
[ ] The JILL trilogy. Epic's bestseller!.....................œ23.99 __________
[ ] Ancients: Deathwatch and Approaching Evil................œ23.99 __________
[ ] OverKill six-planet mega blast............................œ23.99 __________
[ ] Castle of the Winds, 2-Episode fantasy role playing game..œ23.99 __________
[ ] Adventure Math Deluxe: Educational entertainment.........œ23.99 __________
[ ] Gravis Gamepad: 4-button digital joystick.................œ23.99 __________

Puzzle games:
[ ] Electro Man...............................................œ15.99 __________
[ ] Heartlight PC.............................................œ15.99 __________
[ ] The Adventures of Robbo...................................œ15.99 __________
[ ] Epic Puzzle Pack: The three games above for a great price.œ26.99 __________

[ ] Other: _________________________________________________________ __________

[ ] Other: _________________________________________________________ __________

For shipping to non-EC countries, please add œ2 extra postage...... __________

Total enclosed __________

Disk size: [ ] 3.5" High Density [ ] Check here if you have ordered
[ ] 3.5" Low Density from Epic MegaGames UK in
[ ] 5.25" High Density the past.

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Address 1: _______________________________________________________________

Address 2: _______________________________________________________________

Country: ____________________ Phone: __________________________________

Payment by: [ ] Cheque [ ] Money order [ ] Mastercard [ ] Visa

Card # _______________________ Exp Date: _______ Signature: ________________

  3 Responses to “Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : HEART.ZIP
Filename : ORDER-UK.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: