Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : GNUGO.ZIP
Filename : FINDPATN.C

Output of file : FINDPATN.C contained in archive : GNUGO.ZIP
GNU GO - the game of Go (Wei-Chi)
Version 1.1 last revised 3-1-89
Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, Inc.
written by Man L. Li
modified by Wayne Iba
documented by Bob Webber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation - version 1.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License in file COPYING for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Please report any bug/fix, modification, suggestion to

mail address: Man L. Li
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Houston
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, TX 77004

e-mail address: [email protected] (Internet)
[email protected] (BITNET)
70070,404 (CompuServe)


#define EMPTY 0

extern unsigned char p[19][19];
extern int mymove, umove;
extern int opn[9];

findpatn(i, j, val)
/* find pattern to match for next move */
int *i, *j, *val;
int m, n;
int ti, tj, tval;
static int cnd, mtype; /* game tree node number, move type */
/* mtype = 0, basic; 1, inverted; 2, reflected; 3, inverted & reflected */

/* open game then occupy corners */
if (opn[4]) /* continue last move */
opn[4] = 0; /* clear flag */
if (opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype)) opn[4] = 1; /* more move then reset flag */
if (p[*i][*j] == EMPTY) /* valid move */
*val = 80;
return 1;
opn[4] = 0;

if (opn[0]) /* Northwest corner */
opn[0] = 0; /* clear flag */
if (openregion(0, 0, 5, 5))
cnd = 0;
mtype = 0;
opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype); /* get new node for next move */
if (opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype)) opn[4] = 1;
*val = 80;
return 1;

if (opn[1]) /* Southwest corner */
opn[1] = 0;
if (openregion(13, 0, 18, 5))
cnd = 0;
mtype = 1;
opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype); /* get new node for next move */
if (opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype)) opn[4] = 1;
*val = 80;
return 1;

if (opn[2]) /* Northeast corner */
opn[2] = 0;
if (openregion(0, 13, 5, 18))
cnd = 0;
mtype = 2;
opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype); /* get new node for next move */
if (opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype)) opn[4] = 1;
*val = 80;
return 1;

if (opn[3]) /* Northeast corner */
opn[3] = 0;
if (openregion(13, 13, 18, 18))
cnd = 0;
mtype = 3;
opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype); /* get new node for next move */
if (opening(i, j, &cnd, mtype)) opn[4] = 1;
*val = 80;
return 1;

/* occupy edges */
if (opn[5]) /* North edge */
opn[5] = 0;
if (openregion(0, 6, 4, 11))
*i = 3;
*j = 9;
*val = 80;
return 1;

if (opn[6]) /* South edge */
opn[6] = 0;
if (openregion(18, 6, 14, 11))
*i = 15;
*j = 9;
*val = 80;
return 1;

if (opn[7]) /* West edge */
opn[7] = 0;
if (openregion(6, 0, 11, 4))
*i = 9;
*j = 3;
*val = 80;
return 1;

if (opn[8]) /* East edge */
opn[8] = 0;
if (openregion(6, 18, 11, 14))
*i = 9;
*j = 15;
*val = 80;
return 1;

*i = -1;
*j = -1;
*val = -1;

/* find local pattern */
for (m = 0; m < 19; m++)
for (n = 0; n < 19; n++)
if ((p[m][n] == mymove) &&
(matchpat(m, n, &ti, &tj, &tval) && (tval > *val)))
*val = tval;
*i = ti;
*j = tj;
if (*val > 0) /* pattern found */
return 1;
else /* no match found */
return 0;
} /* end findpatn */

  3 Responses to “Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : GNUGO.ZIP
Filename : FINDPATN.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: