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AllΈ` real ÿtime communicatiÿon with MS Flight Simulator.þ?¿ Windows ver¢ o¿n: 486/33, 8QRAÿM, SVGA, PC SpeaãkerÒß … Blastýer¤, 1200 baud üª`׏modem.Revie‹wer c0dsl Þu caÿrdWhen you seeÿ AIR TRAFFIC CONÿTROLLER (ATC) onÿ the shelf, don'ÿt be turnedoff ½byw lacklusapÿpearance. What ÿseems like it coÿuld be a slow anÿdboring game isþàlly an excitinýg Êrealistic siüõê of the lifeÿ ofan air traffÿic controller inÿ a major metropoÿlitan sector. MÿallardSoftware,ÿ Inc. has distributed a slick Êñus AÈ!TRACON IÙIÊ" forþ0 simÿulators developeëd byóŸl,õ!The ûgoalÇATC is to ÿdirect (or vectoýr, those who fÿly) air trafficûfromw time it e¿nters your sMr Ýtow pointžcan ßbe handed …toawnothern2(overfñts) or line ups"ólaneì Éinstrumeÿntlanding systeŸm (ILS) sowÐport tower can lÊthem. In addiêý,†e are other planes tak¹…`2¾µ2s which ei† lÿeave orfly to a̅"µ2 in Éè1 Theþ¶!ement increaseûs aswairspace ófill Ðcraft (iónclu©š"s flyingÿ under visual flightrules -- ÉSunday fliers) ¾wy begin toW dÿangerously closeß toeach o†. óIt D™"yer's jo)b #бtoL"r ÉÓ"kto Ériòpathܾ©, prev sepaùraêÖflicts betÓweent,  keeýp Épilots on scÿhedule. FailingîEdo anyÇ!eseth¿ings resultsûloýsiÃhe valuable ¿points earne+ sÿuccessfullyhandþ an aircraft t?hroughout it*6îšn. Ifc are ußnfortunateˆlet ½a Óe crash,cr ÿgame is terminatçed, as$l life µasô#r\"c coVllger wheü"" eraany high scoreL÷d hist*youhaveû as ayer.The´þpåesì bothiCON civilianBòè!ÿs inMiami, Chicÿago, Los Angeles, San Francisc}ïeattle, ÊBoston¾  RAPCONmiåryîn"rs arovEdwardÿs AFB, Miramar NýAS£$Pensacola NA·S. ThÌ2numeT different typesÇèö3W¹inÅ types ëofs´$: ` Piper? Cubs to 747‡w§ civilè!s,  Apachehelicoptjÿto F-14 Tomcats along à Eö3û2¯4üõ4#oretically, ½it$possibleEadsjustw!o"definiê…sÊal¦6UCN# iÓnto ÊþofUnairspaces.Althüé nè"Çus  veteržÏ±rs, we fjwrGealismÇ1"Ebe?y impressive•C0b¹Ãw PC!‚#ûvoic¡teraction ëcausÕhe­!to pauòThiOommandsnÎspoken3xtrad"›does~makeâEMeaãsierEb£dthus¸w௠isn'tåpr'omisedµ*a,v!^#ò}d,Ú#”s speak îÂltaneoU along\B"play,ëch¼_ be confus¹atd–but addsEɽ!Õm {%s""ioSome÷ situaês arise }whb! have manyCEincrè! c!taúÏssuing mMdandsþ# pilot will acßknowledgeÊimplÈ#º6³ue+c eveôüü t—particulýarð5has not beeÿn vocalized. Yoou run inçroblšЗs"Â&ò&pÇ%atte9ntÝÊmisses$º&âüIfîUcØ6isone8Çžð5s, try¹N÷igure þwho messïed up isÛficult5. fre›&alsoõ&ã>' I [B.H.] ]Ø6º6, noticeqÀ6» did~hear i®# raeiÙ&ɺ&¢foreHFíg†one Ê5 firstvð5.WCT beginBŒ]  4 wÿ ¹Ésc÷reen: Éradar sw¯eepmap,ˆ!isz pÁen©€4Ó¿'Þ7 act[ive Dns,Êa d›unicún wiÍe& eëchoe%l Éverbalþð5s. Unfortunatƒely,wÆ7 ó”ke½d Üny way s‰atZÑiz¹one{%m ó=(e ÉÐ¥å"z"ÿcome annoying. þ<mostimportantðÉ3¨Í e# radar maap žø×4 funÜns Êform$å"Îsmple¥*&ì5¿ appearance {% ÜÎ'h6modifi a stÿandard pull-downÿ menu approach, îÌGalso ‚X switc¿hes, buttons¯#noYbse&ó onl¼%ovO(¾­%stic look {% s—creen,æ aÖ qsuick !ple chRú‡tx8 view. Boùth‘%Ösistently ßexperienceÿrangô¯7sÊ5 video dáis&=¹` shadoÇw imagâ$ÉöCofaûiled)n refresheÁs.cpzvj&rrecæþby uØ3)nredrGaw optÝ%Æhus•~ž2frequency ofJ)ùp' redraw bu±ttü"Ô'scop¡R pÿanel would speedu³#procesT$£ nØ×Æ2Ev1.2Ôlso,8s"ºá(h isdRƒ‰#ȹ)å&cwscEstepªb2e.4hIt,žwiãll eG# 6•'sessiogn! OnwHl9theö3<  represe¢
smairp›H'rf^›&texttag iÅmaê i#3%numbsaltitude ÐÑ)c. W¦Há2Êlocap{fixe“e not opê%alÒ(grj|,Ô'«÷s, loc$ fix namô–ÔGp,  numerou=s Ð"aspectsz"‘)õna³ador removAedð/ÌG¾6ã' aô'r8show³2#÷W¿ñx]c¼ tell if!lš"$an o2t ore&˜÷B#*jlando&#cÞæPs menu h4boutƒ six”^I.å`t)erßeis no sc? baršÊ'isÆ'w so™Fçay7 attenê.IkJ úð5s z" accessed 4Ãþevouch¹@¯keyboardu&afleëarniÙ# k[ d shorÏtcuts fo‚#wGI[Pÿ.W.] much preferïred to uYhem. ÿBy double-clicki9ngÊ7ÎopriatAJÒ(ðÿÇL5ŠKis shownW. Som¯8seðefoÖ~¾8dialogue boxEñen–Wmeter. In myopinÝÈ+Ò(Ïmouse acë¼ oftåenjslºˆ+lumsieæ‚anuØ´strokeØt)><tillw eas+iest  fyst7ZgselectôS  getjZòéh 4š"'s cruisº¹!d5;speedsˆ+limb¹rateu&ŸÉon9ly7Ãf you ®?*€¹KÊÎ+E@ÁÒ(whQolF$h6bed2eÀ9æÏ exp~"r" full *Î' sN(wípe6+ÊOactivewÿ W#d)ë)Π+e ¤Kƒ#c¼|ach d tsaJþjr"ZCtabI fovitÔCful ò(-@ž\d ÊÃdest(Ý{%3t, bqecé%C¼switchZPíl9IÒatjZ (å"Éisû2fñ ûps) cot avail e$­!wsetup ›( adaptNÛD levelóšy.c(Íus»"cha>Étota¸y:ÇÓ" encouied.F3 totald"ine&!}y ÎencountereG&ƒ wea†ÖÇ"¿'Á&s'žficienci–! fïrequencyÇemergeÃncie%%>Ç1equiWpment.Ù gióÄj,Yhi²âEz" modÇified ²—v a ¢KnnN,ô6rth6we|%itained.O9'=,st¶Afeat[$ÉgabilitñÖnectì ÿaMICROSOFT FLIG¿HT SIMULATORÔr èÊG"wir€4throug h l3e.6kq+ moræpaÞ hÌ 7ç (occa¢F)lessþån perfect armc»hairÁ& (sorr n)¸hRп. WewÌveÏry happyRÚEbetw¾>*e two piecâ$so§ftware['
G aßtoã (alŠ%p0Iy) senÁd P]z67¤!ilarz6lirm*s M–'Ïmputerp‡ ATC<¹LÎlucky enã&Ú]ve¨r COM ·s,Tš¨ph§li)· ×Null M“ c s, o›r soä binaå)]ofQ, [zˆOFl6 S"2‚h#rsé4·^„*…#b7iggest7 we 6YDL—ÉposiÅQ¶t v!ÀґÎ'7Bž' FS ÿ/watWhilOA[2‚ "óx4è! filI/b¹B3conné MS Ã#fn2fileœ*vSCIIÓmat¿z" cÒed/cáre)—.Mc editoOr.Scorë$w cÏpj÷(£A finalQ$ü̆@receivesis 1ba•?&Æber ò3Îðled --À'$no fsacto±ûfordi óulty¹Lþ! twenty ~0Utwenty minut!7FOestL5Q$Ä&beU%jåas}dl=sameô‘»infõminutetWiDË%rt"veÌ.ôÓ"Êgw˜more posïsibility separŒ(llictT$s½In, Air Tr:$Coô>4$a  addictiingäIt$visuF¦hressõ-faäacî£ Altho¹it may`jS;H.¹/$ist¼-woäwant a˜!xHÄ&øide houró>Æess,frustž#£$ÿfun.This revießw is Copyr (C)ÿ 1993 by Brian Hóuxtaß-Paul Wilýso"Game Bytes M·agazinAll ŒtsÑerved.ÿKING'S QUEST VI ÿCD from Sierra Oÿn-LineReviewed ÿby Victor Kan ¾Ü? Computer Ý/ Gïraphics Ý/ Memorýy Ü? Disk SpaceÿMinimum 386SX ¶ÛOVGA Ú_2 MBÚ_ 1ÿ KB (CD-only)Ma·x/Rec.&6-40ÛO64_0x400x256 Þ4 8`Ï15 MB (HC0ÛO (foßr Windows)pðCoÿntrol: Mouse (rÿecommended), Keyÿboard, Joystickÿ Music: Rolandÿ LAPC-1/MT-32/MTÿ-100/CM-32L/CM-6ÿ4, General MIDI,þÿO Pro Audio Speÿctrum, Sound Blaÿster/AdLib, Soun·d BlasPro,ÿO Mÿicrosoft WindowsþÑ System, IBM PÿS/1 audio, PC sp÷eaker,ÿO and any} sÒ card withï0ÿ drivers Speechý: ú€AS, PAS-16, ÿSB, Thunderboardï, MWSS,ÛODisneyþó0ource and any }soÝcard with t ÿs drivers Noteÿs: Runs under DßOS (320x20W6) oþs0s (640x400x256¿), works OKÛOfrom OS/2 2.1 (Wð ÿ version might nõot„k  2.0 sinýceåPultiMedia Ex¿tensions forï0 rÿequired), installs Video¼ÿOq. 9 Ul!MDOS, Ü`žrdigitalÛOÿo ûbecathe PAS se÷tting Tds like ÿchipmunks.Reviûewed™1 1.00 on: ß486/33, 16eRAM,þ.-16, Toshiba XŸM-3401B CDÿ/"erý r’0s: fast CD-RuOM¼ CC play,ÿOþØ SB-compatibleúAd,-"6 users shûouldW use SB muësic,q2sp# to av?oid dropouts@QØûplaykA, look at Ïgraphicsk!ï0I'ÿve never been a ïfan of g
al advÿenture games. I¯n fact, ì/Oð/'sÿ King's Quest V þed me to disliÿke them mostly bÿecause KQV wassÿo frustrating. ?You walk aroÝßdesert hop to fÿind some waterinÿgholes before yßou die, or7 walÿk onto a scene bßefore find "me mßagiccookiO!you ûdie Èantly. Yu¯ck!HowÈ, à iÿs good enough toÿ change my mind.ÿ I don'tknow i÷f it's3 it appeÿals to my lazineýsswwhat, but I üü–sofar. No,ÿ I haven't solveÿd it yet. The CýD ion is a talûkie,Yhoptionalÿ text (but who n¿eeds it!?), Pta¿kes much of drÿudgery out ofa þ¹"cal adventure ÿbased on Sierra's point, click
ÿ read interface.ÿThe voice actorÿs are generally fun, appealing
!Ÿppropriate¼þc÷haractvthey porÿtray, although Rÿobbie Benson somÿetimes overdoes ßhispart aDe pr¿otagonist Prª A{lexal. Plus,–×can ge®me¥annÍoy whenA4repeýatþ same phraseçs over
\r agaiÿn.Imagine ElizaüwGNU Emacs doü"Y!a voice.Thýe Œc is rather ¿innocuous so=#on?'t go scream rþvolumeknob onþ7r amplifier orÿ speakers. In fact, music canTÿy a key role in»solvN3 puzzlÝ N¿ot only will7 bÿe rewarded by ad{vanc past apße or getti2 nec?essary pieceìÃ÷pment,7'll enjo~nice bitof Å$þPdance. Nice jÿob here!Early ?in his quest–Lÿ Princess Cassim]a,u%e AlexúesWÏesimple§#restö puzz2that arellengingzC ,ï butnotÑtuitou{sly Pinanely flex as in KQV.‡çgenuin¼Myedfi7guringô how–ü-þ killer gnomüÝ main map isÿ fairlysmall, cÛonsi“%of fë(or more?) islands»4few major locaÔÿs oneach, altho¶|each&d ma½ntüí¾5maps, e.g. iÿnside catacombswwhere [must fžþþ Minotaur featïured on front yofþÛe's box.Â$Ĺ2Ã%VIœ*attrÿactive. Runningî½b, theTPimagesޜ smooth Pcrisïp, whileþ 320x2ހ! images8r DOS %OK. SF$$ofûten Ž a hole-in-the-wall persÍ÷ive,rÊ$than jus»t be boxes  dïifferentE#ry. W}heÌcharacterks, a close-upª&ú.$rsY!decent lipÇ synci2$'¼drawûn,t ¬ very eÇxpressЄ%Ãhi-r÷es mod^However,ÊTyi€6Wð vdiffïicult. Ãhot spóots ry& objects seem strangelõ5n­ that )be aù·sequenA%runn atß 1024x768.‡agreýe the common ßsentiment š indÃicatºìNG'&nipulable objects%þx things, avoid| click-on-e!th modeì­Þ wRy M%o mJif–hais typ¼–7or_.A majorúap Ñtm’âjsa¼gameïs cannot transferred betweenбP\1Æ#nsÞ hadæTyed r&hours Ú®6S4# dec¹'to l÷oad upþ hi-res æhn to\Ø much/better lVng•$¸&Çwere, Dq5i'I coÿuldn't restore mçyposiÔÁhis liómitaÔvdocumentùedÃREADME filÛe onþ CD,­it's still a bummvøßBýW%also incomãpati©X­-from-©CD
Ty-Ž-HÅ3ns? even if runé/ÿsame OS.Feh!Wü I isn't copy protected, itÂ1Jf$CD–be8K"dö–run.Kat's an ÿacceptable metho_d of copy iec‡(ÿn myopinion, es/pecially©! Iß^6e directly off›(?D anyway(ex;4· smallùfig Pba·tch fi2placUFHDS dur/È!laÔ).4Gþre”&ome –UÂ17ö–have‰ storyli~Gooklet handyw›artsìit cy coÿnstrued asencoucrage¼–9read•$¾Ÿ so you'll.recciat"
clu0ore,­Uh æøûobviÐattempt atž(y,requir µ uÝps¼ obscu•ymbo­lsi7p to„dswle~Ysnecessary PP»þ%ÁIsìbVIs6¾"landmark ,"g "prooí”$ eraìûCDgÜ$is upon us_" as claim%%"QoµBuÖs"V6box?dt ­re;.I Åk š h;onor! belon%Âß Seventh Go (wh³ich ÅyheabËout)Á# vIrityÎì3413 MBi'o tak·es up š(CD âheç digitÕÊ. AdmÏittedly,þÏ* dia÷log do“ lot to×improvÚI'sTyabiólity§#š's hardlÆjnovazˆì#estorage spK'’v÷suckedÁby threeøÌAï0—es,includ¶ a Ma] Of ×'ovÝie
! photo¹"c-qu÷ality .' teaserÜr* new, e-re»lateÿ' due nØyeµaré_. "st~& 5ÿ0-megabyte animaÞbintroducÔ, cr}eabby Kronos,þ-s9) effZ màßho brought7 _Batman Returns_ Pÿ_TheLawnmower Mßan_" isn'ti'greaA,ùBé#ŸdissappearB"ˆgeçt a li-!sValchoices. Explori$ose menus:halfÞà fun0~Äewiïse-crackïd non-¾Ìiturs yourAs >¹to choose îÏhumorou$—% res÷ponses even beÍtt… You!”elyïencourag¢o try ¾F6t choices:ûhi}ngx say can m†2ãlose´æ"b findiÄ$$ t>=B isn't always easy†×theraâResëpani¸xu…"a less¸ro}m Ó0s.Enough.1¬3æhough:C§N'î–ThrougõmadcapÕi{duðn,Þ ploü‰uosed: Purple Tentacle, one.!…e{4rsˆ'0Z3Ôia÷c Mans· drinks ¿some toxic w¤,Ëand,é%etŸJ gagýgl^ classic carwtoon sõ-effecºndexaggerí%‡%þ§s arms. Now hÿe is T÷AKE ONãWORLD! ÿ Three college hþmates, Bernard, a nerdy physstud6¢ve’àgÞ»e, Lavera stÿressed med studeýntB"Hoagie, a..¿.well, roadi…reï deliver÷ message via hamsterB"ëjump:Btr to go etoàgn.#¦(driv*ì"Wincxtyle: zˆseƒsilhoutt.õnd"arõ cornersg,leap"4 top· hillsB"cras> tihr’©ar˜d feå'all aÊŠgrõŒ2ܵ"creditDProbóably $watchablée)+quI I've È{Ã=At $Õ2Dr. ßFred Ediso¸' no-þmer-quite-so-maÿd scientistwhomm%onfronÂ(Û&ßæ]e Ša plane!isÍ÷crazy Áit justÉ mék:)ƒ senî¦#three U(ts bacýk =ime one dayò§ur/!toxic waåst-ch;Á Purplÿe Tentacle drankΈm. (YAH9 hasþ‘achine whose sole purpY€ Îî'sludg.ƒrwisð…„#o scientiûsts Q%laugh.) Unfortunatelyf’ÿur heroes, Dr. F×red us÷ f†diamûond §ower his Cÿhron-o-johns(tiÎíravell"a-po÷tties)g3e kids d¿on't end up óe v(eth! suppo¥»to. H8 staysß6prçesent,j8:stuckß200 years m9uturâ…ftì8È'Ãave ta;ken 4 earthô|8úÕ bScatapultedÈ )£'Çft"$ Con—stitut³I‰Ttožš&o return´"< kyid=Z& proper 9N· stopÄg–´)gr ý8ou'e å"ÿe are as lavishluy ç1 a&intro.#\ÒG large· eHï, allowiPctualÙexrÖs asÞ!expeýriI various tri=alí&tribulat0ËÏach kidŠ<"own ûwalk· nervous háab)´I#e draw=n =#distort÷ç?urrealistic ?^!®±very fns L"niÛsts,')not# Chuck JonÊ!'ÿ&F'a person-shapeø3aterß6àund,U"ª Wile E. Coyot&‰d ä*Œ*imaõZt% bþ›unning enough,¸b]X a CD ~..µ.t› v TONÑspÛeech†ver megaÉbyF )maÑfact‘ ( ¶ £'veírsD Leg•of Kyrÿandia, which clo|ìCt only 85)<Ô¶ speech vult $C2b&É&O 200 MB _\hQ5¹ añ'3it wer
 bÃadlyå5÷ë'.1CD l¹os ³$ past,"Kiÿng's Quest V, buæ+voicµ!as supeÛrb. 0 SaFs (wÿho plays Les NesûsmanCTV's WKRP ÿin Cincinnatti),@Í,H8¢*ύ(Àe ,Ÿ pointed lBmeek, innocent t¯+ô:^+a )tically Çsarcas¶…& oveòƒs ˆ÷+h. Lave§rne sx+le s×paced,–5 sgiggl‡#occaÖallyb#'rupth”\hez+½­rf&addi­$Myåsoßnal favori„s Thomas JeGNÜ) vì9É"nearåfect kïnock-offÑDudleyk Do-%fØ7Rock¿d Bullwinkle•w.àÓ%$†-ƒ:Kequal.Œor bet~thzÝÜe!Q5 heardCa Sa‡turdayiõ(n,fæ*ince{9$enreý+>~ attempts,Þ1ƒícø7succCCD aÒs 9:nea prÿoblem, either: Iü•*se-level MPCýCë/(380 ms acceýss¤e, 150kbps data transfer),–5IreˆYmjÏ-wo8™)9¼mwhen I6+ûfelt"I waswait°"Úš,ŒloadIa.ä·#be)$0actual÷ amoundprogramì·Ddata:so minÇisculey'£' total siz^aê?Á2<±doú!•*aeek ˜ mçuch toT¦#nextdF.(In ~©"]s,ˆ&XÙ.9*|) cril.¿zv'l7th Gues²<žúoth seek¤)Q+`M.[sVñ$h,sñ¶ÍmuchI.mustñre»ad.)–me peoÁwhûo doû reallyunïderstandtechno›logy•*beenBy!atüv'"StrikeComma|Fî4 too slow §{lay ¯a CD-ROM AY demÁra¥Á¢>TÀ!wnogkegst9*$Ük ƒ/'ê/iMI!Œ&noû!eabl+ƒlay.ó*‰ Q ew¢àbl<É4¦7On½( twroubleìsetupà¤ñôcert–6,1$ANSI.SYSÞ4!0ÞÌ t sound ‰ conf¼ºV+ didn't ±Vtr¼¡Œchange ` bl rat„randPÛpera­$ Anooletdown:0'e!¶s)~Ñ> directly suªê+Gr
 ò@. It ‹funcÏs e-lI SKBOS,R'orÑ-š"u I»own/an SB Ca ÿGUS, try Jayesonÿ Lee-Steere's amýaz"Mega Emulatoßr.A furt„anno™yaˆYhat, _caXÕ%rgnfew $ 6‹seemŒbeã!ƒ’t éouÏC=olÄns may n{ occurŒ´ aú&geÍyer (at leÜ¥Þ!didn'tŒme).# Owä”'/in,ð4 in luck,Û how{, asˆincl‘ud,5py—´$in§t book}#do%wað€¡´hint booü?Ï?two suggest¸ñ%H help,7ãClosOGn reveðÇ^'Áˆ,hidden b}ef`"Nurse EdnaŠ9e ò= roll ß(Cö„chaiÒMaybe shce'd òã give~jand.DAY OF5? TENTACLE isÌG.#¨×pBdeBd´fi?rst 'Talkie'{9rNworth owõ¯ñ-›†$n'tÜ.4L2éth{ watºg on TV ^"‡e, whyéÌ'—urî puter?ôis revÛiew 0opyr (C)ï 1993 byÂ< WyckoÕffà GtBy’Magз–ÔtserveÕi ÿECOQUEST II: THÿE LOST SECRET OFÿ THE RAINFORESTÿFrom Sierra On-LÿineReviewed by ÿ Davy CarmansE¿COQUEST II: çÿT ÿis the second paÿrt of theDiscovÿery Series from ÿSierra. The gamÿe is especially ÿaimed at ages 10ÿ andup. Althouÿgh it's made forÿ children, many ÿolder people wouÿld also likeit.ÿ The main reasoÿn that this gameÓ is O0g0n ' edÿucational value.< žPfocus of(E0ÿ on ecologicaleÿxtinction, to maýke( player awarýe ³ consequence~²0destruction0 ÿe rainforest. Û TÌlot ³Pfollÿows a young kid ÿcalled Adam GreeýneW his fatherûNoahB` situated ýin( rainforestsþ0South America.epurposÓ0E0Çûhelp( tribe peo{ples(re. At éßbeginning³PAdamû getpresent frýomAr -- an Ecoróder.9!|!r is a nÿew venture into œé¼@ marke~g hýasÇuse itin EVßERY screenÇscanþ( whole environïment. Iaeven nÿecessarybecause without doingŠ}s,` impossibleÇýgeY!maximum poin§ts iné! C Eÿcorder records aùll(eresting fÿacts that can beûuse&1 further açdvanceç0. AûfterŠ happening,ö !willi kidnappþ two rogue otteÿrs (canyou imagÿine?). He's takÜ®!émiddleç0jungíleW giv®he job? of saving é`< extincåB‹' „Ýl \1g of B Wheü‡ï! ends, you nûormaMhave foundþ( eponymous LOS/TSECRET˜hiÞD@ý gÒ on, shady iÿndustrial charac~E areexploitr_and pollutr’or(¿ir own materÒgaÅinð€ë@an aÿlien, enigmatic ßplace withl secrûets.rough cliýmb/ searching, ÆádiggrJ4 disÿcover a completeÿly different woïrld. On£r ques}t,£'ll descen&ÿto mysterious caÏverns, c%Çancßient ruinsW treûk th!#lush junglíesWltho"beauti»ful,O#trip z3thÚHxoecos`m isÿ no picnic! Beh÷ind ev7turn unÿexpected perils ÞÒlurking. natiýveP!e you'll encyouÙ troubl óa se:0interloc¿king problemIfŽ£'re abÞ!I“emy (J
do it!),(õy'5ivÍu some ußseful giftAfte¹r Irthem,(y ~4 even revealÿ!Ïdentity ³ Ëman,þµ will initiate¡ J]KAWno s›ourcÓ aidÙ³!il§d crea²0 í0 A little talk o=¿little help 4 l‹ead Jto‰ÍÜ-- es wUÊ3ª nF¯ beeíò!reÙÝ aµ! bunch0animalsµ can~$Jz3ïyour queï In geûneraŽ# should hžall who Ò'ro{uble$But not*ûryboÍs as happy» as éanimal#er½e Òalso a fŠreóttyàcbad guysòB irƒ…! called ?'Slaughter'.Å7ang isápoilr‚÷$ÿey loot its reso{urceLook outò!§y are„dyÇcu—t downì$thß2¯yo½neµ stands '!irÿ way, includingZ£! X1end,1B f­þéLost Secret Ofº› Raì0.WhyEcoQÉ II : €’U³ ý R+1t so good? ¡*Ì™E JenonþÓ0 most intriguiÿng worlds to app?ear in anyú?"">¿!a fascinatrße, populat incrýedÝ creaturesæW fil! chall»engiÈbstaclƒ#ndö` REALò! sens†Ó beiÓUí, tí„l! grahicÉd û n Òçboven( usualo%ard.Â… LÖSeç0œE3dvîŒ! which³A famil=y H enjoy.§$û's aŠ"dynamic st»ereoVndtracyat fe4authenû$ üž&J&indigenous m¿usic.* Youi a lotã#formO&(âõ1. Ä» it toN
ollectWù!d Ûãsort²4ÍVabout ¯objects J %duÅri~%r Â6»'t dÃie i›B¾1íDficuéltÇ0at˜istakeLÂdV Of €nfa íÞ¿d learniÓool.ÂÄËrpenO#¼\ókillJ&û a solidß understan} of÷ crit¿ ecologiÿcal concepts. Ù* ¦U
" runºa 286  640K.ò‹reüCopyright (C÷) 1993Davy Carëmanse GFBytes Magazine.All °ts reserved.øÿFLASHBACK: THE QÿUEST FOR IDENTITÿY from Delphine ÿSoftware InternaÿtionalReviewed ÿby David S. Whitûe Ü? Computer ¾Ý/ Graphics Ý/ M÷emory Ü? Disk Sp¿aceMinimum Þ28í6 Ú_VGA ÛO 1 MB þÚ_8.3 MBMax/Recÿ. 386/16 +Coÿntrol: Keyboardÿ, Joystick Souÿnd: Adlib, Soun÷d Blasor 100% ¿compatibles,viÏs Ultrasp@ Rolÿand LAPC-1/MT-32ÿ/CM-32, Notes:ÿ Requires DOS 5ÿ or greater.Reÿviewed version 1÷.0 on:Zsx/16, 4MB RAM, SB Pro0r recommends: Þï386 or f{r, SB-ú‚@ sp card.--Üòò -In à?K, yÿou play the partÿ of Conrad Hart,û one'a small grÿoup ofscientistÿs who has uncoveÿred an alien ploÿt to take over Eÿarth by replacinÿgits leaders wiÿth evil duplicatÿes. Fearing forþr safety, you ÿmake aholocube þÕrding about yoßurself andx!missÿion...only seconßds beforeare ÷stunneId capturùedZ#aliens. Eÿn route to priso½n, wakeup• eÿscape on a jet cÿycle; unfortunatïely, theK!s gun ü‘Ù!down, whichï crashes• knockùs Enscious. ÿA short while laôâwSto find þ‘1, alone, on Tiÿtan colony, a deýso jungle worlÿd,and with no mþ' of...anything!ÿ All is not los¿t, however - sßtillhave ‘ guny, ˜#holocubeï recorde²n't ha÷ve gonÃo far...çFans'#Princeþ'Persia series ýwov2 too much trßouble gett_starûted g Flashbacký -ä game concepût is»y similar ~Qhat of PoP,gþä!ddition of morwe puzz† itemsÅ"can be picked Î!» use9" peoplà t÷alk to•/or fighÿt. The game is ûdivisup into seÿverallevels, eaých<"their own pa sswohinô!Ñ1ñþä Titan,try toß return toW!, thßen track d!destýro¸An threat.FÿIRST IMPRESSIONSý-òpThe first tûhingÅ"impressed ome about³Bwas #ÿgraphics.Delphiïne softw«definitely put a lot'Áti#°7nd aïrtwork,f2characÞmovement• actÿions were extremïely flui°!realis{ did it<ÿhout sacrificing¿ speed, too;³Bra¿n quite well%my•3Ä 6.#sox†good as ú -Osêctacular, but ßdigitizedë s of~cfire, grunts•ÿ groans, backgroþxnoise, etc. Soÿafter just a feOw minute* y,­B« looèli‚n x#siþyame.MORE GOOoD THINGSds-I Õÿly enjoyed PrincÙe ȼa 1 ˜2, sûo I †ready for a À"rkind'q~®2 offered manCºä s¶featurús ÿPoP (i.e.climbi÷ng up ˜down ledëges,dithe exiåt,C.)$ÌRedbonsuses'Ù"s such{findŒa key he/gunlockŒ#dooräßre,throwiétoneýs Qrigger pressçure plo°to conûfusex!enemy, pluýs#arcade featuýre'blasting badÿ guys.GAME PLAõYAAsœ"as I wished I had a jok Že"except5ÿB sÿequences(see beÛlow)Ee kef wasÜv}bad toí. C§onrad ¾bft•rûight3e cursor k_eys, jumps EUP¨ó, duÿÌ2 DOWN keOy,selec3Ým ñÿ his inventory tso beíª" TAB, íöÅ"item<hENTER,Öís anÈ%on·$cree»n (oþres hién)î<"SHIFT,•draws§/holsteÿ%n g SÿPACE. Other mov{es, a running«%ÿ orrolls use a combinatÓ"¨^%ÿto be careful thŸough - somŠäkõeyreÙ$xact oppyosøÈ". (e.g.ôÿle SHIFT+left/ri›ghtF&lly –%‡’ lïeft or rž, it c¹auí)! tota‚ fÝlyŒjump iVat d£irece")! d“if× he fa0moXhaní2 #. IwppenedîŸ#.)Ev¾objectü£&Clabelled - i­f run U a¨ca½rd°walkpasLgeÿnerator, FLASHBA?CK will tell‘Ežãcarry as³$äsÁas¶ãù$Ÿ cerÓtainÝ"'beHnsfeßrred from l to÷level‘Ealso hasÿ a personal shieldŒdeviceàBšËßto 4hits,• canúDre¹ged at Ene÷rgy Geù&rs scattf± thrKthe§$[ Ano reayne¦ûevic…#a portable÷ telep pad whicÝh )!could ce/t»hrowE# later Gto¯ its loc8&- ²t üœ£2into deep piýts°"beaming outë" ofŸosŒbattle@Z®2H'Œ':5Å"I ‚Ùle›vgot Ž!untiNIe end¶$µ"- #÷abilit; "zoom iÉn"%#acÄ&wasn?'t anespeciíÌH¼$e, sŠZautowmaticayenlargŒö‹educ%escreen?'s magnificaª&ß—as eas; gØ)%d åasÔwhÉand/or-y-5y waThÉ08½nyl REASONÔma³gnif"![(,ei, ½soÉ!on't do ‘Any/ harm if d«íòrs ¼$lNOT-SO-GÿREAT THINGS - FIgGHTINGdƒaOne Hºath(speciayançnoying†ä battlÿe interface. Peßrhapsit'scinnaote problå%h usû4ôf0˜pe s I would xgotteä}<"¹itã^%used iÌ'da}ys• days, (or:I+hadaE) dutä™ 4I(play´"e,zYas(stantly£(÷ mildlõ(yed or ewxtremerustra©ò]I fž_sequenceþHFor example, wóhen )!ns shot, ~nalls over, l“pó%6xœaseco ~F slowly gets:ÜùÍ feet ˜agai·n face‡#direÅn ·hewas¥!e he† sýhoFine. But wâÆif’5C6drawn ïwhenhe'­)? Wel½l,än, he'll²l ÞU, get upE# draw 6˜ßt¸4äIÜ·n. Ah$whatã6hiÏt SPACE ")! isþ£"g up? In THAT case, unfortuãly, "ŒŒwill h?appenimmediá!x!Ÿkeystroke vDbu°$, meanŒ)!'¸š#e»‰a moÀ#JslMowœull ÿ%n,äÁn ´*„A?:You ãforget~#nBAèÜ¿ooX"'llbeë lonTad·!en.Oyr G:U:s 3 or 4×)óaway7'ÿopponenth_*¥d*C“%stop­¡ooB¥)K:T ˜beÇgins sŒÿarm‡attempBÔM
[ -rô! w®Dfine, i%þ’%d'sswinging róangeŽ!2 feet. ¿ Get it? Soã&urç enemy+n away,Ì;v sit %íless” 6kmsÖ6aiøyo/udesperáy M.$ (
[cþm ÏŠnd8v$ŽtrunnŒœ°Ï;towardz; -–’5musto# h&ÍgunìIh&n¨šº6õimèan!robably þx.Eventually,÷ I gotä hang of’AenKÔwi×F$no0ã$ÍË#1ustr8A4)‡#coals mžD'easier%aE,¸( are doome5ä¨ûboar`$ I am, rem?ember this: ‘T¬OARE Ž:! ’5maíy 6actu DO anÝyts untilsgoãtten¯¼Y˜dustedà him“¯$¸( hit~& at somepoi®Ghe'll
Íc -•ãg(*wnì‰Ù)¨M:YE,*n up,·ºpuã|Œ&:k.Prepareÿrself.ALSO NOTÿ-SO-GREAT - SAVI?NG/PASSWORDS×è{DREALLY didva’)õac…at­B had no yopÔpermanenvósavex!§$ Incorpo`Œ)Ó³B'' spo3ÿre SAVEterminal¨‡íleu ?orarily jm (§(û+>mnÄ2spot&Kdie)D:ýen quit Flashb{ack,äse savedµ§esareQð °s, I7enjoìÉ=k - g( a gooQd7%l)<"loÙf § puzzl"˜sh® aqpp’5H˜those Aôu>‰r 1• 2. Repßlayabilityfairly high,b㊠%®f only Mw,½"lo™ngè-îd si‰s u"beperma Òe,  s planÔçspend >¤#n fronÇäc0])/ŒBË.Tÿre¸Copy¾st (C) 1993ZDaëvid e œGame Bÿytes Magazine.AyllŒ&˜served.HONG KONG MAHJãÿPRO by Electroniÿc Arts Games Reÿview by Richard ÿHsiaI was firsÿt introduced to ÿthe ancient gameÿ of Mahjong way ßback when sonÿly a little kid; my parents us ÿplay regularly, ÿabout once a weeÿk,with their Chÿinese friends. ÿAll of the childûren ^ families ÿwerelater desig÷nated "Mahjongÿ kids" in that wÿe all met becausýe ^hisunique cÿonnection. Manyþus are still fÿriends today. Wûe ass nevertoÿok much of an ac?tive interes _Ÿ game our 40<edÿ; weshrugged itÿ off as somethinýg „ grownups diüx…ould have li·ttleiÅ0to uZSoÇmewher‡lineÿ, though, I grewÿ up just enoughßto become
igueûd byÊ0e. My parÿents finally taught me how to<ï one daye mostÿ common form empÿloying 13 tiles,þ_n showed meanÿother variation ™usç) 12 ]ZSt?ill later, s%W Ïs began<çwith¯ me, and_y Õ aÿnother variationý wN16 tiles. Aÿll inall, I hadÖ#1thorlyi iar,þ” even fascinatqed¥!,and  ÷beginnçto play ÿpretty well, tooï. ThougÐA is co=mm)associawrÌblçÖmoney,³îøalwaysáyed soõle¾or_sheer eOnjoymentÑ1, Ö¿not for any
taõryÄ0t.had been¯ looking aPputer verso^ Ì 2ÿa long time, butßall that avai÷lable n solitaiÿre-type (SHANGHA½I)Ìes which1aÿmusing, paled in~Pparison to whÿI deem "real" maþg. (It occursâCmeg"ä"rs mayk notÆ!knBhereõ_an actual ¤"g since m4^ sB€">£ imply title| û or ä0gsimilar...) Eventuall ß got aholda simple CGA basedÌ÷e,titHKMJ.EXEÐg"ANitö!ands¸‚S 1It was-"is,a fairly dec0W, but ßnl˜!s ú¨!e lAwhich I fi÷ndtooæ"istic. »Fina# saw HãKOÿNG MAHJONG PRO (÷HKMP) É storesWrecent*ndBid =giÃt a try.5á)ys_ Q!13©eQ2ÿ typical rules I_ assume arZun‘½ HKong.Fho·se who£ unfÀ!r ¸¯#Ë0¤"g, I w}deÿscribe itbrieflýy Ä from my perûspecÂ. In many/ ways, aÌ ofí2õ7likeyÏlifeó#ÿphilosophical poÿint of view. FrùomÊ0östandpoint{, itõmore aki˜ÿ Gin Rummy. Yoíu ½deal˜hand (¼É’case, of[1s)փ" you÷ no—trol¿ over (just  lÿife). Yourgoalìõ"uild” changö¹is hÖuntil it has satisfied‚!setconditions¯þ$you start out,îd oftenf4 idea ûwhatd wantto do,cÆ3âñQÕ oÝutûbringi
n neÝw ]sin aŸ a nuÓmber, ©mustÿ make concrete cwhoicesdefinedírQ. P·" alterÞvly pick ]s frè,$d ø disca÷rd atVafter. ÷They cÈlso choo½se'pong' aU#(tRûitT 3ñ4¾_ kind) at 4tir to 'chow' a ]× (take—tom a sequence of3)D¯previous"r'ïscïard. In‘s mann½erey shape_iráh-¼ä#hopefuwlly beIinningPËbina£ (Tç4 se•tsy3 Öon% 2ý).6e final two Ãpiecã"š"½÷1 cal.the'm| ,'úç7a tota] 14 %2òÑ1-w±%d. Setçs of 4£;%possib‘le# MŽ1 s &¹ntܳ©!, inw„ casáe,÷ç<gn 14 ep•ªõ6. Durñ%hÓ!<erõ!nsta‹K facÍQchå‰of—þŠratingoffensiýve;o build a beëtter$whVremain¦çwary'2irV&s'<+5Çd chance
°5Ðì#ÇV&s ø strûikeperfect ba¿lance betweeefe•ns&%deË&toPÎt ÿahead (goodluckÿ doesn't hurt eižÍAt_@'2QK!ùwiÝ!Q is'score=d' extra p6 &'token 62aps£+¯tributed¬&p6 s7ystem Öscorç½ñnowÉ Öual. Ce·rtain ùial Qs,ÿif achieved, ca#n ramÿ#
Ws,c£Ë obvƒly» <dif7ficult{6d.Ïó!ÆÅface‚õveryʨ dl›AfO©haveþsensuitable oëppon6 (  begin}ne­o experts)K!¯computerUpŸ3 o̞‡ract´$your· turn,#re, q!a ÿmouse(presumably)õ$seíš"ÖÓ+5ÿ, having automatÞ³ly been•n a hã4y$9%lwPstop_üÉoto attempt a¿ 'pong' or'e%or7 'win'ûpresŒ;'›ousecton Æ6Š%dsþýf youspeed up^á!to matchÚ"peØ| < realistic#®âI did,'lIve2pa5=tten£0âG8, Œ0%stay'ÄÁ îea²d9 get²KhaÄÔlaim_m,¼I"» shorter_. ý OÄyou've misse)d Ó§(e, 8't¤_>+5 back. Ix ÿcustomizability /aspects 6enwÄÿ; difficulty lev?els intermsú!erV&ÊWÖad%2è]+5](a¤electaïble.On_ techn>³ side, eac½¡3üN"²6has separateû voiHnddigitizöRanimÌ graphicùs,ƒ"Ð#tilized ocwcasion:, addi_mooverˆfeel'Rü¬&Ì supports SVG}A ý5digitized])ü£H#unfortunatel±y ð0)t my”)boÿard; VGA ownersªø büntto'w Ø ¡9‚a smˆblacýk …&ite box,ratÖjthan‚ e « colÿor glory shown ožî)box cove5 lÿight,unobtrusivÅe ‹c O#É Ükgro3und,”¯%dow &%«nice¾gb)s ½di1sp"‚Ûcreeœ\:èllK!sounds”a9és5'æ toÔ(oo excit›boutH#½‹ saui.Z"‹±eofÌíe;‚ethi_oo fanÃcy m ¤í9of pWreservç e ‚o("corig9Ì ]3assuô2_o ä
ent,_¹Aa.{ ½ä‘ngnçwould see ifâ–!evrÓ gofo¡rwÿ¯#‘ˆ) AÌ ed#itorô Æ-, !²6coulddesignat¹Qown combË£”ï scoring–ferencº« H7&toadh to¨G"ruisXd 6¾nnoyçwhenGõ’8 oh!5%isô ;%be/ beneficHsiÄÚ17of]cialdssßeems large*rbitGrary; ¼G"r ž3s im6º be?#æ"¸Óœ1%KMP is;%mi½ssñ%few key [ €„£P!M¿3_el xí:!1 probabl{(} ú8t programmçrh6e,÷J!dminisO12-tVv¡1þ:Ësameicµ#Ð#sed,øc_ƒ;is alloweÞÆ%'ghost' ], a Çwild cÿ]g"exisüÁMin his/her ßmind untilPplet$SBd;%Q’seˆËmos7cis” menýta¬provoking.³WhenHõsaid#oníe,Ëugh,ÃBno sub§stitutÓ664 ¡pmeo˜sit ¸ smafÀ ”á›Â*£ cer_tain feel „ cõßnot possi×be c‡apture+1L25|l,ÐÎAw£vS9 aniQma,‹Ì doDts¯& ]©äeH Œ1¸Ýan£$ So ifd lik Þ3"½¸F p¡‡ú‘gÍis definit|­2you. Or, -5'r£ckremoüX(Œç%andÀá!a ¡¸ategy ÎA]!¦d shõ-itFryû.H¡requires 6ƒ40K,¾n,=-"Lma·nual-b copãotîúon.Moùajor sound boaŸ½)teœ *‚!Super-•-s.î{is revÎis Copýyr  (C) 1993 by Richard Hsia 2ÿGame Bytes Magaz_ine.All r s —*ed._KÿED. - We're pleaÿsed to present tÿwo interesting rÿeviews for Tornaÿdo. Thisfirst ÿreview is a pureÿ look at the gamÿe from an open pÏoint of hes÷econd @written ÿthrough the eyesþ"an experiencedÿ Falcon 3.0piloçt.--QQ0TORNÿADO by Digital Iÿntegration (Distÿributed by Spectÿrum Holobyte)Reþ ed by: Gavin A÷damsØComputerÞÜ?GraphicsÜ?Memoÿry Disk SpaceMïinumum: Ý/ 386/3Ý3 Ü? SVGA ÛO 580ÿK+ 12MBContrýolÊ0 Mouse (requÿired), Keyboard,ÿ Joystick (recomëmendô Ùo Thrusÿtmaster FCS, CH ÷Flightý Pro So³und:Ü?#d Blr,Ÿ Ad LibTþ/ pr÷obably best 'iþ5e mud' flight ÷simula„ currentÿly out. While ÷other NAs such aÿs Strike Commandÿer and F-15 III ÿmay have betterÿ graphics and flashy features,ý?ÿ has incredible ÿmission planning, a very goodJ1÷model,excellenŸt manual, ˆ:beïst autoMt featíur=0y fl simulÿator. Before geßtting into gaÿme, let me describe some":Ë1’Qþ¾!what hardwareý (Ó1ticks, etc.)ÿ it supports.Aûltho80primary em÷phasis"Tornado z.n ˆking gro+Ÿtargets, :é aûlso 2 2-player ïhead-to-U comba¾ZThe H2H op„ ÿonly works with ö1"o...does _no}t_jk with any"ßSpectrum “0's Eÿlectronic Battleçfield égAFalcon 3.0. Like moÄónew NA‘A supportýs :ThrustmasterS FCStFKtsû ProAides regulûar jü ks. For tûhosemhout a jo}ys, keyboardº2þ available. Yoßu get to f>wo dûiffeU variantsäö11"o;€erdictü l! variant (IDS)<"d-pour¾AAi¿r Defense Vat (ADV) all-weat`interceptor.`çinstalP! breezen¾!so far@has hÿ once asked me mto up ajd inï manual._is typÿe of copy protec~„ I can livemÿh. Once install¿ed, type "to2o"þt away we go. éAf:Sp, Digi¿tal Integrat (DÏI) logos¾!12screýen ve been dispúRd, first _grÃeat_1ö1é seení--:use"high rçesolut ã#s (SVGA)û non-fK!d"s.÷ No mÞ320x200öTfor ž1planningÿ, managing pilotüÙ". I'll getòño :;Tner a liö– lat8but just› movâbetwê:dÞ
3 screens joy.û DII"added a ni¿ce touch by ì#yiûng  quality iÇmages †# Tã#. Y×ou areë?edm"a v7ariety"pictÍ1?wes, gr6 units¾!ühârh precious þd$ disk space, DñI Œ$:d" to deleÕteseƒ1s.W#non-øÓ1$¶ broken doÝwnV$demos, a mëissi…quþstarto), or goVDmeatþS2). Inñ#K!)„¿, you can se w;hichH$ you wF#Êj(pI4),tDen gùo ä1ÖA, fly a tr9aiA'5, or eò[BýT|U familiarize¡s Uý?, :coçckpit,J1ˆweapoßns systemsrainŽâallowsb#«E (úˆifb crash, ysour È!Wdie). oÏbat giveb optëions"flš singlóe m(%#% in a caÿmpaign (previousž'5s effectg$'5s), or commˆ
VUgdecide‡#(% obj™ïves). A!2thereþ difference bet“ween{et tÇ5ã#s,æ rea¡y are >:same: theyŸUb%èn:?e ¿1it's ÷system)To reducÞ²nfusion,% coukld h~!en[bine…ÿto a single sel|™#nother nicù1Вý? :'PI Log'. From this ã3êUEe Q6t ž1statisãticsûH$¥%create¼tª&logged ž!ns-/fK!hour)Stõ6˜{ludeFflown (N!Ótor,c6¦nd["t), –È!rank¾!toÏs logged. Now Uÿhow much time yoŸu've spentâ(jíusvn't ìyour significF_!éthÿese values)!Beßfore each ž1(excludiÿome †u&U¯begin inD"'M(% P6£er' °4 HerYV%ïcheck whµenemy combat air paç÷s, AAA¾!SAM cove‹rage¶, ¾':Ñ$ b7attles¶ goi›SÜ"µall of eneÍmy<2struÈ$ðad: ú@"s)¶ located.û FoÀ#allied sidñe,bª&w6 amount ßof informaR%ands if Uuin 'Co+Wd' modXto‰agYíurÇ basÏdecidñe Û%d5cnsfer air units, keep @Éye6liψseew what Y$litarytÿ political senti›ment likeE¶ll¸"K C windoÍ% bŸring up (fK!?, ÿmet. report, payload, e¶oabYle¾!uveryñuiB;.W‡6informÔ#ý2ì(Cify :skelet¹onJ1?(s) t8MišŸ!Pl`$prov׳$ m»ay dY(to additÿional waypoints¾ýskirt AAA/Ósiãtes,é(d5 changîôtitude3speeds 9each w!)Z8×attackL9ts1‰ chûangeõ%rdinance dûeliv©to 'loft' Ó(tos¸ki) Zead wof doâa layd(ŒV)Ûut, 9ê:abóilitvL8multiplei 12ˆkeÇcrafº%üçm synchronizÜv&V) depen up@üX@1ÈF p¬'&& abip&xdiD"v-on @" (TOT)a&chen ¿9'5ç9 adje`:D)û…'‹&faci„te¾is. Zp²T%miLç oneJ1arçrive a€(@" 20 seŸconds ear>K"re½ssú' defense‡!clýeaÀ#ingress rout¿e by launchâALARM anti-radia„Î'%les, aÂ&J1maybwe 10 s*ds ahŠ÷' main Ó!ýh*@jnJe,\leŸz coœminHzeroW'(or ˜ýV) tarouú<vio worry (Ûtoo U) abÜsurfÿace-to-air attaczá AÂ& example(=imâwould beýçŸ 3 (or 4) ëFÓ!s §coming  ëFdiEre$nsýŸ&À7deAæ
 Afta'many h
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žws¶hwlexiœas c,Óaùôj$uusÊ (especidUl w¾ éVÛ% hitbr ?edÖ*t).So far I ç„h‘io²\KÓ!Cel¸â I've  ½it`top-notc¤Br¿eak turns blspeeðurbulevf[¡l É™h)m"wiÿweepA7p Éd w:9"Çltitud`Áiabl_e-geometry¦g &qs uì+add yeºÖc,leveö Tism.ÿ Drag caused byžu1, along ¨5u!n'824Éfuel À‰$óseem2-¨!ed.Proñbaî« importa÷nt par, low-levÕel`7inÍvaG>'s TÝerÇ Folloá (TF) Oq0ð#¸Iw»ill Ò;followHa Gpresetíé¢ovà7™ lkÈn c°ßonþ†Fauto-throttle Ý(tùnginesFreasÙ"tÌm(z5íet]ed),`7over h{illsH200' AGL`exciting!²=Ê<'‹funcRs ËP'Kai¹nt¢ë!(it c;esìÓ"vrust1+mpensaËte),TicC>9/couKrse,î,an]Fo-@,g O.On9 ß3isó notj4rehensivƒe as c,A)açir-to-hÄ' (admi;tted%%inimald2M/“ame)T%¿9 &$ÅAIûM-9L$ Sky Flash4…:)Aiü_storÖ"Á-þ1000 lb. bomb w(generurposeŽÿ 'dumb', retardeýd,Blaser-guideùd)°%{Ú, BL.755 c×lusterÌb,: JPÿ.233 anti-runway½ mjion. Of§rsÎò]o also!-¢ternwal gu¤r stra\ŽBclose-Ã~sÀF pilu¸=_An Ol isu1û effA&ness. Even w‡6-q $Ö*à†“pute2ªelu1 (Wˆ¨irÖ:ba+üÿoo steep a climbŸ, wind dirQ5fo²Ã vÿ!F1 samÙ)ruHó1~CˆilçÎunyqI“T âhearteo>reÃ>›Ð-…í¢8*ssŒ 
(; fdeApeT#Õ)KEOb'rl„T%Øtowí5Œit? again.Now¬ Ü/ad pointyDa>tP8º)isO! well O#led W·!/1daóæ.lictEaircraûft f%is o.k. (è…)Hƒs,20no damP‘'•&
"d†edó>̼-Ütroyñâ SAMøg5hOR (at least in—Šay£)œ½xÞ<¥
"a hit or"s pro¹t;7|ƒO, BOOM!,…!‹&isE. No partial ’%Çe, no h{ jectOing. Ifr&ˆ, â+7 zero V%.EjÛYgh•3Ù greLo ä̵uso6};ˆbèý(c,+7rsªe, mosßt notably,¨ VCR|;Ȳ¡¤þ}+rcö¹ bec’proficieÝntrbasic ¼:maneãuver}!SI blewhŒ#'ì+ju1#reli ®¯ hairyHK tI al didC{ø ažž (a.k.a.à m½y (horn :)[CoÅ'6ampaig‘$KÆI"lack&Al& HŸ# optc9pl 
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superbĐ™di$WG"alit7y.Anc,weakdFw"#head§Cemò&èWä)Ý)f}K F-15IcII w¦íi.Gerso£Äî($*wµŠ:} d RIiO Ë¡i a"(a 2 $*ä\![IÅE¨ _onlyù_ ¢#FHis H2H dogKfighà.!¯& eÑ º%ø|=ãod,±9has –-bug,L&Œ +²Ïno34echnŒ Sóuppls+]ðõ?-1m librar—y. T¼reŠÞCoûpyri(C) 1993 b¿y Gavin Adam.!Gaÿme Bytes Magazinge.AllÊ-ÀservTó---\ \)-TORNAÿDO THROUGH THE FÿALCON PILOT'S EYÛE A|parad revþBy Andrew SteÿvensDigital InótegrN=TORNADO œD6h marke3)$``}auFtic'' jet0A.º%aims>q¹id`FhenticSTof6ð IDS$ ADV¶$6°|longÞ!exten#A ofûwarfL/’6ðÒfm<¹"yThis, ofv$e,i½eciselZ"Ëmarkîegœ«&Spec¾- Holobyte'2--e?stablished( éù rn
) FALCON-3 aimo c÷,Is: answertwo qu0Óons:Þa3a ""tic õal-atoto Falcoûn-3 is it agoood choicnr ex™ng£JownersU¿Õ>ñ G¿®ðeOverall_reJ+™\K I;wereú,favourï–)“redô£*n _il%argerére¶¥ãDocuœV$ softwa)re¶l-«en3 obear non¶7 sigÛ*ÿan over-hasty laÿunch. Themanual] e¹ially Ledn'Œ3+had U—>pu1t Taiput²<û!F interfa^2-7 execu3too.û!±þ·' VGA640x480x1É6 ».¹deZ÷lapp’U#veïdoLraynsôSverlays,j.Öt vastVori1«ÿn Falcon's 320x2å00d*prŠgoo).åFlË M©$ RendeòB ¡Þundoubte«dly ÓtyèI, |ably betterthan£*î=HI-FI Œ" EnergÝy Æds off`listfWly, Ôs(spiÛŒÕ}usib) ?", ýflòangle-of-attack B3ebM-f×iceabl¥En$ies ¾ô!n ex-RAFerœeaÜK. pitch$rolÇl perfАdefiÇnatelyr5)ball’dk.û!ýFiØ"Imaÿch number at difÙfe°g-swèsettingsÝFO!Wûf· side-©s duB lÑan$Ó"e-òcondn«ns. R$sm a“Ƭdos › f-( flaÁps$"2N¨!led­inu/detaB4 ’erÕen2ap+s 3 po;ssib¥+g posi®5*½eÞJlimited-ÈorÞófly-by-whinciÉdeÐ9ta®t(pinÛprevÊon sÛm is_1•fbeâïd ýei deliberateloy(for p{ice)9Ÿby battle-V%ri“m ad™› ($º%atï least)utomat‰ic.n ¹I;8inûevit, 320x200 Üfrender¦ofl6tcape$ objU''ticeLîanrÈ+.^&7Gouraud9Ph4ãshadt¡M_point {densóis high,$ãrees !’cellanqy !+¸ abundøë giv¦a ) convincing÷Õ
"z:¶"vyail Da clevgyriã(ù-g trickôO sub-triE2f ¶"ã surs@äes plenty of naturalï"Z$a÷!e cu=orhRè!Ñ!1'sy> regim·e). F&¶s up m8ö-+ù:world.û!9nþPasurprisinglyâ3Ng Æ)j's tradi®|tamp7¶"O» wes- EuropúIf´7O sfilmÜjorgwatchš2belt¦ßacross norn GeÑrmÓ,¢umherci{sesll know ¯! mean...B/Æ]ƒ!-÷explosÛ is, unf»ortu†,, not Î.so¯ good. ümaeaGkness Á¬Ðob•s ™ bupÑ®ap[pearéMsa ®*ra
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-p3~­es, as opposº]o È; ``freý(AI2'‰''é=¹mÁ‰.×laydœÇ&desig†>(r—eleasened<hbo¯mbsight,é2h 3Tl §orby »Ot)ôus¾..lob-toss (
+e ag«Yd by-%(ø óutweB+ pull-up†ClusÒf!-hJP23§ti-run!ã*e ›cankropp/q- lÃay-dÇÒt$, Alacrm aa0’&lesÊäq-úfiÑ& direcut  (K HARM)ô»pre-ñ$to loi abýovLkely sites hÝanÆ on a ˜chutî$Droppi1aser g·uided fsreaes´˜5÷to p to¸'ac«ksea^A ki1ook-Ôera/)O¶7ü"Ls 3 multi-fuqnc¬l½ panel›&æ1fin%+"atÅ,s#7 (pannt locLC'«zoom¹,ll¼seQtr‡olled)€ß(®$Xdrqop§2É'êpriaten`t$R4¼i- mov=>Ã-last minut¡u¾ò(ple (closepaced)targets.yad !e TIALD s#ÐÅ5hg¥s ÂalsoÇ show:>þ>rada]r,Camaps, ·d/O<
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*liÆ*xter-ô"ð,e:ƒ sloppy "³5C¤°*< f|æé,runwáell as<ûçmies' ``Yåtreatment' nùvauF8``Red Flag ÎNJrestbŸÊk theiog¹õ"†Ú#emAvidu×. PWersona® I)neÁJÎ.seO( pV³@s öt"cadecesimila¾; ``instant-n'O', againaet-Â.foîæ‰.Wwingman° OpponAóAI€(¥oubtedlyå hv=dgs,s depaártq³)°ply harÿel\ê!n's AIúü¡%¨ng-men. Nonðú:.3*notbe sSet u?þfoÝny¥6ÿ involving deviaÒ¬s #?¸fD#lan (d÷D ALARM¥6° l{oft fing). Si:}rl\s faras I,,Xù¼«>alli=Pdoa*%poZo yFoFŸj£#reÚ/if@)teneæ?ä--msɈensate´–û l«r bybmaxL_.3 harder y6*´AA°iIIs,æ=”(wverall%-ts rem.ã ``rÑÙ+so,af4¾hwo¦ful 4€+xãˆÎ a disappVtƒ>Q(puKcontroöÔÅ"n,0=othandé, /-m A(nearlyso sleepy. En>Jrceptors, Y#þ6øaAº.Ô.tandardofŽ˜NACEs, )?° !plÛV±4SA(4$9eG©slouchøH÷notice% differeÞbetween é9and€Hhaggres»¼gipleå4,ñ”+ê!ÄN·very rX´anÅg. aunch XB[wile. I@@theyr§6&8wantÉkill*°? will often ñH.t a€/n ina ¶Íposiã.Fz(s,Û Bug$Perf–nceSupportã÷I:p2(clèness²é9in¡pariÛž$€(-3ÐÚ"–(g%per¬y su°Ñ6Š.e 2 !heaèñd duD-c#%ThÔis©
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!or (asmÑ hÍ?been hoped) o&± hFÓ8ý1&1onãm˜ØP-¦nnecÑ{ a¿ LAN. Less s¿!ly|èIŽîAVTR recoró2 rep  =ë.D'›† -tiesž>E¡´r š·O w`en o¯ reÝi#:r.BuAhoweíve#re p‹antly ira„±I † yetɨ=+-:PthÁ*atº³.t ·aid evý( mýy jst-patch-bar?-Mig-29 versnþ?ä|on}! bug IâC!enI-6 flaw ¾|he driver´(s¿ome?) SoundbÓerï style s5 cardsî-causesþiodic ú[ncÔThe worka¬ =ÉfallCk @% AódLibA"# bit annÉoyÍKn£c,both' music°T"-e`'˜ƒ ratÇ'`‹ù,mi
gh¶ expq!gÍH/9ifi(ŠIroductˆÔ6b/.v&F€%ýtakesùA >ar irritanñt #,H>'shits ¯*always*Š)et–deãstroc$:I certaýin(otauthenticÆ°+does˜ ±)sens½e Ò a game-raymmº Yofview:±*õanÚse-fatal dqamÀ±$Ô6extens»p°Ac!C=R3includ;Üle engine-Ôcoýnd¿ns. DigitalÏIntegraãÞ!romiôÜ#¹chbmid auguåst™,x £;+a furt_herpatch €dd¹Ô.5-ôfo†Cew7 weeksJer.¿ance^;­3,;+framŸte8f ûanyt-,a little_ better. Kd 11þ#, usual trio ofz}", KRand Rol“+ü|¡$ doesn't say€6qÔ.ñt½iofíS5blasKpro's ÷(etc) ­used. PresumaºB7·¾xtly,just ¡)leòôru@@bast 286 ïmachines;+MS-DOS+ 5 e¾thht)K menãÈ$2¾$aH9#¿m runs entir–inÂæl±Y$M+use ßEMS memoryÑ1M (íorM.imes~$640K) ïissuffiö.Sum÷maryì0undoubte?dly achievesOðÅndÎimƒ¦-t,state-of-the-OF8øì0:A&ir warfare+. Im>7tsre¦g7presenta˜*ì8re„×# w²¶2dî3Ce writ¦2 yearis ûEqjy, iðÖ/!prisÊat5#eem÷phasisÍair-to-go"strikeý9Õ*á? &>%$ breaknewì7´ûdog-…9 AI - it whßn–if~r beZØ6?'‘ irriA encìé*Ð&far $ inabi¼¢G-mputer-cŸ>dö¤men ¼N lob-tos©s ð.Q,(pÿ&) ³AR·M'sopÓunisÊ'y.' Hopef'CixÝø(rthcomÍinÊ#˜#fOromDI..^wa„real sura%þÇumŽ- hoursƒ-Þ w[as j_how<erAÞÍì0felt¶+J6€(Zz) (€+ted)›-³,penetr‰n w%`HIàº;êP€('sair]-s?iorityze``w%¿ packages'' asúºlkæ*heese. Th88@)mphasi†Ã<› enhÒd by×#E6tcharacteristicÕ*>Ý" philosphi½%ñtw Eç×reflectÆ
ngly":Ozhus,ú¶+my¶erience, Ih %(€tì0makeÕ‡ ideal´‚ÜX cp¡-j^;3 fan:ïlstsharÁ:same qiua²!ƒauËtici¥!Ï depth, 9(l farŠ&beÍ``~F8K''.j questºi€?†:whetÇì0<5}side7as a €(ž!cež­O answer Ycr ž² people,:âabö(o. ì0surpasse°Ç9‘PÎas (5g,t/jP,d™) but €(Îu capabæ8ì0lackL*¤vast(ùr ´ôb6&gfÎ9 BuyersF‘love;+4-Ã.kG/Þ9 itself,ºlookÍ´%&ûc pð<O™wßq™ speciBt ÿŠ)v(æ1n ra,$adireSct rmÀin, P*ùtiÛal”Z: >"¨)në! owned†> myJ6ëtimeu b?divided roughly 8:2 =€ÌŠ6`looÉãsettæl#own eo"5:3. +For gt át,†“–…t ì dƒúAl Ñ..ä,:àneZ“rrevi<Æ™n 486/33¨3l}-ayge OPTi moX·board,Ëheap:Tr gclone,.µexpe_#/ISA SVGAWd.cfeview is CopyrÑÿ (C) 1993 by Andçrew St+e/Game B¿ytesMagazin)Alwl righeserve°%ÿIMPERIAL PURSUITÿ from LucasArts ÿEntertainmentReÿviewed by Russelÿl Webb (rwebb@paßÛOComp{uterÜ?GraphicsÜ?÷MemoryÛODisk SpaßceMinimumÞ 386þÝ/ VGA (320x200@Û256)Þ640kÜ? 2.5ÿMB + X-WingMax/ûRec.Ñï 640k+1.0Mÿ EMSControl: ÿMouse, keyboard,ÿ joystick (recomÿmended) Sound:þ‡ dblaster, Adliÿb, Roland, PAS, ÿGeneral MIDI Nÿotes: Requires ÿX-Wing, EMS requÿired for soundþ÷? version 1.01 ÿon: 486DX2/50 w/÷16MB, ŒP Pro, joÏystick Þ÷/er rö0s: J| kDarthÿ Vader and his Iÿmperial forces aÿre back, motivatþú/revenge for thÿerecent destrucÿtion of the Deatçh Starû#Rebel ¿Alliance. Th-!lsß,ecstaticè/theiÿr victory follow»ing #Battle!Yaÿvin, find themseïlveson #run frÿom the still-supÿerior Imperial Fßleet.In à (IPÿ), you return toži cockpit!­0Y-î® andA-® fightßers to aidi Reb÷els iniir questï againsti Empirÿe. Beset by lack of food due Ž!öçent s1 attacksû on .!grainfreiÿghters, you mustÿ struggle not on_ly to pushk #ÿEmpire as itstr{ikesÿ!against #¾11, but alsoûscÿavenge, capture, or makedeals·|iÌ!supplies iýûativ1e survival~!1retreatingR¯ûs.s1 Pursuit pÿrovides 20-25 adïd-on misÃs of mýod?e difficultyú·tjeasoned X-ÿWING pilot. Plaßyers eager22 hin÷ted-atø awaitedû B-¢Q will haveüûŸ a bit, as tïhis addi is sl, 222ndO g i"aÿduct due in Augu÷st. [6variableÏ number qm"sisìÕûseveŸ'splitºl2s'×which #piÿlot can choose bßetweenone!two ÿparallel flight ßassignment¨ go ÿon at 4 or 5 poiü$²!game. ThisÝ aKs a sl¥ degÿree of replayabi¿lity, since #alternatebranch!÷each søR could bîNplayedi!econd ÿtime through. AýlllBare availablûe inútorical miÿssion mode afterþü0lPursuit is c·ompletq# fir¼imóe, i"!oer doesn_'t wish toI#y#ßentire 20-”3sequ_ence.]Seô"ofiðiü@¢3”#ns, notaÿbly #18 and #19,îquite±e-consguming,´÷outrB#ifficult. 'Ca(ýe s1Corvette' (ß#19) pits îin aÇ sluggÀ›!¤1 flaßnked with ó"lquÿickly-destroyed ÿCygnus gunships þ2no less than 6Ç Corel24nd s½co«of opposMguÿnships, all embeýdd;$hin minefieÿlds. (!) Other zê3 r© carefulø× tacti’usG powÿermanagement, sëhiftMfiêr enerágyûõg¯elds, ólaseìõenginepÞ§, perhap¨! larger degree thab!¯originalO g.9e swerving,dartMŸTie Advanc¶¥1show up en masse׿IP, challengM!eïaccuracyø deflect–shooR!¸#s ß(these T/A¤AwereÏpresent×#finaÏl trenchl2•A).ÿIP intersperses þó2new cutscenes Çbetweeƒë#ûrewaýrdisuccessful ¦¸#. T/ g¸alÿly well-done, in{cludMa tense,‰%Ÿ-scored sc<$Daßrth Vader,œ"nothÝeràt give?glimÙpsGinewü@Inteÿrdictors (presumßably a foe>52nd þibdisk).Some ostrangenZis ecø=%Esporadic e÷xtremeDlyin acóhievM”ile lockÿs on TIE bombersM. ¤hing¿#ioƒ®3Ce docu#at–abãout _s1enses,ÿ so I'm left won»deri$fthis¿a ÷bug orÒeature. ï It did - it moæ—hall̯howeveüª%~ annoyingly ;fast1eadded Ž¹Ýas‰l (T/A…#evenSfas¶\ APgs*ÿnormal velocity)ë.F3ho ncredi>ñstuck withlB²!ç origiC­ game,ó IP% 'TOPACE=' #that has§C<~!1first 3 Tourp?Duty (TOD).9c*5to jump ahead õ~o any TOD1-3 ”#ûnasŽƒns. LucasûArtså apparentl¿y distribute[is_ tofrustr  p"èÔ!7arº $5, b³asic‡!ost qediaøshippœ"lsÑo Ö6hIPa poûtentÿveteran wi·ngman.9emoñig7nifica=ncluÃ×üYrrVre on-linem¼m"—ts embed‹(v¾en extra mo£cl³ick)à@Epage!pre-°7 brief¤~U n=ot22 die-har'‘þsFsthese spoilers typZ'*#le=veÛ: "Speed©9 m0 !115un&õËheadòaitranþýt group Foo. µIdÉfy¯p 3 33roíupø immdtely höbackûBomber g¶Es 1 õ2 toB&d þQBar." Any soùrt!5e is revea—led byise´'"shj3aboonû*5¼&›ß particula4n.ð6É#áƒïncapsulaø=*$~e TOD. Foÿr a retailprice!¿anyrooms in, gÿame resemble minýia­ sets from aÿ claymation moviÏe.PlayÞç? is ÿrelatively typicwal for, adven­ÿ genre. Yourch{aracQwalks arÞÞa seriespseuÿdo-3D screens, pÿicking up itemsÚ¹us4themÞinnoýva¨ ways to overcome obstacle¸!÷conqueAeMain Bÿad Dude. In this case, you coRÿl a princeling nÿamed Brandon,trýyi+o save his lø¹, power hunÿgry court jesterÿ, whose magicalòàatô, kingdom¿ include mak4sqÿuirrels explode Þ¹trees diOh,~†horror.In Ð1Ö[theiRti_ talóentsðOja knack ÿfor interfaces,Ûbut šonce,y seåem[Bisû†mark. _ In an eraïre9paniesare try4íto‡imiz…!on-scr?een presence†zœ3e,ð?dused nÃ÷y half¯ an iconÿ-based inventory}; ¼laboratelyK"ÿ amuletwhich seûrves[cast your ?four spells;>÷ig 'OpÒs' buttoŸn. Whileà#‰orßy occupiesöincrÿedibly prominentã porÒ1†×", itdÿoesn't scroll, yõetwy C! puzzlesg requiȲmass4ÿof a hugeamountüás. Furthermëore,,re¤a maxi_mum number4s }hcan drop o»éy U4¹it¤easy eÿnough to fill up» twomores×nstv!œDh think may need laterÞ7order Íakez¯"çhings Ü right÷ away.ere are ÿalso a few annoy&4puzzþ}Be,.¿›even, finêˆas ëout še «3suffer from similar 6 design failur žç? has no Äl"it÷s sharWhat it {doese, howevG}isz4maze whichLu bØ#ovo lead[ßhigh bloodGssur^ceart disú,¹ÿdeath in laboratn;animal…This$ÿparticularly fruÿstrating maze,fþ°" following rea§sons: ò4[fi%boÿut ten important itemsscatterÉçhrough,!¶ locatŸe a coupleÓE'asœp% willÈ5Hsiøt"´#exit, all ֆwhilwpi+hat ÷your l÷source ¯(fireberÎ) _n'?t go out bef`òÌ sùÄ. ThisósequÜþl requirþmost constant ÷saving> restori¹ng¯$willhto÷ keep ’p. EvenŠv!a Ä-tá%6%†nekt, IwagÉodiì÷few ti7on my waçy thro¹†caves./Now, wab*%Ÿ_-specific ©s C!ö€e? I, aside þslightly slow load –&(KÐ0«É%ÿbe a little less› spr÷lytm†Da~f The TentaclŸQDHI Ô½4at,× same–), getÇ full ÛÁ£% ech ùis.Ísub-standÛard,v!one ¿Bwithîöexagged (notö[ment–badlydoÿne) Southern dra¿wl re-appear4laØQUc'-frešMalc;olm,, evil E3«üô„1only character voice-actedv}heenthusiasm¹—nteres³ly$±! aÿctor who did Mal·colm's™' alsd ÇHerman±'û!/not¸c'4Øsman. &3, ~hero, couldÛ use?&emot–(ANYû emoÒ!). On tomp Chis,]is p‡¿cularlyirksùth-atVvers•ns'GZÖipO(theïr jïno influÜ#nhow ~% turn out, u"Ê2s 6s)>&cert÷ain ligetrepeëatedör ¹over aŸgain (such¿!ascsript&3 givesïÏnobjectÆamin/ed). Ov~l,,Â7dds little‚#Œ!D6üiŽappointment, especially afQþ†fantastic voicüáð?d'sDune II.ý Ra barely-ade¡quëˆa¯$,%is¡y *—(aÏ i­ve5tî[make m‚commenœ‚Îve a góDHorSierra ˆ1š¤ r¾úw is Copyr÷ (ßC) 1993 Ri¿d Wy÷ckoff šGame Bytÿes Magazine.Allxö$¥ed. ÿLANDS OF LORE - ÿTHE THRONE OF CHÿAOS from Westwooÿd Studios, Inc. ÿReviewed by Doußg Bauer ÛO Com÷puter Þ Graphic½s Ý/ Memory Ü? Dÿisk SpaceMinimuÝm Þ386-16Ü?VGA/ûMCGAÜ?2MB (1MB XÿMS) 20 MBMax/ûRec:ÞN/ADOS: þÞ5.0+ Control: ÿKeyboard / Mouse÷ SoundYAdlib, Aÿdlib Gold, RolanÿdMT-32/LAPC-1, ÿGeneral MIDI,SoÿundBlaster, SB Pÿro. Notes: Spaÿrse manuals; worÿd lookup copyprÿotectionReviewÿed on: 486-66, 4ÿ MB, SB Pro, DOSÿ 6.0In the BegÿinningWestwoodÿ Studios, the deÿvelopers of EYE ÿOF THE BEHOLDER ÿI and II, havecÿreated a new firßst-person Þpect¿ive RPG with÷ dïistributVirginÿGames. I had aÿ feeling this woÿuld be a solid eÿffort as soon asþÈ prettyintrodýuc® started up ÿ-- it was immediÿately apparent t¿hat a lot of/!tÿwent into this gïame. I Mright.The StoryT9ßlot, howevis nÿothing revolutioÿnary. An evil sÿorceress, Scotiaþ„determined to÷ wrestÈ throne þò King Richard.ÿ Not surprisingÿly, yourcharactûer (ífriends) mÿust stop her and÷ save Ùland, as¯ well as³g¶!d ÷(whom œ! managesÿ to poison fairlËy eainÈke).ÿSo far (I'm 40+÷ hoursf1e game aos I writÝis),8!þ]moves alongquÎ"linear  few¿ sidequests ínot much freedomùgetsidetracke¹õ"GOt i from heÿre, don't come bÿack until you've got it"seemsÈç orderàÙday, rather than in ÷s suchDARKSIDEþíXEEN,where you can be on soõÿy quests at onceúY!thžis an auto¿notefeatureùkeïep track"em forß you. Tryùdo s—ome-th´ou^|"aín 2 eit‡forbid¯s it or ¯ofÈ N÷PCs inÐr party ûnagsÐ todeath íabÞwhatÐ "shouÿld" be doing. FoËrtunRy,2kes ÕupÎt%toØe exßtent by be´truly fun to play,ÙþKis chock-full ÿofnice touches.ÿWho Am I?As ê2 bËs,Ð may s;elec[champiý`ÿfour possible ch?oices,each Èßir own mixàMagi½c,“tection,Ù M¿ight abiliti Aÿs youproceed th÷rough Ùvarious ^«", a numb~"ot‡~·acters join {}leÜyou. Thes€ÖÇ3 areàa µety ÿof races (some qÿuiteinterestingá, 2¯:"ÿarms) ~íof sexes.A¢3þÙ AdvancementwEach cÇAinclud´^Äself) haûly­ßee skills:ž#, Ro÷gue,aagic. W{hile3#WIZARDRYÙ÷ REALMâ ARKANIAï fans ma: put o÷ffby i, I foun?d it refresh´í÷I feel²2e resultþ´playability is»a nTchangeàpaÕceÒheDs e"evený hÜoverall "levßels" butr†"leve}lsàproficiencñ e†÷"1$ categor»ies.Õe moreÐuÿtilize a particußlar skill,È bet˜ [at it“c Ois simil7öplmgAs far"¢tellØöžare / sixdiffeW spell¨¡"leÿarn, one being H“eal í|$st&%Îc?ombat (altho±ìô£$Ã#uss well ;M).Ï$pote½÷"sîùbe casJ3sen atì`õ timmFurtheßrmore, anyDcanü`%©spell, provi¿ding he/she -su¹ff»5 pointC"thÙe#-that% avaÿilable. Offsettü´i apparent laÄÉ"…lã3µ3itemþEfind which, when used, yield%?-likeeffectYv?Environment{&#Ýta*place " outwdoors,‹caves/¤¿s/dungeons, íin÷strucÁs (mansion/castle/etc.O%v 5also81requis"þÀle-screen inn_s, shops, * û typö location ~-its own ambio, afact† los¯ŒÙ»reciõ9Äs Þ>y. Poin‚d clÿick on mostanytˆÚ% looksfó3óÇunusua+% rewaïrded wit?%effec¿t, a descrip®, ·or eve¦me lŸ-h}eaF humor.G0Äí‹dù%0very ‹$%•$reÞ¨"ÿbeautiful fully-ÿanimated cut scÝenøhroughÞto m=ovÝ!plot alo–¾6s remindmö Wizardy 7 (hmm,$!ßtree-maze ¥s aw~ùy familiar!)ÝõilÝe&n "feel"ß reminds mö ULTÿIMA UNDERWORLD. úÐ$ve is still ýti@based (albeit  scrol" “turnó,),®È "kmonsÉ" ,arokÿin realtime 3-D ojust lik UUWÙ~«1owing/droppišfobjects ¦5¤ Ïl. AnimW&õmootùh íà plentiful½.{ automapeesOpecially‹mYo¡"¬²È mapà*eà* ëareaÐhÜexplorÖª6ease&sm¨iconþC"color-coded sq9ua keyedr¯\î7ùrepres¾chº#important loca®ss, l‚Gecret &¶Ù!o onë6 is,€Ano~†e-taking cap…$>}Frankly,iJfßnecessary.u!mainrveeY&ÙstatusàÕeadhi»maópoinü»{picture) benÍea‰# maië'{(n. Below ÙÆCeÙßy'sinvent#"strÿip", a horizontaîúscroll´strip ÿof inventory slo½ts_mwhich  2easily add itemsóÃgrabÈyGmOthe}rs£$called it½1is‹¨ if  ñ^forganize¢urÜH~ˆperly,valua7secondÝ&lostvG7Æï I,€Aj$¹%natûuralÙ easy way ž anipulatÝ!¾(s ε's; aftØ in R¿ealLife, ifÐ kíep\ings‹a back{packÃu'd wantJŸquently-us
ôrüŸ¥top to avoidà rook%'ùÙbottáom½Ôš neededgsometˆ²f co)é, Ã#yXfeUes incOlude filvÚ',íxÃ#YI am imp™Du&Ùso”'ævjkg“'music in certaî­ s actuâ eliciFÿa smCòRatmwes -- t$am a tsl critiMvü)¸ì%Ý&3&op-not‘ndï varied,«hdiff©er¾üdsÎ d5 monC"weapîn¡ØoÛtof´ungeïon I didfknow e»xistuecause"dr¿ew nearer to:wkallshco(hearl:ÿ "activity" noisÿes grow louder w±heåžMnooµ eÇxplana® ™nW˜ÃÞÿ'ing,¸)Û"haÃppenü—iê Bes idÝ!6ai^…#Æ3×e two ´on®tonsʲneetoàÈ equipper:?z"µ+`%ÆÙcurr¾…ÁFighôõ“om furiousými exercise, e‡specia:ÞÈî6orBÝan$ó ÆCiå"èF%sw­cast/uÉseó(D4 I{*$!fun,? I wasdisap–ÿ쨈JofteYve muc™h ñùwatc²# + gfon,“:+nemiõreV*d q*ll-rendeÿred. Don't, however,assumŸ"ñù1fi#‚sty-¥´æ‹'r. S4¢"approûacheÈ+bluffed or‚—so¥ Ö'R.sox÷TãC weapons­E®0:accord´toÈmÇanual,: <¢k beKtterYn Ãßn wicular¿;. Soe">¯w away a mžl“:Kdoesfincr*þ"Mi#as¥h7Zµsw£--j3 finl d3oes H]+damaåýosÝick-skinnedû repjs!Here'sÎ6ip: I)­Zs co›mingœr, höÞin¼,Øndambus²emt•$&#seÒto (asK.#) giveÐ aæ4Žåce³hi¶%¡6inflic>+re damage V;l:ß isn't fac&$u (i¿'s wal_/m}ov´into view ò$È>e) aCwerformSumber à/ne-swingKcu*å6KfashXon¿;Ú% w— beto±en¯9=seø¶#™,†)direct conñfrÏÒ*{ undergrì|*™n reâ pumpsHÙadrena5XÄ.†indmy*Æ&-~´ead end, almk[dead&thenÙduâï hearingØesortŽàenemy |±Hcl=osØ! closer.ÕDït's goneÝew, itŠÒtñ g¯ÙÃ#waþ}Quick, take a ­sh1nap!)r ñs,¿ my lampoilerumnn´low,visi¢Ítyepoor&%vaguêSseûmeÛgup aSheadDZisYt?ç-o I step m swi­ñ(wۏ+fcarefulîiMnoticeOKa-Chink. Uh oh! AÇp! Run! ˆ(¹alcovejÓ7!úeb>¨shoots by,Â&´}upÈ until-nowœÿr-darkness. Yik%esØatã-!Ù* ÛbegiB get k orÄÂ5l –8 2) cam™p {©. Dh!®wi·ll (ifXK no ‹7 ar“d)¹[Rsno f÷VåV! E¾th I 'ÖÙsimp tyàmanyE aQts³2ham†? sure I like$Y½Ov§lLandsàLoú,anZy-to-play Ž1 beautÔÙFíexcell÷ü¹H3 Sïto keep þ,volvedÇ long iM)Kawo¿rthy purchasmTh-iseNOT L/y Ú%ºÐ whfinish‹a·coupleàdays0tr¶Óme :OBestàalýl,I# a whole lot–àfun!uisŠ+is÷ CopyrŸ (C) 199ù3 Pír Game BytýesAazine.All RþŸs Reserved.-ÿED. - Welcome toÿ another dual-reÿview! Enjoy theÿse two opinions ÿon Return of the Phantom.--þ0RETURN OF THÿE PHANTOM from M¿icroProseReðedÿ by David S. Whi{teÛOComputerÜ?ïGraphicsÜ?MemoryþÛODisk SpaceMinÛimumÞ 286ÛO VGA·/MCGA Ü?2 MBÚ_7-ÿ8 MBMax/Rec. ù 4~PÑï(see note ÿbelow)Control:ÿ Keyboard, Mousÿe Sound: PC sÿpeaker, Adlib, Sßound BlastÓPro ÿAudio Spectrum,ß Notes: Çe reÿcommendedRevieÿwed version 2.0 ÿon: 386sx/16, 4MB RAM, SB ProG ¿er recommendí ß 386 or faÝ SB-cÿompatible sound Ïcard.-/@Gastÿon Leroux probabÿly never guessedÿ how far-reachinÿg and how succesÿsfulhis novel _þ9POF THE OPERA_ ÿwould be when heÿ published it inß 1911.Neiê/id hýe `1 anticipate înumberincarnïations h~1wouldÏ take - ?ö bloûckbuÝ silent moÿvie starring Lonï Chaney Ÿ925,tïhrough seal more film, play, tÿrock opera versi¾þportrayingödïeformed m as aÿ pathetic failurýe, a misunderstÿood but good-heaÿrtedman, or a sÿick psycho; to pÿerhaps its best ×known ¼An,ö musÿicalby Andrew Lÿloyd-Webber thatï premierœn 1986ÿ and is still go~rstrong.It'ÿ~catural that ïstory ofö Phant÷om sho‘now makeý i‚way toyour õco[ . A@e has do¿ne an excellÚjoýb ’elling aconóvinc{"with enoÿugh twists to keep those who kþoriginalstoryÿ interested.A ÿLITTLE BACKGROUND€-You ûö pÿart of Raoul Monÿtand, a detectivùe ÑV"odern-day ÿFrenchS–retŠ (sgimilarÚFBI)svron ’2aris O÷. Durrtheopenþrperformance ofÿ "Don Juan Triumßphant," an" wriÿtten a hundredyears agoKleÏgendary fErik½, chandeli×udÿdenly breakslooýse=#lummets intoÆ#ackeuð¹w, k}ilÅ one womansûinjN#several ot¯hers. O˜qu=thûinkiÆnd fast woßrk on yourthe»lps Ü orders e;vacu³1opera ¯#пkly.Later,siÿeur Brie, manageñr ’"I#anks you‹ forr åsÈfiñde¦Š"he think÷s thisua "copy-ÿcat" crime, iden÷tical ¨#chandeloier-fallrdisaÝ^Š"occurredrC yx« ear“ aŒeLs ö’b. I‚M. Brie'ós fe6‹whoever -cuŒ"rope7#eCufamiliar with @õm ‚d twill strÿike again, unlesÿshe's discovereþ¬$stopped in timûe. ~$e is countêron$skxasa doetectiveÚfindV"¿aniac beforeèOiswaster \rs.A4ïey stateotheir ÿmanual, MicroProse has changedñ1ï elementrthe oÏriginal ’znste}ad0dual-sided•2ÿ, of(especiallyÕ) ^"-Lb Wer's ÿmusical, (who onëe mo" w"itiablýe,7 cruelly rejÿected by humanitWy becaðof dkmityý!atè?momÚÿan enraged, jeal·ous spæe,) E cPßÚ
"}eR "מzmadman,"µ3 nïo reasons deserývi¸f nopity. I was somewhat¾Çappoinzh“R hadþÚbe reduced toßsuch a non'plexæractÓ/perhapûs iti unavoidab}leoa 9 MBgamÍ_Also, ROTPusežN&cance rgan%?e 1800's,duáË|\td (At least{at'sö setting”!þgamebegins...ß)BEFORE 9CURT¿AIN RISES...3ÑAãlthoÕ, box m|Dþa requiremÚof 7-8 free MBÞ3¿ harddrive,ö i÷nstall¿n progra÷m actuO asks foÿr about 12.5 - onêwise,arns#Îl might¶º6 cor?rectly. AftX¹vówas·ÞF took upÿ 9.3 MB on my haïrd drive&it's pÓossi+hmömighÿt have been need¶ÿo deªressö fïiles. Tú safe,²sš"`1 go "3 1ï2.5 free
figureú cof ‘8alÞ( which wxappeýarJide certain ÿobjects Raoul isÿcarrying. (e.gó if É({s up a rsing,ö( "weari¿d "remove"wxbe³ add0'listve?rbs.) Also,ÚŸ6ö gamereið"e¿/difficult, ²' e‹veryÓg ÊWÃwi{ndowuanaccep™'rª - Iògnizesöìihbeats#aisle,¾& back wall#ceÝilà8 floor#carpÿet - EVERYTHING ë (thïo˜a few »item‘' turn Ïtoú”im
ant.)SIG_HT & SOUND3aT ÷raphic¦ ROTP arOe superb=Wov¤6üF9
&s, as wella¾4e screen p†as¾# walks offö e¹dgO6R(n, areV"oswtflui¬$realis÷of any
)I've see½n.3(tradeoffuspeed,ke;'AÉ(ïmoved raê slowl{y, e¤ially ifõ!L¹objÐâber!›imatžlikeè?DsoòSi[³ computersnowdaysèÙû¦ min·’h,shîÈn't be much >ùproblem; j6i stilly ûÞ¿my machine.¤ s|Ùi excellentÅ9O. WhereŠÉ(goê¬êalwa^sÙtrn\followrhim,Èœ
B6backgrÙ®osÜ»9Ëe,hauÖ$clasÌ^ÙecesèÈ'd, f9iteoquite Ç¡4¬R÷CsettÐ(Ot>plŸaces call ÌŒHtyÑperX"l" appÃropr¸ñ‘Vl supð
ã.14at have ÿvoicecapabilitið´ZÅ6‹*digitizeÅd Lesol´) few-t‹ARE êe ¯Çë doni:h.õWEALTH7GOODIES“,úumfof feature¦F+ mad¿Gùy tfu5n ClaßTwo’"J"ùfe‡oncern savœqW2[you caC8saqve$llany tiA,·(º*Ðe à
)automaEllyk®ž³to quit Î1*)me¯nu, whicÝKcoÖueß later byDsingŸ "Resume" Î1niýng›u. Furthermãore,!)M&É(dies( ty+weres"íñ+ø¦ IG+e did/coulud)ÞFi¶G resumîÓt a ëoorŠBEFO]RE# died.Ò(. kõ I÷R jump toö‡%eathK(a platfoýrm#"you're deadï" messagnme up,&iF„ta5¡$É(Ó8Þ´<.)Th\ decide2 F:ä'`
)ûà8óóctua.ð"rç7Úsolve. Ø#Ðqmuchhis ò exploás"ðð®U#ople, #* Šn ½tr
"o get arÙ o?bstacles- è,
(Oarge maz  9e,s? I REALLY dosF*eswPl7s à¤!^L blindly×k þ-ù tx get somewr¬ a#I did,s¿ got lucky), tr·y mappq7mazeLoi¼"-ter ma d9 -¡"d’ß%.”reã&NÏQêrtÓh dok/enc*e ne/xt room Î1 EÚœ.orD2 ep þ-ï8#ùsaЩinstead - à~#-Š"Ÿ mappiSng xN2 PÉG'tNßwrong whil (rvieƒwing Fè,¯Á= µ "ñg"€=to sü1thÀ³Ô^wñ.¯ôly ï obviousWif Chrºöneuafraid her life, wÈþ^n't worry, Mead- Þ’7safeCße," or "Ge‰holdìàselféwoman ¿- nobody's gl.o churto¬" ?)(6íif# triEo le¾Ja person b½7eyß've given Ð>useful infY“()éæŽ#aracû¯ alwaycs sa-$)F "We_ñI )õ!¨ell yo}u,û I'll talk¡$¾Þlater."- , oÏccasiona.«s su³btles¶-so- hiin<0 w‹to dš4¦WFoamplG•æÉ(trie0Ê!an firweaxe mÕed outŒÏ a dooM)
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)fornoñî%beginnåadventÃure-lÈ7}(s grûeat Ad, greatg®§)s, lotr "btyù" È;Ž%fairly simãple ý'F+èperfeùctïroducing p…eo¾toM
<''neD€-Št&'º‰o ‹1ü,ù) skill level,uà,ot; eddš¢: jobþtaÕ=,)Չ, ar€-ÄddŒo-ìyste+î¬a ßlittle sci
-fic<Ždcoming}á'Ž‹*good sí™ÚreÜè Copyri'(C) {1993|David WhüþÌGame Bytes Mag?azine.All räo‡served¨ƒÆžòsRßETURN OF T5HANTiOM|op.Reèýed|Robert Russeóllx'xComputerÞä2Graphicsä2MemoýryäBDisk SpaceM·inimumx'286 äB VýGAx' 640k + 1MB óEMS x'¨ MBControl: Mouse (A÷mmendexkeyboardû SÖ: Adlib, uSoBBlúr, Genß MIDI, Rol­LAPCÏ-1/MT-32Àä2Pro ¯Audio Sp¥umã2 Rÿeviewed on: 486oDX2/66, cƒ-16,-#ÿ, VGA, OS/2 2.1SRet‰0e (¹%m) ëpres¡d Ÿ sequeþG4 classichorroOr tale "¹5T,"´(P'±7ä-hb$yfà agozC&»`)Pariks OpHo„is oRþµn under siegeåby™myW2 mask-Üèåfiend bis bè\º/Å# H.'sdesctruc´9rlaimt1ú¤"OÆ Ghost," b½etûknown as·Pøw$<5ía! But he¼iÈled a cey oago - ori he?¢!u6âDÔ)sta=%îê#"FBI,"?ra pat;ron ­friendª¤|Xowner. AsF)ÍurÇ ris˜iF, a ÿbeautifulcrystaíl 3deliKlunges.KHdomed c)g 0%„$é h‰#þ-åseveraÍl 0% aud5d in'troducq7$y "LÝÐË-çƒ*'så-face, crucia¯ú)§)Mù, º(tAanswer toΉWSCUMM*i"Ming/@‹1%)¢(/lnüÞ!Å"Indiana JonÜîAhe Fat… Atl÷antis,ê("Maniac ¿Mansion:DayK4TeOntacle."3\s,n9se<Œ a porK4<Í)Åaperman\ü8Áac&/58Z8. Asû sucm*isremarka3bly dúuse,<6$šåuiq sidi:I dûoes Ýits strenûgthsV weaknesseöOne È+e I missúÕas‰W(for lackôù=4orì6 term) "ÿSmart-Right-MousÏe-ButtonÈ3H/autGomatic-¶¶ o9}t-+ific tasks) ¶¥sed.ª exa×, Ûitmä "reÀa bo¡okeõÚq "î" ÄØL*n,Ð;Þ–troub7ofIC!Òcifi ±y ¡'„.¼ionsØic.hasre0Ú>a" programma7wót-bu!|custom-s?etyourself %K4,%VmandÄnd/6×.ùonú$Ygame. A ˜gG6 "takf",woòHalÞto click>­ly aroundËIz(Êåup!i shoutVvF re-‚6he>b )ea×9t.3is— lOdy optio­so]=ÿa worthytradeofÇf. Anð,²/¦; bui•ltÁ>is
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”no1.haå¾*û&+ސ%ene. (Af¢a suéitN5d®, natuŸrally!) A[%3&tso necessaOo coè»te a;k tend˜oÇbe nea)nIK4task·, helpÔavoi¦%"Håm,Ê IÌütopic[k up3&t X ^! l°}se‰n?" syndroñ O!ryis may bea result:‚&d>øÝZ:³.Copy protponl)¡Þs+"ï type "Eæ word ½x « line y «p:Äz ^1anual,g%Wºsasq(at le°inŸ my case) ˜sŽÓ a new9¯p,äÆ g¶o(irst l>$+"{dit—,Ìo, in casƒ+misc<ú~oná&nice touchú?eUlet it useè¢ riúlarge,C beiRi"S-!Rl¾#;m's ­;n.Inê*AØai!QYis dvia ô¤¡%/i®5 window,awÊs•6~lineˆ'“ext ­f‚6o ÝÏMak…m. WhY\ö¼sÑ freedomM;oròûinÉ#º,skquest°Š^ڍmentžyp¸,&º<  allow˜o ¾œ/aconversa& u“ntilve ‚& ll²R!emE3 note&YoCu woQe¤ûomýckV recap a con›versK)once~.‹n ܖ5objectÁV, of% cºe,solû*üE":"Who droppedœ…ýndelieÉ5â4e?‹" S’al ˜•upÿ, signed "O.G." ý-M4a Ghost! Soo§D will 7[9ïe culpri¸ superE-Þ+l,é” sen•ß doubt lef keeùp \uspense unÅti¯eI( re (ü^ - "whodunit" ïfashion)‚turns aouGzžt-su78¨ /àCmidst +"D2üçblossoms arWomance=we¨,r ÄOø,*.,ead singeröKTa,C8?. Coinci[dent- (?).,ovøRhadInvd a²”o$2MreigM)er_ror, 100 yÜ3, J¥ aïnaÆ,l¥Christ‚- coôGnËêùk #ec. his eternaleKO…e¯ rival?<)ndn,s.Ï.. well,ó-flongöÀ it'sÓn weird. I ÄHdid *àz¯:Z9occurr
edî¤!can be fruyXöÉ1trie~ alleviaûte tcproblem by÷allowÊcustomizØj3 _If_n sti_ck with it½1d 9Ïmanualw¶2å helåp,Ê!beæcthoughÿt provoking, exc±it~½2-ar¾ gÛood ;.G¡!ally¾Ê1 a definitxepø_T†"our-color [EGA è#1.Càre%ÿ WING COMMANDER þYSTAR CONTROL 2},  has simplÖÛcgre , bu™ doe÷sn't n$anything÷ beyon_at becauþêhe major appeaul“Ris¸!etail Y¸Dú1É1uses s¾eÿfficiently. It doesn't =_"esïsor timeW$meaninÿgless music. In¹st^[imits §dsÞÚa few esüial ö§!effe4A.N.D.I.ÿ, whosupposedly8 4_ infor®n¸ùVEJ happels ï(­2essageÿ, primary power ÿdestroyed, etc.)që125 heart½Rl è#It pa ÷ned afÜthetoucÿh panels seen inÞBar Trek:µ Nex÷t Gene'on" serimes}#sflAg, dÖnctive look wacmain att0µç÷o buy Ž. Withf9addiæù256 ®ãrs, 9Ñ%ú%sharp.þÀ would be impo¿ssibleto fi8!enïtire setùcontroýlsè a starship ®ne scrÕsoÊ!haßsgrouped J funþÑns into 28(!) ÷"quad Ñ%." Each n…" panel€colÞËodedÚonâè six¯ larger `psùfuþ÷ons (viz. Naviµgaæ,Junic¥n,ÿ Tactical, Data, Repair & Dockƒ4¿ Emergency) Yhaßs asix le  titÝleè referÍ (e.ÿg. TACFIR, NAVH_LM, COMXMTFr¨$Ÿse28 quad~6;seûlect«r at a tim{e to3displayeÉäŽ&Wn.–"allowsî¡"o saven"four fóavor¡Ñl configõur¥nsèquick r?ecall. Each~&ÑþÞtons, sliders,þ½!oll down menus› toý& cerĽp |›6 Also data TÎn"sensor€ôplayed asma˜Yñ·s.OnŒ6 ess@alg skillýòyingÊ1Ç effecøcèothÉer½"1yo)‰" UnlPw#;erV"skeÔJ]s"in8B!onGransmit ûB#i"énsA3+at?y are ³capaãYwillÊ" cûarryèm out. Fo_rtunately ¶e ^50 diffÚt ·sandsnº send,5ch means greatú•ci² w¶"uªì'riÏng peopl!¾. NáowF¶èÂ2 listeÉnsÚ½o|ºendsއhis/her/Lpers÷onalitmMake surîV"check 9dossiesrso¼'ÂBbeforeR$»elec8em! A–"I Ãrece$òœnexamTã typ–°2þ1š& wÒuppoÈ&ap;tureäenemy¬3Z3f“'nemyˆ"5# savÊD‹Ûy d&ÞÖ(.oG I hadÚi‡anè( outpost (ªÜÈ&¾= 200 units¨caÛrgo T it Yget ¼ê8þ2waypointè h÷ypersp¯departur÷e. Is£ted fiveì½"ùvaryÊstrengths, includingéportècÊ9ûbootmAs soon asö$±"NrtçoÛ/üYÌoutpost wereÜ1y' range& imm]ed5ly raiÈmy½ûeldsÀ"hargedmy ÿEnhanced Beam Weÿapon (EBW or pha³sersevern wãant &¦)to 1ÿ00%. Next I brought_9é&~&½{"RˆwoÃ1Jsak”ö8`p …wo&"9la³st wI!Úfall1wiKth mt*è o¶nè( group& tol_$ÏtransporÖNy put since ithadí/7littležense½Í°ÚVE"°2.IØle»d upè TACFIÄ$TAsCMAN~6Ylocked‡’" l^¬3bç)“'ng]in5o full‡ankoercept c=e. S{%I ýinž)ÐI ‘9ÜÅ1utofir(pinpâ<ed,"è('s weaÿpon systems. I ÿalso activated m/y jammerK&nyè(°"Äü*ad‚ò:twould weakenÏZ®9Âæytuna§è battlÞ9s engage%oquçickly Fûr my w>Êinto posit0Y·I face_$two *vi›rtua¿aloné¸JheùlmÚvasive patótern·%…9iringEB‰W'¤!.ilë%ç8½" g•otÚei¶'idâ%an_dslaughteºme1Þ9crossfiréMy driRystem ý¡E½ã myšeÙ*Í badlyÏ damaged&mj DRP“REP /'’se¾¹&cr-ew~ fix|&ow·ª©m,½èn Áed_EMËRCOM½cn*µhelp¯. My wiendelþ_em off long en8xè,Jthree½"Úãshow_Yì short¯ work ofèmië Aofter mop: up9+restÃ1flHI ûº‹&æ#ow%*`8×¹d“9µrepair Af²Ümy¦+Í opeå%alÍ IöIheth9Úpick0ê9'):R,went6yW$çnofur¶aidents.ö›$fŽ3ëDÃ1xG6ò;"rentreah&pÃ1÷(Y–hcombin© m91i¤esX eÐh';€ iEven› if ;win Ù)mp»aign¤ddefellîè alien9ovidedl" 8buil4moduü'includËQe;!bw ;û<½ own0-•s,½", õ7, ª©+ms¡,v;77x $chnngÇes -- .!W$edit»ors/>-rsfor - a‘sp¤“BéYoã'G&l 0Ðé$Ó"Ìplac …"w radiaæ field~2÷ loyalÐLaliens. ëhitch71¬Eµ89”= not as$})Ž# Frustr¥"*+ƒuildw¤DÑúveÜÊ%so farÓmcr‰eaXæowö#-Ý$maiyb«†"ut‡I'llø"fZ try_#Š]threa4¤ ëFi% F‰ O„mŽD`3ÔlyÃ3•ö"età!Âpof=G¬k&it. íIf< buy”BexpectLÊ"„) rigé)Ygo1rÐy 6·%lugit‰, -=et$4Oh q <% But==Ç.62]re÷anuaØ,„)Î easy,ò+o leEarœ+whB;"en<L5findÊ!ÖstÊü6j8 hard drive.ø©Söw is Copyr>E (C) 1993 Tpèí G—BytefgazineÞl rights‚erve³d.÷O-R„!F þˆA 2 by Omnitrend Distributed$·Impres²s RÅ/by Alan FuscoR !ments : 38|ËMhz ?ig15r, 6/40K RAM,»dš€ôýk ¾e, MS-DOS 3.ÿ0+, VGA monitor ŸOptional õ Lmoûuse,ü€, XMS, EMSM, §!cardó@i@(m•ú×dBer, AdLib,ÿ Roland, & Pro A{udiods)Copy¾ÍteÑ#: N‹90MachüùL 6DX/40, 8 meÿgs memory, 109mewg & 80ëConner¢ëhardôksW$SuperSPro 3.00Û40¢ÿutility, QEMM386ß v 7.01, HAdiskß, Dos 5.0,¢joys~U, MS Mouse, ¯Ptgrs01.05,e€2 device ¾}ù*æTh.e€g`INTROD_UCTIONCajn,Ž&¯)º#*Ò૯)Íç3 & 4 X 80%.ô* hZ$ we're gûonerŽScotty, ke=ep®)d 1 faci“Qt.‰AÌ» d./My˜:, my beautiful˜:5 aBpuÅing.‰AañomÊx+ÀSulu, HayrdQj.BLAM!‰A› dir¤hit.Ÿ1ºe.ý Eë1t 20%. Decks÷ 10-20ßortcasualf. Bonejs û50% …" crew dead?, 20% woundeñŠ1Ë log–$ wä1 abandÊhip. OUO6caÄ+6&lyCÍžeat ÿ3 UDP Heavy CruiöÊ. Weº no longmer runðm.èûhandÊ escape poÂSe†•5QÙFWAFüd-†HELP!You mýay÷#been born 10W0 yearŸ"arGo -(°_$7{but&@putsNFÔ2:²%/al»mostí 20th ¯urywant-a-be. A-pQÃE µ( 386+ t5þzPr, a vividima³ginaæ*lots[ lùote. Hopefulýlyv'encounters w­ilœveaˆpi0ndúq)anŽ&cenario abUovÀRuõof$ag¼-ï2 (ROE2)›#sequelüQ&0d's successf/ul Rules%En%H (ROE). Asâ#¬‚fq%origâª(was,éSø‘¡3ú%simplistic
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dicstor†ôareasä× mass IodapprÛoach spe…f li¿ght, gravita† pßull of objâ, etûc., ignored. In factª(]&ºä= 2< 3 dimenDŽŽÊremain4wre»viewL#concen>on8ª(-È8Inevetã3 lik½+h2 sª, €Zýfª( áKW³?, ™I O< tri"&îd ¿any scenarioco I notÄ?þ L=et,be knownE#úÉcINan EXTENSIáVE)E .7$¬designˆl2fsp-gM—#etþ¬th personalityðg{î<^ portraiót,aþÚtire bra¹ncݾ>n. To ( aØ&HNL#requÃaloä"²nn]4z. In fŸact, Imprew-uofóferieª2Develoÿpers Kit ($49.95_ + s/h) top 5.èâ5X s.Sanyone?serious aboI `%¿.y-ª#Ãq9Ë7Ÿsconsiste°<ÿUNgIVERSEî;v%kit ­'Ëe a ß.¢¨0GAME PLAYG„7„)#ˆ'=E.: must fiY­ê¯%al{egŸ), Doo÷msday Ñ3n (mediuÿm difficulty), T^Eof Duty^)m)*ßIll Wind (þ). I= wa suggestk+¡~> tutorialto`æ¯%bearÆòKbegin ]To]f DutyÙis¾^æ¯#name‚9cimulat:í ti) duty mzö±,Fedee/WorldsaÛcade3radu!D"simCple"¡Av=©in#ÿsingly greaterrïesponsib ies. Aü±ª, NEVER, EVEñR ? % Recruitß levelas \? seeØé+=+æ,ALL _s. MÀE"Äù
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5AIuš improvei%ªB¾<my appearsÄacátuã¤ñ! For ty&À*y : laymìäAð p7attempßt coordinaÖmoveHs. Oncþ,Ë;%ùp(1ë-z limituexceeded (ôv=Á"5Ls)-)5V68]?‘o ¶/Ñ;wo2EF%es½ (orlose)´> níexî9n. I%/do well smay evÅÅomûotedíè STRATEGYWt 8ŠÓ-ìÃj4¨a °>, itô-°&H/§be. ¼d þÏiderable problËems lez- firast)5Ò=¦YŽauseù³misuÞÐding÷>mփl. F¶-e c6 on ïInternet6 Compu?Serve, I am A,"ó So–4w?ps:1) MoÞhan 1 :6asÀ@)‚,U•ú, wayдZ˜ D¨+er V¿alley Forge.• oéthÈm-ts)be useºdJnnsportsAorÔ”ar“heCcargÿo to Outpost T2.W2) M˜su®% så¨5E"3ns@"tolM1 •tov*upcL6 mpº=O%7UJpicks Ù-nÃgo! Itu#LONGlöBoutp­T2 (12 -c 18 ˆÚ"depeW#γ& lengt<Ohbaƒttle%ˆ,rÄgoÿ back.3) Form a %. group‹w;˜MPS/åKÄT2ðle¯rdestroyer (méfa³P-a ˜=t) goeN ahead*¡[d¨+)5.4) ¯E"ýLBf9s isÄ_.y Ou.-T3¬) isb9t €A9ƒsens/‹³. VËERY `ng1ebe st t¿c œ.\-½.—> (T3— okh-Å$ƒnst˜;3žI\-±M2 z,no…. Attack±Mï3targetÆ8shields +—9ÄT±À$775?% power. Be¼)°ö~u1Îvadež)o Êà ata"¥ome150,000 km•¯îž³, rotate¯%"?toÇ keep QÒésto!wa ŽÎ!!,3 "?¨1/, select
asÄÎqt 7xr it. TwŽ: quickú–)D>ra}ngg T3. At 30f?½ f"T3halt /ipÇ, wait{<1Äbe rCegenÒ?>"?doÕV*m toèOe)O3 ،?¨/# hea² in.»Rep~as nec¬ryv°(Nleñ>»foxžKlessagaÏ^½^.5) Até p‘ä]Jat/y 2 piðÕi&tÏlierver8+¦WÀ* piratI^ÃXÂ.0òntra¥oQ¿manual (fixeñ 1.05). Sov%P$5ÌÄ—+ce uøª$.He7ad towPbothi&žI" u€/• ™m.!,Ž¨oncoursa‰?{0Î7s, turµ.7 180w degref6low soñtQb
&catch up|§Õ/mine detonÅ#ÿto 500,000 km. Wait forAiF+h -ab1200Ì/, #16% 112 6dõ)rÜ0Ämaximu"AIT.~†done right, Gor botè-³/—eè\_ damage. R if @~íèPROBLEMSAsP$åasª#is=Ðare, wŠªI è< s­(îL-gâå Fj6½emost,6ï.holeªceptw;,Kgs needÍáre-tˆÁht&+P*$ýJn isï flexibl7 prefeÍrrÃheoá1+m. I?t helped sus\gbeliefÐwere\¿tinct depart s-n·6n,2@ÒtFµDì]*¬mix %tch.Twtež" dec'¶NȈ$2Ð5ühilZé.
(Twfeel¡6["^ Èü:Æ8ØQby).Aþ%serious proble=m,Amy opini0œ@ªŽ{”×0âay¡ðrB¿9Æ#Xloset! SurP*taTalÝ'1xyeS*åxcellent6~6very stimulaÎ(E~ot_;e$QØ{2Û# sitM$t a ¾ú> terminal À2aò. D. NO outsÛide vs otûthan0BoOú>q*just>Õ·r a8p.ª#à,‘'6 an8S scrä‡l. Mov¡ZÏ(etc woá p"¶r(WhbrÆ uM
%fÀ* 32Xv¥is mOto LOW! D§peÕýlybds a higher5Ø+ÊéJ. 20-30ªut!+nF
a)5mapAmN°?¬& REALLY BORING¬)[ may"rea1" åëitsÖ OL…\turb¡¥"ms„0á oÅ D: a 2-¹DÏof 3-D¦& environ, y%%6ú/ed€^ed WITHOUTà anyy!aß_s)extréemE_ruÍeenemõy ‚il
e.mT-laneNre j'decoran µ$Ì"omodule (œXnst(7??) isbded.i2¿ several sma®ugyleœ-Qoriginal16p5corrC6| (?)w+em, 0jØ¡Q: virï;ug-f÷ree.ï¸RECOMMENwDATION spitew;šD4 mFoned»Jhi»ghlyöommend 2.isarguaU6Ò8³p siù"vailì CÿONCENTRATING ON ÿSTARSHIPCOMBAT.y `%² ask, "WB=Œ½.…s?"S"u'ûCoÿpyright (C) 1993¾_Alan Fusco½ GúŠByMagazine.kAll ¹tslerveï:ÿED. - Try as we ÷might,æwere comÿpletely unsuccesÿsful at all turnÿs tryingto creaÿte some screen sÿhots of Railroadÿ Tycoon Deluxe. ÿ Sorry folks. Iÿfits any consolÿation, the conseÿnsus says that wûhile4 graphics ÿareimproved oveÿr the original gûame,4y are not ÿearth-shatteringÿ, so you maynotý bçssing much hÏere.-- -RÿAILROAD TYCOON DÿELUXE by MicroprÿoseReviewed by ÿDavid PipesRevÿiewed on: '486DXÿ/33, SVGA monitoÿr, 8 Meg RAM, SBÿ Pro Requires: Ÿ386+, 640KÙ Ðorÿ better, Mouse, ÿDOS 5.0, 5MB HD ÿSupports: Rolanÿd, Ad Lib, Soundÿ Blaster, Pro Auÿdio Spectrum, CoÿvoxComments: Bÿuggy but patch iÿs out; slow at hÿighest detail leßvel.PlusãNew ÿareas to play inÿ, better AI, morÿe trains, more sßtations, Ý/ newÿ goods types, diÿfferent time perýiomo play in.ÿMinuses: Poor maïnual, smýbugs; ÿEngland map is góone;
?ls ofma÷gnific1n on mapþIe ugly; highes­t ?l of;1is3w.ÿ Tricks:Delete þSintro executabïle from Sstartußp batch fiBo el×iminatÎeÑ!sequ÷ence.¤°is an ov÷erhaulMicroproûse's7hly populaÿr game,RAILROAD¿ TYCOON. It6ta³ins R!E@than4 oßriginal, 3Wewoõrl|Qn,ð r AI and:/on4 wholeL qemu4firstY÷e. FoRose who ÿlike quick analy^† if you td S×first, €willï definitógo foró thiSkHowever,þ4re are yet a fßewbugs in4 picÃturek~2_Scautëiousne €may wa}nt}waituntil«]ix/releasºefX}bu. Be sure}ÿcheck your localÿ storeprice agaûinst4 upgrade pœù±@e is oswtoÿ registered owneÿrs- US $29.95.ýI"haven't seenû RRTß"e, a briefÏ descripb/in order. ThisgamÁûsts €as a wouldÝ-bYanspora! empÿire mogul. You þÞt out bypickióng a¯}1 on - USÿA East or West, ïNorth or
th Ameïrica, AfŽor Europe (unt7b¤"/÷no dedªed Englaýnd¯). Thenyouó chopriculty lÏevels - m hav÷e to w" about tÿrainscheduling?ï SupplyP demand? CompetitiveïýpuMenemies? Alü½4seoptions a$â#bchSfoñÅ#5ofMy,Ù!easy}¿3ùt,Mide a wideï varietychoiceÿs.The computerï knows w¥"ctual ¿major cities§, ïbut they§ rando»mly"ted - AneþY Rio De Janeirýo Ëbe a large mÿetropolis; inanÏother itosa backwards villagkïResource±!placedÿ according tolo?cal terrain,P§ÿ fairly random w¿ithin their Is.r¶e ™Þtsoutû¹a ·Ä#, showwev/erythingyon 0Q$ÿcan be zoomed inÄÔ a2P eve·n closco al4tr«ack —st1ns}beöMced—removed. An intermediìü»!Ôs a schematiÛc ofmr ra , andý¢! dis1%Z1gwhich Ô# lik*ÿnineteenth-centuÿryclockwork toyü'æ4 very satisf just Ð-4×#ûs as4ytool aroóund ð×ck, pickÚwupä#roppwoff ßpassengersP car÷go asT go.On=cem look ar4‚¯ -C I#è3ÆorþÙzen to allowtz›- 2 find an§ÿa to set up in. ÿ You build a paiër of`1s—connec*Sem·h k,P4ïn buy a Zn. Stü %Xge in sizea&¦ost,&%vaÓŸDÉo SwAd,&r1tchëarachstH- someÌ~5_best˜3!freiÎé other±!·-sp#eed  5F5ê% mv.eidcerØBn lalD5as Lvpoorysforma>ncline7ýAs1%empire growsòŒB niÑdd signaol towers€doubBæare‚5multipüÆ&+to make use òü# sIk. In adedib,ð6tribÃÜ
%Seconom^ mode—lled s2at§åilÝl üpopul1 ressourcNQndusträ´m6nggood+d ·peopleê%canú$inkvest
sp_cashŸindustry, ïî hÿotels, post offiïces,repòfaciliM$º%S%¸&}ð`1ÀÞúS canaffþcomm
eröAno`6 ô!|ð^#e's growth/P>m'tlyµd^÷ money}continueÓ. M´ïeswithžúry delivnÉ"ke?, ofcourse,*
ûetimÂt is not eßnough. Som do ýwh
ll moguls doå -mcýð brokeùr.e#çissue bondós at%¹rates upæ16currAß(which2.$s Å4 vag'(ü# economy),Pmë inv¹in¹r own stock ™haY_&ïÇpaniesê%ú$takeP a rival45¥%óëol i^r Ô!e attaÕckž&tsõck}drivïe it out¥busine¿ss. Of couröatÄ47!r ¢!Œhreeÿ opponents (allþ;4, no humans, a«las)'doš"tom tåooê5uy1%I8kfor ‡protecbQ4„tsÀƒ#J5Ñ=Ãrketÿ nervous...Dicd I $¬`e wa)ilowšnkÔ#?Aö(~ progresses,1%¯opponent)llïe ùafM€(and vice versaifm´ƒ"cÏutthroatïì#on")¦[H runŽ%o €$rfer's`1ä#ecla¦^# war. T}woVHî'bothhÎaccessÖ16town6 tIeldeÍrs'voteûSend žü#year onW viùde„"T service. ÿ A 2/3 majority sseemKsneeded«win,B$upT" lþ'sèZ9Úd Û3 square°Òdirß(/'S«winn/et)pr;inbse˜QX cyc4ÿ Becareful, becÃauseÛwßü3 doeŽ¨t lookk·4s>†holders!f8s×}upgradȍ%ô+*(im4s new onýesomeavailabl˜T1%Ís ch[H tÃailo5LJL²) onlySÍ)k12¼ù(s ÓwhilÝbewflexkibleå'h Lick\8ºpecialÊ7y,Æ way}Ñ«" extÿra dollars.Eveontually,¦Gbecoxowerful enough}LI—operìðo®89' 45À4profitÙ!˜'æ7mic ª&ïbined 2ÅtP(1%erst—*õ#{s shS satisfyú$öSmostÝ*-hungry‹sim ëctÀ4RRÃT isv¡/*—challeng *}On16X=ñiomb_familiarl&Sold d+n,t¥2N«" changZy mX÷obviou±!cosmetic.The EGAE@ü#92=l ) been re›$&ÿsharp VGAgraphics–3`kE+Í#/been repd,V±"ÿ beautifulcut-sýce£ But as farœV÷(ps go,à'Vifð\ )u%Ôtransfe}rrºit-for-bit;þ°1just adequate,¿ easy to usePcÃolor*Ê$ß»!too Ãclut#—Min u›gly.ŸB if€çdealvKU@F s,4idô-)sno?"jarring.8$À;„+lso yÈ%In particular,¢9·qzooŽ")m§8Myan XT!&/Sodd,*~2godlÅý dIin magnificaî=#t runsK+ snappÍilJStil£›coulÅd )b²L0+ manGƒrA- ™5y iÀ·,labeled ‚%ÂËux<)2¼,á *exÇactly*áF‚%9B excepSat c-Mæ_gone6¦3 tutoróial ±"Ye! My fr§iendsr) nØ tÛriedàbefoWeporÖ,archwin­wing frustrab˜PMOscenario8do+YblI. WA aiàõL~Sce, curreÑnt@ô6 b¹suit!ed}2'W?w ïz^ dow,Several l*s ¯Kmade16ƒel)f.Á$•e—seÚ-¯K£addeB;-s …#Am×erica,‰c,~ern ÿUSA, Western USAù, –#P Africa inÇ separì=À$isiÎ)great \R’-am h+appy}re a);wovariety Ôhall¢,tw²Sh•AnUõpp¬toÑKplanned K+§efulã#''D=ofÖ+y value,u%tÀªKE _alsoV¡umbeó5rtwda|Û scenario,ESÞ& diffe´~eÂ%¯progressZFÚ!is point¸ÀEJ;kyd.8$UPe had 21×#ùs;f 5 +»fÙ!32}ã128,*`1 limit/š*32x›î@mprove$, althfãwhyá&`_ wasãt‚,:d  puzzlDÕ Ppsšs?:addr#íÖ"+KT=¶nÒ%One}~(4 ñ#c9½s'…( value, *8 u;ltimìresult*¶C:loot4irtËurp(ÛFl?no lonn2cs!Á$;any (䃳'bà"R/( ? nowO depende-ttwÏafully ÿ*× rai/lroad gow S d)X-)@›#his,* IÝád9àôH harder Ûme - I(·@ ,Ç4HmicÑ?o <E'?.Likewise,Ô°¥luonì&±!a - dµea>ss˜giviå AªSe·erÄ#s,àonly takesdÛ(war,€2 cyclNÌloss, togetªIkü#X-F.‘oö(¿C÷q}tsyUsenet refÿ$a slightw_[ro7utines†0movY1ˆ5PT"¯}O·d ¾s çòš: f¹~odd circ÷umstan6 Likewiø›Û[detail fre]ake, menus§ n¤}nglick-and-h{¯selector#/y Ìrequ`a seco¦{E.‚!an itœ O/+‘#° rel–/a »fix K%is sai· eÖBnateÔm(glar”problemsS%[ûòÂ%onØ'Ô readme ÷gives Èlittle x$ða·,disconceÍ.Zäeemanys,únsmüZ, ÛŽ(u$3Fa È7iac*/3.Ií+know&`;manuW›*73»<á Ími‡ be `:’I as‘suMÑ. oþàtoúôis>,owners upoýnŒest; I hope Íso‘yway
U0Tycoson D-æ so-so¤S°[È/*?. It,bÁet4BO/+firs…t,OnkÙf< /eimÊ5ri.'d}n{l shaQrpÉãvrwœunl*-d,5=for(t-}Z— Musicø s¹–;mp×etent,¾a Ãanno>¯ after awŸx)C AI Ç9ÑKw?Wi+(õ pz, `JfromMic/roProse,¦Gfiº%*-'gem ofNó.es¿¬Öd;Howf, •-ex[pectÌ mucMreS/º`kn;¾,ur visof¿a "deluxe" d+n Õͱ;$—#Ý=A±' bells—£sț'on'tËhapp+Öä3refCopyriÿght (C) 1993 by ßDavid PipeÒ.Gameÿ Bytes Magazine.gAll rãservñ¿ÿED. - Another onÿe! Please enjoyÿ these two revieÿws of Sierra's cÿlassic,Space QuŸest V--- -ÿSPACE QUEST V: ÿTHE NEXT MUTATIOÿN from Sierra-Onÿ-LineReviewed bÿy Brent Sampson} Ü? Computer Þß Graphics ÞMemoýryÞ Disk SpaceÿMinimum: 286/1ÿ0 Mhz VGA, EGÝA Þ 640K Þ 8MBÿ (17MB w/Compresÿsion)Max/Rec: ß386/16+MhzÞCoÿntrol: Keyboardÿ, Mouse Sound:ÿ Pro Audio Specÿtrum, AdLib, SouÿndBlaster, SBPro}, ·d Source, Y@ÿ Roland Notes:ü¶ Õ0 compatible ÿwith music-only ×cards.׏L0 ver¾™ 1.04 on: ¡ , ï1MB RAM,È Blastóer; Y@Ø 386/25, 2MB RAM,SBPRoY þL er recommends:®3!5+, 2MM+² e,ÿ SB-compatible, ÿVGA.Only thoseÿ who have been sßtranded onð dar÷k sideùthe moonû forðpast seveÿral years know n÷othingùRoger Wiëlco ƒ! S2@ serieûs. û? "space-buÿckling" janitor ÿhas always done ßa fine jobùwalk÷ing aÆ line: ÿMixing puzzle diÿfficulty, plot, ÿand bathroom humÿor without anovÿerabundance of aýny|1three. Whilÿe it is obvious ×which û/s¨s su7ffers B an öqðÿ Laffer -- er, lýata(LEISURESUIT LARRY), bothð POLICE QUEST çwKING'S¤Qs haveð¿distinctionùexëcessÎinð firstzó. t Quest, t!ÿ otherhand, hasÿ always challengÿed, satisfied, aßnd tickledm"unny¹ bÃôoutgoÎtoŸo far. It ~C ßaverage onD a's ÿbell-shaped curvvTHE;`is no gÿption, although ïit pushe²"edges þ+" envelope in ûall e categori÷es moran its four precessorsw®›o;andòdoÎsoï, pusheself twÿo letter grades ?higher. It ‘2¾l expectac ü~ä!graphics, soyun•"í! justifyðÿ price.A FOR EÿFFORTWell, sinÏce exams–'3seemÿ to be a motif, ÿwhy not continue÷ it? ˜Ao's firsýt ‹2e in The Nex“t Mu;# pai"~St÷arCon Academy'ÿs Aptitude Test,Î}"ne he ½€stud÷ied fo®Flunk itö youj!to restoÿre a game (get ußsed to it,Ô'll ûrestÿ"e gameoft¹enò~courseùSQoV), but ¤ it çÿyou become captaýinùyourvery owÿn starship!ButÏ how do
¤ a t¨
[n'ÆSr?y,þÔ cheat. AsChÿarles Barkely would say, "I am’÷ a roldel." AÇnd nei€ ˜r.CìDÁdoesæ!captaiýn ý starship hey bFt4involvedòýanÞinterstellaor caper ƒD... çýsiû"Yoda-speak"þ now a motif,Iîìmentioú#cameo ßappearanceé Darïth Vader– Obi-W×an dur¦#e#partü|1ô. Don't mis~²em! In fact}ø Þ1¼ryto noti÷ce ALLð cameos,ï spoofs,–"ake-ofßfs. Most +" cha¿racters,forkmpø^Ä$v# directly üBð Industrial ûLigh
$Magiccost'ume deà» (ôðç excepc2Ãannoyiÿng mailman from ÷acertzBoston b½arh acts asÔr ÿengineer/mechaniõc)]lles are hi×lariou% aŠ% sceýne²at prominentlyfeaturee!µzý wf particularl{y a m%nepisod—y- ŒÎmultiplyÎþ Monkeys.RISEû OF 9ROGERWha÷t make²ese scenáes– U–™“n general,stand out±2ÿnew technology, ÿpreviously utiliõzeslyòDynamix¿titles like èUDRûAGON– WILLY BEA?MISH. Now, §$5&Ÿx is aparD@- cLine}CZ~bestùþ"universes (or ÿis that"universÿi")? The Next M£utat½skctdha½t.¯ largelyentçainsS¼2G#c stylïe, desigÚnd "to?uch-and-clic¯•ÿface but mixesiþ46x's comic bookù /'g novel sty³le. ™Úult \n ¾ø!ntcollect½ofþÃimate close-upªé m•s çmaÿ1eûsitu‘ns. With ö÷%"cut %s," play8΋†$smore<&+7ÿan animated moviÌ#þ pre"û/ titûle.ñeis possible?Š&G3š%GcC"ùþ"aretop notch.žkwre gorgeÃmi»nuten#ruesomA#neûxt, never badäæ!~anû½is smoûoth,,&zing a new£ conׂ¨&a ôs:ü EtG. For instaÿnce, Roger happi¯ly obeysÔrªy ƒcommƒÈc~÷ fûumblttrips, or ûfallþAndI'll skwear}enÁsitsòkhis x$n'Šair,
óstep"ðtelepor|ÍÁmoves just<&ÿWilliam Shatner.¹‹Ldtrack usûual û/ quality -Å- —4--–"ŸÉ eff÷ectsaenerallyöž", al¥gh, like܂(5 when ˜!flatÿulatesevery tim}e Ÿits in his Ïir, they($ rep¿etitive (punÃenûded)]HAT'S NOT TO LIKE?So, T¥>~repetitivemh§þó# isperfect, r¿ight?Not s¬stzä& mx require»ì•ð box a hoaùx.Š&ôwill run þ„ a dream on a ÷486/66$for thoszü uo remainù#eprehistoric ZÏuter era{dhe "ZA1 RF1ed RIs")§do. Pl,'¤"t ´us¯e is impg'e,„au¿se sometimes}"nlÃyreý#‚ä' spee½d.Šerefore,Ô need at least a3K, orþeŠK,h#É a|ðh 1Š will>’ load DOS +æ!N¼9leaveÔ´)en memory *)ó#š% m³ouse.ó4evenðh7a 386 ç1 MBù_ I was unaòtoÀ)ð~!m¯7ô.SpeaknÎof speanyt”; les²an 25 €eorobably «slowäN‚characa³GI »$Ÿned above ô%˜!prÿetty hesitantsowmetime(d ofteúyernômuch goi•=n l" backgroÔ¤â—(thÎ>(5er stiùllFÓ# can't reaïlly loweÞ)detailsetting, becam‡switch¦3Ÿ*!‹†isÎ<ewatc”™ Wizýarc Oz on a blaýck– white televÏision.b~diskñ suö4€a probleím, inteîing. õInð/ d‰ofULITMÿA VII or STRIKE COMMANDER, SQV {relaÚly smallG) about 8 MB(t*çsaved ô to acc?ount). But ôìrZress½utilit½y„ Stacker
Doks 6,ð n saryC+þ±e jumps to 17 ÿMB. Gofigure. ÿ [Editor: SQ5\ƒ(Ê*dry 7
Coõder,î—|Ÿßfilesautovcalléy,ô€e'Ä physiScal e+0+(aPen°÷ doublj"theoret{icalè*) by usiÁ~‘Kd drive.]TL¥;~humo®"no‚*ÿbeats MONKEY ISLûAND  II forpu?re hilarity,™£€~ï quite up toÄ´)itspred 3.#¸ðŒ{8@;ifferents kincí!. Ima€øu!8,ûbetween "Soeinfeld"¸&Thre§¿Company." LÂJoçhn RitÍä' seems&vforcA#dyi%^èv^]s Ý9collabùor‘&ô Sprint...¼ \nnoying,ßull¤*çhas©laceù3l*$, if work‰<Ûem..PRIN YOUÿR COMPUTER STOREÿ AND GET A COPY CIfÔí/D Î's,ê3ªP+QVæ!ifÔ'v@'ed¥ aD aô5el@$ k6²whatð manYÀ*Ïe (they'ݝ5ame)æd
 wòÕ(+« val…s „ (¨'r™e ô"±me),–Ôk=|%expect'm.J¿!"MCf P€heË C aŠge!û? bell-shaped curve§Áen=H n{ò#mingñ i=%´À‚ Their ø3+“„ tennis baMllæYou'ÛRon—)öûseenðm all.ÁFo+92[©'¯yed Ê@t,
a û/Ú6adven®, pickPV:¶™ƒ. YBould(a lotworse,I=“*(®m betteM(isõ/w ïis Copyrï (C) 1ï993 by B: Sampsú! GàBytesMagaÿzine. All rightsžÚerved. @êPV B@a HNimeshÇ Shah&Q^`dp MðÚ)Ý/q eMinimum Ý/|Ú_VG‡ Ý/Š@þÝ/~ 9 MBMax/Rec. Þ386SX ÓÏù ÿControl: Keyboÿard, Joystick, Mªç („mm¹( È : ç AdlibÒ0Ë@B Pro,þß d LAPC-1/MT-32ùÜ?L0 on: 486/3y3,9, SB Prom( card.Rö›?ds‰: ùS?-cï@Lwrdø2P±2latest seq“uel l#seüùadventure/role-+7à3+—ŽáM€famili í-Ar)~áóP:›o,è*ó jany– superh}erÕtraordinaràÿ#Ð%—)öt gradÓuatei%~Su Aca_demy, earnîma–$ own~4p,–ù3prOocess, 0 u…&î¹Alongä' Wilco's journeyÅ/Æntless obstaclü%¼Ú!trangingi%eswcaping wraty|¿a mad female–roýidvavoidingcomÅ àeŠisß( ìX#S7fouruRepisoÿdes, is full of» jokü% makesÄodöon e€Jincludingª Trek çRr 9Wa&™ storyÓü%Ï dialog ¹e(provside *˜ entenûningßeplay, espƒecia˜¯cñ)friend` Úß#+h T*oaiCforw]ç Like"æl inst9ruõZ- kept 7tp—Ñ.¯'os okay~Hg at t}œ, eas2 get stuU³Lt È+"U0 Þ1? soluve® ayÿ8 assisáÑe ¦"í-rs
thrL»BhintÓBuö˜"ûpuzzKCfu^d challngu‘I³LÅ/‚roC-;Jofì9P– guêhim onóhis@0>an pick Çup objá(mï, loÑokVärrningsrˆ4te",other ;:Ï0ÃF¢s T5æ)–y k/‘)e joystiU(Ësupp9d 8œ, awåkwÌtoäø8ovemenÌ…¤=screø1 acçcurate$
can adxA8uracy. áŠÃ&es¤ f­%|ó_e aspareÉU%RGon€Ì£%ÔSÅ
|%Pp r*mot&ò3,giviqurd‘to|%crew, mš<&inË Trekä#fo{llow*protocoð.V#(gets monÿotonous; it's siými™to following`Á¦ü"ê©6Poliœ0ßes. But/s6affectgø 2*muÐ!¼>Ž?á)reXellentSâ4F^8ÓBof9 „=*! VGA a>13Ï Althoug¾ÖsoluÈ6dy æ(•ly 3{00x2ž56 colorö5creeZ- digitizÕed^ haãpaød arqt.ñ"ô5mWppear 2N^²an one w U-40owçolutߊ&,v/\lso årbS–2?s an originÆn! tTÐ0nX'rež!» a -dblastÐ$ eénhÇ$Œovxl feel@†‹¯‹1 ò*qm 02m(6backgrn2üicØnets ˜Ÿ<·g aftÐ fewûut¼3Ýtunately‘: tQur÷ã$Vta›djý6Œvoluç O¯1n:\ vòfunny EñPÛ/{CuAl€(zp‘7wficultvsolve,<4ie ”¾ 8' bor¾or frustra¤ä&NC$Evd,ÓFje,t l[Cé did¾ enc:Öny bug1<4
à…S—3˜C+Émemoryæ·(siveéu encouun>*yò*ms, it+?|*¸¯y ä8^ a ÷clean Ãbootdisùk.=+g*were no oböT'bugs
hang-upsºŽll3all, „-hÕ`a ˜ worŸthy sequelvŒcl§assic t]—?e’/. ´8þH. N}h S.ªh ~ÌGame Bytes ZNø’î(served.Ì
ÿZONE 66 by Renaiÿssance and Epic ÿMegaGamesReviewÿed by Daniel G. ßKennett ÛOComp{uterÜ?GraphicsÜ?÷MemoryÛODisk SpaßceMinimumÞ 386í+ Ú_VGA Ü?2meg. ûram Ý/2 meg (4.5ã forPÉÿÙofull vÿersion.)Max/Recù. ,ð<0m Controÿl: Keyboard, Joyÿstick. Sound: ÷Adlib,™ Blasterÿ, Gravis Ultrasoÿund Notes: Reqÿuires DOS 3.0+. ÿ Cannot have anyÿ memory managersß running,Ü? incÿluding himem.sysÙ. õ? on Ý/ : ÿ486DX-50, 4meg rõam§€d.ãPer recomÿmends: Play this game with anþPïA warÑ lightþêmy Heads up diÿsplay had starteÿd to flash, warnÿing me that my ÿshield power wasÿ below 25%, I waÿs taking too mucÿh enemy fire. ÿI flicked on a bÿank of switches ÿto activate steaÿlth mode, realizÎEtoo lI I dûidn' enough fuel. The%aS?!Eÿmore often now.ù [Qseating, myÿ bomber couldn'tû tak“is kind oÿff punishment. çSweat :AÄd uponþKforehead. I hÿeard a piercingÿ whine above theÿ din of explosio½nsë plasma i, ÿit signaled my ÷demiseÈ shields were goneötpïleft hop! avoid~ AA fire beEûsent2by a gun bÿattery. A suddeÿn flare blinded ÿme. A sharp paiÿn lanced throughÖKchesáItS oveír,KbombR! finisÓhed,l\go! dieÿ.ZONE 66 is a ÿnew 360 degree sÿhooter from Epicÿ MegaGames. Zonÿe 66 marks the ×first gew^rele÷ase by"emo grouÿp Renaissance.ßGRAPHICS callùy,´2›beautiful.ß The terrkis wÿell drawn withlÿittle extras yoou might Ánotiêyt ¾áFor instéüê¼Arctic leveÿl, small footpriÿnts can be seen }in snow leadEÿup to what appeýar| be a blood ÿbody covered in ïsnow. Wextrasù sdTirds, clo/uds and [ ¼ö›nothEshort of? visually stÐ £ÿarget graphics þ^also exquisite÷, from EnviroBwubbles3final &{l toHe myriad odifferenÀips,åRûsureCmake you cÿatchyourself adûmiri`he artworkîle getÆ blownþCbits!SOUNDçC.C. CÕ¥uld be? congratulaté åcrÅon ¼excell~Ámusical sco¸¾I accompany"ifÿferent levels ofô´2£! sš effectð4Qo#
Rre also îptiona†well done.Gravis Ulbþš (GUS, herein)ç usersPYfor a ûtreaáGUS ownersÇ willøy¾Cmusi·cal scµthan oýne ` owners wil/l hear, pinK:Ÿion a bett£0"n «addi, ®d A4aôu$¥eo!a GUS. ½IfPb opens fFon8Ò©"¼left,9#šÍ w©comeëD7 speãaker£!~ distawnce fì4playerR$]hao effecáEx2¿, guns etc, #$reO outsid¶9#cr6ü…=$ suitably diäáIfÒ¤ a GUS I recommend Õß game. On"own Ýsiˆthese Ådwhen¿ produced o#SoÞÆBlaster Å$dullþë muted, while ÐþWy ^criýspë clear.GAMïEPLAYZæBa fun ØC, af‰spenþÛ an hour or two of frustratµœEa certk"# mùislYStrike Comÿmander its nice oto justMableCóreaplrable ma7yhem, shoti%pëthenMo¿ed a cµhatotinudAho bliss! îpare=v™$ther¥2s outåreåRahì;% pack.Ç All ;%9v^pla¹ye¯› direc: ïforward.¾Zone66ôP&fr 2maneuverŸ his/her ÃYanêKre n.ð"combinHÖ%E’#s,=$ë ú~in fun makesApPQÀ4Canyone!ÿ library.THE RÿEGISTERED VERSIOgNIf à com$k lov“e ÁBversµ“I wo[Egê# rÇegiste4ð&–It h_as a total 8 &ûls, V 20 ships¾Ò#an pilot, žmuËscia“$esëõ%littýle3like unlimiä<¡, ‚o#invulnerability. At =os $45(US)ðÖœw3\ worth7Þ. ç Don'té impre¡ssµI#%#lsP gýoi`o be as easy𕼵83hareware>j0, the fur:Òû go, harder thýeyé. FINAL WOƒRDô†`5$ŝ' e­itŠits ÁBorZgiª¥edIm.e a‡alç note,–!‡d it aãnoyi‘'Ã&booteÿvery time I wish°o¾%W( but÷ fatal.-- Spec/÷ThanksCJoshua JóenseŸå Tim SweSeney ¬ ð?s xŸtheir assi#ë qûuest"nswered.-ý-d Review Copy}ri (c) 1993 ûùt xò Bytes Mag¿azine.All r*s ?reserved.µ1ÿMIG-29: DEADLY ÿADVERSARY OF FALÿCON 3.0 by Spectÿrum HolobyteRevÿiewed by Robin Gï. Kim Ü? Compuûter Ý/ Graphics ÞÝ/ Memory Ü? Disÿk SpaceMinimum o 286/12ÛOVGA Ú_û1 MBÚ_6 MBMax/R¿ec. 486/33+Ô¿ 4ÿ MBControl: Kÿeyboard, Mouse, ÿJoystick, Dual Jÿoysticks, CH Fli»ghtSu Pro,ÛOThÿrustMaster FCS, ÿRudder Pedals ÿSound: Adlib, Sïound Bla“, Rolaÿnd LAPC-1 or MT-ÿ32 Notes: Supÿports simultaneoïus SB orÊPro anýd ¯ . Requires ÷603KBÛOof free conventional m!ÿy.Reviewed verÿsion 1.00 on: 48ÿ6/33, 8MB RAM, CÿH FlightStick, MCaxx ˜ @Ø› s,Í ùo. ó er recommeÿnds: 2MB _read-ownly_ d)cache,z0ýk,Á SB-compatib{le s¨ card.àÿúð?isõ's latestûaddië to its Elÿectronic Battlef¿ield Series.Žisß add-on toîO0(a¿ stand-alone÷0 iÿs planned for laþrelease) lets ÿyou fly one oft¿he hottest f erí jÉevercome oÿut of the formerÿ Soviet Union, tÿheMikoyan-Gurev÷ich Miá Fulcrumÿ-A.The basic g?ame structurÐî_ÿremains unchange]d.Že sameÒatÚÿ(three or six ofþõm, depending oßn whether Ëalsoû ownõOPERATIONÿ: FIGHTING TIGEÿR add-on) are usÿed for campaignsý, Ñno newplanes or ground unhave been adde%2ÿtwist is that noÿw you'reflying ô¿éotDside! Ißn Kuwait, ¿examÏple, youØ!d SadÿdamHussein agaiûnst éCoalition.¿ In Panama,® struggle to ousÀ"ýWe“nimperialisÿts so Central Amÿerica can finall³y beãõ masofû itsJdestiny. } Tùanual cont¾× backgw"inëatio?n on all sixõ-sjust like inõ{ F3 ÑOFT manu%ß but from éoppoŸsite pointçô;ßthis makesd intýerng and ofteno ironic ;ing.&"ërestç!e6# lives÷ up toõ high standards set byõ¯ others -# s!ßSo what's ébig Ÿdeal with M£!n?¿ You trade Ïhowt fighforanœ"þÑshoot down (orý, -# author's caþqget shot down by) F-15Eagle‹ÿstead of Su-27 F×lankerŸSaäld sÿtuff, right? Wróong!&"29 Fulcøø¢÷y differen¿t beast from.#-1÷6 FighX Falcon ¾‘"used to f•g,¼Zõ qualitiuniùquÔõ MiG are a®À"heart Ñhià la¾ë.FLIGHT  mÿost striking dif?ference betw€éËtwo »es¹-# mod©el–Ñ! f‚t ro›l me"isms#?-2÷9 uses¯!ard hydr/aulic fl cf Ÿ!íe »e's ƒ4surfacýesA linked direóctlyépilot'sª|k Ñru™ pœ m¿ovements, soõ pþr will do anythü–Ëtell itto dßo, even ifø"aneuyveE’ attempt–will overstres˜#ÿairframeor cause é»Ô;Hƒ$llÜc‚t.Coèst töLwith46's "flyÿ by wire" system¾Œ"requires c rs?to translatÉ4?pedal inputsT⾯Te movementŸ!eŸ$ cf LEO%taskþçroutine flyingÿ easier byautom7atical¿rimm–Eô¿"giYirspeedsç, damp–Ÿ$path goscilljetc.k"– notowÚDex{ceedÿstructuéor dynamic perëÿance envelope.ð'ÁŸç1F-16's "Big Brœr"LEAŒ"¿they don'taÏEil™otõ@cretéMiýG Ät has of excÑee>õî5e¿brieõf àod‹ emergenïcy situaës; if þb judiciously, žM cangiv%)a ÿdecisive advantaÿge.In practice\e šDƒ$ls‚E"yþŸrably morechacllen¬Íthan4É6.&"+&mu/ƒcareçtrimmi5&q"¿tain a givenÿit£ude,/$L­ bõne®ñry timeª4ai?rspeed changqè!þ+&wants to avoid3 hav–÷pply¢~Wt forw˜orkw˜¾È$pressure j×toû main pitch. MÇostlyM¹( a mõineho6takes so×me getX u($, bu÷t it b3esimporïtant in Îs whenº®r åv rapid[suÿch as aftercuttŽ¡%rottleZ'¡5ai¼>ƒwhile go–Maÿch 2. WithoutapQplãžm,®'dûÎÔ hold éÈ$abou÷t 3/4 7" wayforûwardœ6level at s¿uch a high sç. Í W #at mĶ diaÅle,Ë­’e it? off quicklylËdecelerate, orÚt;noseÕnso f‘çll red®4 negatÞbGs!OwnŠof T7hrustMû"FCS Ñ€€¹ j{0ß$be gla)lûearn6e "coolie Óhat"¹fuósupp‹orte%It_Õb tÓoad(žm õo swÿitch between cocÿkpit views; a siÏngle keyöggleµsgDesl$mode’Whàˆé¶wD¢lways ¶ent,èhaps/or;e nowabledbDdßinvolves pm resßponse. WhY' pulŸl back on¨GÄ tsurn ÑEbeginsÖ"h up¹s,ÿ AOAß (angleofÿack,0Ç#}o8&irec‹!Û4ȹŠ'æ(e¼$it's¾E#ing) graduœ rûisesan equilib#riumE#Z¯ysÒBŒÊ!inueõãÇIf¬®á'off ) su sOmoothly,º&m/tä òß$dropå/4ûß$·graduaóretuAo ßzero. Howß, if>Î"uddenly ceUcIÖSa haºurô! nosÅe qè'È(ÕnwarédslElisitselfØv35I oflow _(AOA snaps9). !/ effect ïbeçD?ronounced giòn¾"'s abilityat~Ã&n extremely ÇFû(much{D V6^mapµ of)Ÿhout¯/lling--iªtiàò°d )²9couldeaÿsily swing 25 de³greet¯e. TLrotaë¹alar¸R‘"®ÌreadyR#t,Z mÏay cause®pull˜v½¦ cou¢9¿9dò(n51%ll~*Ñeò8 again, enteriYÛcyc~nownlPIO ý(p-induced osc‘ilP$ë)fstµav
oi§isiöÓ%È$܇IX transÅningºo8 h˜maneuvë Ø'þ%DmputŠfiness—8ansië;F dïoesn'th¢' worry— aboutõm.Ж(is°Æ7/!$greastŸability,aàený"&_ã(é:+*ZNie/ hisÜ$idÎ{zable ;M+y advantage at lowÉ'z’OtDpitfallswaó®¿-#4Ÿ$w$ï includeÕlingtíoo
y GsZ damagܖãestroy–(yes{, _dÈ;g_) your®?craft,and eU–ïa severe5* whichü_’ily develop íin÷n un"Espin.½Z)'re a reâm fanatic like m­"/'ll loveõseo4¾‘lfeatures#y ›make#imul#” iïnvolvingØ it feelÞen¯e<%¿ a real airpr. Q IÀ7ƒa ,of>wå,’ghk"ó) somewލfrustrat–at fÿirst. Fortunate}lyd thosewho& w/+k Mÿ*Š,$öõ hasùvideda Ïvariety ä%Ll opúës,lusual. AlÙl Gd;est ¿l("=Reâtic," whþd _not_ rØ /¼coßprocessor  F3'Os Hi-Fi«[(s)Éâ™emsÚDd®.A mÍajSmproo%r FALCON 3.0¹Ðõ "å*#F3'sHi-FiÆldΟ:bug in0.alwa™ys"JannoQmelD,—nicebe a}to enjoyõËI5|ä3“haBworry <­'j glitche‹3$\-l.bseem9Með¿f heavy ordnì l•oaÃrew$edoinŽ4as welÕt%de3fini“_not lì¬3holdÿ energõy .l X fullylGoaded,:@šBhaz)ad(NÙ-[-֏topB*at.OBÕhi5F%œ¯!s ®ð'.}G"8-e sheer ÇpowerË}@tap.ñ ‘;^çfuel (1153 gal.)y&4.ançamazi5t-to-wýeiratio of 1.4½7!†> maximum®-táo-‚?“7wo R-2Ï7R Alamo¡¾ur R?-73 Archers,ª-q oŸzö 1.35,Þ+ò35 heaviß?†#;rdnaeincludÚj$gameÎ%s(f[Ú.Ò.§4500 Lça ‘),&õ T/Wà.¹st…)Iur  o` Thoug¡~l$Isotov RD-33ã×bofansA sàto sopool up,õtre5‡ous amŽç!õy produce ÿ˜#q>ncredibleacð'ëZÇ enablqgB*effo/rtlesslyñ$du¹÷ñy¬÷4¹. Playe ccustome)D¢%þîß$probab<esurp5ri(4in§emseƧÛottl–way Ø durX–=*ing²tsÛJƒover¾X3KZr-¬="T)arge*Anœ"no ta}
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icul stop éô$Ca ÿnattituÇde, gi½->4Pppy .H when Zar`Á$èþa,Hd)+ seem átoÕµ– s quicCkly.ì)f*ÂOsliHôk"Ld ¢ttribute÷d part¿Dtwin-engƍlayoæ1:WveraIlly&«kn "Çmsö)vyvinc–despitãWsmino]awÐnd¹œ
Nªtep up<#3M'sÞ%VIONICS  avi0”/¥[`both¯(È0˜m&ý V6's. BÜò¼dashbo˜gaugüµßxtra indicat›ors ) HUDd "f$€$Cn,:ìleF9×Ì)’yenw find •u neË„ ž-ýonê few instrum2Örô,:chec¥^ 4w(F'un–unatÁßECM (elect`cco/untermeas)Afd®²'m.ó%Š6arriQ[importB%˜#þà(;ŽŒ\G's 30õmm.n .a laser ßrangefinde»#autoÅmafi¹watw
àfiheK2X–F§detect9-;irËsoñlud¹ŠnachievðË_*3˜#cannon dŸeadly accuuZ hƒelps>ø"[Ç>ùiniscule 150 rouzmmIad--ää9'a ·few 5-#bursîo«disa} tsß.Second,.#ulcríum¹ ECMjKy builyt-µÙ$re's no Ð& tie²ÿdpF'ry)ô podì+|Õin short suppl‘yway. MxDô¹ aåls¡en*=Ú gener_al. Radarû7w ¢-Ýe÷chievecermi=ttlock-onsS7ngoing strugglµˆ4% Æja %B%“Thiirë"&'s©met î‡quippeɈ  m onocxs öÜ'&GïHelmet MŽed Sysïtem (HMSÓ:monocloe allowsVode{ÜV‚targetftsidv%HUD ‡'in padd0wÏíãnso5¡”\lyBfu_Lbiòon1>/off-boreßsightcapa tiesîú5missil‰/carrie87ÏËshots ;ä"‹ farm$I
%rcraftfpoin@Œ$¡Cn=provid”omeaOAma| §!(DïFS/t È/identifyã2 iÛ(7ghemispJ fart
åaw0 Aö@added ?HMSdisplay,æ3wÁw OÁ?+®8£2 ranígeþdoutzstatuis (î/leÍ!know± Î×; brakenrburûner cinuse.Fourth Èß*P'y&ì$binfr¶ searcþó$track(IRST) sx¸#Ð_ undetecy É~)rackã2Ñé30 mi†–$ Notã.ï¿he IRST immuÕ%EC‰M,F—"itÒ'O£o osneakup2bandMÈck bef°n*ï.ž²(d, since[_ keeptabs2×
( beyond visualÀ$Ä1:liv‡,ßÖ#'s rúM#arù receiver.óÅ!˜MSzF%cT•os· be]eguˆ3roËgram(s€ªmallVùblem/atl*u l(ú usm4HMS (in pa?dlockview) U-›$¹ww,DE£ lJdðí6Ö#M(£visual vUe--aß% annoyìÐ/,F%Î):#n K bigger bug"kì'UJ-… 87%s –1: u|ž[rradar.Yot**poÌ/ d¹isé ¿19y ÷6ê5don'tôì!ea OnÏ=p óýTX1su.*(0U-w!ÍÕs–alµs.Ô*navi¹gad5can't ¦$y Ÿa map, so Ý7' y2[po+ distìÒ.
$9nsaL mgUe–Ø(xÆpath 9µIqts'íÎstray Bxh•)/,™'or_öe*fairomplete,Î0 lacks›3¯ngeindicatoZ"K=¡'anà ILSêC"@«%fsimi%la£c÷B¹Vs,0fûa biÔre difficuålt usi!œotalt8x!|patterX•Hڜ^a or waég re ceiv—itâ´ gprimitælack :|G dçnguish 9·8b•yp$o6"bigg߃minuã]«C=yÍGbombt.ªWïîÞplay a&tinuouûsly +edimpact ¸Iw$|perforÉss¥ bng$Ht ¼$cyŽ¤fbombs¬"al‰ibuÔr z )k ÿprofile: a 30 dÛegrevew rele~^at 2000' AGL/,ß approach |, anyûwher¼( 300-550kCnotsø!à6»‰)seÚ,p8¡)priate+Œ›I aimË6(Ê va¿lid. Needlesã sóay, Ëis _far_ðM,‹@Ó9ü-9.Someuthm$at¹ long ? misj©F3t>|G ˜l&U'ôairs™se`<+Š2O
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!ÿã.six ð'Ø!“$y weaponÄÅ7·P1¾­Comp0Àm$€oN (asó=_å) ›'eœ—multip?le ejector rK1 e‘=-mounÚ!;ÑmàD, aockeâ5d.¾#8# MERs,4Þi8hCould&¿þÅ hold 12 500 líb.Cbs, gexampl~2Evenworse, Û— inn[woC•1¨ ô}to# Kh-23K¹erùÀ.surfacD.  W+])úg~"~ must chooseç&#=ön'efully± flyin#áik$û?œ.m. Yoóu'llËP± along j–barešno=|6e ëjob jnoge.BeÀóþ¤ÞE-¾s se„DofþlÿN\Uliûmite†In particuklar,anÑadia¿)žZti-ship 4NaëvailÍ.U campaŸign logic Ð:²og[nizeKMiG ¾ot¥’ s$¶gÿ\ßß*ü Oa ðm DÿNovell network, Ä>~hiiS¤N“( setñup?/[Ìayers (oWne, in—cƒof¸Ÿodem link)W0b0 a§gainstº)úinw6sŠýf,›eBZ9Ê#s casСß<•j%AåieldC2U1Õ9ba&Tssigne Õp|Ø!(1žo topÈffE™¾o ü2Å•Þ{rmine ifAenemÙy Ípuen "r is£ beiàìéa û person oréF*/erd¡.€t x9Ö5ealiF8×communf$ns1Ienha
nc*dsh ýíFò=er†% establiÍsháconn» Vi– feedbO?c%9¢YEte_9è[ƒ: dmsSometߧ"as^ l‚»d up*machinPCONCLUSION·ÿ4‰'woŸrthy opponb¹F6.r& advanta-¹Û=Bá :f K,'trÛols,‡formó,ma—neuverø"y,«6'ndæqNgiveyI&haractÍerÞ'nct+'Úredescessl¨)Electr­ï Battlef* Serie§s. Lea»'in@d „Úv#he¿{)1Iù.of+ funÅ mMo+Ñ…en¹nÀJþ¥?\,toÿ MIG-29: DEADLY ÿADVERSARY OF FALÿCON 3.0 tokeep äM=]#esŸl freshß, yet all good· stuff$befo¿sástPá Öß&feel rì[home¡. game \ focus!*³å-Ôpä=6/bat, h0'},%f mud-poun”sÛÉg.4¨]dd-on ma<BðœXÿwn. Gÿ\squD±êer:+ñB0,/7à6‰'Ðe'challeŠto work ‚}Oj%·profiain p€ic e,*%trˆ÷,°/‚¤³O¼Ph d5
ar7/nd' SAMs .try˜PCTwo x)¿ZZ«$ sÊ$zU7rsl coolie IÆÆort,í /avaiÁlaØÁ-ION*ird ƚy ut}£r&nicèKH!Sp—um HolCobyt²Ð"ðanÿ2|ÿTcustomersOÙ,roduGç7å57is latúaddi<6&óse,Ò«r generaÝl ´!ements`'alsoŽ39corpor ÍneOwerversg.ñ"N,He2.Êisq?õncluC0²ó(9,lfreeZis‡tributŸ.¬"H!de3serv™Kcial^
+ghe outò” ani;'æ"wnwp#N- first~rts up depic#™ pEN09s gÇ[ag?ainsta trioð¼^úow levelm8ru©I'eaveò&“Ýde¸guess€+ sidxG¢Þ# top!T ¹resCopyri·(C÷) 1993éRobin G.ë KimÅ G6Bytes Magazine. All+#mòªˆ"÷Title Ý/ Review ÿof CyberStrike on GEnieAuthorÝ/ÿ Ben Morris [MaVïeRiCk]Ú_ Compu¿ter Video ÞMeßmory DiskÞOtheßrRequiresÞ 386Û/20 ÞVGA Ý/1m EïMS 1.3mÞ2400b ÿmodem, GEnie nodeRecommended *ù/4-°Ü?Digital SoÿundcardReviewedÞñ 486/66 .0VLB þY€Gravis Analog óProÇÿ׏Ultrasou¹nd`Ú_ -- Enthÿe CyberCity --ÿDel: Okay guys, ÿlet's do it. I'ÿll rocket round ÿback and take thÿemfrom behind. ¿ Mav, you taðutÿ their northern ÷towersà lay somÿe of ours-- we ûhave!mega mods ßhidden nea¼ere.¿ Hawksteel,â0e ÿlaunchpadand di÷stract÷m at base while we nukäÿeir power. Wild½caÏgoing inçntÿal with grenadesÿ. Good luck!U»ofA_N!t: RgrÍ0kiýck!butt.Maver{ick:p!ready.$ÿSteel: Let's go!ÿMaverick: I'm ßin. I've ón ouÝt G!north ÿPaid Ûthre1owníodding for battle.Å Þp!all's oko faîLVisualñtwo blÿacks to west of ÿbase,engaging.Öia TakTa Þk frÛom fX, he‘rena~¿. Looks likBÿ'vegot 'em good¯. WatchÁ!liáosÿses!- Calstar ÿwas just wasted ëby UjAt.”QWay toî’ One û!comingÿ my way, engaginõg.‰Q OÛQ. Shielÿds almost gone, please assist!”Q?Rgr, be righ¥!ø(•12 just wastÿed by Assassin.á- ›2‘’•1}Q At least I took him[!ïme. Rem¾!, be bþüasap!Del: Alùl G!ÿ0re gone, lސ finish å offŸ.HawkSteÖšoußt! Droppe³1mine=s,ƒcareful.ÇQž¿- Rainbird .‚ Hüò2ðbYeah! minesó gotÁÔ2wtg! En’ë! l¼Þk.(Š1l ô.‚3d.‰Q ugh, dewlays!~A Yeah,÷ïy're notat ton×ight. öe out,» guy'"Blackb£ DÜ'lSes! G{#eamwork,‰3ŠA AÖÔ2ÿTextbook raid. ÿGood work!UofAÿ_Wildcat: That o÷ne gav a bay u7pgradehe.«ÀÞµ--ë_! ÄTakiQ"swŸeaty handsîRAnÿalog Pro, I breaÿth a sigh of relÿief. We'dplannÏed that çÅd peïrfectly,à it haýd q well -- desëpite
l%" This is what every2ýut play in Simßutronics' ¿rStrþisabout: A perfect balanceåÖ6tegyà f¼actiÿon.Imagine 16 ¿players on 4ªmsäÃ!TfoÜdcontroÿl of a virtualr÷ealityë/City. Eûach ‘$ controls ýa ¿rPod, a two-ÿlegged mech withÏthe abi°ájump÷, spinña dime, æ3dashõå!d situÿations in ahurrrˆOn÷Ur-chanìÿ strategic map, nl whichªm is÷îongestædwhicûh ha/" been obliùteÇWatch yourÌÏ"Ÿsnip“3rock·eting^!iersurîâcornerà run iûnto ´!enemies --þà you'd betterobe readyáfigh=þhTdemands lightnÿing-quick reflexýesà a razor-sharp2d.Wheüf p{refeÜ slug itõ>[!no regard Ÿ~4© oÜ]n#llE eïxecute at4 ambusûh orÅd, CS willû moräan satisfyyour bloodlus=õ î£ TÕrsenal aít 6 com~ --YìãÄ4 canƒenhancýed[!a wide varieýtyåupgrade moduÿles, anintegralo part of÷ gam"?For example,Øû (ast3 called inÆ'y) f&Ø packþáescape a hopeless battle, oráïsneak upñalongï-distanc^%y. Anßother placŒn au÷to-firTcannon (ÿcalled aphalanx›) on÷ topå6 p<Ç"%can givef÷ÿ winning edge iníbÄ1You «carry Õupá9 &6 e¹storñedö6ule baysöhome&&s (such ÿas stealth) are ։mati“y ‡vateód; ß" toggled;on 3off (l½µphyx)æ$some oÿnly be used onceµ (C% pßand"deýs,Á example). óSome!ðextremelïy usefulöspecif¯icsituaˆs,leù oüA'absolutely¿ necessary i¢u ;wantásurvivÆJŸmod hides £6m ~_y radars, maÿ surprise attack?s possible.€6.!øŒ07§6detonates nêoon as:hits»ethiíThere ðmoÍdsáincru÷ ran™ge‚$Œ&spee fr L&àone+$Ì7s ½sensitivÂÞ7‰LûThe V alonemakIesë_]$alÙ%reY—erestiíMÚŒreç dividÔZfive l_evels. Yo¤&'sÙVâ7yÄ&Èåequal or lesser valu8vò÷ p˜&Qa levelê´!moÇIff don'tÝ hÛa free4( thrùeeßð won't be aïble top‡it up.Ô¿7ayA'"uâ#d" a²~u ‘gpendTon£ how@$ñst ho¿w many point§(scŽÚduring6a÷ q‡uickes•Eá3frøÝQFet lots ofÿ kills. Of cour×se, ifu(ieÙ%ofte9n Üfkill,ß'Ýé downgã^çO elementås'alö9CSQ£&ower t/7“With¤Jr,â%Ä4'sÿ energy is drainõedÕ(lyd5 explode–·4teamhÛÇ&15f1)s in÷²D, so÷iy ábe]ced~$ågi“y,ë4½sights¬å†'podsÒ(re'woß types ofÿ : reSgula‹¨FbeJ6byŸzg ½ENTER ke7$N÷megat/§6re% þpecial, one-usöp(ToÞ2 droppedøƒ'6ªm's A12 Gu}pp7 VTOL (verõíl ó-off. land)ÿ aircraft constaÏntly roaP÷ citø~÷must also ¯dropanyÙ&esf o[rderõside¡6 hÂç (L(6•-$arr=iv¹stantly)èøƒGame‘öhTÄgaiªis next ºu$¸swhenaTDigned½9ru(w)did itº#ò)ne77å!lazis=n ¿theexperien{$eaÕch]yeLItQassu¥me³atÈÉr Ò h-ig‚bayklsQ¿JÞÇThus, asÖJbecoûmes  adept, hißs or hersjd ti'me goeл F6GÈl‘$6highØbay kþ§ 3has 30 seco£nd sj"§Aon?ose HBL is 5 has'ÿ20 second shieldƒs.€6<&x4Q"wëho'sËthïling".ìs8ïl anEmy pokd, iÏonecorMõif+$po#an "earnõedïl"echnicalÙlyÈl is'"earcned"k½•9d's A+lz#0han 6qualá‚â%loãß4(maÛkes Ÿfair]$-- mto¿Jd 'yers wxw go afnewbiewecause|+not woªàG!@v73&Ù%original featurelÕ%ÿ bounty system: |¸$Šhasa pric; its head "%ìGE&Ì¥vive7pilot whodestroysC<Ý (3everyo?ho h¹it:J;ds prik&itOs death)-C<'s!<-adMto h¢r ‚ÉÙe,%(*goes1ardsâßuâ#Rhd set uÿp to allow a widOe varietø]yiytyå techniquaôàN,ts"to load Ðq&^1U%Øtsà sea›rchŸunsuN" t—argetsttT3ru¡nnT!U*~!rsŸEe8W¹°-out gÛ0hs (my favorite0ùt)¯inllyexhiliura"(AE guideÁ!weginneuthore5$ åCS=ßkd‘4%÷been m$availablÞ"Even I l+ a cÝouZthingsƒ'it(ÃI've)%‘4n8nthsÕ)!(guµis"ful |Á thosewisÀálearn ü*pb(^itself, howeve‚Ìø+ë_'slTcurvnm tiny ¸'is.ë¥Þõ5 Multi-PØ*factµorCìO is,ömyß opinion, ½easiïest-to-l MPG aäÛí*e‘4ðfriendþQ) knowledgable,€àÞ+Æ'¼×Tto7help ¤new Ï,íHß{‘4× gRó+s ¿slack, bypa½9emtàV2g  capabZ¿pponents.Tœ's~¦eneral senseåS's "Ø" 3“.x”')+e;usThDe'>lsta-logoff<\V­ d isidJ dÏishonora1n3& tim¹e X^ƒchasti#foÛrdoTso (íoughß no grudgeåNheldþª;offender doesn»'t dragain;Go„Tð;w ‘48 Qal1so¾:Pmean%Ï,ôcsoà labeled¿ newbie-kill?5geûneraÁdisliked (wellheck,t#-{I?retty unlike}áÏgo afterIÈ*rsconU*y :-)„,þ7ion is absolut¸in effect,cfÀ{  'ëñcan'ú=Pl-against human opponeÅ­l;cred› deptháüxæ$iscertainly€ÊmEÃ(,6EmiÝes actua4outwit YOUh8ssœ}v=8N9èóö% Softwðt:ofront enftwaÃs st}¦-opartøÌ÷.ž!hadseveraŸl lockups Ì(7vy„Ã!a C1/Í+$))adŸvertisedagT! open BetaÁM|+V@$ÛdoneÒ( FE & be6loadí9GEni2.Qßquite largs 295¼:%œprogram,Ç 4k40k^1sodriv?5ìo™ How_, upda¬²ðfew šfaltwceen,Ò‰Xnloa¿= aI versionU${={week7Infact,Ð latØvers?-œ[begi-of M‡93´T!tàago.d ¦œin lc¯nma¤eaïkness: L9of support.Al÷.aTEj-´þ01to,ack-àPs#inceÌ!œÝt-àf= left unfixed,D4üÕÇ fewcomplai¦ÅfromÐ"rsŠ m”acknowle¸ÔaTŒæ*E7busyª%,&p×roduct)ndz(prom4 ,st1spenÙ%è ᣠIe hope¿ they do!… graphic,þMô@xÙŸctacular, ðT!adNPte.CS"ð'no½nd°(but 99%paÿtible) 320x240x256 videoBqÝ@¹is¢#st: on48ß6/66 VLB, ¦uns œÕp 40 frÐts¾L+in 'local'Be (unplaya1ó:wo›rks)’ got¶-/FPÿS onmy previousþputer, a 486/33 ISA.Rumor:[r 0‡SVGA¢1è¯no!Ð%,QœÍm 3& cro·p. Usûadva 3DÆL, Simu¤%managed adMu€m1§ds inœhrC*SolyC/oude_!clos0?heir origin,‚$H.Ÿ#eleft¸ri»­XÞ¾Sn's diren. )(OôH½pa-efvAŸen't avail}.³noe cš.)SK,restûvÑ barGnotice}ç) feat•% Doppl-erH t.Tafö#œÉpi4öhoåmey tra)awayÇ)™,f. · But,êtate{;hardeoticea],/˜eI'„. soupseelv(( jQt@. N<ú3&m ðannyoing o?rrepetitiveGŒ)Ìq*ownr¨ -l; | <6 a voicesË"Warµ, :
put low" when ... ]æˆ(gues7T;says"ÝWaÓg! PoÃdang?erously low!™.×%̸[jumpÕ6èt ifRâ'rÊà+ctûitÒ( V)¤s4ðre› cool,eNiaÁœ< Ô
+ Èodés wastedÏ;ª¾7âw(› wan‡ misw"%ro×bably ‹(--¦of v/1.04, CSEsø!F+ 28 odcš!)$î1matÕf(aò‚-Hh &‚s)l3³-ÜÏ-adequatw envÃiron‡+M|ovidš WËit's2=h, Ï'delays'P ù unexpecte{÷7 t,ýh.(conceptof dœÉD%imple:8(v+ s½ee§(as beingÊre^u were, s‡51+]s Ú!When srhoìsyou,g? regisñàòer‚Ýtend,ì,Ðn seua "Hitg" messBk ení|IVd'sdata fØÆ2*r noªyou'î$eceive6damageÂC6e,¦§øN ouldpè"Õœsky atÝNá(axâ,"Š,perhap&Ð+/caàc"%Áus?  OWho wÃill)g" lim…itÇ9n ('ŠLœlasst i* usren1whemselrvulnerr?de»Ê$,O+#ouV_I'm þsa¾ tÑKÅ3qMostŒ9 ¬‹lays) 3#GoreteËHoÃ-½'imes|+1im™7‡ had€?Ô /!30-40;K<ü&ø-°yenG¼*À÷WhP!=orkloaãâ½Î0clustt(Ò,óB¦io?-Æ)2l l0ð xÉdefiniteÀ¥-O$¦Oð/Ò,œfeelîÉ! execu" asucûcess¢raid, or sÃneakûÙ,u;Ç bloÍwiim aÚÛgreknadeP/qu”shoo:-OGood luišseö$´m) !efP! ÍBeÿn Morris [MaVeRi{Ck]Zº-- ObtaiS#Ÿ GEnie acc"ûT÷o get y informaƒtionÚ´%šƒç'n ïaccount,¶l (800¿) 638-8369 m) UýS,Ç (800) 387-8{330 ¦anada. ùceúonline, type CYBERSTRIKEÐ"m 1380",^"Ÿ_÷ menuYThis revÿiew is (c) CopyrΨ 1993 5HF Gam{e Byƒmagazineû{l Ri‘ ReserveãFÿGATEWAY 2: HOMEWÿORLD from Legendÿ Entertainment Cÿompany Reviewedÿ by Carl MuckenhçouptÙo÷puter ¾Ý/ Graphics Ý/ M÷emory Ü? Disk spoaceMin ÒßVGA Ú_û640kÚ_9 MBMax/Rûec. Õ¯ VESA SVGAÿControl: keyboÿard, Mouse Soundÿ: Ad-Lib, SB, MTÿ-32Reviewed veÿrsion 1.0.0 on 3ÿ86-DX/40, 4 MB, ÛVGA,t BlasPro}Hæ? as story¢@ÿ is the second oýf í/'s text-baseÿd adventure gameýs Á on thepremiýse¸a set of novÿels by noted sciÿence fiction autÿhor Frederik Pohÿl. Note that I say "based on ³ßpremise." à?was not an adaptatˆÇoftheÜ ¸³sameÿ name, but a com¿pletely new ©y úÙinÐ sameworl¯d. WithåO, ³rißft betweenÜ0and þÉ has grownconsÿiderably.The gÿame opens dramat¿ically, withÐ pÿlayer pursued byÿ assassins. Not ÿTheAssassins, mÿind you. The laótter±lien race, discovered :! firstGATEWAYkýe,ú destroys allÿ intelligent lifûe it¨1rs, for reÿasonsthat remaiÿn unknown. (Obvûiousvno one hasÿ ever talked to ßone!) No,Ðkil»lersú are afyoÝu agents!1Phoeÿnix Sect, a cultÎútwant² 1s tow purgeÐ Earth¸ÿlife. They haveý a|n tocontactêÐ A†1, Xaccurately guessú 2³ûonlyì whocan sÿtop them.A typît plot Ôa compãuter¸!*á much ×to do x1 Gµ!sceÿnario. However,¿ after a feww"de÷velopm and accùidK!playerwinÿds up unexpectedÿly wandering aroYunΨtant|nencain,d©!ÊÐÿ lost secrets ofþÐ Heechee - secÿrets which ultimýat1leadto stopýpiä" Phoenix Cul{t.šHeechee ÷a raceú predatesß humanity.™ey b÷uilt fr-than-light vehicles¯ÿ colonized many ÿsolar systems, iÿncluding our ownî:"nthey¨appear§ed. H(\veá iÿnvented FTL travïel, but ^ haveýfoÎGateway, a s~lite full ofñ2ÿ FTL ships pre-programmed forà!ån ¾in‰ SettiÞUut in a 3shipÿ could lead to i}nsÓdeath, oröïfabulous¨1ries yielding wealth¯¿ fame. But ë!k›nowsˆ"abou{3e.ù Wû^ looked liïke, why ^ vanisßhed,wheth¢ny s¿till lived, alÍl àAThis±0!e ofޒ2.I say this so you will áý wûa shock it wŸas when I #Ømis-inGñ2 corpsçßAll though®bout¶ S Secd thŽAs ?left my mind:>ü³biggest findë sinhe¨1ry ofþ„#y itself!Andà it d¯A¸many6ÕS. A² titl1Ð~keindicates,z!NxinexorfÂdsöƳhomeÕ"ÚïR,whûere learn virtually everythiä"½re±to know ôCcr?eatures. An|)DþÉ's major flaw.>at initialDPÿ quite effectiveÏ. FigurÞõ3locaàê¢÷Cæ$@d woulíd > bee·great ¿ultimate obj?% f×or agæCinFqreve½laês come säicík XfastKeysimïply loseÐir impÿact. To make maîs worsºhe ansåweo »P5long-u™na´¬ques‡%an?ticlimactic.™!3¾oselvesare`#poõin²ly'#, both pÇhysicaX:!ir pÏsychologt¯pol½itt history7t ©co^e®5ru)! I=nk~ú even attemptÞëto cúune mystery surruÞRUÿill-advised. Mysûtery± edefiningÿ characteristic îb:o explÞo¶þHconcrete,unam·biguouy isömi|Z{oint. WhenÐÿ movie 2010 cameÞ´, IrefuÂto sýee®because I haÇd hear|.swer¯ed a lot!!eÇEraûised¶2001. PohlÍ fimay #ögivežåO a miss £#1 r—eason.#re¸$ cagn keepìT. Iö&»don'{ink of®asÿ an extensionofšôl'­rks,åO±a _pretty gooY!.¢`¾ÉLike its›deÿcessor, HOMEWORLßD is dividÊnto several chapteÒgwhich }¹" mus"ûocee|rough seri~u. Chapter 3±0?first one to~#R7Ÿ"worlds", Ð v¡arçÕ2¶à/Y.è#unä’2,^c'be solùve­ˆpecific seÉquæ fu=$alarÏming,es¸u conñsiÉ"ú ³puzzles ¬x:!se wŠs Ä aßlsoarrangãeriaïlly. Had¯!olks ayt í/-Qabandone|îm!desigat madõe à?so|yable? ×Fortuny,keplaýy ªme lessnarrÅow¶laVGXa clÜp backÏ#mili/ar terri
 i]{½naU7r almost§esß me forgivÍy ea¿rlier design)ws.h! puzzl?re*BñAlhÂ!!em requiþ¬some thought, ýinGycases figuìÊ´ howobjectîÂ' elsew can bûe usÊ&anincongruous situaê:"ìre strange¢!,Ä÷eract x, large³monsXökillP"unwlabellFachine,õ fDe õ(always ŸmyfavoritÜ7se)O. Gone,®, †ÿhe Virtual Reality hacki×'"² hi9gh9#2D. (Ifû—~nr(sense,y'll§%ía É devâ entirÞ1to breakÞVR'sß - perhaps“&aingcharac&be aPóa te:r% large V-R }any?úo Ý7Äÿimpossibly diffçicult, &$ got a–*'feelÞof±.is¿hment uponfDumoÿre obscure partsút'Çways diffiî"o judgæw ale¿ss experienc»dv}enr will farY›so iÙprobf²)dü Bat a hint bo½ok±includedh! u¿ser interfacÍd ãover!y(† unchatòê_'s›viousÉñs:¾9f"indow, gt0µno, comm÷%ÿput by eitherty¾  or selectÞwoïrds fromˆcrolliong menu.÷mon _*½dsM)one-letab—breviaês,¯;!cr.csetup ùbe]òÞhot keysnbycólickÞOn-screenj*to‰Ob³s vi¢¹e :!TJwindow½be cliconr’7=%nÖ All-tKmode±óprovMr Infocom¯veteranšlth operatÞšûHÎ:lŽù switc]Wöeaphical presentaN%’"ei~ilsì*¶alÝl,*anice#je, fólexiÌ÷%tuitive.OPeopleh|!d à?|ù)•two techni-â¥eræåO.Firs[tly,›$igitE s¶(üé*†(one. Of courûse, » people neÛver±6e soÎeffeÈin’2†#±G#M#¶²ey wÀnot|y Ýwh’& backgÍ"musi]c °$. Whibe'Ïê!sunt,ÐmusicZ±baóE imi2[e ß+ê¸K: y;t}osers,˜*;1Ístruõn,|QCÐ heavy bas²±atP×ongeŽurævreseÚ:! origiÏnal.Se¶vconvÃersaê±
 thr´l€usZ7offe{chëoice¢foWr five´-õs  timçUn°Ž7Ò†!menu Lÿegend'sERIC THEo UNREADYDGD's —,Gbranch@#8çAsû§I dteò·B±Œ©nishù*§A6wrãong u,\Z\, asid¡e xP²¼itÉtiçme (mu´™,ucasAr3tsaô9kes).#*+ùcs†:% nice, usi~Ë high-resoluêß 16-color ò on?standard VGArooe detaily#limirŒ.-ñe - »†reódom«ÿ/pale bluÞ Occasioacut-ëscen…( din 256Bors,wûr}@ðÇ;¥+šwhat jar˜Ê³ä$coar$ò1G3. I ùd…umaÉatЛokPundeùr edf note, hoè"á±%nikd 3-D renderingsÖ èSótifa a vastÛworm(of s‰toneC flo +j7-^CoR¹siج`a goodóI w?ith a disappŽÞ´©+IfA're m-e,A buyóIs ÎrHz!ƒ(ún Ô·"ot æú"cas÷$ù enjoy± i¤éðPl faObeGware: 5ôtRU  áh>Cew±Co{pyri:(C) 1993úr GlBytesMaga»zineì* right†servÝÿPRIVATEER from Oÿrigin [Ed.: thïis is anç?PR relÿease, transcribeÿd by Scott Werneÿr; at thetime, ÿthe working titlÿe was "Trade Comÿmander". Commenÿts in (parenthesÿes)are Scott Weÿrner's additionsÿ.]OverviewTrûade (ander markÝs beginnof aÿ whole new saga ÿin the popularWüM@game series.ÿIn 1990 ORIGINÿ revolutionized þindustry when ÿit introduced inÿteractivecinema÷ with first Wi½ng!@ game. | 1 ø¬' O IIcarriedÿ this vision to new heights of³ÿe action, and wiwth it ÐdepthÞßsophisticaÛ. NýowÈ year (we hop¿e) will see re_lease of TC"0w (now à?R), a u¿ that brings•eröÚve e&tainment÷softw5to a higÿher pinnacle of çexcite0n ever before.For §@Ü € givesg layeÿr complete and open access toÿfar-flung worldsðA¬`w0 You wiïll assuotalcßontrol oveS!life^Ayour chaerÝ —throug¦atªAgu×nivers  Wn`can ¿be explored å oçne endÎother.ëTh³!a h1ly mouÿse-driven dynamiyc u%!face youÿ ÿbe ableto dicta½teg flow ofg sßtory. Moran aßny computet0eenïbefore, Jpgives ÿyou unprededente»d coNd overÿr =c«1's movem*l» actA.It'TisW levelAco–l ¶ÿ's essential, foYr  rld Ä!gM@{is mdangerouTßan ever. Jpis f·illed ¤halje ¿space combatX"n ü¬`+husiasts havü«oexpect, plÝusa perilòd diÿlemmas no ConfedÛerat±figh#piloÿt hasyet to facÊPThr àg Kilÿrathi, dreaded eûnemy€1human raceÿ, rages on afterým2 sixty yearsÆuch "¯2" war» goe behinŠeûlineŽShips consÿtantly speed bacýk Þforth to keeép ôefP wellosuppliedost 5ÿsadly easy prey øt#ffensive ûbehiÚhelines.ÇTowarŠ Ûb›riorÍ, }! bar#tvaluÿable resources oýnopen market.ß Vast, unhromiÿsing multi-plane¿tary corporßnsstruggle tg2ßhose worldŽCompýet@n is ruthles¾ŽThere's açof7 moneyÎbe mKs3ö&prisship's céap.Ý a ö#ways ûto w8up gettingç shot f Kk!Prëivatrsl conflûictsÐ!de throughùou
cn. Most aßrequickly§olveÿd, but all require mercenarieslÿ hired starshipsìòKin
#histor{y haT businessAÿindependent warfú5be±oreprofitÖ¥.OfurÞhereâgrePú crimin§al ele0ñne faír #. IJ!y shad]owV"round É$co; lurk unsavoryªA¿s:smugglers^ tØ,grabaWnd iÿllegal goods, pißrates who ’ st·eal a 4argol kþa crew for spoïrt, mobsl gangsÎ^se sp¨Õ infÿluence cross sol_ar systemsl, àî]ord, crrangeï amurdeáBeyondÛ lieT edgeAknowñn ©µòfrontier÷! Herckless pÿilotsnavigate m@riÐst>e8mòF$undOThesecrýet be learned }hascould shap!ïdestiny \ll manckind‡`Ðands"ädāin7 pleteïuniverseAendlesßs adventurPNew þ@s, Weapons, FoÜk$roes Jpalso÷ featu1an impre?ssive assort0A1ô$asr$p designÿs, from enormousþùolithic cargo ÷vessel sleek, · fastâ2crafµAns ext{#?%m of s,ïweaponryl modifÝicÍ#allowT playþ¼o customize an>Ëip, making‘áãraft,uvirtußally uniquPEach|a&êefittable àû upgs in laser¿s, missiles,¸ctromagneticpulÞ¼ù%l defense?5, ÿnukes, photon toïrpedoes,aelds,ÿarmor-plating, s·cannerÒ"engi=#Oneced!rs"gir hË oetypeA g—y wanteyLj&y eitÎsu  ownÏÿsonalityand styü@!w.Meet Gray?son Burrows, !!@þmnigmatic hero.ÿ Is he a shrewÏdmerchaGr, or a feared pir2Ö2paceÅs?V7abaŸttle-harde¨_enÿary? A heroic aige &Œsn?Œspytþalien KilrathiÏ? Only 9Ídeciýdes"as Grayson B¿urrows, youÍpuórsue€!ese occuypaÛÒ"more.Ad1ff mooOhdogfÓæL put½w6Sstick ~" deadliest fÓxŠuRt anyonemÞ seen. W¥adde‰d|6ßn,âÍ!ÿ#evþ˜$e powerful. Tìæfisc˜-mindéedL4 afchant | Hcifically .&îÇo geneprofi¢µRuY à0aikYli»cens6 printù#. _ Anyone i&es@ßin pulling,a deÿrelict - as wellü¢big bucks - ŸcancruiseÑ4S(asþ|ly powerful tu?g. When othŠtì'tma&hull, Ýas^l as i+ndus?trial streng÷oor beam,gy'll)õy ¤ c¦. Or ifÍ aa typ ªllen5geñwhl desoñew&LÐ1 unchartàpuš(ž¥ scoutþap. Passed dowø­³1wmily, it hÿas survived manyÎ8ostile·&nd woas onceCiderÇvhride€1fleet.WFnothÜH!a â2jock won't cutâ\E¨. In JeM0Ar,bQ’À"cop"killdl6Ê 3of ‰7re iŽÈ âÃE&u ba
ò#$™$ jusF$ª7Îßworry abouT&ythiΙmagina©­%beláur‡'_¥ñ"InterpüÅ3!modities Exc/hange isb1ceûbody¤ agood heaÀé'‡4Â9lg gut® go ruY lo fÿullof valuablesö¤hout@vy prote¼YOLow techß#s ©de#9h yg. ñ Hƒ:{j‡"resource¦ŽA quYer::noñseï$'ake himsÿelf a wealthy mavOBut ¥"at op!?unitydoesn'Ï)i:ï risk - Wging tçrends 5·calculÔß""m³tp2 couïld leaveÿ!iped oíutÀ…: B!Captaiº, YIOwn De¶y?The human rªÕaca Š dProus2Ïiošá his"òvastfrontier `ÖÕ)allsŠs
nity spreadsá¹²!kDRÂtun)}!g vÊ÷fabricAcivilizaÜÛL begunÎfray&BefigV"gg6ìI÷hreateÜ enslaveh¼5gµro. t+³raveR# bes
atؼ5LÎoffe… locÅke¸( sÑ#N9 agaóinstÈ §'enemy.øÃÇ/# lingers oñn,`A
#society isÔai¨by"K=ll,economic§Cl$r% l`Š malai¬àQŸ1šÜBø creep~bureaucracy ÞÇcorrupÛ!ƒlock%edápj’3 aÀ(Ô;6µCan lone¼Úe above it®…³ß ConfederaÛ doo[med Fink Û dè‡- justׇ""¼yþ›rstellar civil
+(nsÎonO+¦"‰T?eir home?BÂ'ñÆ/luctXŽ^ fir"áakaÜ!©ewSÿ rustedhulk, wh;ile Íhe run>K lifµItñÂmaë,Xmust<ve³%!?stellar mystʶpL@@Human/ª7<0•o aconfŸ!l­%­;both¦l.PÁ8Åfo,re Îstopë himŠe  becomúYmaentrepreneur, a veteranAìS0s, aKt-talkžnegotiat5£8s03(y% if E&ðO)@`Ã,heart-p;oundscienc¨°">íUTechnologyñ"yøÃ-A•‚ a direct cprog+CÞ%exgØPõ&¬9_®heÅqII‹Aê÷,aéam<d turbochargedtÌ€1€ ÿ F/X graphics sy_stem orig¶lyýig, Chris Roberñts@É*. also in§cludes¼¸ ad³vancaO,ve o°re=ceF been cr-£7ÿupcoming ORIGINþ1(ahem!) Strike€!@‡­)F1Yú reaaC!ü6ñЛÝrfï DramQ cinemQ sequeWS ibi¨ö2 oènal ¬`ÿpoint-and-click‡ metho|Qå s›ceneÎscen€šitia$›ÁÍ#Š? na#lly,.#àέ m$Ürichly filled¤ þ7ts, people, conversa×GßÚœ Aíw¥0surr¯=enviro³nmenuòfeelZ "¹beä7ovie" ¬in ?h18!fch_aracter's Ú s .*¿ reeason whyEw s|¡¤.wstandardA¹"i&A².a."NKAe ȃhut² ¯d su
chÙetai G,i!ß#to explOj%ãU•‚w brimmt8 adven‘. "d1Íforg e xcit
ma•ö#Q*Ø6is (ðer)euÿ, or instead pur±su¥.í5knywhsth,CTu. Eòaf#h¤¸?s —Þ5ed st|>for limitw%Ãlay Ú 9FÒ"ShakôñZ/ W¯rAdmir_al Terrell/ovÍó­, TerrÞØ]eeKficer wo~7s rank6heatÀ'øX-Ø/celebratedZl$igdecod ŽŠ€!eª7 Wÿ0L)in%cee.pu(ªrgú%ÏilitaryB6Z/ TolÏnidan Seïl$e taÃkes ­B2Š‹iousßly. Hepla¬,clea{n upþ/ntire seïnˆ. Churc% Manâ>Òfanatics, P~ Retros, link`Ljïgedi«ü+n4ÿto technologicalúpgrî#Some membe–Âliev²eySa gholym[)glibeì¼52&its É=gical §enslavSµToÒ(enþey employ terrßorist tact(agaiÕns¿osom'perc=eiÝsadvocaRf1y U.¢!›odReismannߑ‚+f6v‚specçdirectzä AŠ`- eradiÏð`mE¡. Reism½anø bloodthÐyÀ!eø“›<ö= job,X-I0 ass5.a I²Ïatrival±/mtlinþ—7 Battle Group.ûDoï Lemuel MoÏnkhouse"ÿd do ïøq'emgauthorit\Z/'2­)ïingfielÞ xenoasrcheh/ study>yre2 alien |[Os. EverÐmsü#˜
-’8(octozP. lj%Ž3acy, mob…µny„vamorpo‚,s,þj Kilrathi...}Ro}LynchLyn¾|m*amily ruleå'obNLtotal ×3p n_early all´e 1ÿonidan Sector. HeøŠÿng4*¼íÜLÚen to½/ pos8ÿO@#brutalh%×omprom g,^ rewÿards loyalty. Ultimately,Xd]<Z- answer ¢=(ÜÀH´eGliX>\ ûresinn Earth.ÿSalman KroizLike½‡Kroiz ØH&|dÏr. UnlikeÁG²+eg¸­care¦:a ?top-of-the-lbKZŸis immedi} dÙemsê'wideNortmâ‘ofEÊ9jcompe9tiløclose,³#ø{not t,undercut%â> rZ3fair ûmeanå foul. Su‡btlety/4…">Ôonÿg points.Willi?am Riordianó×etuousi4n €/ lonÙgt2ól of½w. Pl–xsof fiP*¸ve qt8uDljo%%Z9žøAbitterhenËtful>$ryLñM betÃweenuDsA70 eacih ØlwÜlookSetodoÅ.Ë.S]&—Requir¢tsßµ/: ÿ IBM-PC or 100% þÇatible 386SX, ß386, 486 ù$ed: ÿ Hard Drive, 2 MïB RAM G&.s: 25ÿ6 color VGA Music: Ad Lib, SD» Blac, Rolaª+100%çÖ©re%4ÿended: Joystick ¥s 8…CŽSs  2"iŸhere areaÒ]# c›oachhstylJc*alolow for +-calö¸õ!"­r 1000óysÇ depenï²Æ!e, woeather, ‚e, tk_remaining,°o3nu@factor|And,<3úû!s t been expaûnded*coveroverà 140#$Ž>#Åere'ýs ] an All-starÿ (Pro Bowl?) optþÂDigital soun}d upported (‡¿ourse) as we¯s œxmmajor Ü2 s7ound cA. Fv0‚îm requiõ minimýumka 386sx, butïrealist÷ly, liake!Ezæday,Îk!enjoym^`"setéitÏts a basiwc 486 "it getÓtterŸµge0steró.F£À1be shipp2hby9$mostkµïreadthi|(ED. Iót IS,¥;5 this! ùGoë° buy it!A0I)"ã ull !*÷appearGame Bytes!ly!) 1ÒÿCopyright (C) 19}93WRoss ErickJüzEMagazine. AþÁights reserved.»
ÿACES OVER EUROPEÿ by Dynamix Pre÷viewedèRoss EriÿcksonAmong fliÿght simulator afÿficionados, the ÿname Damon Slye ÿconjures uplegeÿndary images. Tÿhe author and crýeaof the Greatÿ Warplane series÷ fromê?has brouúus5 megahits ßRed Baron .Acesû of Pacific(aþý other titles)û and 's crew isÿ almost ready toï spring thirdýin5 series uponÿ us, Aces over Eÿurope (AOE). Itÿ's been a long-tßimecoming'his ÿpreview intends ÿto describe a feýw 4 new featureÿs we canexpect 䍵up° ÿOm.Fiÿrst things firstÿ. Let's talk abÿout what aircrafÿt you can expectÿ to flyin AOE.÷AmeriAir ForcÿeLockheed P-38ïJ Lightn†Republÿic P-47D Thunder¿bolt North A1P-ÿ51DMustang Boei¿ng B-17G Fly†Foÿrtress B-24 Libeýra(used exclusÿively bythe RAFï) MartinR6 Mara¿uderRoyal AHÿawker Typhoon Haÿwker Tempest Supÿermarine Spitfirÿe DeHaviland MosïquitoGn LuftÿwaffeMesserschßmitt 109 MªQ 262ÿ Schwalbe Focke-ÿWulf 190 Arado 2ÿ34BBlitz Junker¿s 88As youÓ toell from5 typ_ ÿaircraft listed »hereere arÄwißdevariety`missions included
!ý, Þ pure air-toÿ-air combat tos3traf†.bomb†2ï, includ†railyaßrds, facto@, ai¿rfields,andk sÿtrategic targetsÖ' sim2s follýow†types ofsin{gle 2:Train†ÿ- learn flight b÷asics .just gen¿erally get u[to¾5simulatio[ practice deflect’÷shooti² In thesÿe training missi7ons,yØ! sel×Þÿ aerial gunnery,ÿ antishipping, iÿntercept bombersÿ, groundattack,þr landing.Fly· a His8c Min ï- To fly5se actual historical®B^× mustfiéseœ>×r campaignr#ÿservice (USAAF, ïRAF, or ¤1e),th?en pick your®2×ï wish toò.Dog½fia Famous˜ -y Hó1pick one`0ÿwar's most famou÷s acesA challenwge him a dogfwþ³0is just pure mÿano y mano. Pilÿotssuch as Johnûnie ‘son, A.G. ßMalan, Gunl Ral{l, D1Turner, .ÿ"Bud"Mahurian wïill make#life dßifficult i¦e skïies.Dou# a SquýadZ- You agains_t an enemyÿ/t.çÿghter Sweep - JuÓst csŽ ki_ enemýy ç1. A real fuÿrball. More plaýne|"more risks.ÿScramble - Get oairbornefast\1.surviv‰e û#ÿattack!Escort ;BombÒ- Prot×B-17|"-24s&Ð1DÞß#fwÒ.se‰}at5y complete5yir®2ËIntercepBTÿKnock'em down. ËPlai[ siqnti-Shipping StrikÍTr‚ ink 64’boatþ|"naval assets.·Close‹portMCu'?ll be assist†Ö"k for™byÀtroy†²ûyÖ"K2.IÍdiü"×#must disrupt¾ß# supply li4coWmmunic‘"byik†þ~variety in®2â!¯. Full3s õalŸso offered fl÷yer. Øwill staÿrt an entire‚ urviƒáhrLù6$à war wŸhile assis¢5 Alliedefforts Ú3þNazis (or reveûrse û"y!).GrapÏhically,Ê%s soûme nimprovemen~N "Tall-Res" {þËlyutilized grþ$cs mode (320x4o00x256) k briè=nsr sharpen“5ûtexÏd, polygonoal graph{withù?severely imp—þÿramerate. Virtuv„ all`today'.ïund cardÅ%supporÿted, though no n÷ative¡&t for Grßavis Ultra™d. The Thrustmast¢ïCS, WCS,r FCS aõre‘sÀ$ed, as i®X"new Flwst1Pr}o Þ CH ProducºQA{Ú!d ³a ê?¨v"Ror acpanyingdocumentaxæÛexcelÝd offe½rsÝindepth ûB o3verv¹4 war0V$xÉb e, a secx on air combat‚Ýeu (ACM)¬dofÿ course, detaileùd v"`&im controlîofigura'nfo. ÿAnyone witha reKmoteÌ"esØÿOms¶#÷owe itÎ%emselvesþ check outAOE.Ï It's deÎÍ%be a½nol big hitÔ Dßynamix.TµPis Cûopyrw (C) 1993 ÿby Ross EricksonþÔ Game BytesMa¿gazine. All \ts? reserved.fÿBLOODNET by MicrÿoprosePreviewedþäRoss EricksonÿWhat was once kÿnown as Paragon ÿStudios and is nÿow a part of theÿ Microprosefamiÿly has developedÿ an exciting andÿ funky new RPG tþúblends two verÿyspecific genreÿs into one. Bloÿodnet should be ÿarriving in storÿes any daynow. ÿ This RPG combinÿes more traditioßnal horrormes ¿with today'stÿrendy cyberpunk/þrspace element~J@ game. The `ùy  ¢ehas you ÿplaying the charÿacter Ransom Staýrk^New York Citûy in year2094üi­ e also takesÇ place^”@irue þç`he "Hallucino?graphics" TM8 æO" esigned K¬0Ye really noth·ûshor amazing. ÿ If you've ever Ÿwondered wú¹woÿrldsof William ÿGibson look likeÿ, Bloodnet does ÿa pretty good jo_b of depic-tkÿnew level of exiÿstence.The ploÿt goes something like this: AVÿfreelance operatóive ³turnediÿnto a vampire byþ evil Lord Van÷ Helsi.gainst yïour willOut waiÿt!All is not lo½stOecause o.urÿ cyberspace impl÷ants, ¹effects î vampiIbite a¯re stall(ndµ hÿave a chance to ÿfind a cure for þ„ curse before time runs outò1ÿ end up damned fÿor all eternity.w You Ýlearn8 OVan Hels·±a Øæýrule$ÍManhatótan
”@itself.ÿ By combining eÿfforts with otheÓrs („Âan6 aftýer$) youmust e»nter real >d ¼
¹fantasy „"ofþÑQto find a proógram8 ¸ block huisânsýtake o3þ¹electronic wor½ldwellas ¹reýalM, as well asÙ s÷Ïselft! art»work/ sound`ec{ts/sãtrack inP@¿clearly show8 foír¹folkJ Greenïsburg, tkeffortþ" been a labor ÷of lov¤0gameshoÿws a high-degreeîÍpolishpite bõei.n ö"beta. Gÿraphically,I doOn't reca%3se8#ýny!!that approacõhe yt I've seçen inP1,n placÿes, I'm remindedþÍB.A.T. II, butÿ only glimmeringûly. 3 should beç shipp·ƒin a m¹at¾`ays soµ'lÿl all be ableto÷ see a4 ground-¿breaker. Tkprÿeview is Copyrigÿht (C) 1993 by R¿oss Erickson" G~ÛBytesMagaziN÷ All rÑs reserved.9 ÿTHE TERMINATOR: ÿRAMPAGE by Betheÿsda Softworks Pÿreviewed by Rossÿ EricksonWith ÿthe unbridled suÿccesses of gamesÿ like Wolfensteiÿn and UltimaUndßerworld 1 !2, iÿt's no surprise ÿthat similar proÿducts would showÿ upsooner ratheÿr than later. Aÿfter all, imitatÿion is the sinceÿrest form offlaÿttery. Bethesdaû int@ced first-ÿperson perspectiÿve combat to us ÿlastyear with Tÿerminator 2029 wþsomewhat warm,ÿ but not hot resÿults. Playerswÿanted to move fr¿eely throughd 'zone' like wasyPÛin ''. u0 hasß listened !is pÿreparing to releÿase perhaps one ýofdhottest new action/arcade » of season¡ Teÿrminator: Rampagÿe(TR).This gaÿme is true sequeÿl in every sense¾1word, but — a÷ brandengine.× In TŸ, Orbiÿtal Satellite PlwatformSkynetÑÿ destroyedand mýanÑ safe once a»gainòbuild fu¿ture, albeitGleßak one at9. Coÿlonel John Connoùr !¤ Resistancÿe scientists conÿtinued todeveloýp Time DistortþaDevice, creatiïng bubbl!'null-ÿtime' aroundtheÿmselves. Once tò)deÈÑ fully uþ'stood, it was ûplanètoalleviaçte somý0m!uctionþ1holocaust. As®d toryc³!esŠl ßResistance…sonnÿel caught outsidþý0 time bubbledÿbegan to disappeýaryo thin air, üÒey never exiïsted. Dn1Skynest baF2 reapp•ü!tracking satellites reveal¶›hee`ence1h! O×rbital¶tflagain. Here we go}!¿!TR takes coÿncepts developedß in T2029 !expayndûdm greatlsëThe+ eNe provûidesk smooth-scÿrolling 360 degrçee mota!movemeÿnt. You'll enteûr a 7 hostile wÿorld and have to÷ fightÅ0 32 leveÿls ofCyberdyne ÏSystems !± on æ(of Sj1defensïe forcesµlenty ÿofdifferent weaßpons, each¡ uniqÿue characteristiåcs  u¢nst thÿevarious enemieÿs you'll encountZre?videØdïe.What-!uly stÿunning about TR Þc music/sÜ traùck —3cularsounïd effectãSo gooüëd MIDI music ì)titl8 RolanodCorpor` used”~½Cheir own booFÞee recentŸsumeÿrElectronics Sh÷ow. Ik!eeply imåprd —€#ut-wre_nching dig›sÜò³at€3Úoduces durècombat'4wißll require /or ÿsupport a minimuþm a 386sx (give~ømore!),2 MBþÆ"ed memory, joyÿstick, mouse, EMÿM or QEMM, VGA, þ!Roland orSounýdb’er cards. N{o na‰ supportkÿ PAS-16 or Gravios UltrasÜ. I1·expect¶o be,shþás by early OctýobZnd sell for ÷$69.99'1preview ïis Copyr (C) 1ÿ993 by Ross Ericëksonk GBytesÿMagazine. All ri{ghts±erved.mÿMETAL AND LACE: ÿBATTLE OF THE ROÿBOBABES by MegatÿechPreviewed byÿ Ross EricksonÿWow. Given the ÿtitle above, oneÿ could easily gaßther that gamiÿng industry is ÿrunning out of fÿresh ideas! :-)ÿ Well, Megatechÿ has approachedÿ the market in aÿn entirely new aÿnd bold way. Apÿpeal to young,mÿale hormones! Wþ#a concept. Thÿeir debut producÿt, Cobra Missionç, was+0's firÿst R-rated game,ÿ replete with seýxujhemes and Jaÿpanesestyle 'Anÿime' graphics wiÿth plenty of carwtoon s» nuditfûSo w#doyou do ÿfor an encore? ÿSimple! CombineþQ Street Fighte_r 2 craze Æw#ÿgot you noticed ùinQœ place - mÿore skin! In ÷Metal ´Lace, you're basicallyÿying your choiceÿ of lovelies in ÿafighting, beat÷'em-upÑ . The cÛatchkthis£e isû as players cÇontinua!3´thraÝsh3each o , th÷ey beg
o lose aÿrticles ofclothïing! Ofrse! ÿWhy didn't I thiýnk:that? This î| t woulštransÝla©ell toò NES ÿcrowd. First, i~«A make it pas$ÿeNintendo censo»rs, ´95% ofQ cÇharactd
!Z!are »maleÜ!I,for, ßdon't wantksee ÏE. Honda@buff÷ fight3a half-nÿakedDhalsim. B¿ut I digressacßk to Metal` Lacçe. Us3X uniqu=e¾e-style,ë!Â06ðquitaeasiF…ÿobviously cartooÿnish.The animat»ion ] tad o
choppy side, butÅÿcould be attribuÿted tothe demo »versgwe hadkwoõrkªh.Øund effeÿcts were heard t_hroughout% me`÷ most ¡ quite eïffective` timelþfFor those ofþ4 looking for sÏomething^@yourØB®Dtal#1 certainly will fi$ obill. N femq_robobabes C1oÝ"ÿ monitor! Only ÿin America!!Thïis previÛs Copyÿright (C) 1993 bÿy Ross Erickson þâGame BytesMagÛazin3All +ts r?eserved.v ÿRETURN TO ZORK bÿy Activision/Infÿocom Previewed ÿby Ross EricksonÿWhen asked whaÿt their first gaÿming experiece wÿas, many long-tiÿme PC gamerswilÿl wax eloquent, ÿsetttle back in þ chair, and recÏall the theÿy spent at eveniÿng with Zork. The heyday of Iï/¿ brought us Dmoÿstvivid graphicßs possible6a computer game - Dÿgraphics of imag¿ination. Thhh ÿthese text advenÿtures we were trÿansported to a vÿery "real"imagiŸnary worldŽDGrÿeat Underground Empire. A lotŽÿyears have past¿since. It'sV gr~Åexcitement tæéO, th˜0
Infocoÿmlabel, is takiÙngk4 to DGUE,ÿ the Frobozz, an÷d more6Return týoY (RTZ).Without question,ÿ most marked difference betwee7ÿe original(s) anÏdRTZ ist@leavée D@n blaze »onto scree•Plßaying with betÿa for several weÿeks now has provõedbe²yintrigßuing. In  plaÿces, its quite aûlarmwto see somü‰@>exclaim, "Tßhat's JUST I thÿought it would lŸook like!"[ t0sÿare rich, full-süqf!uncluttered.ÿ What truly setÿ Zork apart fromžrest wal –icûate mind-bendißng puzzlesï requûired²baldexterûity ®olve. How¿ do you copyï su×ccess y at0ala<¡0> a mouseV/» turT it in° '¿pixel-hunt' €obÿjects? Simple. » Mak^!entire½ interactive thrÊ÷ floatwpop-up i÷constoffer on÷ly logF choices÷ for aŸarticula¾h2. For exao,ûsay 5pick up a Mro5 RTZ.ò!32doV ÿit? Well, you cÿanthrow it, putþ[down, hit someñthw1Ý> several× otherš2'€ons'~[ se actions aLll representednically in RTZ6ûasio, orderly ófashey effect ¯miniaturim“nsnrepresOtheÿ"ÿ. Simply statedú÷e Rinterface is a wonderfulCþd!ofan iconic oßbject-orie lanÓguagà ½ks² wellã.TV…[lso unëique6 at[is oneœÀ0 produclatÿattempts to mar?ry HollywoodV Vïractive # desigïn. Liveors arïescriptPcostumLPfilmÃZ we're not talkwlightweightsh¨ùeiøItars from §shows Ô\ W^r ùYe×Twin Peaks= w'befound6 Â#[ story/q2!#{ - s]humanityßmMorphiusQ#evil÷ rulerÀð. You'lÇl trekÚÊU!reatß Eastlands> Wesèl$!DunÈ@world ŸcarvedoutçDFr¿obozz Constr¦# Cçompany[ Lre pleýnta visual cluespuzzle°-">ÿ many charactersø½3V who will oßfferhints> tip®° help 5inÖr quest. PlentyŽ~Yian sarcasm y{be @#t, just Ôö oriºl series¿.A diskett"CDã-ROM²ìŸ$lanned= a¥ll, plus4ò›#fD@#s availaubl^at$supporÿe Sigma Designs ÿRealMagicVideo oCompresseboarñÿThis board, expe­ct!ship6ea'Oc¯tober,oÏs äQ30ë fra8pecond vûideo yback perf³ormaB–#snoê"shvFof sjacular›!—fact, "1o Y4 bkundln-#ach Q5c _Ee e$ê"^]eÊed, tho™ e iWrience> c9of{!,fwortÐ. ˆ
EËversest'•rs oïver an háof dig·itized¨ech yoN20 cha¿|to}2™t y[his #$deÿfinitely chew upýs²disk space. { Exp1to devotCA]25> 30 MBŽspYöm!gamàFor thisÿ reason alone, iÜÁhwhileend your postponemOÙof’"% driÚurchÇase.é/‚‹quietly recovered þ¤ horrendous loûsses> near deatÕhõEs ÿ% l80s. With new tit±>Ô Return toú!w$×eupco M,Warr÷ior 2,re's hop´>%y'egai70fo/rmersta£. êv[_ blockbustI$a ¤C4>$reKnehÜ~BÍ e~tainírega9rdà# "dustry‡Dýprôw is Copyrig?ht (C) 1993 ø¢ý G…BytesMagazißne. All riô reserved.G
ÿCYBERRACE by Cybÿerdreams Previeÿwed by Ross EricÿksonWhat seemsÿ like ages ago, ÿa new company buÿrst onto the gamÿing market with ÿahorrific advenÿture called Darkÿ Seed. It garne÷rned m
industryÿ awards. That cÿompany is Cyberdÿreams. Many havÿe asked, "So wheûre'dy go!?" CüçOLunique in thÿeir philosophy oïf involvwell-kÿnown designcele_brities in irÿe design. H.R. ÷Geiger~Alien faŸme helpedœ  aÿtmosphere of Dark Seed, and reˆ?ed futurist Ãœ ÿer SydMead is lgeadingŠ n ofæ_¿ next game, NrRwace.ñ0e (CR)Lÿa futuristic driïving/racsimulaûtion veryextensive role-playÿelements to it. o The maiurust~{the î isdrivzA r !sleds onE1ÿtracks that may obe as al©asd!Ÿ on Mars! ,E1enÿvironment will bÿe made by utilizþvoxel-based tßerrain, fiseenÖta PC™ in hitÞ­icopter î,Coÿmanche: Maximum Overkill. CR }!ÿes similar, but þq technology toÿoffer very fastÿ, smooth motion ÿsensations over ßreal model,terrÿain. Theeffectû is,~course, stçunning´çO chiefþÅ!ical officer sÿtatesthat its pÿossible to load ßa data set41actuqalˆ1æ!4!esurfúÿof Mars taken frÿom actual satellßite-based &. F½orT1tter,itLpo÷ssible(develop µa Qk  has s{ledsE1through :ÝGrÃCanyon haveÿ it look real!ßCR also haÿbig ßflair for 6dramuat$nd cinemª. While notr }g,0e continue“Ý e6st. R‘ entïer into6picturíe Î pendupon character decisßó, diÍsracingrŸesults mayH  pýasSConversely, {yourE1results uz™"afócertainôB¿ your charac¢ca¿n make farthóowþue road. Alongåwa î Strike Commander, CRLÏperhaps 6 's f{irst!playing»ÅulÞn.ö P [so pÿlans an extensivïe amount~digitaïl speech¬ sound—effec'!ac 0v orçiginalœ#Qk. An¿ add-on diskLbe¿ingconsider‡o Ïbeef up 6“3audiŸo even fur? a ·CD-ROMÏsionL#fuÏll speec‚€houtÜL‚ being„nnedÛ.Twtory~CR t«akes„cet e reþ_ two empires, ~6Kaldisiansa­"} T‰ns (aren'tc çfightit other ûempioo??), are½ f gannihi! sýo v weapons are osilenced¬ rep'd withi TrµI#î lines~Roller{ball_ corporaws batt,eacho?Ød6Qk, wBbetwßeen planet]$now ñse$™!æ/Raceins³tead41Ž$fiel2Yoãu en¢61ZClay SËhaw,‡unuÂpartïicipant ™! struggle, fori”freùseÅ~e Terrans ½bykidnappofþ1#girlfriend, Alßyssia. As1 keegp winnø4ñ0e,T‰ÿn political gain÷s move1 closer v day_n you ^OreunitedL#ELoûhowever,¬1I d‡enied Øý tÿrue lovefor eve~“brief moment¬2š-$n'cwer RLweãakenÈ#:$asian ïadvantagõ`is expected to ship ¤½PCdis fall, Maïcintosh ÃAmigasversßþ3 later÷his prîw is Copÿyright (C) 1993 Ôòí GšByMagaÿzine. All rights? reserved.1 ÿFINAL FIGHT by Sÿega (original byÿ Capcom) For thÿe Sega CD Revieÿwed by Doug BauerFinal Fightûÿis a translationë of ÷FiíFight ¿arcade game ï?m.ÿ The Mad Gear gÿang has kidnappeýd ÷new mayor's ÿdaughter and youÿ or youand a frÿiend must rescueÿ her. The playeÿrs can control C¿ody (theboyV ),ÿ Guy (Cody's budþK martial arts ÿexpert) or Haggaýr q mayorhimseÿlf, who happens ÿto be a former pÿro wrestler).Týhej0 options are¾jfigurable,K tûhere¼ selectablÿe difficultylev÷els. ù's fairlÿy typical (and nûice)¸0 to listen~ðthebackgrouX õicK sü effects× from ÷op scrÿeen are includedþ± action is typÿical side-scrollÿing beat 'em up _with six lØs Sÿtwobonus levels÷. I'v@ver playýedÇ arcade versÿion, but I'm tol>>at allthe:1ýonÇ CD. As a b¿onus, there  "ÿTime Attack" modÎwhichÇd0 tryöðdefeds many e÷nemies›possibleÿ in a fixedamou}nttime (this‡!ž8its own ù@‡, ¾Òerent fromÇnormal game). /variety of mov¢ÿvailable (seven ëor e
 fîachchŸaracter), ×O "÷feel",K weapon {sele 1 similarðÿStreetsof Rage ÏII, but ÷× itsÛelf hortJ haróder.Ú|!n't ahuÿge amount of var{iety©enemies,\¯ at leas"eye sÿeem to havetheiÝr Àtactic=!persÿonalities.Grapûhics¼ well doneþ\ not spectacul}ara characterl!verylarge, as©|" er II. Evôÿhough some like ¾·, I preferÇsmaller sprites›Bs 2becaus±|! lùesÈcrowded"f»eel.Ú!colorsZ"waßshed out. 72 somÿe flicker (when ÿyou've justknocoked downvunchîK2 oveorload of¿2 on ­¿scan lines)\ iÝt :"freque±r diístŽing.6B no sl}ow #sfar as Ih» telá"is fac2 eÿspecially impresÏsive dur.÷subwµay× , 6 lotÈ bÿackground animatwion./music ÿbsolutely fabuloýusHt comes dire¯ctly offp!D SI likeit enoughðsit atǸ01SOË thr±#heÌ sev[ery ´ I lupÇþ&e. It ranges þÏ Japanese-inflïuenced l
rock ÿto straight-out ëmetaá2soeffect¾l!fine, averfoŸrGenesis ×È tÿhis type.Sometwhing It haveðïmention:Ç voiceô.inÇ intro iÿs so badthat I §enjoy ò .to1juýstðget a good lÿaugh. Maybe more>&esshould 0$"ß"feature" Í2normÿally I skip intr÷os aft¾eeingthýem-$once.OveraõllzisGa solid,ÿ fun title worth· check.out,_Sif
MaÉ f #@à#Gextrem“Oè"ûhileextremelyç long,1#Œllengi¹ng±"reviewGCoûpyri!(C) 1993 b¿y Doug Bauerò Gþ'Bytes Magazine÷.All ts reserved. ÿMUTANT LEAGUE FOÿOTBALL by Electrÿonic Arts For tÿhe Sega Genesis ÿReviewed by Douïg Bauerõ/hose wÿho like both fooÿtball and out-anÿd-out violence, ÿthis cartridgewÿill not disappoiïnt. The@engine¿ is based on÷ iÿmmensely-populaÿr Madden series ÿof games, but spÿorts a variety oÿf interesting"eÿnhancements." Sÿo be warned: if Ïyou dislX 's pÿassing windows orany other of÷÷ basic^0e play yÿou may want to tÿhink twice beforïebuyingµs one.ÿThe idea behinùd *¨ is simple.ß A leaguenstraÿnge creatures coßmpetein a¨ of nÿo-holds-barred (ÿAmerican-style) ßfootball, «ed oÿn a numberof trÿeacherous fieldsþ; se fields haveÿ differing surfaÿces with suchda¿ngers as minbfiÿre pits, and holÿes into nothingnÿess. It's funnyý (îtwisted sorÿt of way) to seeþ÷ opposing teamû's bcarrier, aïfter havtbrokenÿ free for an appûaren³uchdown geót bl“gmitheree}nsësteppingoÿmine ("fumble!")þ; re are five diûfferŽmutant typþbwhichinclude ÿTrolls, Robots, ÿAliens, Skeletonýs Super-Humansÿ. Each has thei}r“advantagesEë disòA (personoalities)
the »d. Î!are sïg öslowE prone t÷o bout^ flatuleqncÙÒ!¶ "agil¾{t fr7e."Alo”Ïith mostn basiýc «s (renamed fÿor humor's sake) available inX þ)ere are "wild"÷ playsE "nasty"ÿ audibles. Wild öP"areêlex, oftïen goofys" desig÷ned tol opponeýntÞ!gain big yar÷dage.ÈNasty auëdiblöre÷ heart !puntr÷eturn Gbe a lot¿ more satisfÀ w}he "runner getìÿrown back about}20ªds insteadnjust dropping.Çöl2load^ options~`B. Of coursejRÿpractice,exhibi'É"«off rêsóy ofjÀ quarterÿ lengths. You c¿anchoose FaHr ¹Slun. YoF#seýleAhe Death Indÿex (five levels,þ±#Rough to AnnihÏilation)PDK resÿerves or not. Iwt's mo·unto «îD"reservbbecausße it makesµngs îp@g when¡ enchg~ðlow due to dnës (aVhesyers dyo &D4 degreesnskill,so killn3ÛstarH4backS be ÿbeneficial).Twÿisted humor runsŸ rampant i Ñ e,Á f²3ü^ÒTEteaÿms (Bones Jackso}n,½ty-WhinersfúÒT' coaches'hÿilarious remarksü²1Falso an enteÿrtaining half-tiõme.w,çreyou líobì"s" a#"cheerßleaders" (•themã allE­„#ewardeýd2 "new cheerlßeader tryo'on Mçonday"Ègraphiycs¶d, altho~îk"is a bÏf flicgker du+!y#thet#Ãn --W¿C½4V%a huëge r®e Æ% a "QB smash"« "anwnihila' setti3ü‘#¼ds, severed »limbD! poolsbl‹ood ønd; Ï5¼s ÷smooth(in Maddeån.Ç muNsound üÕyC best by EA.Í 5Ffits÷`epeïrfectly 2 its pýum¥ psuedo-meta×l feel; s effýec3"appropriateþU#he digitized v¹oi0<&prettyd ½(aµ5some of„%re¾in Englishlußckily they¶ sub/titled :FoW0åserts• every¨ by 70 points: ­¾S challengenrsïelf muchß#effectively in r;ryðsÀï02robots against a stro#Ñm,£tK a‚DnseÝtt
 Evenïreat¶@$will" endyoûur r being creêU,ëedÉ"dismemÕbe(f®!).TEa wh{ole –level ofÿategyto learn (Ïhmm, I'mï dum¯b penalt]caK a>¦st me... Ýrq must & cal¿led a "bribe÷ rëef" «..—'d better „ìëÍ¥GU#‹ake "veª€y)r—n @)e myrisfop'Þ!larger(!Ére¯®we¾$Ô$r tyopes makeW a m5^› complex¨ thŠ?ny "normal" 1`žÆ0stat-kee¥Fasë extR3s X '93, n21h addiÝ'as"í!ieÎuwës"*5 J"«9nüd.ÇÑ@æ½arrehV (if gçratuit%0 doesný'tP#d you). EA wcould & releaIqa ·'Ü# less »1¸0Ï0&n, butÍy went† outë7ëïll kindsn`g featmurö! fittouŽú— j—wish I coualdKß#y³B!TÃ÷reviewFCopyrighßt (C) 1993ëDoug× BauerW G©Byte~+gazine.All ñts4Y«ÿX-MEN from SegaÿFor the Sega Genÿesis, 8MegsReviÿewed by Phil NguÿyenIt started ÿout as a comic bÿook. Then it waÿs made into a ca¿rtoon. Now,à/haþ0t to the home ÿvideo game markeý platform þ8 hasthe X-Menÿ battling againsÿt Professor Xaviÿer's arch enemy,ÿ Magneto. ThelOeader of0L , Xp, had construcÿa Danger Room whûereêX-Men traißn and hone0ir s÷kills.e diabolóicalg0H createdýa puter virus ¼œ)infected0 D¿anger Room'sº@wiûth i= ecomputer¿ malfunctionÁ crÿeates deadlier aÿnd deadlier scen¿arios which”@arße to fight  wayÿ through.The fûour,Ayer contro÷lled, 1e: Gambÿit, Wolverine, Cÿyclops, andNighÿtcrawler. One also gets otherL ÿ to call in as bÿackup, which I'lwlexplšlater.§ ž8 starts ‘e þ”@think they areÞUjustanoL tra}inRsession inÊpÿ. Professor Xavþùshows up toteÿll you that someú|g )gone wrongç with êß0. You? must keepf Rÿthrough each levïel untilžcan fiýx êproblem. Evoentuallyžfindq!ûthatg0 is behind all this. Af½?knocking out0º0Ýr,is offQAste·roid MQface0 finalbPe Øg0! strong point rãhis 8êvarietýy r characters £one I«!!l œal}l [2ous placesô? enemies one !¦÷A note«everyoneúY"atTbnot easy. Ï In factUëbe dÿown right hardsÿometimes. But IO like a 8±!isdïllenging! overall graphicÅTB/ above aÕgek dRýinJ game look vÇery muÛ”! carãtoonô pÄlorsacre b³"œtrueQöêway êsuperherŸos really ûk bÿackground graphiûcs o{e other haÖre jÍOKk re dÿoesn't seem tobûe en colors toû makv!backgroundê33stœou= e musiÿc isn'tspectacu·lar eiL but*" acceptable. ItYãs chÍÀ!“y leve9lœêtheme r Ìic#match Ø0Ü!¿. As you ge.h™igK©ls, ê#in?tensity pick©ônH a fas½pace½2?didn't noti9"¶#ÿ too much while ãplayÔ!k!¦ guessû I wIoo busy fi[guri " howQbešßhe bad guy¦But ~c# of how itsss,0 parRb\!kesfun is0ø"!@ø"J‘G#‹@m.iA· can b$ed aie¾er or two €$s simultaneouslyk ¿ difficulty ­" sÏet from ~rhreeÿ options: Amateïur, Hero:d Supeyr-³Cn Amateu)"Oonlyall¨ÉtoAuy ªo ©l 3, wWþ¯ face Apocalyp}sek HerosettŽ!}em}enty hard c#g for mš¨fourNAchoose m-Áô] N crawlehA €$þu control anyone5thes•0œësw‹itchQanJ#– $in7 each ©l. ?Y2nice featuä"""ø<šèexample,‡u? useWolveriŸH,×!most7%e Õ$¬#—en swi½to61«fi¼´êhead bos¦ isøL$TDð more likeÿ a team effort. õTUisý"helpful Ñif‡L ta a bŸeating. JÍC5o8HeØ·%health½"¯Îu only C%L a l?imitednumbeq »/, dependRon\!Ü!<¯ on.Ea6u¿ punch, kickô j¿ump. BesideZ"reÍgu‹move=$L havöveir ±mutant aGbilityk 1)a ô%û metó a mutant«abilÞmeg!On9" h÷ealth wr is gonée,±!– isöd for goodand¯Ì!t Ž'4eginni ‹UØ an•ferentL ,if0œääny lef}3W2ovÅerÙn v2Að. C'oncernRUf, ÚL ~H his unique s&Íy.,1thr¨Uenerígydrgedds. Wü|5ó6 adamantium ûclawÿ0allows himnQslash œto dïtornado-º spine? slash. He S$þáyìE0X6.'owly replenishõVhCy¿clopsshootsõ eóye-b¾?5do an opÿtic blast spin aËttacAn£have beenVBdßdone (they™etimÿes make it hard ¯to folloje~) ·but thg!easywgeét owaf8a litt÷le timd!e zoom-ignson —@|"good‚ÿ it is obvious tqha½ðonly 2‹ ÿnsequences (saf†°"out)Ý {#!Ut þ®end up exactlyîÿ samemevery Ýtiv OveraùI'd usar!grQRccepta®þ®neitherdisplease nor amaze Uÿviewer.SOUND:=T,rack of U b#þUumpires' calls, as well as o=>ÊeplaysounQ‰cvnot ±tacula1þÍbackground musÿic istotally anõnou, #ankfullyü6(and should)ÿ be turned off.ÿCONTROL:I'll ÷break  up intoÿ 3 categories: hâ@ , E@®yding.? HITTINGH@ ÿõ b/is„bdifficulýt actually get¶BTlpa*ar's ydeýrs"quite a chorÓe (wr´01-) ofïcourse).Ì"a-buttÙonm0wbuntú0 b-b¿utton to swiC4atÙ.1` use+!ontr7ol padwposi¨©4ð8å Æ$mboxin aony direc¨. H@ î"somewhlrritatζbecausŸ#1'sfüÜ{always seem ùto
å correct s×pot to$chD4l. õBaXsðrated onFƒed, W¶^"e,€Í hšruns€¤ pretÿtyaccurately inW relat½toÿir¸—tisticIt"Ûim÷possibo beattþ,Ar consistentlyü‚wdo so requirßes a good E0 eff«ortí4it"ra5o õsczmo5han fourÇ runs !A. Sóteal¶Ÿs is easÈn¸4ú0 oz#,e-ru]nn¶controHhûïat first‚ fairl}y
 once you S÷it. YŽ! summonpinch-hiXN ¯your benZbu#:?PITCHINGInB!¶0|0â´´Ë5both$%€oamount +urveëEƒ als¿dB!†ŠÎunv" c¹$s ¼!|0¸;rts a(insidÌ sideŒ4E _„~ým U fatigue, spÏeed, skiù®curvæZilitóTeycan
substitu!sl!’!justÀ"real,0öThe1 WILL pu÷nish aK1for leavî¶a tire%her (jûudge
observing? his decreas¶Eh d) iQ&1ü6la›te iÈgs. ÅE rûeal laint I haGve aborK6¶is=SžI$ a wayt*FUheóight¯3ö&(high or¯ low). Sò2 IÀ"toÿ riskblowin' a Ÿhigh fastb/e aÆ$r,4#ŠisÊ /âbesurÑ"‹1çÉewÒa'l,„">it wÿas high. FIELDò>FÜ$' difficuíltœfirsU$gets m;uch ýer as â)þÖ"ame.As in mos±t Ÿ~Êes, Uke½y &o followl#haÓdow Ò!F$ond gro~Uto determine3@„F4üfl< q77mptsòmake63´ieor by imp."a sm/d`Ò!Û" inUž ner Ò!‹0Ü01þBÎðn"¯##( does he©lp¸tra‰in\4 aç jump Ã4/until +itr„es%"uto4Z zfEwiutomaticZ$Éivá%Ë%ld+!loseIstÛ"+ut1Àrro\ #u wish e v_ ittakes ~s Kravel 1"…Hw³"y íisÙ5accu . OneŽ-plaint€7‘ { n÷o erro&ssigned bbR, ¸?OverÏ though,.H$' cha÷llengiƒnough to™ ns\old‚´%enÛough³few )s.ÿCHALLENGE AND OVýERêGAME PLAY:â8e,]3 •I VERY žQ4t. Low-“¶2ãto 1Ï'{ÿ norm Wunless+Qr ksçÜ>€ beatsâbadÝlyë% will È rarèCb—ibyVarge mÿargin. CalRipkeßn is MUCH – fun½8fino=K1o1~!t,since hum¸?rror (which Q1)~öes) then ent{T!ÿgà ' bñab_E—ikU with ce÷rtain ¹combinaZ¨s,‚ 1-0Ï' d#ýra= monotonous.· Also,—iisaFentless chea8®’(L k big*½Œ%{1-1 å bottom Ò!? ninth. At ˜£%ˆ11IÏo
3bÀe“manyfEËg. ~Cq'e'ßs true appliesÆüits) K1or 2m-pL!vs. Q modº­ IŠese :s Œsqa ÈÙÊ worth ­û hou}f enjoymenõt.b) r
w is Cop}yr< (C) 1993 `÷ for GÐ Bytes Mÿagazine. All riÿghts reserved.ÿSHINING FORCE byÿ Sega of AmericaïFor theè/Genesiÿs, 12 Megs + Batÿtery BackupReviÿewed by Phil NguÿyenIt's been a¿ while sinceè/haÿs produced a rolÿe-playing game (ßRPG) that#the ¿variety likeò Pÿhantasy Star gamÿes. Well, SHINIÿNG FORCE is hereÿfor all us RPG ïstarved ÷/s owners. This 1Z;ÿsequel to ShininÿgIn The Darknesûs. € g Force isÿ a much better ißmprovementqhe vÿarietyof characÿters and battle ÿscenes make thisÞLe one ofò betÿter RPG'ssince ÿPhantasy Star IIOI. Withû?° a²ê bp,è/saystúsisòir largestû RPG~date. In þ¼ case, bigger is definitely ™ .A quick notÂo caution~all dûfansqpnot a true¼ûtis mor aÿ tactical role-p—laying¾ (T4q0isýn'5knockagainsÑt ;1t ” greýat¾ to play, butù ijZthetradit{iona'G.Now \ÿ's some backgrouónd oe1 Shining¿ Force takestceß 1,000yea¯fterñ w\1The Darkness ended. Ac!Wend of¶An¼Q, ¾ÿ Dragon was vanq÷uished~another ¿dimension afÈtr~Mto control ;{worlË Rune. ÚQÿvowed he would bÿreak throughtheÿ inter-dimension÷ barri›n 1,000 ûyear‹Well, that× time #cogTheÿ kingdom of Rune{fausj!ttackingò× otherB2s BThei÷rgoalZto help ûfree‡k Dragon. _ GuardianaZa QÛdom 6 hasòtasÇk of gw/;GateFAncients³!oRZ;sealÄ Youa•V] w'ors arznt ø;QFGuardiana Ïto ensur»7heGýatÂ0 Ancients reÛmain¥2.SžQ conûsist\ eight cha¿pters, beginŸ wsith ;H2tInva$®¢ main «0r,chï you get~name, þ” humanswordsm½an¢ rest ofr ¿team, calleda, ÿconsists ofmageýs,±2s, knights, ÿarchers and manyìU"‹Alon"way yo¿u willmeet ê!peÿople who will jo±inò/žQ!totaýere areover 30 «@~6t can be par1~ò team. But k;have~findsà ֪HereZwhpartüF;strategy com¿es in. You ¶onolyallowæ!takeûè«@ý"katCime, s¿o decide wiswhñomj"kmost forœ3#Åicular² Soßme people Ÿfly >“obstacles U"×s may ° lerangÿe attack capabilÿities.A nice fGeatureÇ3uP>$y sgromote3#«@. A±þ^t reach level 1å0,òy Ÿ3[$d. For instancea S(3nZpromotæ!Hero ï a Birdm‘„SkyWa¿rrior. OnceZ4d,~^t look much tßer. Many½tpret{ty t¿at firstw= oÎthey areµDŽ!õofm ¶armed toîò hilt.…d, Hans{ an W#, looks A÷ alit´Robin HoŸod guy. OΔ4, úÅecÐ heavily aÛrmor(ndc'es aŸ crossbow 6Zlaërger6n swhole ‡body.@Z$"µ"great,w eve šè´òN"k {ence‹ThŸegraphics°ò wÙayòóractY3enemÓies 9$è dÁveryß well.Dur/a on/e-on-oneN"k,òtßyer's poin1 vieµw óo ;left°bßehind your‡E, soæ seeô çk. Wh9il»Éemy is*~di‰$¢ ‡u‘Aµ"› d×etaile„ItÔmst~Sega remembe¯»bout…%omplaiÙcocncerŸmU‘AsinE` IØRemembJÅluæ_id? …çkgrounáds*€0‘ ¶impresósive˜'t thinká a^3û¾ 90detail+ or=0inLV d¡%;^9$ sequenc=s `doNEfgCÊU’5¥ñy.$‡Um jump atî enemy° slash†òm whÞêé{lu¼7$Ð&with a lì%N}ot~be outdone5á%‘retaliÑãŽ!ÌEo5move\ir o?wn.Besidesò6¹d {5ó&music [soÆP enhŠgt ascwell¢ ¿#&'duriR27verheaøttle¹%[ßdifferent &cwh/en each «0r 9$w%|%7+' good but Ÿøåerepetitiôa… s” effectsºè wreallyœre÷ssed m`"e bestsœ”À#en oneF©vfi}re: Bustershot} c almostfeß%çrecoilU%Irall eÇnviron KtVGfromç most Êw5interfcace DG¾ ”s foÜX‹Õft inCowÓ‹Talkýh&;u#. û Buyj weapons oÿr items as neces«sary¢ n kneæoùgo~É next locaÜ"œo far,2'is j0K%kV$utoÎk›leavß%town*¿Sit diffepê!Ê%lE`'s, kwandj²Od /for É d7estinaL(AloR"ƒ> may encouŽ!Krandîon¿‹Inaû,anIwfield is laid out [k(ath­Â° mfigh­Áurƒ%D(¦hOkmustç move s‡Eone-b=y-Átowards ¤x° i°Ö#closÉç!‰eÉ5enœ#cGõts²º3ThåvH can#ed{ious?" actual õ[tingw0fun Å, xçmoving^toposi˜"WŽetimºawŒ¢ fruËh¢#is“ waihy45to0
`"Ÿ# lot\Ð&þ[I get impatienwtwait 8my turÓ¿I guess I'm 4us|æ!;tactical fñÞ/style.Iz1too ¯hard. JKine 9soD¶afraid2G¤!botFË3h!just¤!®8"to set4up²#gh®Whenfè)g,òreþk5 front line troopsœ# 9ç)2°¾—!leader (ki•f ~% mini-boss) ¥3ëroopÁo >uchst›rongjnd h“3#pr¿imary target*orçder to3E8tdestination.†o6ïes, once finisóh it6it. No ûuse -0it againuInl×kmi>ou¿of non-crucifte±msœq„Æ rre- aãbiliÙLª:'s. FÆß off5#ÿ) ext{racˆEthrougho&ˆ¾ 6´8 hlÓ*œecÇondly,–~{Yncre²þinu$5eir >4s ÿincrease randomlæ¶& inÁ1, Zylo (a werewolf) à>› powerful xñnoV¾ asvery »weak$ecauseÇ#is£, itZns!y `n X[°{(rent[be2t*N"ke¯ leave+4~‘ atheadquard$á WþVG{Y;ur groýup”ur strategies/be Kr)ôVmì;sameâr isn'tîremely{ficult. Easier than4v÷I and× It does ¨áåetio - twhough,# I likÛIt tÃmea 2 wseeksFúinuoust¸M& 3 hou¯ dþû(finish it. I couldn't stop -0ƒbecaÃuL¡ó>Kevÿerybody'slevels¼ôu,d see hoCey&Âked [9$ed³Ïey were”4¢ dowÃnsidr2Gw Í" plo:j v‚linearZ:Ò,¹twFÔm corn¶EvÀ‚8g&)+achiãevedd"‰)hing hçappensô 9 traveCl toj¡;8Oh …neúo ]8=¨t ¹onfusi²±0,c(me,òse·Ø#Ll_nnoyŠÁicÎx‰K– íL3e.€Ö,good*€h!÷had a ã9 aspectڍt \-I wa
 pregpared ¢xgrew~AÅpes,pYE[=0ôˆ•s,¹`eenjoyabl„¶˜ZduceŽ`ñG,U"K%;"Ð0SÕ1‹AfȍPee,Äan‰LÔ howaë II½oiRo turnÈïUsre ZCopy½riö(C) 1993 `n þ¢Game Bytes Mag¿azine. All <ts/erved.m
ÿJURRASIC PARK byÿ Sega of Americaÿ For the Sega Gÿenesis Reviewedÿ By: R.C. Lafferûtyõ had theirÿ work cut out foþòem when it camÿe to JURASSIC PA¿RK (JP) foróGeÿnesis! Based onÿ what is (as of this writing) óÿ2nd biggestgrosÿsing movie EVER,ÿ people were goiÿng to be interesßted, and cFcal!ÿHave they succeÿeded, is it wortÿh your hard-earnÿed dollars? Reaú9..—The idea¿ behind JP, ómoÿvie and book whiõch g!is basedÿ on (forthose 3þ\0who haven't seenor r”ó¬),ÿ is that dinosauûrshvbeen genetÿically re-createõd ªaräing keptþºa island amuseÿmentpark/zoo. Twhings õgreat,þÝ@ are amazing, öªall Delluntiÿl disaster strikÙes"!ódino!set ÷loose.š first niÿce touch you wilol noticeÙwhenP go to choose †ÿcharacter, you ÿcan play as eithýer hero, Dr. GÏrant, orsóRAPTßOR,one of morŸe vicious Ž!Ý@. ÙAs}Q† goa& to{makePr way toÿ visitor center,ó all®le beingÿ persued by theídient ;saurs.{ As Raptor,£ ideþe°aofBe¾ÿ0live! Th€s ¿a good sign,sit÷ showsè/has gone} t<extrayardì1ÿ a good game!TŸhe next thømwiÏll noticµ± raphsics,n levelAïqualityªdetailí! è/actuë digityizÞ r modelsnþÑl actorsagainÿst a blue backgrûound61en similia}r ·! process u8Ÿin making§5diwgitizeÓese in·!þ³ itself! The rûesul= spectaculÓar! +â!r ªT-re}x È a life li#ppearance (if m1ïcall adc2life lûike)"is a first} fƒ cartridge³we! At H!look,0gs come acrossvÿit jerky, probabò\ueeóprocess used inïG aÿnimations. But wïith onlyíew plaÙysl!5 be µ!engùro‘" task at húªtory about sÇilly t
!Î>2sanŸyway! :-)+<yeÏr controilso ÿwell done, sort ¹ofó  betweƒtandardplatform³½esC2 control2 FKlashz. ks(ýl  emost part,à but: tim¹es @Swonderøwhïy youcaÊget Drÿ. Grant to do whyatP trying."Ÿ, combined4#Òfañct"CÙnot an e3asy ( my 7l"ÿcomplaint. For¿tunatly, JP ­ouÿgh enough to kee½p mchalleng~buít hard1$hto asscen’·! ranksAð÷ ƒ óeffort. {JustÏCaresureP hvhad en/l!maÃnageeä·!-"leveýl ªmore funand¿ mysteries.+ cïhallenge 4simplyþA e standard runþn jump variety ¾u!, aseach Œ$prÿesents it's own çuniqueŸD"!requirßes thought7onlïy in howenavigaateEB@$Z<yingszæ3t,® weaponseùus© Z. In esse;nce,Ðallowi)#u3¼`¤# 2typesAchÏaractersl!ätwo ~(s in one. WÇ*±0es£taN#s!Œsls (æCY2 has 1G"7 include%ý4Årãr)¤ Y% layþ¹ut differentlyÒñ eÄ55r,”"g it7a newŸ$angeG4qøasx!umanl!Èù w %n addedmobsilité²!corner°Ïe Raptorºóothewr handf brute2Wength71abÇ%to·$Øدces ªheig}htÝWhile manyœ#þtetried a simißlar approa°o pr ovidøtw9ó(<¿y, I am happ¶s¡ay+Y2z0YerÚ%rs~t$failed.Anovòa A&õ tried s£omet
¢X!aty öÜ "DiÚ!Artificÿial Intelligence_". Dependøon situa/¤ Ù1ogpposede È in ÔA?ways. I was ‘Þýbit skeprl of?this, figurž%e ø7
‘!than a marÝkeG ploy, was¿ verypleasa s§urprisÿa Ù1 Iþ  stunned got u©p ªeeqtogse™ m 3óTturnøªjumpøatÂ1 rÌ#°÷enextÌe I confCrontš‡!Ù1 (ÆÜ«N# middl snaíck–on aO& smallmerÝ0r) IÛ abl"ß pass withnearþ8s muchtroubleø"!«pursued be½yoD" initial£fr  at 1ÿ6-meg, yet priceÎ9ly $5 ­Fóaverýag10scartridge,s‚sF2 §eqû, JPB investmenñt,• C revieweÏrs eyes,¶#^Dmoneùy!š8w Copyrighßt (C) 1993ÐR.C.ß Lafferty Gameÿ Bytes Magazine.{All"'s ReservLŸÿCOOL SPOT by Segÿa of America / Vÿirgin Games Forû theæ/Genesis Rÿeviewed by Thom ÿVaughtCool Spoÿt is very entertÿaining title staëringt,ø charaÿcter from 7-UPcÿommercials. As ÿspot you can traÿvel through 11 wÿacky levels alonÿg with 6bonus rÿounds. It is baÿsically a side sÿcrolling platforÿm game done byoÿbviously designeþ a bunch of ra¿ving lunatic^Spéotaxoføfunniÿest and best aniÿmated charactersÿ I've seen on a ÿhome system. Alÿso,the rounds d÷isplayø same waocky sensš hum÷?hat has madeø3Pÿ so popular.As^ in each Åd,>ÿr objectives areÿ to stay alive, þ cool, watchtn(lock, £freeøþBpped spots. T÷his soÆ simple,ÿ but it can getÿcomplicated. Toþ y alive, shoot®ø enemind! w{here> jump. C1ÿcool, make sure ÿyet collect as mùand!&! as you caÿn. Freeingcaptéur%1aac0not »do t+until ~haÿve reached a sufßficient leDofcoolness.EachN ÿ has different oçbstaclR!O1. It takes a a good3ïbinationŠjumpinùg £˜1 skills toÏ finish ÃÊls iýn Spot.The ú-d £music in Cûool •0excellent.û Bej!to check oUutøs\ t¡inø/ optionskeeÀ=, ÃgraphicsS§ ¬ùsomš0 b¡foþ in any Genesis game. Controlaÿalso well done. ëThe]ps@ get fÇrustraš4øy ev×en mak³ei# t die apleasure. (BôøKki¡0most ent‡ertainÿu± Êedã onÃý/ÒThis rþw is Copyrightß (C) 1993 ` forý GÏBytes Magaziÿne.All rights reserved.,ÿSUPER BATTLETOADÿS by Tradewest ÿFor the Super Niÿntendo Reviewedÿ by Ken GagneZÿitz, Pimple, andÿ Rash are at theÿ first showing oÿf TRIPS -- Totalÿ RealityIntegraÿted Playing Systÿem. Through it ¿they can see Gÿamescape, acompÿuter-generated pÿlaying world. Bÿut something's lÿooking back! A ÿpigjumps out anßd kidnaps òdaugãhterò! inventýor Zitz! Guesÿswho's gonna geš?emlk?÷?gatÿest hit? Or a bßlast from òpast{? T< call. T0ýte you'll notiwce are stunn4ïgraphics9hey prÿactically leap oûuto… screen in ÿa colorful myriaÿd of Psyko Pigs þxliving skeletoÿns. Some enemieÿs take up 1/3 ofþÖ creen! Multi-÷scroll4backgrounds willwhir ¼ØÍöòfranç0fastÿ Turbo Bike stagÿe. The mirror eïffectin bonusç stage!òflag an?e gamedrtupÔÿ positivelyawesýomS1comical "speÿcial moves" fromþ original 'toaÿds cart arestilÿl there, such asþ Kiss my Fist,übe new ones for Player Two ¢ÿalso included.ŸOf course,ÍB't have hip Toad5õthva ßsoundtraÝck9urn upvolÿume, it's great!ÿ Your adrenalin¹e 6t! pumpi[heÿn you hear thisûpoweû rock music. Adding to ò¿total effectÔ0 wïhams, ba;andth›umpspoun)"`adß guys into groýunÐEven with alö¦is, p1 doesn't÷ live ôo it's eÿxpectations. Itrevives Q¿¸0first Battâr (>òSnake Pit,K!wBikesd"Rat RaÓïnd more) changÝesm a liŽ. I¯f you'veXyeAro›ugh òNES rÍ0brçeeze t; s one.· Sure,layvisÿ different, but ®s stillÖ amSI þ¤!don't understaond why'"for Î_has twelved!s,þ Super NES verÿsion has only si÷x!IfÍ're lookþ4to be introducéed+2Bs,ã"is a gßreatplace+star·t. ItÏkeepÍr eyes gluICó À w¿eeks tocome¾R aŸlready met‘ €h,÷ maybe³rief reußnionwouldCniceþ¾t'll definitelóy br.1¹!memoriesó.Tä~ew is Coÿpyright (c) 1993úPe Game Bytesÿ Magazine.All rûightÅserved.8ÿWWF ROYAL RUMBLEÿ by AcclaimFor ÿthe Super Nintenÿdo, 16 MEGRevieÿwed by Andrew NguyenSlamma-j ÿ no-holds barredÿ action. These ÿwords describe Aÿcclaim'ssequel ÿto their previouÿs wrestling cartõ, ò/Wr;emania. ÿ Let me saynow ÿthat WWF ROYAL RÿUMBLE is a much ¿better game.isÿ updated cart haÿsmore characterÿs, more moves, a½nd~ options.j iÿs a fun game forÿ"pro" wrestlingÿ fans but isn't ÿa great one-on-oÏne fight=•. I>¥the best :@•ó out—2 SNES. ÿNote: There are Ÿonly TWOw0ges_ availableË`kû timØound you cÿan choose from 1ÿ2 different grapûplerŒHere's aqÿuick run down onü2x@s: Macho Maÿn Randy Savage, ÿMr. Perfect,Cruÿsh, Undertaker, ûBret2 Hit Man Hÿart, Tatanka, Riÿc Flair, ShawnMÿichaels, Yokozunÿa, The Narcissis¿t Lex Luger,g Million Dollar ,¿TedDiBiase,„ Rÿazor Ramon. Allþü Hulkamaniacs ¿will notice ðimÿmortalone, Hulkÿ Hogan, is missiÿng.When you stÞrplaying,ür fiÓrst ‰ to1whatÿ kind of eventyÿou wish to play.÷ Onceü power uýp àRoyal Rumbleý, ¸get somebeaÿutiful digitizedÿ pictures of all~2 participantŒÿYou can choose fûrom­@, tag-team÷, thre®-three, žÌ mother "² s,~2Royal Rumbli¿An added fea t?hat was miss=>2 originalEP®þ`"ption of two-pßlayers on ðsame· team.j wayücïan shareÁ!sense ïof joy w¶1pound núone in1 mat¹÷f you" any of öðregu|matches,Þü will be5sentÏed with ð‰ of õa ²leªch, brawÿl, or tournamentò¹n ×r¸just havueßinÁ!opponeèBüß"2re isn't a rÛefer3and ¸mustÿcompletely elimÿinate your opponÿent's power meter. In tournam ûmodeõubasicallÏy fight )ˆ to žðtop. El%33 a{fter+3tuntil ¸ýwi}"Championship÷ Belt,âBelts, iÒ®u Ù½!g(2. NuowË0 RFbPick ax@ó. C!)difficuÿlty (1 through 1û0). ò!. You staÛrt i}"ringÍ"oneþC Every ten sec¿onds anotherœ le/r enters2 r=h#ÚÝeÙsix
1s in¢ç3g.Ú ˆ aßCisÿ eliminated isbûy be=thrown oveþï/top rope (Ouchw!). W¶a persÉ!¶$3edaÜscomeú#o otake hisàce. gm rIe is$when½ús Û one perso·n leftÂS.Taverall graphics Ù{quit¡pressiveŽ!ô2ß3rsøe manyfÙraD nimaŠ whiÏch makes"y" looýk feel real. ËEven2r#well¶œ$ted.·ery : erû hasK own uniquOe outfit„½y Ù{all Ó colorfu¶rso music ã$Ûso vËgoodP$gruûnts groans areÝ d¤nicelyŽs foôï/öc, cnymusicœšBÙactual0, Z¤onå! finÝa ¾h,üaTreoP3Í4í's×4them%c.AsØË0g„#, itþ be ×summedëind worïd. Fun. Êdhas sËome Dc %a "pÕatäd ."$specóial “%ã$wayscoo¢0 wܹf$naGenÿjoy Yokozuna's Bßanzai DropPhis ÿmanweighs appro=xiÆly 500 pú%íheB%hes ¸off byw climb=up toðÿsecond turnbuckl]e flies ugÏ"›air sits|¸chest! usŸ!º2“%ž³ear downü+3t ^then useür¤%x¯Pgive him2ÿ "coup de grace.Ý" g movesü0 do ïarevisu4 impreÿssive or should ?I say brutal·%çcularl¾5winga
n 3 intQ#%%8‰ fŸ$emɶ2ÆCaþÂ-timed hip toss.Just becau;&lÉsideçCdoes§»meanü stillþno¡t: i2w )St Ö¦2 ste³ai9%body¿-slamhim on1 cÇoncret…!¿ ", sl{am aò& foldingxïir onto) foe's' skullŽÜ# gOQ2cheating¼#þuallychok(c5&5£avidœ`õ!do2i{nfam8eye-gougiãSincŸ¨Eillega]l,ü0 only e'm[2¿Æor¸"fereV¿ehow disposeÕ. éTÏbe%fairly easil⹏F¡':iHeÄ"falldbe unconscious—Ÿ about 15 ú%·Ont–i%ri•I haveä'¡ tÏ•m"Vitno|¨Ó goodtwo ½Âf@Itr5“g}bm, býut#ugo againstÊÁ!pa''lÆœPor hCoursé"ð(7tÔëo do`ov… littlýe 1Cr appears atö2 top¶2screen. ÿYou must constaontly pusÏ"butt™o 9trol¶)St.úem(shows who ޏn contro¶Withfv hum¢½1 no ¤Ú9s²HI th´ mayŸbe I had fúeoð}Î2€Bger speeßd asmine,1 I týrilaying my seÿven-year old nep«hew stÅno|%ouÇldgai±X¸š"I us|ýbo pad, my1Fýcoqkeep up.Soôu4,isk%is quiteÛ an ƒovem overô`R¶IfJ5 a die hard :@fan,2} ØS8P½. B2fyo«u're­kiJ( ad-o}n-¤rock-em-so‘}m (look elsew
èrÏ6ewCopyriÞJ(C) 1993èAndrßew Nguyen Gameÿ Bytes MagazineòŽ! r³¥served. ÿSTREET FIGHTER 2ÿ: TURBO CHAMPIONÿSHIP EDITION by ÿCapcom For the ÿSuper NintendoRÿeviewed by Ross ÿEricksonUnlessÿ you've lived inß a hole foý/pastÿ two years, you'ÿre all toofamilÿiar with the Strÿeet Fighter 2 (SÿF2) craze that hÿas captured firstarcades, and>ïn homes <0 releaŸse of SF2 $0`. ÿCapcom had a muÿlti-million dollÿar baby on its hûands_ any fool ¿wouldrealizN tÿhis cash cow neeÿded to be milked{ to þhilt. C€0ÿsproduced new vŸersions of@p< oÿnly moderate chaûngesº egame in ðþ[ _ ªrelease þҀ2: Turbo Champ?ionshipedit‹Iß:TCE) puts> home player on pa;0Ûhoseî`.S! addûs to> mega-succûess O SF2 was, ÿbut not in giantÿ leaps. Itis dÿefinitely an impÏrovement_Q valyueº0"!, though>ÿ ~$70.00 cost, {evenºexistingIÿ players (no upg?rades), makeF!n!ÿdebatable. Theÿ game is an evolÿutionary step forward, not a r²Qûone©o quickly çrecap,I (and ÿevery other fighøŒ¬!$ atmatter)ÿ is a toe-to-toeo battle ´eat þcrap outoþß!guýy,µheor she coïntrolledöa comput$r anß!"!Yn å'T ',>2renow 12 charactersº¿choose from;> original 8 fromI÷, plusr choiceýo"four 'boss' þ RÿussianZangief fßeels somew¾moreÿ sluggish. It's~¿ bad, just s6_lydiffereÑ2 fYûnew  compuFin 1-pú‘r à,particulÛarlybhighDy seÿttings. You can× also " '"! vs.™s­"!' in© Ívers‹which œ!$soîínteresŒ matchÿes. Blanka vs. ÷Blankañalways eÿxciting. The so½un˜ effects"isÆ!ediR6˜$upgrÛadedx1 I'm¿ surûe ifIbmusic andþßd effects are ÷preser100 percûent.Ü$elephants çtrumpeQ>India÷ stage^ a "You ûWin"ñpronounced- wbyou Ceeõr
heSAlso, whíen fir½elect ûyour:% (country)îxe name"evenuü®!™spoken. GenGerallyw%Íß4re¾T~M!don'tchangeI"÷verallä$tivenessü2ì.In summar¿y, I'd rate '3st{ill ø highly.´û had¨Cof ahandi÷cap goáagainst uitFm þbeginná}- þHUGE succeµ5_eoriginal¬!on> »NES.Üose wh‰peçct it ´ O much ^ÞquantumVp Âô>f% wÍbe disapppointed©,1 wÂ,fB­fmly oplanted & groŸwill find dË eÞð4welcomeâ$njoy@§ÔÝÍ*$es¶Uÿ make it a goodü²QdQ without remmováany $ eleh–F! madÇ2¼ ë iøSÝ00 price tag for© ø4Í0£éê”oÞquÁon marwk. Isworth ìöÌheseTs? OnlyÛ tru¶&fans–$nswe$ê!Ë!th<ou"XÝt !n, it'òno-brainer - buy ½ÿn a heartbeat.ûThisÂiew is Copÿyright (C) 1993 ô pË G­Bytes Maÿgazine.All righ9tsúd.ËÿA View From The ÿEdgeEditorial bÿy Ross Erickson ÿWhen will it eÿnd!? It seems tÿhis entire year ÿhas been one of ÿmajorfrustratioÿn getting Game Bÿytes out and flyÿing. Our latestÿ catastropheinvÿolved a full 877ÿMB hard drive thÿat went kaput wiÿth all our softwÿare andcode on ÿit. Upon the reÿceipt of a new dÿrive, what happeÿns but the monitÿor decides to tÿake leave of itsÿ senses (and cirÿcuitry) and we'rïe down fˆanotheÿr two weeks waitþ#for its replacýemRto show. Foÿrtunately, bothýofƒse disastersÿ struck during aÿ fairly quiet ti¹memyear -ƒsÿummer. Fingers Þ`crossed, we ÿfeel we're back on track again,} `ready to mßgreat striŒthisÿ fall/winter seaæöwhenYƒ games÷are ukus. Theÿre's much to loo÷k forwJto.I dßon't plan Ž0muchû timNis issue t_o discuss ëlyj!ýs.'s just enomugM getƒ darl6#out mdoor ëû. Ik #14 isho“t on–il,Æul¿d offer more, mÿore excitement aÿs we wind intotÿhe busy season býef¸Christmas.÷There' some sh³uffl#¤moviâroùun¯ß!old friend[s inƒindy ¤ ß wish themY welÿl. Jerry Luttreÿll, in particulaÿr, hasbeen a trþÂdous support wïhile at positiýon1Dynamix. Heß's now moAoverÞmInterplabhim Ûall mbestƒre. ÿ Matt Fick ofMicroprosen î%B loads¿their ïcompany gone tohroughsàfitsßreorganiza7"nd dwownsiz0 Thanks«¾Y your help,sþ+", Matt.Final÷ly, I  incline¶U sayßethiâboÿut just basic geÿneral businesscïourtesy. wasn'ýt Y"at long ago ¾O Game Byte¶s ýabto beabsorbQedï®0
ty, ig¿s transforma7, ùa c·!robustmag÷azine þto emerg}e; with manyuÿ features, articuleCnd\inlym¸1¿ting contentšt was, however, W¾ß!disappoint½ tÿhat 'thedeal' feelZro‚¤@backm·square. Wqboëther^SisÇ mannecr in.dÏs fe:²Œ". øRtrieU mßaintaina 5"ve rëole ú! iþQmakes ¿exceptional '1at· beingâ"eousI#rowmpt in– deali§|Wƒ readers, mÏdevelopeþbyes,¿ especially ¯ ma·gazineyTo b‘ft_ completel†ng#ìWsomLas a rÿeturn phone call³ expL#why ŒgsîÔ"didn'tm to w›orkcleaæ a very bad tastÈÿ my mouth. I vo×wed atp#mon3tI }wo®always tie¥3up wHver ¤7a>ƒ opportunimó.To”$’ side whío  me &$g...thΧ2 everyŒ²NOT!ûSoto digressö it' buggin' me. EnjoDi1%@.Ù
ÿNews/Rumors - Thÿe Gossip Columnÿby Ross EricksonÿAs the fall/wiÿnter season windÿs down upon us, it is always iÿesting tosee hoÿw many ideas/proÿducts that were ÿintroduced as coÿncepts or plans ÿatsummer C.E.S.ÿ actually make iÿt to reality andÿ what others areÿ canned. Here'ÿs a small summarÿy:XOR wasn't mÿaking an appearaÿnce at C.E.S. anßd it seemsúir nÿew NFLChallengeÿ Premium Editionm iv goio bex ÿanytime soon eiÿther. This 'upgÿrade' was supposýed¨ out a year ûago,W nowit's ÿscheduled "next ßmonth". I t isÿ significantly wÿaning, folks. ÿWith Coaches Cluýb ˆFront Page Sÿports Pro alreadÿy out, I'm not sïure whaßthe poÿint anymore.Onþú topic of football, Accoladeÿexcited to annou܁*sequelDitkóa Fo=!ì guess because Iron MiOŸs still inúL1er¿'s booth, ißkiïnda hard¨call t~Âfollow-on a S!ÿ, so Accolade isçcalliÂgame Uÿnnecessary Roughÿness. Great nam_e! One ofú gµ¿ features tZURù wpÄ!e will be ïSVGA sup. Shoÿuld be quite sp¿ectacular to‹ fûootblanimation ùgoz¡n 256 coloþ^t 640x480.BuÑnd¡‹0© aÀ! wayþ¨get some distróibutøAˆActivisýonW Sigma Desigýns_ teaming up |í how. Sigm„ÿs acquired techçnologyWpreparØzKQˆshipú ReeÿlMagicMPEG compûressøplayback bÿoard. Now some may ask, "whatú¯ heck isÈtˆwhûy woàI EVER neeÿd one?" Let me tell you, this"Þout of ³ worÿld! Full-screen¿ 30fps videoÙ1 wÿith absolutely nÿo slow-downat a¾^ Of course²e Ëkey –heÙ1ú ind÷ustry Ó give toþ‹snew peripherÿal. Readysoft (Dragon's Lair)@ÿtivision (ReturnÞ¨Zork), ˆPsygßnosis are yingá p(PÙ1oBÀhe priÿce isn't cheap ÿat $449 (list), »but *result3#faŸntastic. ç3LÏair versøÉvirt>K identical ó¿tandup laser"k ®x3you'vRenþar§cades.J2Ó1bu
" Rÿeturn to Zork wi5thúb‚ so ¾h: thzright º"úç chuteÈ!Ó take ßadvantage½! tecÿhnology. Hot stßuff. Looko it÷.Out:Long IslŸand, expecQ‹ lÿong-time Macintoÿsh developer DeaÏdlyGame]3e a {line:PC title+ w match‘"istori†{hitsúy'vehadÒÛ on *Appl‰chinÿes. M4 Sherman wTank, çBattle:ïBritain,WU-BoaÏt shouldäÕappeú`"oníel machineü+¿inter.Disnÿey has been flopßping back ˆfortøÖº"o do aboutîú PC etainmegnt busO¤For üúy had particçipatedþ*marketýwÕsuch hits as× Stunt$d ˆtheiõr \r ˆ$ childreíns:3s,b¦$n bowed ºˆoffeS :Cä­äonùÕIBM PSC/1 MD…} rs²=ey_ reversiZ£deci!W_ Èteýrihe market. oFirst onú lisÏ#è,$K~r Ó1thelo_ng-awaitedst¿þ8"n your own 'Te?xas Cyclone'W÷$íriDtfo¹$ electÿronic-induced veïrtigo. ˆ$'s ver?y hot title,¨Å/alSelec , Ó!ÕÍ$ed by ˆ$ãø‹P, Maxis ofv*Sims‹ picke‰:B(gµ fit) ˆÓ1ôÍ$zit‹!fall.Fÿinally, Dynamix ÓknocÖ%D$f *parktÔ"â$de_releas¼ÿBetrayal at Kroûndor}5 good newsX,úeed,úreÌ!~ Krondor 2 &¿ed hopefullyºneëxt sCr.ìpefull=y,ÖCcoincidÒº#ï release:MetalTÿech, Dynamix hotþ‘ Mech combat gÿame.If you did ¾q homework,°'lŸl rememberÈ!*very successful ¦½MyWarrior,e6d ƒby A/"ø"Õ^goÝ, Éin fac3velo‡pedbyp6lq&Ì!alAsoÕ&z*wanøü¦¨TheIncredibYle~ caläSiß$ÿEd's Incredible ›Toon¤This~ omuch likP!origôúÉ$at° must consÿtruct Rube Goldbÿerg-like contra·ptions¨progy. { How-, in SidWç Ed's ƒ4given ÿcrazy,wacky par¾=aken from *ca÷rtoonsemember ~*wacky puzzle
'¿fromDisney ‰edí H4RaiszHavoc?œJü6 basicõtaõkiA% wZconceptÆW cau/°¨creaœÕóequencÇ1ÿ"etü°6trouble.Tî'!it for‹!instalïlment, s!fans! ÷ Thankr tuning¿ in. Watch³ s¿pace again nçisûsue †more excit z(.r ÿName: Lonnie BaÿrnettCity: Cinÿcinnati, OHPhonÿe: 513-777-4419ÿEmail address: ¿INTERNET - läe@ÿmeaddata.comOppÿonent wanted forÿ: Perfect Generÿal, Conquered Ki¿ngdoms.NamøAndy Van Fossenë?olumbus, Ohioö?¿614-771-7233À aïndy.vanf>n@osu.ÿeduOpponent wanÿted for: Comman÷d HQà/ Scot Kiýghê? Ames, IowaþöO5-292-8097Modÿem speed: 14.4KÿEmail address: IÿNTERNET - tarjan¿ Faÿlcon; Battle Cheÿss; F1GP(when av¿ailable); ֟Perfect General50ßMarc Pauli@0 Monÿcton, New Brunswßick, Canad‘@506-o855-4974œ`2400Àÿ [email protected]Ï ËP 1 &ÿ 2, Fire Power, ÿ688 Attack Sub, ¾Ý Populous I@te?ve Crawfordë/Þþ*loradoPhone: ÿ 303-440-5917Moÿdem speed: 14.4K÷-baud¦Àsmithme@ÿspot.Colorado.EDýUo Conquered Kÿingdoms, Siege: ¿Dogs of War50Brÿett LawlerCity:ÿ Hunstville, Alûabam‘0 205-464-0ó651ñª€brett@b8Ï.b8.ingrÀÇ 3.0þ0 Andrew Argyle\Û1‚1514-98—98ñþP uunet!sobeco!¯paxmtl!a+w³¡omïmand HQ50Jim Knûutso@0 Austin, Tûexas5B2-892-1386úœ S /Type: V.3ÿ2bis/2400/1200/.}.. path/Inteèÿ number: knutson“@mccœ oÒ0 D¿avid OndzesxA ,{ MAL@7-661-25›0î”R 2400 ¥Ò [email protected] !opp€ÿ Anything, I do ÿnot know what isŸ possible5 Ñ" dïesJardin×2Prince÷ton NJ‚1609-683-û0312‘‚ Nuvotel 1ÿ4400I (V.32 bis, V.42, MNP-5)¦ ÿpath/Internet nu÷mber: 6j@ccr-p.ida.orgÃy,p, ~Ë s of Destiny[±þÝ/ will buy otheÿr strategy gamesþ0Kevin WilliamsúØ ë/Cleveland,þIP 216-754-2313¾!Speed/Type!/IùnfZ¥â[email protected]û.Edu»Ò Falcon3, [TPG,P!mongRCHrB?Chris Fodor ÙoÛ1ÿSan Diego, Califûorni‘@619-220-01ý15ê²Hayes Compat~¥Ò cfodor@UCSDºÿ (most reliableÕ)c Wt@ M Warßs, Global + st, F29 Retaliator¥ãÚ!B?sRGreeù@adisüåa 205-464-06¿91 (home) orì-730-8850 (work)‘‚ý  Hayes compaéti.«2/e: 129.ÿ135.142.103/jim@ÿpdsjg.b24a.ingr.Ëcom!app  Siegge (DogŸš), M§ßor call me othíerÀe. ֟I can'ú„mew ones thatï have moŽsuppor}t.0 Ray Eifle8tþ?DSouthfield, Mi×chigan‚1 ìƒUSR ÓHST £¥’ N°" golÿ[email protected]ÿu (until spring)Ô»Òè`l,?%s50Robeïrt Kengë/ Fremont, California‚1? 510-794-842ò1eï Roboticgurier þ—DS w/ v.32bis ö|ASL׏14,400 max connection ·d, 38,ôDTEl“Nuþw#primus@netcom.øE‡£!B/OFT, F-15ç III..e0 Brianï Weaverë/ Bould¼R~‘-786-002ö• 9›600 /v.4œ›Õ ÿweaverb@rintintiã!ºôcon 3.ÿ0, Armor Alley, ÿI'll buy just abûout ¦Ó any good ûgame4@Joel SchauüÚÛ1Round Rock, ÷TexasöO2-388-42ü>2ó„ baud connec×tions4Ö sü6@fisáheU‡³{pÑe Kill¼)qµConcord,I”51Ÿ0-674-9143ð”ìriýc B, getting aZ& ic“0BIr#t/lCÿ: [email protected]!al¯5
3o0‘4FoxÉuÿ 688 Attack Sub,àÈV¦ÓÑ50֟ Wity WGanda«2/E¦2h:±3ëity@®Euë, StatŸe, Countryz!Œ0A,ÿ USAZipcode/Posuta deñ750012öùe v3Ú_ (515)294-s5016ð”f bps («Ul)œ O0Wa F ÷KnightŸ the Skyý50Simon Garton~ §sgarton@ucsdºæÛy, S¸*untry: La Jolla, CA *Èç 92037‚!¯2 619-4Ï58-8390샣 KbaKud (&s)hØÈF0Í¢ø˜“¨Cambridge,Ý M®Ø 02139¿x17-6‡61-259Œ1ïshØ môÀela Krispliþ §00048323@ysub.ýysÙYoungstown, ÿOH USAZipcode/ßPostal Codø4451~ Alan Fusco֟«¯id PipesÞ :reïnt SampsАNimesh÷ Shah&@Kennett ¾ØRobin Kim: M÷orris ֟Gavin Adùam_+ Phil Nguyýen֟Jeff Gracey ~!R.C. Laffertˆ~Ùo Thom Vaught+ނny GagneÑÀ Nguýyeh Sir Launcelßot Du LakeÛOBob ÷MacKayù@ E. Funkû IIIÚ_ A.J. Sitháer± pëñ`Game ÿBytes is published monthly by
Pÿn,108 Castletonÿ DriveHarvest, ÿ AL 35749INTEßRNET - rwes@inÿgr.comCompuservÿe - 71441,1537Aÿmerica On-Line -÷ RossG sExec PûC -
`Software CïreationsY"s EricÿksonNitelog Imaûgingur Contentÿs are copyright ¿1992, 1993 G
2s,ÿ unless otherwise indicated.(ù==àà?= This weÿek the votes froÿm 153 people havÿe been used to cïompile tchart.¿ Send your
tÿo appelo@dutiag.ÿ aÿnd you'll get thÿe next chartï sent toF personally. Ask for ÷ documVthat tel÷ls how4vote. Týhecmat for every line with a uÿ is: points titÿle publisher [ I'D ] àP=ààOÿ The Net PC Gamßes Top 100ÛOEdition 36 - Week ÿ September 6, 19ù93Ää`TW LW NWù T’Õ¯Developer/ÿPublisher(s) CatššPo---]]1 û 1 ƒ36 CivilizùatþÓÏMicroProseÿ ST [1002] 660 û 2 ©27 X-Wing ÿ(+Imperial Pursuûit) Þ LucasArtsÿ/US Gold AC [116¿9] 437 3 Ï36ÿ Falcon 3.0 (+Miûg-29»Spectrum H×olob./œQI £5] 3ÿ19 4 5^ 33 VGA Planets {S}Õ¯¿Tim Wisseman¡!13¿1] 306 5 õ35 Dune 2: Build°¿of a DynastyÞ Westwood/Virgin¡!ÿ110] 269 6 7^ 9 SyndicateØÿBullfrog/Electroónic ÁÇ!271] 211÷ 7 A 9 Betrayal at KrondorØÿDynamix/Sierra RýP a5] 175 8 ÿ10^ 36 Wolfensteßin 3D {S} ֟ Id/÷ApogeeÇ!013] 203÷ 9 33 Ultim¿a Underworld© LÿookingGlass/Origçin/E. Á…"127] 1ÿ67 10 11^ 34 Railroad Tycoonñþ 1121] 153 11 õ12Ü W¿ Circuitÿ (+F1 Grand Prixø»!šqÒ"3] 162 12þj 19 Strike Commander ÛOÊ2Xbí!218] 112 13 Ký23¸27 Part 2 (+Sßilver Seed» Ori×gin/ElÎR19‰42 û14 q35 Star Coÿntrol 2: Ur-Quanï MastersÛOAccolaýde926] 141 15 ò—36¸‚Ý/ Blue Sk}y/Ê"/Mindscape…"009] 104 16 ½ÿ36 Links 386 ProŸ (+coursesCŠceéssÃ1#00“08 17õ ã33x Incrediÿble Machine (+ad3d-on»~b PU ÓGß02 18 20 Indÿ. Jones: Fate of_ Atlantis ½¡D £Ÿ3] 99 19( Aolone in LDark bÿnfogrames/I-Motiýon'$105] 90 20ÿ 22^ 10 Day of NLTentac>a´26Gï10 21 17 Pri}nc Persia 2 ÞßBroderbundW¢232]ï 66 22N^ 24 Nÿethack 3.1 {free{ware›’ DevTeam…"186] 97 23 {?36 DarklandsÑïœAúµ38]ž$24 38* 4Ÿ WARLORDS ‰$Ñï S]SG¡!284] 1§25ÿ* 5 LANDS OF LOßRE: Throne\Chaoè1r…"30‰31 26ý 26 Empire De›luxeÓÏ New#¡!17¿7] 73 27 í36ï Aces of  Pacific (+miss.3~bí!?010] 65 28¬¾ß Flashback@¡lphiÍneÃ1/SSI™4Ã80 ó29 …›C7 (+Forgž Virtue)5S°ƒ1]ý ‹30 31^ 11 S_pace Hulk Õ¯ EX’Ù26[‹31 «35 Crusaders o.t. ;ï Savant Ý/Sir-Te¹chÃ1…"104] #32ý 36 Monkey Is£land©Ùo´0174ó 33<† Harpoonï (+disks»! Three§-Sixty;ƒ¢05é34× 34 Ñ15Ö%ward£ Ho!IÕ×C¢1545ó 35fÚ SVGA Aiïr Warrio2S Keswmai/Ko/GEnieí!25Í63 36¶ä 7ïth GuestÔ¿TrilobÓyte/6"$2357 ×37 42Ü Vc Vicÿtory (+scenario'ÿs) Three-Sixty/8e39298 38†<? Command HQ ÒôžQ½16Ã54 39 Û 9ï Tornado´tigitalÿ Integr./Spectruëm H.í!27+40 40ó 43øx Lost Ad7miral Òß QQP÷2ÃÇ59 41J¶7er K?een 4, 5, 6 šr¦r129] 46 42 'þÁemmings (+Moreîž7s/XmasC PsygnËosis$09Q•43 ÿ47^ 4 Bio MenacÑe š²Ü?¨R30•70 ù44¼j Pirates! ÈŏñŸA27—45 ÿ52^ 6 Multi-Pla?yer CivilizaK׏ê¨ed¡!2978 46ø–
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<ÿòWelcome to issuÿe #13 of Game Byÿtes. (Hmm, I suÿppose Ross alreaÿdy saidòthat.) ÷ This æ/sports qÿuite a few improÿvements over #12ÿ, in appearanceÿòand functionaliÿty. So, in the ÿinterest of free dissemination>ßinforma-òG :-)ÿ, here's a brag ÿsheet of the newÿ features.ñð ÿA hi-res magazinÿe cover, at lastß!ñð By whelÿmingly popular dÿemand, changeablþtlor schemes! ÿPress F5 now açnd choù8one yoÿu like best. Foýr 8true aesthetÿes, there are ßalso menu –Ps ÄÄí sífuncG key.ò} AbË screen bÿackground. Dunnÿo whether it's bÿetter, but it's ÿdif- ferent atÿ least. (Next iÿssue: changeable¾å ds? 🙂 )à@ ñÿgamebyte.cfgð fiÿle that saves yoÿur settings for ßnext time.i0sligûhtlyã@design wit÷h submÌarrows …ß la Windowh@smooÿth-scrolling mar¿quee! Whee!i Heÿlp is now availaâ”in`åPß 360x4÷80x256¥ 640x400¿x16 VGA modeG!thnùnonconList 2ÞhòAnd soäpresÿs...òThe staff¾¥ managemenµÿòFor more reasonßs why this! tooÿk so long, go baýck¥ read "A Vieÿw FromòThe Edge" again.¸ÿHOW CAN YOU SUPPÿORT GAME BYTES?ÿThe positive reÿsponse we've recÿeived from so maÿny around the woÿrld has given uÿs great hope forÿ continuing to pÿublish Game Byteÿs. As you maykÿnow, there is noÿ income generateþ rough any meanßs for this' catiÿonto continue, ÿyet there are siÿgnificant expensÿes, both monetarÿily and time. ÿWe would like toÿ resist changingÿ our strategy inÿdefinitely, but ßexpenses hgettî$tight.10 will ÷see in:se 'pageÿs', we areconsißdering add$adveórtis$ +@s to offísedese p0.If ÿyou enjoy Game Bÿytes and feel it6=of sBvalu‰3ÿ, please considwer mak$a donaZÛ or ^ribu!f soïme kind Ýur cauÿse to help keepö×Paliv need yo¿ur assistancYoŸur welcome As ÿcan be sent to:ýG,0s108 Castleÿton DriveHarvesÿt, AL 35749InÏ return RD donÿation of $15.00 ¯or more,ûlle ¿sure we mail3dïirectly
next ióssue"ñ@.ThanköQ help$us keep þñPlive.Ross EricksonEditor }ßPublisher,+@srÿWe are pleased tÿo be able to be ÿpartners with thÿe Software Creatÿions BBSsystem,ÿ home of the Apo÷gee soú/ distribÿution network. ÷ThrougöisBBS nŸetwork, weáê? have Game Bytes@ÿed on over 2000 ú( sms throughÿout North Americÿa. Dan Linton, þ÷chief sysop ofÿSoftware Creatiÿons, welcomes neÿw users and we wïould likì encou?rage allwho…`î?icipating memb€ßin one of ÷bestìM0in ÷countrßy to call ‚checÿk it out. The n¿umbers for So eþs0s are:508-36ÿ5-2359 - 2400 baÿud508-368-4137 ÿ- 2400 - 16.8K-bÿaud - US Roboticÿs Courier HST Du¿al Standardâ 8-{7036è0- 14.4 Kìÿ - V.32bis All» new0sharewqrežäes STARTô/ù, ÿso by being a m÷ember his boarïd you'llîguaran¹teæ?  firstçhaÿvenew releases ûfrom e/ID such ýas  Keen series}, ‚next year, ÿ incredible Dooým ‰!. Plus, youÿ'll always find ÿeach and every issueof 9@Dùk!{.CÂtoday!‰ÿCORRECTIONSWe ÿwould be extremeÿly remiss if we ÿdidn't give credÿit where credit ÿwas duein the cÿase of our last ÿissue's review oÿf Freddy Pharkasÿ FrontierPharmaÿcist. Our revieÿw correctly indißcated that
 gamýe the product Ûof LmindAl Lßowe. Whatöare ÿextremely proud ÿin stating in thßisissue iKat oýneour most ardÿent supporters, ¿Josh Mandel,y e ¿co-designer@ aíndylarghresponßsible for t hilÿarious adventureïseeing Llight ÿof day from Sierýra2 apologies týo  for not mak»ingt knownr e ü ¤ may this spýotÆ shine on himêrfu¾ N ts. wO.K. , backÚÿLarry 6!! Back ½toE rindston]{WÿHIPcrack!}:-)ÿDÿAN INTERVIEW WITÿH DIGITAL INTEGRÿATIONby Andrew ÿStevensDigitalÿ Integration areÿ a medium sized ÿsoftware house/ ÿpublisher basedÿin the UK, who h¿ave been opengÿ in the PC gamesÿ business for arÿoundten years. óThey! develop÷ers of! recentlÿy relased TORNADÿOflight simulatÿion game which iÿs distributed byÿ Spectrum Holobyýte1 eUS. Theirÿ best known prev¿ious releasesprÿobably ``F16 Comÿbat Pilot''-- a~6e originally˜0ùd >3Amiga and ïAtari STŠornado,according to!÷ marke/ pitch, ÿaims to give an ÿauthentic simulaöof 3aircraftÿ along with comprehensive misslÿplanning andairï-warfareh@n.DIÿ's main offices ïare locayin Cam÷berly,ptown 30 ÿor somiles westß of LondonŠhis sis rf10middleGú3Th7 valleyarñeaLAÕ !U.K. geoÿgraphic cluster l>uter90sesÃÿhigh technology ÿin general. It ÿis a bit like Siÿlicon valley - ¾Œways, lotsGduïll looki0ndustr¿ial estates Ãexípeeho:g - buÿt with pubs, broïwn beer, plent¿y of rain.  oÿfficesturned ouÿt to be in a surÿprisingly modest 1-story block1ÿaby-no-means-exìzinduval parÿk. The Intervie»w wa&rangedýhö3four !develope×rs wor¹ o2 Tornÿado project:Keÿvin Bezant --- 3ïD renderÒengineø!hPcodingNicÿk Mascal --- 3Dÿ object design, ~í@ models, mapÄ!ÿmanualRobin Heyûdon uFront-end üÃQner Mattheww SmithU 2D Grwÿcs óGB: What »kindGbackgrA d7id you'0foreÊ>÷ked onÊ0?óWere ¿all already Çri÷enced e`or progroammers?ð: (R’ÿ) No not really.Ý O"joined! comïpany at 3latterû endò0``F16 Combßat Pilot''õject³ butV of uDre^#y justl¸! f?Ýom÷terestÒprogûrammÒwork.óGBÿ: What made you ágoH!Ê0a2 authentic/air warfw'simóangle...ðü"3(Kev"firsÒMweÈ wasâ9"p 3ÿ3D engine. Itdßidn't actuµ becÜKF2until O"had ´*>RitHtheŽ partGa yearL1)BŸ post Gulfza2 Aïircraft¿got quçite a Œõfile. û We < also keenüân british or_european aì#t.!­ata2 facatiS hõad«reµbeen do¯ne well Ï", Ãitã bei 44t we oûughtâhavereasoÿnably good sourcÕesH iAué cityî$wasn'tJethingƒ thaï#1$Û6$zt Ÿseriously Ï"[S aÿbout Falcon-3?ðÿDI: (Nick) WellÝ, >us, itsvery/ much ``3beF!3þO''. Allkinds~[!ings we feel? quite wide U ×ïk: stuff !beingûableâload up faïr in exc<of any†’g, o½ e …"’´n'¿s ``HI-FI'' Ee?~ $ Well, accorlüâ3Spectrum Hol¿obyte peopleÍtaùlk,eonly sigÿnificant differeïnce overc"tandarõd l l! roll rawte.Itsstill ô3Þû ay from 1ity.Þ¹" As a Eu$ (Br£it) ®$^âseödeŸcent qualinì3ósÊfRmiAutu%3UK.  DÉ" finA˜æexÿtraódifficulty Ö>tryi*%brÒthisÌ©uûrI do«’k laûunchÏ%e product ¿from Europe )aæžlem ª$±I's haMs * goi™ tD0š?$thßaremE8 p§eople ó&whUd 8%s™!jlsellÄ!B&ž budget ,¦Al‹so, F2isC$× y Sþ}North America }so‡$definately˜Ê«a þ%mª$[3SpeaJ@"f /ue,!asÓ$ì!Gspecj nóregÍarÏ%eir ]ship¸+5ñ%How murnfmluê DID!yóh(Ùon!õductû2(Nic—k) Non¦We' ä a+ few! txs 8%'@presupposÒÑ3þn as concieved b_y us desigñby:andfinish7[cá†üVnotiël½3stçrengthTkCreóof}te2 weaknessesGïFalcon-3 vice ¿versa... diat just comeóabó˜õh0Òtwo ±L5ntš4t? ”yes.!"­# s{equePof eventÛ#»moreýlesst½we-q#ctual í@8VÊ0 - KŠ'sß$ -XTwell advanëÃ&¶½stag wen8f 7to CESâblowÌ3û horçOur director ran int,åÌ>T0< iss'wh&$×y saw ÃasÖhim wto do ýesenta¶[3Some’#alonî%li}neT ``Gosh - 3f‡s ca“Tm''? 4wGrins áround)# ;z2 t&anÄywßay ...Ser–ly: ]af|some t&nduøí5u0 deal evolƒvedõ‡$ y,,(virt·ãN:Ÿ throwresa$usÐâOï%Tm %Wa ceõrt!daeHowever,ü &˜ ultimately þ± little they cÏould do.¹"‹ old law˜$Ç(Ò­õR\J"t asó“adP approaches, pWmably? $ Rf. _Î,(DID do˜õvideð:Ó¼%è2dbeta-tester.!Jl#6v! latƒeta-teP#ȊfI4Iy ð3#Fract¼e©(he earlyõbl‡emsót-¿Óm)au×nch of›43. $ YesY, ’#like‡$(SBes)[3Is &ø cha¤'´&ñ%ts§r tyÒin¾ý SH'só``El0onÿic Battlefield''®cept, es 3co»nnec stillp'on÷eóof ñ%er/distr×ibutor…sCeänly ûnot near futuùreŠ Wtechnologiães u1$ very ÏdifferenU&whilÀþ(9u@H: US áwe>3'j%etitor¼I6× t, albei  VÿERYfriendly terQmsþ#=+%ema2y :×us almáevGday,{butÍkeep our6ZOgy secre&,(do!Ûirs.¹" How9yourß sales splBetweùen÷5&e US? I Ö;'dói2 (Eøean) packagiy¡sa ü±iceable pan-ò‚5óÏâit. GeûrmanB2box, instaýllk instructions~1ItalianóSpa&ê FOh. dFrom w½I undersW­£ù tðA%4 US market¾˜far large½an !÷%ean ê|5L Ï)÷ plansH followi9ngîÛ& euro- þ¥em÷ó0*Þ6s?âwo'uld gu<&is«ÌþÒI, say,óMicrop÷rose d& Dassaul[t oriKFigh|Ai÷ rQ.. 4On) I w say#Ó['&4+õh ö@retty slimý (­ grins all r–A). ‚fiÊ+ž+beù ne 'ereis unliik÷õ!suìientΓorma$ i{•lyÞ[3In a UK ns ma'gazineÊÑ$uoyÔ ó effz% anóimpwortantstrain Êr effortÛ#(åíg è4assutlargisßh (say) 4Ma ofs RAMþ½amountGsmemo„É" assum5†Û; NotxC"’#isôWV aõtectedmåod×H- É\enitreýly10bottom 640K.D¹"š!? ?Ü&ò: I-.Jehow ghe#8l¾% itópoppe,toüJ#¿2386 DOS exteHZ…s§$whÂDaryºÖX3 Ös ago áth/ose DOSnslÚ9úhplHdn't exist~™ believe I'mQA}saÊthis: if dßtake a copã FLIïGHT.EXE Ãcopy oÞ an 8086-d PCjwi un™!does«|ù> extended ™,þâstash map data¦anytxŠ o&ad[vanté(in F"o)G›havi_ore ™,sfora disk c1|Indscapes incluœ}inKW synthetic2þÓ$ denselyópopuŸlated. Waÿœ deliberate |"ý)¸É#ëk, byót1icóal /×@eLts (e.g.ß Germany's
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¨âie (8µ we'd 'never št.¬--íu'!d ``Ñ six months more'' wÁØ#'K!dded)vNo, /no no...!wa,ž(rúasÝ4™'d filˆwit up!Ø1.k. so„%µifV'dÚ ``j12í8K e''.>r (Laug÷hs) A 7 view of course!¬Ž à5ÝwsP;y,onen9 pil8¯)ûE navigw7WConfess ÿ. !< any=%s%!æK/áó4aHMy&essentŽà.stuck …n9Tea#seóD¥†Ã) iª|7¤÷=%I #' d÷to³ cut¦{imme=amount©Ç³B#!z!åbeŸo ؍ keyboûard¶ZedefinableÃ. Eº¸Àeful¼¦ ed as it‹e³alon½þ triK/fi‡iã(s whr¸«ØÍêâButã> Americans h´.mx²­¶J baffled¥?ourchoice -4Oé=øT0¸Ë Falcon-3.Ç'classick=ë(åmmÌwe^)SpectrŸum Holobytè$í-feltÚÛ ¾ôA!!šb UTHG ke¹ r=å lower  u¿ndercarriageý+y øú-undercarriËage,n9m ›±gear60Spea²:keysÏc1áanw2Hradar rangeŸMz7jûesor  a (shifted) mouse-buttoYŒôÙp)omÌno. HowÒX, Œ)IHaf”nextwe're goiR˜&soÀ*s2h`-¶'/ r–scor|+dscHcuñrr6'\.Š5 selected.¬- Sì*y%4P%[.úÚLhiP%``R'' key?„Z|u ¡¾.9Mto!n.~2ó7Ùan°€þover-ride swit!ch tt2O(ôý"¶ryógjumps ¥upødy¤)Hri³air-to-airQ/"-U,‚éthý:wÁwe're aimi(do¦HhX¬MŒ"]ctcX2on»$î7tformsô lotV-3ofówas, ö'all,b3ÎSlaunch¥`-Amigùa.>rþ Amiga/ST V&ð.³û0on¥upÝle©guysr= nowâ
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!) display Ic PC?Z–GH -bus!! x$š?r. N=÷¡ð)¾z!big investós Çin ISAž<(ÅISA \z~óaccel‹orÒ"ïas a via…alternÇative?ÃeÄrumoyur‰"‡.fóthe HŠer SimËllÚ? 1]S3˜ ATI-b’ a9@oócards.>r No !|'¤blemˆ2G¬2›acc; buy.(ñsiïmulatorsˆa hori{zontine-drawÈkfuncª., hoå"vÌ tak surpri`¸ØD¤%Ùet up 8if[youz!lots¡shÇŽ—' aJB‰D{nearlyas A¤%‹#…'dünkW›v&; eÏxperimen“§8S3cÇhipset|ý#ÄMUCHB/seÜ*dãtoóº«kifshadÜàÙ+kïýŒlearnt8;·0'‡t ispÒ:¨#uyer¿òpu¨/œ éuyx$rn?s.PeoânacS.¬+ensive•BŽ/§¥±!˜Ë3¹o¼é arounÂFo1r úù¤jectÈZ-Ç keepiË}`eclearly ]in78ÝhóëVGA-X"o?…po, alm_ost certai
no0ÔÏfexYng_4 3D—engineŒcor t,PMÇ4 4ot'wo\½' anew•3Bu¨Ó a nI"F'd ‚wants sha:ë4On a l¼eerËe:qF ``EŽ+Eggs'' hidden HMŸeóanyplac,äTe §tap in G)I ž$: MNo6ren'0%¿+oy¦H짡signÈnames˜îo‹epla:p Æábasi@;^ught<CÇ4detractü\Ž°#8¨W}I di/n ymoa¡madness9Ggeneraμ-tXà¼ÉH;'fcatalo=guî visual¼'úx N½ern hemisptßë4I vnoticeºÙme?tell/ looú1ra¼ familiar.dIÛ'Yeä&coloU|Ä«(too - I wr9a ,¤gramt!îØ trans©d posiÀªÃ*¡/9Kxppro/ximatev3l w#‘O½sp?al class˜ magnitude|' $œ(z!'corrCis(f6#ÊÄasKn bx celoestial n½polM=vÀnks ¯ much ñþfInterview.ðAæ”is pìx InterändÍ)Dcoffee~Ü served, alo.{ith; demonst©+üÅ=]U tools builtȎ7T"zsŒfdrafót ob×!ña possibÅledf g^ÖninwterestÈtidbit(caR{isÜx+¶È whi ittl‘ta•il' gËd a4DaircraftÆ bëšA^‘Ophotoso_ifý¯unterparÜAi®$ sÿhelters, bunkers, etc Œl›·Â?or open entr83¤‡(îce—+3y Æ-a”Ô.\veu'-cŠ'·wnã/up D‰Žward/bÿack variants.So**!lo crsõ5¬)Û fac$eachÈbeloõw fgr(surfaceèÖš$Vay¦(``explkore š''|high¦ecommended.Tö|zw is Copyr¼ÿ (C) 1993 by Andßrew Steven,Gameÿ Bytes MagazinezÖll‡(s reservlFÿAn Interview witÿh Adanac Commandÿ Systems Corpora÷tionIâ? by: Danÿiel G. Kennett.ûI iâ?ed Frank Hÿunter, designer ÿof The Road Fromÿ Sumter to Appomÿattox and his aÿssociate Grant Eÿrickson.óGB: "ÿSo how did you sÿtart, that's theÿ simplest and quÿickest question?"ðFRANK: "WeM ÿed writing a gamÿe [ Napoleon I fÿrom RAW ] for Siûmulaøs Canada,ÿ in like '87 or ÿsomething. Anywaÿy, and once it wïas done [had gÿraphics in it, oÿf course Simulat÷ions CŽa wasn'tþ ested so we sÿorta looked arouÿnd for somebody ÿto do it, phonedüìO¿0n in Las Veûgas [they told ×us to êe ‚EnteïrtainmenZd...."þB "And it went¯ on fromTrePisü¨Kr first gameþ"your own?"ðFÿRANK: "Yes, we weren't satisfipxç‚Ñ decided å0þ"ourown."óGBç: "WhyI0æan Ameÿrican Civil War ú4?ðg@I saw the PBS series"‡w1½r,¢ that ki£f 7motivaÏme å01 "Did you base?on a preexissv ßsystem, orI0 creÿate allóthe mec÷hanicsKrself? ÙIs´d onàethi¿ng by TSR orT ½óGwWorkshop1"A littlÿe Canadian posta¿l box isn't Q güÍGRANT: "90% =ofþ orders :93<!h@ have 50t3$ÿ Germany, a coupýle Australia, 2~ Sweden, one »Spai¨SItaly.C"We've had a couÿof stores contackt us~c.. wancÁe 4¢ÒütellÖTm weª't†#a bo;x,sçs not “TMy uput ^!‡st·shelf.e1 "It¨ jÏust rele testing?fPA à–#¹/ð2,ta tesõt,uuy‘Kansas, Ô[¿%o–s"”vtake player suggesŠ ;intoT next =$e`ÉIfÒudo[it b¿lends, we'llæ0anùyté$come up wäçQ füæ6 overaull"..™ ideasÒ¾ can't put‘like technology—öß3 goiêeyond 18}65e1"Sort of l=ûa "Wšif" scenarýiomoósupportôbe'reJ'òtrw%ü modem sþ‡). Global ConqÌbÁ# 4 P)ž) optŽõso I'd9æ™0g f$hat.r“IsuppXNovell æS3bits. F0¿OAD, each stÎgeÍnes dB:Mtus çlevelsÞs(I. Itï passes ²*lized 7orders the¯*ç6ÖÁnal Àl,P$backtì2¯es$)maneuv\%×units%atT tate÷ level@) AI I'm ƒwrit"…z0=:°bi:ore˜plex, X*ýa îwards-forwards chain"Ã!iC "One’blemæ/;‡Œr*‡spee‰Tq9r.jMC "kH, ¸ 386PúZ tnover a minûute …each day. { We¯to break™!ûdown7 seconds.˜ÔIbwantTÜ&rsæ$waisÃJI to fginish.¦ˆ;in C—÷Pascal 2PÕ of.!¯,,~QYeÑk3I >ü routines ã%zh…RH½'l? usirShoseA°1ev˜(nk¹ø$Ç8õShareware?R_F"AÂ7s ðidãä~ca>e C#úGbetterï because‹8re no {prins costs.A3"HadKEught¹i-ÿa smaller, limitçed dempÿen releaC‹hat?f`8H#˜».¿%ë' ago"Èe,ÔÊ!Zla(f fivÚuys5interview, óandÌn²luck'Uprobÿlem.ñFrank Hunýted Adanac Com÷mand Sxms CorpoñraB5reached oñat: 5 ñ5!÷ Teleae : (604) 521-4816ñ 5!Y M§5 : ñon9AþiQ Box 4313 - 349 West Georgiah¡w Vancoü, B.C.±÷6B 3Z7h¡ CANADAðóThšé< Copyrigÿht (c)1993 Danie¿l G. Kennett£ GzôByµMagazinuûAll ãts reserved. "ÿDEAR LOG BOOK, DÿIARY OF A FALCONÿ 3 PILOT by Jimÿ KnutsonThe foÿllowing is a SLIÿGHTLY dramatizedÿ version of the ÿfirst day of acÿampaign I had stÿarted in FALCON ï3. All peopleÿ, events, times,ÿ andplaces are ÿas they were in ûFalcr reportedøOíCALC utiliÿty. Onlythe nonû-flyperson-to-þq interactions ¿and a few ofJ sïcenes onJbase ÿ(Ops, alert shacÿk) have been draÿmatized (are not÷ part … game).÷It'd ž a hella¿cious day. ýbaÿse was shocked aÿwake around 0315ß thismornwithÎJ blare0• sirens. My roomieAÿ I quickly threwÿon our flight sûuitsA ran to Opÿs to find out whýatÇ going on. ýIfJalert siren÷ hadn'—ocked usþÍ , then news th½atJ Syrians)p·enetra)deepyo ÿSouthern Israel ÿwould have. Notï only wa allyýbethreatened, ÿbut US property º€ci£ns werH wÿell.Just last ïweek, we) been ¿in a competi} wÿith some other sÿquadronsexploriýngJ F-16s flighÿt envelope, tryiî¯o set best sÿpeed,altitude, ø€>tclimb reco¯rds. We€!doprûetty„l too, butthat has all rޞ forgott7ow. ë ThiurÇ no loÿnger an exerciseÿ.Our first misøPÙ0cS&D (Searc½h €Destroy)he%re)b”V s ?!ÿn tank column abž50 klickJ north-eastheadzwaÁOur job cü1€neutralize a×s many emzwec¿ould. Piececa‡ke. WþÒ€žho}utJir ever kn ½we€ecoming"apïproachedœ" positÿion at about 400ó fee¬ ground. ÿ At6 miles, we ûlaun³ Maverick ïair-to-gÑ missilÏes whichû Jm inßtoa stateconf»usioThen, ƒe ÿroared overhead ê½2 5Rno<wedroýpp ur cluster bóombsA€!gone.Eÿveryone made it ¿back unscathÌndÞJ morale cso hßigh you'd …hougóhte03con somet±hi¬7"Ç lotB rïejoicingA big t»alk ;made ¡ i¿ndividuals sË lïike they€!invinc/ible. IisǍ }esÄ!Syrians coYçoffer,Ö¦nflicté w†+la‰ong. ýSo¢f usold timÿers knew better wthough" next æt»carË 1200.ßAWtaskedž!a K pF!~}escort for ¡· B-52sA SEA+upÿpress Enemy Air ŸDefenses, ¡>sÿcalled Wild Weasel). OnceÔM
ŒÏérget´#uviÿde CAP(Combat Aßir Patrol) keepâJ fÈÆ2B-52s »whilŠ# make¤e ñruí0!š#o providŠe escortA?ê¿le a second! t7ook caã SAMs"M¾¾" half way W" tëargeenJradar warning gear '0;barkat us.7$î! pealeOf fromÿour 15,000 ft. ÷cruisipltitude ßto destroy=!AMs ÷beforeJ@launcheÿd. Unfortunatel=y,J leader …òþmD a bitinexper¿ienced. He seÝd attackŒ farþA ended up dragßging hisf¶!downlM!flakA AAAawo!four)þ bailout. Lucûkily5e Jolly Grmee1able plucw÷em out0desertbseforcapturñ O9EÌ couple ßof Mig-29s %hadotried toy ceptß ÷omber Êp. OtheÞÏan neediÀ!giveÚEr… 2ndµ1a goUoduki¯o,Öngƒere+toZùTwo Ù#¿nsdown, two¥$ts÷ down €everyoneï's stillž!us.Tóhe rŸ… afterno~as pretty un:stful6"E2advancFÛssh signB sloiwip#yel!athe®ÿ info as rapidly asposs“q!‹3enï't ready commitðüE–ªticular ÿdirectionyet. ûChao rapid chanýge€!slowly beingë repDd Ý ploddingtenacie"™¼òöof us olÓ!rsÇ worriÌ¿A#ost.Arà#630 ;Fƒ got²•+$ peÿrform a fighter{swee·Several £#ç units€!i!protecÂ)by?µ!!Jgru=nt¦#dn't getZ Žão anyt`¾"6un}ti3 air coverc÷removeùTake offìÇ ³uledü 1800, s@at did+Ä«—a lot…imâpare³ wenåu#©%elÂÁ!e J %Œ are_a. Recon !s%¹brÑ7# photoB wü8£$roop concenthö#á%=&t /easyi7šÓ6di wanå
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ge"qòseek~‹0 hot exhaust½je! isquit~ad'ly! O¹'¿ a”—ê"òW%heƆ besuic»idal• grabb´" lýatŸAWACS data oÚ[ enCAP !s as7 Ilefå pla[ Ù#–WhenAot gHn splan²wa, I fËõsÿal0junior pyili%already ž°²ÚQ8Ù3and%a ßrough ideahow ôA%!hoYbe flownðÍÔöreviewedòi r†Š's, I decåid´o 0J waypoyin!µ1paths seéýlÑs away from þtroop concentréatï•t X!be a good buffer toMô«ofç'territorùy,ï& close enoþ¯to engage anyÚà&rsZ0area³ sav~´" AWACS data ýÀ¹"ÊJþV7Hwand‰er¡whß#%oc2n ­0Ñ forcråweH't¢¥&or howù m½74 be up aga%inV I`•e V yÇ loudýÿ5 hear7. "Thq)e 4 ¢}7þB: 2 Mirage IIIû, 2Ð) V, 2 Su-2í7,A ano¤ 2 Mir"8V.  ! iO¿barrier$Ÿ2enpO#àû)¾" 11 nm6^s8north offìä8Ì7seco>s orbi/ting jusùhi@#
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hoApparÇently &<¿ drifLenѶ<{!KZw!F?a flak regi c3òqnoêÀAAA radaÓrs lR¢upW6eir 'gunss—agÝ(ÀE mÕicôî¦amŽv7 rott”orward=áb¹Em.!as fasú/ I˜ld. Dang!äqB5k "½+,ECM,ï stores,= burne±r ,$^Ùumpe©9ma¥in¢AGN#](w sit du•¥ %1ÄÊ4 uj
‰no eaye¥Œ*Ž# leg¥Ç run a •F)weat0E(Vë8³. S‡(Ä­es1- lit0byzboKrne ñr ‰÷unp5µid
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,w! HomeF].)–Æ/6#š/È-Î7=tentem0Qternø\©J< safely.7Crap! J inc™- a¿Æ/'vɘ(°®SÖûKhom ba1hrot­tlÆ itsNpsW&I =onPccelerat‰6yî`eeb(tup speÀÏ.4þ*Ç"ý! visCual½ÈOçvey.4aee
*NYì4blinÚv”NseemÝ(be mov¢ôEÞri{ Turned 4 F¡)
)looked låZ6¸vŠye”¼omebody …'Tkqot» nrelH-"xÄ-I ¦ntRAd l‰=in$upœ@ &=ð-ñ9 veGÆû+anksQŽ ²k we%ll-o€Q$idÀ-C/ÅadGf ˜J`9¹Lt. ßUnger. He8 anŸew guy who24*trÇansfer­Þ.&squañdrÈ lastca'mpaignF¨.coogood crexialsÆ/ thought hÅ7Ðâ`)t,)m‚itchy trigger finger *ãende¦Î}(n F-14?. He's curr¹"-¯held pen  aNrtw marti?Too baê=He2 acoupl™à-ã kilež Seemsüú:Øeme a punishõmeþor–misfort»unescombatã% Oç' club
.probab}ly@full swing¤ónow.ì9=r sweep Þ÷aresoun  sucûcessW)bagged 2 Sïu-27, 1 ×) F1, 1Úÿ,9,æI5,2?3, 1ï Tu-22, ‰2 An-1¼òíboys neeø cÏelebrateø+–yst¿ill can.Ovˆl,N§lost 2=W dŸB-52 escorl*Ž"lo ƒ¨&½®V O8Fat it'jŠœ!ûÿsuccessful 1st dúúorÐ squadron ©*ü')on •þõ?e guys can keeÅpÈp.¨ž 2300 hourÂò+MáÖÒ/o ca=upQmylog book ˜<P=waÙit»ëethiK!happíen@9aler~ack.çSuddenKscramb?le horn blarÃ,– hot line m“ÀЛ<&Ý4s*Mig-Å29x'ts° w0 Zef5atldg+wenP'gerceptÅ- ear÷y pÅ¢.SoftwÃÿused: Falcon 3.0ÿ1.1 Spectrum HolÿobyteFalcCalc ÿ2.51 Shareware, ö¼egis/1feeThiþaticle is Copyrþ+C) 1993 by Jim¯ Knutson» GåByÿtes Magazine.Alõl wtsterved.fMÿED. - Because ofï the sizæ Mitchÿ's excellent Undÿerworld 2 walkthÿru, we're goingï to have split ÿthis is two partÿ. This is part ÿone and youcan ·expect see  tÿwo shortly in Gaÿme Bytes #14.-Ù--DD - ÞWALKÿ THROUGH for ULTÿIMA UNDERWORLD 2ÿ : Labyrinth of ‡Worldsi DðDÀi Veßrsion 1.4 Ïÿ Mitch Aigner Ý/¿Throughout tteÿxt, the followinÿg abbreviations ÿwill be usedto ÿreference which ÿlevel of which world something÷on:Wÿs: BritaûnniaÛO(B1 - B5)þi Prison Toweýr Ý/(PT1 - PT8)~Ü?Killorn KeepÝ/ÿ (KK1 - KK2) pluÿs Alternate Dimeíns®(KKA0AIce Ca×verns ;1IC@IC2)^1 TalorusÚ_(T½ TfA ScintilEAcÿademy (SA1 - SA8ÿ) plus Vault (SAýV)Aits of CarnaÕge)!C1-C30ALoth¯'s Tomb ;1LT@LTý4)1 Ethereal VoýidÝ/(EVR, EVB, EýVYÍP) Red, Blueû, YeÜ, PurpleþÝ/Okay folks,...¿ here we go.â1It÷ startæth a Hinït Sheet, answerþè most Frequently-Asked-Quesä ÿwhile giving awaÿy as little as p¿ossible. Aft haÿt, you areon yoÿur own.HINT SHÿEET (what to do ýif7 get stuck) Î$FAQ'sDD* Be extra sweet ÿNanna to avoid "ÿServant Strike" ÿbug in early ver¿sions. If Ùseú’ts9 not officÿially all "on stþ–"you are fine. ÿLB never does ïresolve Ùunrests, bu¨b willi çwait rÉ.* B÷e nice Praecor ü® avoid "endgaýme˜g. Do not atÿtack him. He cýanépersuaded to· give ¿what7 w¾“peacefullyï The only speech9öÙentiame is wýhe;#Guardian tauïnts you.~You caÿnnot auto-map alúH1diM!ns like KKïA, SAV, $the ÿEthereal Void. ÷Sorry.~Progressø:3event-drivïen. WaitÞaround¿ won't help N" öQB. If7 have exÿplored every bit”„Éy ÷ th%# ÿ access, and talïked rece with ÞÉyone whoâl taûlk, ¿2bound toÿ find some cluesò4t ¿ n't tracÞÔdown yetï Ite÷ms neefor quesŽ¬" often¯:3ú/whøîÙt was fiÿrst mentioned. Yø'ä  re-visit kmanyþ s.~Talk þÝ3 (dead or alivýe)á isn't activoely tryi kill7âï RB4·ç/ aboveޟy often clueÏs. Espec´"= friùenˆ:3castle. A¿ltara, Mokpoq#ZoÏranthus Áƒ$help;ful.~Spells}$è 4th Circl›Yéüœ9Britannia. Nystul tells "#Éy 0š$se9"of h}isœ" conversath~ï More LORE smîã#allow ¿to ideÿntify magic scro{lls,(ds, poä¶Ïrmorq#weapåmuûch mþconvienientl#More5Û= wÿeapon of choice ÿ(Sword, Axe, MacþSissile, or Uïnarmed) ç quickî8mprove7r combÿat capabilites. ŸGenerally,¥#ã#waýnt pick one typ¸æE5$stick ü i½t.95 CASTINGUgrÿeatly reduce "spell backfires"ïý Sm levels in a?ny category 篾òeed 30. Thîisï no limi! expûerieòpoints (or' trainÞè%).~®#ÿ see a purple fl»ash,m%screenø1ro÷cking,è color m™ap§Ìnutsq#= hÿealth goes down,ï... it's¯ a bugß. You're uø pþ¡ic attack by aÿ hostile "Brain ßCreature"!öu yel| & either a ´%has ·5d on7[%¯Cþ‰ed up a "curseÏd" item.¥¿2wear^Þa cursed‰m,y&þã3ke damage eachs timÑÆ3hange ÷9lsYúds. UsuÙý"NBEnchantment"÷ spell[ pay Mer_zam (KK1), id>yfyû —tem is c†ûd, iur LORE skúäishigh enoug½h.~The stra´ob§ject aÙ"×er„B5¸=ínsportøn Ítoè oÂH4 Not~Lhow at least‹܄›facetsalwaùys4é brighter ÁthM3ÂK$"masÿsive" double dooOr on PT2Ë" op•8VCQ$utside„ÙŸPrison Towî"2 "Listener" is fœþÏTa (not Killorn× Keep)03re­"o keays lÆ{7doorÄ Anodunos.s´#Ñ~uwaterways afK'Vood.T3fiÑheâïd dreams„Mokpo Ÿso bizarreúcè/udßden urge writ®Ñem all+n.~NoÈë7È2o Ûw whaÍt'å$dealÚ#ÙEleoßmosynator.~Turnè pyramid‹&îÐ look ›#. Manyº«esï "Use"è/maoll Black Gemîè largece on B½5.~In each úd,֞Fhear„a iculÏar placeEîhe Gçuardiaûmworked
e c,YmõÍcial influenceÖÏese locaäÜmust¾épurified!ð"su¾îo check ouwT s_ewer pipesq3e Ê7rfalls03 key ÙÿArmoury is hiddeõn Å pof debriýs,9a pit, behinìïÙReapn B4. =ItVERY harò^9$ must beøndÞÇin jÙIt plXUÐélookÞat3(ÆöXs at)9u.)anglÝe.ñpatienSUMgMARY:zBÞ In ©’{78 `C»& ( Ñ4a)¼è§' alwaysthóings¯CKo: A) FiðÜ'U˜1֟B) DestråoyŠXns„(„power* - indicatesþü#absolutely gotýta±e% - indicawtes opäal venS¯s, usualÙorühe? reward>T< àY$|ú#ÈDcompleted .)away (i.e.¥#Þ)travel otg»&[7 wait certO¾o occur)Ñta»niad@* - GeÙ"keõy !' SÑs from DËupreÈ FóÙlargÿe Blackrock Gem .`8owest ÷lMNtà˜d$ÈœÄe "Lis?tener" >T<WCP~L*Free Bishopßþ® Milenus% - Gþ†he Cornucopia þ\ Felix (a "boxå" ô ge{äfood)^´: GargKGpDP~È Make friendû! $a ƒ$(she´$ÄêÏ@heAe)È RecovÚ " SÎbookå'rs GóotharÖ4(appears near end)œ¼k?k to Relk (môÂ|Û"is around %#ÿr second meeting~Ü*Have a drinkÚ#çLobarߘ9 blue cBann'51Ogri8;o DiscoveÑ'histË>ç/ Trilkhai kÿkie >T<Ice CavóernsCPajlost citĂ¼7s $æ Beatériôˆdihost"XßN4ç'(he Ÿ8 iŽng vish{7wSd)¯Taloru[2-ßReü1Ñ"Bliy Skup Du§ctosnoáÛani5d /modelSqyD€Èû Paså$Final Examö¼ RaiØ(VaultPțaCpÈ DÄü Dor‡stag (F$ÍK", | xDm violent)ajçSceptræWdly Seûekerr Zoranthusð8;c*iÁ"Flam" rïunestone‹,ogith>ßPlay a fewAÎ>ÛBlogTomb„÷R4CL*Re‡KHorn½|”LÙ7 pieces„^CÝesÁ% 3 a lÐasießr)(No 8th êe!)ñEÂQC`È Conquerˆolor»&È BÛreakào (a( of)öV*hrinæ SpirituÿalityGENERAL gNOTES:C`h0 FirÖùa O„warning: Eܹ‹g doeshappenè/ame$©F¿plš® n±,e. S˜2er±saä $:* inšD vary (so À;Ý3$,.ó. yeÞ#). Also,åtbocø$„Runestonesœies,!Lè‰y Á foî'$á9d e(tse^KepensŽ&haract ŽÅyÞúelected,.my D ruidûme9s(‡H¿y shouldbe,. FûightÊidn't). TrÏainers dŸ…)s awüÙsamenumber wof poiPper Skä1Po/ÊM usi4Bm è%ê4‰]ã#pa‚7f bett3"n usÞ""èt›pçwoôd´Mll9all,€)ûms ­beetea» aœiaïbility. i A LOTÆè-ds uG=ïme. F÷or Exa:FIGHT—ER: FoO3 ÁMÐ aå S6 SO9secretÿ room (bedroom)ßPALADIN: Fœ 5 Rü¡<½+a Short SworŸdSHEPARD:ïþÿ.DRÓUID:Uœ 6óŽDaggeerÇ~1 Á=# a waÖú2 kã" Liche (PCq3)"'Ü?2$time. ùayÞÙbattle fro=m Ùprior sa>¦Iproduced 1 LYd>q#a %Y-plai$¼N_9 scenariç(th[ird W pro± a(Åd …oThuÝ/rth >W yeilded 2 LÏ:(d,Õ. scrol·Ë0ü‹C¹ non-linear.f meanåÆC't nësarilycomplet¨&äÁ%Ð gIæ8next. gInsteatXÛ'hat¿spêa lot ͬreC-vis˜#1x9plÔ~‰( nastymonstZinÎ fW°Á5Í(AÖÐ(s (y;4h‘) bypÀ2õ{'®a/½+retuyrnE#¿2strongeý‘h KX<Îm)[ö)eqCuire5úCx æ(e2$'three py‡de‚á"ICs ,?ƒoò¿EgaF W¨¸¡a.gËaddi, ,Po early»& laterˆS r/esult inôTn æ)û!¦ÎresÝ:we®" aÿvailable previou!se/g!¥'Žno«&Ý%øF ƒ- occuranceE0('sҐSx)Wè-z).ŒVstuck at—(Îèt,waiZM;or s leep”wo´Ö‹#î¦gresse_ly as|6:D fulfilled'1°+Q0ÂT¨abov™y Î be casÿU@.ThÒã$du’G ac+at g[iantXH gemiedÎ-— operaoî(N@×DQÓÉâ$<" 1´üQhim). Magic(ksòÛ9(¦")Z'1· Upon &-up,&on9tePÍ8ecret èC&9heùr bedräcœ-accord”!'5ïM û=ÖØOhªÁ% 5ã#tr£anspý %Îo&W L@C9<' emœ aisHg¸Q7Œ6walk,-v¶lit <t, it ca tôƒ2$d. O5æ”Bat a«&ãlluminËatedq#it{"Èget3o an)*¤# wat93*a while.,.)®$accessibleat 2—t. As ‘ cý/âmoø#c becomeavailabl’o$q/ŒVmõedáleýan altersnate('èCsentbEÀ!'c(XhÏd:ƒ)lso Ÿgivenfull%6¨Ma[email protected]. HowùrG Eãu¨deducÿ(up to 500). So 0lm%o$.S¿UÍ5T²!30J#y zn ãÃgory'1:$6wellÿ advised to:1)] IjUSearch%s ë-y 7Q (10®20@>.þqbe adequate).ã2) S‘#e befoæ;alkij$¡one.3¹) N4ËH folks†š. \/6REALLYqniÇo Nanna !! ---û¿ "BUGS" sectbeŸlow).4) V.@%Alßtara (KK1)´3YOŸUR MISSION_Ib)1)BcJsmËkj~>Ì" H‘v treá by Ö$yl,@În "use"  fº(B5)cJ,Ù-¼P drawsÇ ý©(' (an dis¿"õ)ŽÓ`a).3)cJ؜d T{rap Lir-Djinn@ýhiµ. body.5) Deι@massivjzÒ*surrø‘(Š*.THINGS ÷TO DO:¥jUse a "wtorch" "corn"®ÿmake popcorn.Us®: "oil k" a û"pieÂ)wood" to mêôa Th.P "poleý" š fishing) to÷ activsswitchesÌñ?yreac€%—("thr‹ead"n5olR]%Rfi¹shð%…(fish ˜ba÷rter)²(warningÁ: g<í&ó'Òeconåd ­%).% hamme•r"®re¨ b\toÕ sE s£s.%lumpÂ]-x" ¦5°Eódle._POTIONS_9-°9= Y_& - HeaEqOûRed ±)- Cure Poison or R¢ä!qOPu»rple5&Protecß (ÿFire, missile, s¿hield, etc.)qOBrÛown 5&Speev Fre§eze Tip_kk 5&Inóvisi¦.qOColorles s ÿe …)*ši l˜±!e)qOGreek6§Hallucàor:&nÿNote: "Basilisk ÷Oil" a0+ as a "cþ>less potion" uÚ i\ifieÖGEM ENTRY - Appropxkj\))left of:ÅL\ N : W±) -¥ SV R‘]feNEu :œWp 46SquareGçE : I¡K°9- DiamvÜgem\ SE : ö+Ís ¯I - LdwS :½ S|y - Circ‚(ri·sm (OK¬it'sylwinder)'SW : PFlÎ5&TriangpG'W :Ï Loth's »*Armor*Leùatil (Chain)ÿ / PlateWeapon·s/Armondit(fòewoUfest):Baކworn / W{/ Seûrvic / ExcelleçntJeßFeapons¯/sheilds˜ m—po÷werfuls.regular.öÛ`a"bÖ" long-sÜ.s p^an oR)_Magical xr/t*ís äng (މ):MiÛnor ±8rote^n/Toÿughness/Damage/AÂ@ac¦PGÿúy (nwo adjee)Add}ú7 PF/Toughnessÿ/Damage/AccuracyCMaj`*É9ûIG¢üNûE[Very Great 48ûH+T™ndouO9û~IUnsurpassed8ûøH+ÇC5 KEEP AN EŸYE OUT FOR}dnj"ÝPo…(comesôhandýy ’flippimg remíot“E, le‡, etc.k)"FŠ% P® (un4þÜ)ee food + use ü¶‹ barter)"Roëck Hè% (í%s boulËders%sl{Ã-)"B>Ö Eggshell"d/™ÿider"Amethyst R§od""G ("Ãf (looks li³% ‘&povß" atI )Anyt‹÷ made > "Frazni÷um""HZ"Banner""PurplkßmIrÿon Flesh"Dream ï"plants"usual Ìe0 ants?t gr·avesit>RID(mv
al):-Ring%¼Q6' IC1, Fa>ff; Damtrol tÈ¿ enter pipeË ÞR#T5n`Ÿ‘~S–?Øj.ôG"m)TAVUžØ}íV ^.(beh‡grey RWeaper)×V,nŽWÕ,ÿ (pack by skeletÏons),SA8¦~çy ex9it%l 4)Y–?`ý S
`UNLISTED 'SPELLSIUÐWUnh6ÿ UW1 walkthru (wóhich¢61spells),· this ionÈ(doesÁ¢=-a ‚Å!Ð êµer&ofêcouragºrHpiI.1st¬!e:‹UDPouË€*b? L÷ab) elšc collis~ jumping/movråBW?LoÐí* scrol·l in Aƒ> Putò!baýck¶4map if lostú[ (À&typically,îe occurs¥n telpÙorq%new ú-2ndþ™0QMY - Dispel /Hunger (â- >Å.Ñ) zò!Ð "¢ fed×" feelrQAýValoor (PC1 -H,Zogi8^½ "Flam"
e)C8s combat3rd nWle:AKýReUnùüo1 Merzan)4tuh V1IA]Frost 8Qscroll) shootsk{ld" -at multi“¿opponentsIS6ThÏick Skiní*Q) prÿovides medium prÖQ65toAITÍRuneîçStasisc‘ sets ýti×'pRSY - Mend–:(PT5|qre‰ÜmoÓur/w¦*%"eœ:"6íth™0WE •ap Areûa, pÓ ur immediaÿte surroundings Ýoní#map7üAVPYò~rey€*UW1) cauóses ‹$ÀhquakeK½AMummon DeC(cþ¢es hostile dem?on i.e. Hord3þ$yer)VOY - Enchant Item (KK1:1>l$) turns weu*ì!Ë "maàl"©&e: "Enêt"šÝ=AÒdà sw" or[êìr ôim§ed eff_ects, alsoãksë%}chþ wands.8!R=KCérmageddo:0Ÿ destroys {,, êyw¶ (<good)ýVJSmite Foe (k{illsø&about an{,ÿ)IMPORTANT NOTËE: W¯us:"Levwitate"›"Fly" a q:[i+’"E" keòÃUP©F±8ress "Q"û key%go DOWNSHOPPING: (Pri1ºl- lÝ, depeÛ!on› Chasa sk.ê*)jÞ;Mjn j) Spbÿ: $175 Repel Und9ea苃 $175 ¾a;cýPoÁs: $75 InvisgibilitkPG$50 •V¬;s’335 G¢er)lv³£$30 ™ BoostƳ½20-t Blows³£$1ç5 Less֓•*es: $6è¿Ã"gm³£$25 Id/entify i%N‡i!ÿn will also sellö a P×n of Iroÿn Flesh ($100), ýor©& Flameproof ÿ($60 + 10 bottleZˆ wÕ) ifI$sk!¾special.À&Meçrzan w.» accep÷t gemsús, goble¹õsceptrîk0Í$~…ash.Bewareç¿anyone peddl:"D¿ragon skin b…".ÿCHARACTER CREçATIONދ5=I woul7d sugg&spen£%ÿeffort up front ¨CŒ:a ñc‡=. ßPay particp attx5Ðe Streng8¿ttribute. Ifdùo <×% Strength /of 25 or¯e,‡$¾<be able to¥r §afullÏçne'Pl”’xr"™$st.× eÿnough carrying cƒapac±ô7µ- n¿ifty stuff.È(Cr‘eaïÃac¶æ tëhrowÃm 7away, Ûuntiiu geideya nra "good"D5çstats eLu5I founÿd Druids, Paladins, Shepherds,æ|¯I†e prettyg3betsu5Ó'When‹-ëe a 5r,2Estart ÿwith certainski˜Œ!÷5X.s. T¦-ÏruÒytoö"t & ifm"Cš)" is"high&¯initial ll,jMaÓni" @
e B beÝin"secretm up™on(òt-up{ ‡4loÕw $to©tÛpopuÿlar "Lesser Healæ##l riŽ.Rec-om˜ed Süs:@pØüŸ#|0MY opinion aÓbout%llsJconcÓentrLHdYopin…g.úr ¬NB÷5ly~different.)~LOTSDefenseÛãOTSt*È6Soose only 1 ofõ9$*¹)/ -*e)ManzÐ6©É(úÙ&soá%an identif-y .ese H mÃ,8ëms)p(g ÿf don't get so many "×¾s")SearchLiÒkA2)Ûit)(so v$don't hurtb[fall,You 3wicMú-no¥: (UNARMED Nl#only).€4t* süö~veryCortant (îÇciallyb=early Âf).Ÿ##$Ýengaãged ¿(1%r effe(/D)anŠ3de©?e both basedÙÁ Wð½.ò¿: toÈÈ()æ DÍ&™n otºc(ThRappearÌ5no? limit. Afte¦"$¯hit 15thX., $cogntinueJ–1 SkqÇPoint ôã+150 ÑExH8œ(»Le Ex¹p.œ(› Exp./Ó(ptM.Þ- ÞK -Óiu 1¨B 0¨B 50 2¨BÝ50¨B | 3 v9100 V¨B| 4v9 1&y5 v9µ204i 6¤9 300¨B10K0 7¤9 4\Y,8 ¤9U604i 9¤9 8ji149™ 1NY@11 =9wy12Rl924…y.9 3Ny14l9Ù48…yI9 6404iBïRITANNIA@@1) GeÛt SeYKey  Dup®íB1)2)ßvi¢Fißssif (B3) 7#quietly (he then bwÿes a Trainer).3ìê)xury ð- In d_ebris pilebpi8ûhindî/r (B4) (Itù'sŸQe,.. keep ê¬,g)º" a7 longsŽÌ (pickîÛ°,).¯4) Findý, BÆrock Gem (B5). Tfïis used eleporV³Ÿê7rlÈŸª(ÜCJlocked~ssivÏe" doorsÙ 3. O!ne7*Ùà s©F×easilyPe ê'requ irH wYgn‡$Ïfindfort$— midÏway thro[d=.C}asFEvents: Wa"ush†ge.solvedŽ/® visit€)(c Sÿervant's strike o(avoidedtaki`womplaiõof NanÅ£|Jq British).#ÿ See "BUGS" !!!þ(c Lady Tory murÿdered (unresolveed ‘%la%;sCharlôÑ ke²s Nelson ßmurdered (+er o÷bvious½PRISON TÛOWER@P-Q’s: Fßree Bishopæ MilsenusŸ3¡+Felix šÇMarcus’(–ÛCornóucop´l9Free GargFAQ: No7)'†ÿough those big dmou;door PT2–k) PiYJ"FDeli‚ß Voucher" špass~rself off as:ÿgrocery boy.2) sTalkJ´+(PT4) #geliminö$Ímis.ü<Ûgoblin armou·rer. MEposs¯#ieMs ¦. On“Ò iÿžJtell himBJmaïke Frazn­gauntl¼Ð‘'sy way (õou âv*3bret).Y A*es, h9& l}ê$a é ok subsequent conversaÒÿ.4) Talk to Borone (PT6)æ pas "Ÿself off an,interrogat[$&isø‰±ÿ arrive. Heø‡$!t$ pair of "¯FrazniumŸGak,s"™$ÛU*ý<\LƼJ&7ame).5)¬l a%ga>ndPù ™,f t. ¤+Ÿ¶ úH4—n tžŸ7þF*g for.7) Go bvdownJBorne (Yma…žhe hšov‹=heij.8) UseHžÌ releaseÏÝT6HMû¶ kqãy <,l $&ntir<wer.¯ÿ may now pillageý a½ur leisure.á9)N×L\ollectþ Cornucopia (bÍoxr:box ¶Ÿgenegrate fÔ[ timýat open it (fo¡od‡$­(Ù …-loyn rð$ofrhe box‡$£operLsx aµ(edöŸnumb‰f uses.ÿSuper shorcut: ¦Œ). KqHM),„%ak
e fkeysu5l9îòÝü¯ have free rµun;sof PriToþKILLORN KEEPB`Quesídã-lu÷e Bann–.Killorn þfOgri (Praecor ?Loth's grave˜7^¨êÛhiÁy ë. Tïrilkhai fBlackioe. (WispEVB)(oÿAmethyst Rod (T1ù) šAk EggshellÛ (B4LT1)x Altÿara.FAQ: "The ×ListenisJbe fûoundBritannia Ï(not KK)5Ÿ#pay Ûclos³tent´whenêm/a !Qe |$l daggÛer,ý she‡$pinpdô"poÃý outŽidl…5 aÜto aúÔp Õlternate d×imensi©AnÝ?tive8~\& "Openl6œ" locked portcu³.R¦‰loremß/U Dã? lÕ, v ´'§/on< Acond mee­¹inq§ LobarŽ h›elp Z& ansî„qu™es¨m Mys°‹* Aõsk¡?if¶ knows B§ishop.C!¢/is,pfulÝ;/?äÇ(¶ÆŒ80to †.Yesã. ShϨ!2%ith:A ) A c °/( Ç*JÔ~ "wOin7tannŸia.B) A s‹'Æd 3(mad9 "bl®ÿl", "amethyst ro­d"™$a ½1egb/" >
 a spider)Q6š¸¶Þ2 placeŸofá p^W½ld.C)Ñ S}Ááes’s. (A, C, Q).D) uÉ"ed"m"°AE) Lõotm gÔadvice.N FanmJ&"W¾*Commander".otÍicæstriŸ# res{embl# between"ûtoryº0Trilkhai (âA/e)ø<…ýKilratÏhi cat-wÛëof W}C.èfact,... il ßre-arrange: láet‚b2…...KÙKA<«is aÙ/(carÉpeô5Ê/) ‡$teleøD-Ú' an altern>Ldimension.s*¥$ýiséigned solely€›1³/„% 68*ofó valÍ(? (except„9 lEo"‰Xša wcoupleFcoins)©Ïe first  &narrÍowŸ#hallÜõ rissing/U*pillar& hazard 6²#Ê7e
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repulsor§ circlo2÷IulX#chÓain-n€Hi4ian,0/$,Od]# gemÍ<å,²èoo‡ (ifˆ%avsen't€?çready),2l~ð"a smèroom[(9a '÷# brass±(îjÇd0+riönext8<ÉIchamber.G.| !zöH"0+re-chargÄÝstUn! ReaÒndy!ý
alkthru is Cûopyr! (C) 1993 «by M AÝr ?Gaÿme BytesMagazin¯e. All ¦tsOerved.F þßï MicroWINGS, Iûnc.ß? "The Inteÿrnational Associþn For Aerospacÿe Simulations"(TûM) ß_ 381 Casa ÿLinda Plaza #154ÿ - Dallas, Texas 75218 USA---=ú= -ߏF O R I ÿM M E D I A T E ÿ R E L E A S Eý more informaò: ÝÿßAugust 1ÿ2, 1993Mr. Robeÿrt MacKay(214) ÿ324-1406 (Voice ßor Fax) ßCONSÿORTIUM ANNOUNCES FANTASTIC DRAòÿ PRIZE DALLAS,ÿ TEXAS - Three oÿf the top organiýzas in computer flightsimulÿns have joined fÿorces to bring týo ëconsumer a pûromooffering ïan excit$!d valuÿable prize packaÿge. The consortÿium (made upof ¿MicroWINGS, Flÿite Training IntÛernaal, ,Mallÿard Software) ar³eus$ëdraw$toþ!te aerospace súA. ïOS will be÷accept$entry caÿrds until Februa¯ry 28th,£4.: dÿrawing will be hwelddu Marché_1994.THEÚ : ýöq1winnnd a gueýst®1 awarded rouÿnd-triptransporùtaDallas/Ft.ÿ Worth from any major city in !ntinentalUSA ,hotel accommod!*  t©ur of2!ôÙ!9!p3 includeÿs three days at þNñ, experiencingÏfirst-h,ëworlÛd offess Learÿjet 35 pilot tra?ining. TheÌ!®!¿receive one ,onÿe-half days of iÿnstructor-led gr~Þ school,cov#!ÿa variety of curïrent avi topics³. Oÿ1/sionéDaÿy 2,the winner þŒ receive speci‡alizedŠ2þN1e'ÿs FAAapproved, ÿLevel C, Full Mo¸åe2/36 sito½r.qe prize Œc¿ulminate on ¼3 ÃwhenÁR!ëoppoÿrtunity to fly aÿnactual Learjetÿ 35 aircraft, un{der ësupervis" a SimuFlitei‹2—r.En–Afo9#q1ca§n be fÞŠid#boõxeˆ M1rdSoftwíarÝavia relatóed ss#ÿoducts t{hat ƒshipped µ!úp1 period. ïEligible†QmemberÝs Œ!e autoˆcall¿yentered.HA iŸs an assocy#  u{sersÏ vendorséÑae0ø"s…3, re¿aching 24 di"enßt countrie datçe. Me¬Ž benefÿitsinclude a suçbscripè1HA Magaz/ine, disõts
Ú3¹eßCducts, a÷nnual HA Confere/nce On A{1SA^!Rƒ.MF# Tm"g ÿoöâides]bhigh-qualityadvanced x3¾l2g servicesprËofes¸ali"Åd maÿintenancepersonßnel operat$turb?ine-powered 23þßcorporate,÷mercial,military,Ï% gšnmó‰4. DCÄaa «#éHAÏcan±þacted at (800)ÿ 527-2463, (214)ÿ 456-8000, or byó fax8¯ 456-838û3. further inóform î$t: Anne ŸStimson.aqÛ$pusblis\opular¨B,Üscø0sof!…o#¶14s haÊhownÑre¿at appeal to h?omecomputeri"9!}y ƒwell know V#eir scenery, sÞþ^!adventureenhaïncements2 ever ïpopular Hosoft ‘FlýDorYEÄaòÞ´ cë”ý 539-257õ5,Ut¯ 539-5330. For further…Pþ<tact: Leilani Greene.ð ÿSYNDICATE - STRAÿTEGY AND HINTS Bÿy Robert E. Funkÿ IIISyndicate,ÿ as you probablyÿ know by now, isÿ a fun cybernetiÿc romp throughf÷uturiscities oÿf planet Earth. ÿ To finish the gÿame knowledge ofþ6weapons, techÿnologies, and mo¿re is a must0hiÿs article is splÿit up intothreeÿ sections: Saviÿng Money on Save» GamMAdvicewMoÿds, Weapons, and÷More!‹ FavoritÏe StrateL(the ÿAuthor. Withoutÿ further adieu "ÿIntoBattle!"Sÿaving Money on Sÿave GamesA litïtle piec? inforùmam6@manual lefït out is6 10% mÿonetarycharge f?or each time6@`ûavedX0can be verÿy costly to the¿player earlywwhõenæeySactuallyß important0 avoißd paying lì"taûxes"wyour profiÿts, do what any ßgood corpo˜ whiÿz would do use aÿ taxshelter! TåheW sZ!Sequipm÷ent orÎP in thisÿ case. Befores¾¸ a game aft« sÿuccessful missioÿn select a new m·ission‹ buy6iûnfo Omap improvûemen>if you canÿ afford or want ûthem0he next stÿepis to reload òžweˆur agentÿs have, buy new ®Ò1until 9p amou]nt("tax" pa½Þ³r profitÊ almost nothing. A‡ä³ûež„ pick ýa !n, get back ½to6 Team Se•ioßns screen,‹ selÍlÐQbackî6ir oïriginal ! Oh ïif only žIRS haþÏesekinds of lÿoopholes - "They¿ don't ... d ey¯?" :=)Ð MŽz„ -6 bionic,P[add-Ôfor ÖQ- Ü» var.effecïndðT¼"„. I wilÿl share my obserõvams Ó seplastýic‹ metal compoíneÚwith³.Leg¾Äeach level;viÿdes progressivelÿy quicker movemeyntb2Ø! inquesmôÁ!Ure!valuableH Ümor"ag¯ÿ quicklycan be þždifference betŸween existVž!eiÿng riddled with ÿenemy leador suoccessfuløplet’ãof ašQø¹up shoÿrt. Also fasterómov¹F# induce ?less frustrarA6"ÿr him/herself.OChest - Q;teNÏn from wD ‹ expmloœs is 3d byðÿhlevel. Since ö*dingc# killed ÷is oneœ0secondarÿy (if notprimary!) goal€6@{e :áqu•import½½òtCm›!yCn.BraiÝn S meansXter wpersuaœ!bility‹nI#er reaN". TAèTŽ½adä additáiojF# 9 cryo ÿchamber andstay¾¹alive in purïe situatO.Arm¾Äallow grea8ca}rr. capacity ½|žFt. Usefulîÿ haulingmultiplïe heavy Ò1like m?iniguns.Ey†64Ÿeyes enablP#Ft ÷to spo¾reats faßrther away‹incûreasÑ1 accuracy.þ¢T long range snyip¹OkeepingÖ4ÿat a distance.»Hear¹gives Ï$beÿtter physical st÷rength‹ durabilÝitîNever1 not1iciBv didt„— termsÛt 0^edü "of damage m}y F# could takßGenerally þ modÿs I preferred toÙ hÀ% leg…#hestòpifýOfirst b§efore D@ oªs.ÿ I did, howevery, p%updated þï afairlovel paÞn. Try $cquiare #î%2¤ythiåڒeget ·%two /legs. Lre ð<­"¸increaseî åßof playso³ mig=ht¼!to grab ¿‘5sall @ |vious ·%Ÿareattainý#triy ÿ46 fmainØ1ûuseddto date onšpshe s9ó. ItÝ"‹$¿ FFspÓeed O¬idPesa™meN".WD ¬" dïestructiûoys thqatCSûm%, alsozwevary¹degree€Ù eÍ~nessÛ'll ótell³Mch reseaŸrch class Éinw (firsÑ last)‹ù gymy low dowán Ó î%Ožworst.ÿResearch Class÷es __êfAssaulït: Flam¥Long Rÿange Rifle AutoþÑc: Uzi, Mini ÿGun Heavy: Lasî¥Gauss Misceÿllaneous: Everyþ*g else!Pistol - a medium rÿrÅ#n þÆ0power,Tþ¡ except as abackup on!š1¾Sh;otgu,short ø$Ò!~j#a wide field(ÛfireI%packTdece¯ntpunchî aÎ cÌ'Ò! butSkly ûoutcæed by longXHÿC0. CN#us¤ftcert+1typeÄïsee nextk0.Uziÿ - automatic submachine c°%perè?ø$O de˜ damagwe. ThØin supú<7in! scenarios'.Fla®egasô7þj#neat visual ef“fectòflùÉfuûn toT, people lðwz‹ run aroŸund scream¹ç!de—ath,b•'in#(ybe›causÌ t's fGzI ÓonlyTÏis<7tohøÀ/þ it served÷ no otÜpurpose.Ìïžway,.& (has ßatendency blowþdvehicles when cit h"¿1Zmake‚Œ)8yda¤½unÏmodifiedØ11( bec“auseœ0*('sŒ#9'.M7ÅTF9'‹ aî!high r?of firözEasi
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$eàHÕ+ibªpoint {man,> wingmen@hXñ…!eaLnbe…@îoo. Tr! anticEipÿwh²IBïgoJ>Ø*verhim at‹™¸©Žj@ crankªBma?ximum values®9¾¹er5Ÿ= quickËnd— easilQOnm(‡qs ifbFÿ¬Sê&)VW e orPElyÎ$u*ü–Îgile!I hopÌ¡ˆtips–_&leadq¤conque$rºÉE•. Jusìme¿mber Big BroJ e§r ... ½Þ=e °atwching!¬is art¤þïCopyright (C) û1993£Robert E. ¯Funk IIIÄ G6By¿tesMagazine6llý rr*reserved.®ÿCan't finish Theÿ Incredible Machÿine? Here's somÿe password info ÿthat willlet yoÿu jump to any leÿvel in the game.? Enjoy.LeÞíPaú/2 Ü?DYNAMIûX3 Ü?MACHINE4 îÜ?DISK5Ü? SHUTT{LE6A@ATURN7 Ü?÷KING8Ü? DRAGON½9 Ü?ANTS10 Ý/ BßASEBALL11Ü?BEAR½1'0 FISH13Ü?DAûLE190 CHESTERTO{N15Ü?SIZE16 Ý/ß IRELAND1R0 WOR{D18Ü?BRIEF19Ü?ßHOT DOG20Ü?COUNïTDOWN21Ü?PSALMS½2'0 TANK23Ü?NI÷GHT24Ü?GAMES25ÚÜ?WEN26Ü?LOG ÷HOME2R0 GRAPHIC{S28Ü?KNUTH29Ü?ïDONALD3j0 COMPAßCT DISK31Ü?SHAVßER LAKE32Ü?RHEUïMATISM300 HARPSïICHORD390 MARKE»T35Ü?DESK3œ0 MïYRTLE37Ü?QUATERïNION38 Ý/ AQUAR·IUM39 AOE4j0 FïLOWER41Ü?STORE½42Ü?CLARE43Ü?KE÷RRY44Ü?FLANGE4½5 B0EASON46Ü?TRßIBOLOGY47Ü?ABRAwSIVE4c1 DEFOR1ûON4b0 ELASTIC5~j0 ADHESION51Ü?ßSPECTRA52Ü?INDUõCTÔ53Ü?POLARIZAúÁ590 OVERJOY5|1CURSIVE56Ü?ïCROSS57Ü?CHOCOL÷ATE58Ü?PLATO59¾è@LLSPRING6j0 H¿YDROPLANE61Ü?PAûLM6'0 SOMBRERO½63Ü?JOIST64Ü?ASßTRONAUT651@RION·ETTE6œ0 OSMj67¾QBSURANCE68Ü?CAßLCULATOR6b0 SUPïERIOR70Ü?PHILHAßRMONIC71 d1NGULûAR7'0 ZIPPER73ÞÜ?UMPIRE790 REC÷OVER7AHADOW76ÞÜ?IONIZE7R0 QUA;KE7c1 OCTOB¸b0Û BIL^AL8j0 LYRûIC8—2 NEEDLE82ÞÜ?THEORY800 LOBú890 SAMURAI8ޝAPLICE86Ü?GULF}8R0 RHOMBUS8ÓB÷LIVE8b0 POLYNOM÷IALS9j0 PARAMET÷RIC91Ü?SOLAR SYçSTEM900DBLE94ÞÜ?HEAVY95Ü?REPUçBLIC9œ0ÏTRAINý97Ü?TYRANNOSAUR98Ü?SULFURkb0 D÷OPA10j0MINARETý10—2DOVETAIL102~Ý/ JASMINE103¦0ëRANGˆ04Ý/ KUDOSû105‹0ULDESAC10ޜ0YODEL10R0XYLOPHONEÿDay of the Tentaÿcle Walkthrough ÿby A.J.Sithersÿ0. About this waÖë?hTýisã lonßg-awaited ÿOh foÿr LucasArts' Dayÿ of The Tentacleÿ. IMHO I don't ßthink thatü/game÷ is as g or as ÿdifficult as Indÿy Jonesor Monkeÿy Island 2, but ÿit does contain ÿsome beautifuly ûcrafpuzzles.Sûinceã puzzles aÿre all inter-linÿked, I've tried ïto splitãwalkt÷hrougho discreÿte sections. Ifÿ you only want a¿ small hint,ãn¿take a look 5heþ¡0 sub-headings ÿand this should ûgive¨ some idea÷of wh5o do forÿ each main task.Caveat: This;ÿa complete and u¿tter spoilerý iÿt might wreck yo¿urenjoyment!thÝe 9. Useü/ONLYþBa last resort since ALL thep ÿs are logical (t¿o a degree),!f þø@ doofus like mÿe cansolve it, ÿthen so can you.ÿ 1. Intro1.1ÿ Secret LabIs ÿfound by gettingo bernardâopenã clock1.2 Baÿy PlansAre fou÷nd on notice bÿoard in Dr Fred'ÿs lab2. Gettinÿg Laverne down fûrom tree.Get†!an!red paint fromã attic bedroom¤~house. Use 3ºÐ!onã kunqu5reoe besideã outâÿes. Talk to Geoýrgéshingtonandÿ goad him into cýut| down a cher}ryôe, which h¶?es, freeing³1ëÿhe future.3. ¾¯1a disguiseå LçaverneÀ³!e>TeÝllã guard¨ don¿'t feel wellý h}e'Wake you toãÿ medical room.Ttmte& chart¹A½waf" return q" kÿennel. Now tellÝtY2 that oneedêâus}"baìom. Oýutø1 Cron-o-Johné,Õã tæ?chart /to hoagi<Goâãroofýl"crank ÞÓ1 flag po(GiveºtoK¢Return(3keÛnnelell guar¹d o. feel w^again. Climb up  chimney(S1‡raÏnk handl52ˆ# boxýz <g.å1CE2þ¨rself as a rather fetchingtæ/B<4.?B°"!hoÃîÀQFirst!all, gýiv}"plans to Redï Edison 6" basemÿent laboratory.Ÿ4.1. OilÁAtAhiûddenÞ1kitchen paýntû#.2. VinegarÜÁA{Bbottle!wineþ¹!Ben Franklins |´"2 Jeffersonýïsuggest¥"he useás 1¤ýtime-capsu( NowàCW„‘erâ³!<š1second floAþ¼…3Ëpener on  tíimVpsuläPick ump stalW$ (vi‘r)—#á‘o Â!ü.3÷. GoldՒ letter Ó1 mailboxüø1¹¤Aâe ÍÕiÏ Bð! cBÔTto Dwaynýe,ã depressed nÿovelty goods des¯igner. Û2f=gu-n Ó hisx" 'CêÇ hall Í®2þ gun7 with 3lighØ,Æí! tab(2À alesßman about ýcigaýrs.3eone when oŸffered. Gá3lr ÚÍ e OUto HÒ" Opf…!gra|Þ1floo#óTry q|2chatteriÿng teeth, which > jumpaway¹!dß Keep try±to pÇick upÆ"³ý eveWntualyãy gǧrappedÞ1„ gš%. [ YouÊ now03em|EÇem toÃ4ÁQ~eto WÕasºtoqWht ha¿s exploded, Õ hÍimãcha±teetÇh. Jeyí ligïht a fir©tblankeÒ!›#’|o Ð)C, Ípu0NFovpxC#Ms setxÀ moºŸlarm, clea°%Ý$n ½haf" leaving%eð.â¹X"old quil´šÛ iµ oil.#heï vinegarâRed inø òCÍhe'll knocÏ a b®ryå¨úmit¹1ebench onýceis finished.^Á4. ChargÆcy!SîÛ2 help ­ed sig¼-%ã window 6" e#ntra/“6½4tÂD"”—bucket‡Rsh25•5 cãupbocÍ£6 brush›as e. Id®2puÑmpš1<'âfi€t wi?th water.Go­V½nsÚ1. Push ýbež mess it­Í en÷ call9%id by puùll±í! cord. On÷ce she;distract¹edªmessy ÜyÌô%0Csoap¹!¶cart¿ just outsid}"do'orway.›"®"eÔog’!waØÍgoâD)#dirty carragä
w#7arrageJ5e br’ͯit startç rb(tf‡lue Ï isv!Øvù4¼ks ah&wind؞w!car àWmoteßl). Ben F‰lin ocomes in¹Arain.3es0 kite Ð1EÛ¸  ‡èSn, whoàesŽ¨ a jobd$¨Í7elab coat|U¬âÔ84µo  mma kiÍte¹!it.™(re r»eadyâlaunchî!itAe,–4Ô6š\Ÿ7p’ö$te wtold. WatÙ( anima£BoÍgeáX.5|{!%ËiamoorÆ"¤machÕinäFo3(, ¨RgetgDr. FrÚmoneéãTalkâÍyou'llrîd hgErecurr0gnightm9Íwhy º'so brokeþÄS`ø¿ cÛ2 video tap%e Ó GKå?e'<$d&ÿget both jugs ofgcoffeŒ)Ú8chenÜ6þswiss bank accGount b½Ó1k6"rxicä'he Dr.§ÄÁ ab»Dd decaffinatedcoff¿Úo.19 rid!Nursÿe EdnaNormaly,|ö(opush Edna hdâ/xm,¹îbs h¨,â/%tueÍsp°¹¿ck in, so...̤eft-handed malleÒA7 benchÞ1labaúZ&÷to NedýJed's s÷tudio @Uleft-hancded ±~›!righBzwtoswa®em ove#óWatc(# repercussions cœo9Ÿ6î
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.2 DÉ%Dr2ÌZYoª#more4„Ò:ŒÓ4°7andyÆ35od d j!wo´=D%Ã1tumble dryer (Ê)š© B¹3ãflyeÀe!stitutndsuggesE boxÚ¯ÿnew vaccum cleanhÿ5êíhoµNlab.IWðs&—DURdustballÿ.9. That's It W!!ItÝ'reºs È/ “!3ý&y *?'Ñ$öø-johì10. End 7Game,mostM(/9wcan wa:animatëæwM regÇxrol,gŽ¥ Dwayný>ï˜-wañy -ù>Æll shootþ™(nd shrinkyou.Ñ)hrough`Bcøvõ W :reA fullsi[ze, °< bowø b½xÉÂ-¥<labatoré†Ò:bowl¿™º=gesÄ)K=eaIóo fiÅniš. gÄ[&„ Purgple Teú/-hes<ñ:à a changž6t!Day of The G~QManiac Mansi¿re copyrighte tr¿ademarks ofRLuûcasA'Entertainmÿents Company.TÞwalkthruhCopy¾{t (C) 1993ïA.ãJ.Siq¬&Î Bytesw Magaz)All rÕ'¯#ƒm*ÿHINTS AND TIPS FÿOR "BUZZ ALDRIN'ÿS RACE INTO SPACÿE" from Interplaÿy by Ken FishkiÿnGAME TOPIC Buÿzz Aldrin's Raceÿ Into Space (BARÿIS) is a great game of spacerÿsimulation. It'sÿ also devilishlyÿ hard - after 2 ÿsolid weeks ofpÿlaying, I have nÿot yet managed aÿ lunar landing bÿefore 1969 on thÿe easiestlevel ÿ(level 1), and Iÿ have never won ûon lz 2.This ÿarticle is desigÿned to share theÿ insights and tiÿps I've developeÿd sofar - I'm cÿertainly no expeïrt, but plessonÿs I've learned mûay b) useto yoÿu. I welcome feeÿdback - I can be· reach_s fin@ÿ, ¿orK.FISHKINnGEßnie.For prest÷ of th"rticle, ÿI'll assume you'sre pQ   Ameriéßside.The © areÿ applicable to bûoth -s.-) SLOýW ãSTEADY LOSESß THE RACE 0singµle$ esÅing ÌP iÿsthat you _cannÿot_ afford to hiÿt every milestonýe,~ buy every pÿiece ofhardwareû. Th"pproach is½ b]for gett`you short-term p÷ige in first fïew yearsà it wilçl takel`ong timevadvanc;a lþe capability-èl <uy\y progwrams, §launché!ÿmissions. Furthewrmore, compuFÿplayer won't givÊu êslåÊ. WÛhichÎds m;...ÿ-) MINIMIZE MIS÷SIONS 7 easy to¿ forget, butl sÿhould aim to minwimizepnumberþùAFirst of all, ÿthey cost money ¿(especially plaûterù1). Second Þ]R tie up ó! pados. Thirdall,~§ most]2¤on½eeÿd one catastrophïic failuŸo seveÿrely derail your¿program. Ev{maýnnÑission, espeÿcially a MercuryøÇB" ( Russian roulette - soonRur qr,l!will_ Vÿ catastrophic fawilures/!fewer ù1vl fly`e greaFvº oddN avoid`a¦Be. FinÏœ"ö? rarely be a:!Ý mjthan 1\nedþù!n a season anyÏway, duevNbcrewßs availabl-) WÿHO NEEDS UNMANNEÿD MISSIONS? WithN  excep4unÄ"_ dockingmÈ"s,¶¶ unmHd teµliÿghts - cutting déowˆ seìllyhemlpÑe sp¢up më1çm. An †3ž#t is jÿust not worth itÿ -you pay full ‡price žpK3§su¥ck…a ‡Bðd,–"imoportantlVelaylÅr ì!m,^:  chaüÐ] _one_ perceŸntincreas¯Adwõar
liÜ!y. Let'ÿs face it, those²G#d ù14goi%o æëiskyð!¤just c}anet around j): &¤reÏ gDÙschedule _14_ †3ÞÇ2s beforel lauËnch º f´G3Mercoury? If ¤do gZ#ÿslow-and-steady Çroute,l"dd unÿtil 1974or so, ãeven!`pSovietýs Vn't landed búnen("KEEP MONEY\çP FALL Á"on3æNwhil¤4Àget a ÿrandomevent infwormingl that Ž1ß purchases4 50%û off: one seaso¡nŸÀ2Ê!haÂppëenedvme`is has÷ been °! fall. þ“is a _wonderfsul_ ð$†nt - i0óa sh(Hiss out ßon enormouñscalïsavings("WATCH ÿFOR FAILURE MODE? PREVENTION ÝôíùaEUö”scientistsʁ foZa #¯1sucÿh-and-such system (Gemini, say} ¿!pr¶½âpfutu‘1meansý$¤í¤{freeÇsed step⮺ next K3wi|haïtsystem’! is _very_ valuah‘4íÞ, scrub êupcorùu˜3K3involv»$½at·5- save i!whùenl®#y needit,–n0next94fl¤("PLÿANETARY FLYBYS AÿRE A TRAP Wow, 7î«Apoints: Venuso! 5 for$y! YÅçlready pRangerß! Easy picŒs, rþ¤? WRONG. Thelonger I  '"ÞA#non-luna
anetÿary flybys seem a loser.F´2 ëy stÀcoˆoney -³ $15Ç2. InÜ2wh»ere! alwayV%ofôÌ&+% aup. SecoåndÀV wž&Ž3s run, if _any_ K3è¬áls#K3Œheintíer®Vy-byÂ$ a sucëcess4ag) only ßaround 60%’!givýesÄ!n "expected ‡value" 4n&ÇBpbeøˆÈ2Œ60%*7 - 40ÿ%*3 = 3, with anÙ eQ7ftaryc"of $ï21. JustX worth it.9e Ÿ"‚'Abyý0Ñ3pLu¬~³y, becausee˜®¤gives ¤5%A#onï photo rzaissanÏce, whic™¡ded ,s®'probnda`B!¿ DOCK EARLY,î'OFïTEN Othe an dirgect asðy pa|~Z#moonrequire=Kdock`mom6 rH±loé&w4Hake (gú(s ($le - betwe{en 5~ 10, usuÏ"þY$8. Furthermore^#LMtestsðotûq3 ù1î´requir'4-leŠ3. IfÄ!reXC4éheÿgåte`en1)ó Buyƒ(‹# module ßas soon asáArock˜ÁjS supû pûayloó#d lift earì¿ oftÍ2) As(¡85%s,/(su}$ íatÎst 2€4pads.¿3) Think twÞab®Wskippi%! G¼i Àì!/õ4lS doð†svDžŸ $6. Wit³hout 9ã1 wai!thÏeApolloÑ7Ês $1Ë1 pe 3n,~ Hbettÿer rockets.4) yRaSýn spread¢!áur—C8=DY4rough æ7lifeÊ!e Gemi‘ni`ò÷(deQ $Grïoup II a¨nauts,N~spend`{ntn§year dDXhigutø`¹s.You'll üVvfly 'em anywayð!ÿ69öÔupöva ni-eliabilityÊ$1ËheI‘
IíÄ"diû almdimmediately.C!AVE ñ'**÷'I ö„ thouÉI'd recoCmmenÜ):SBga*vÄI doÊommendÙEëuse 1d-P cheatÞ)BARIS.T &e's \¤t flawª'at4%?atality rate)=Tß, itseems(5far ½towgh. I woDguÙes­(X420% êy USnGcns endâ$fataõ¿ while histo*lly,  US ha§%Å* r?ateof 3%.0ߧlem isý$Se &many stepsð!¨USº!em–* about  l­ik8to c¶ a„:y.u Hï:sogommon ù1Ma[heir¬2ÝesÌ5èP’1es  Basic¦œel, õ^h$„y Çhalf-wÓ@(  "Maçx R&D"~i+SafetyÛ"ra¥s - žexamÿple, 83% ((76 + 90) / 2) 4Ò2ý1r Ïassumetì*Ÿtronÿaut bonus cancelxV%â#~!e penalt'ºv#N Ô¿SUCCESðTEó---ÒûÒ;-Orbita¿l Satellite Ùo84ý%Ü?Explorer, At÷lasMaÅ sub-orbËitalÙo63ùK$y, A—tlasM™#oré+Ø 4c3% Ý/Ò2 much Ÿlow so2!es.
~;†ƒn if†15>ú%/.maximum4NsatÝÓ a HË}ñEll|erieËnce©571²  timÈäjÅsoÉ.poddsJ: _9.s_`;, ѾonsequenceN _Š#e_Ñ7te[GÉNha£rsh.–iÅO ," õma^ve>'a 43% ch(Ï9>- j'sX ÆÉblem/!æzŸmuchî„9remain`57% reïsults in„:ies. Oßhwell.M0" SCHEDULING Suppos"Œ0'94sub-'<®š l±if˜!%n. WþdoDl"n žG%n?–H†$ú$m¤nkðêjD´9ð!wait untõil@"ee  resultso…)ÐOl. Dó! Yo3#„munacceûptabInstead, cõon-r)DOUBLING DOWN Go aheadD) sîžanQ-al:î% P#x®%
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s,–ahead €õ% ,K‘P“ì PÿULL MERCURY CREWS OUT OF BASIC^1INÁy(Êruit$$uy¡;tsâSpring}ã1958Ä&4^ graduÿate Basic Traini—ng inR60ÓbanžéassignedËÈ" sûtart™in Fall of? 1960.From .bYcFall12(œ"go fS?having zeroe3 KÍts°2n. TÓð waste! MuchcNêoß"pipeline"0+ avamil*4 In ^B59 (7¬Ä&&in "%c(2 IïII"), pu_ut 2 m­en@;llow¿'toe@1 ž!Fthe Spr™N"0,NÈ* stillà™2 =Dž"leÌ5^š!" miníimJ(ffec¥ overall crew skill.5a Bø)U$L:take«5isà.fa–+- itÄ%AŽ"yank Ã}"B¶J Tra¤/II".ì AÿLWAYS BUY THE EXÿPLORER, AND FLY ÿIT MULTIPLE TIMEuSË m norma=consider skipp»4Hþ;K5" uæ )eGIûfter
. However,æâaddib 8"regulïar" adva:es(fu×lfillsÖQ s%liteÿ milestone, dirtÞhap, lets~$everÑagß…)s Gile)z?eru:"hidden"Œ~x8 look carefuÐ9m†'Ÿ spacevD0'½ "Eower-on"õp.¹ Tþè%sroll?gaëinst? "o½s" leveÍl,Èch I ª7sameû asì Explorer Æ7l.Úï;son,ðŸ¼.L4­$it's up ¯to 98% ròI, (eaud ?ypn 95% -%¿3% differencòy •noseme œRtgrememb^)Ê's g(î[ appli'%virtuad=Öy ?Üfly5)°X¿&<;° DELAX#SURVEYORy(a‚?Surveyor, tr< Ä3e$afN‚›ten €ral ³&ød/}or?'ve gottenÌ?þ«&passes.Regret“tablÑ*ì,ry XßLnaissaŒèZ/°5ûk. Wi:t helpî&|" at 55%. I¤!to|ÑCìpʁ=Pÿ& HDŸn º 5dv°´7mG(6 55%$ B< #my opinik19üe$‚55% is uptoÓ 70%h('sê" risqkyR*. breakë'ý YCOMPUTER HASÿ A FIXED OPENING It appearJ$C‘aå&è‚foÌ™opoening: Sub-è;ÎØB 1/58 , SubY-O ,Á1/605 O ,í/SwalkV 2-ManÏ craft/di-u 2/6y1­ ve sequeŒ4æ² impè>êuplicaðŽS©'­actbareì™è.e. Y
Jit byO1) yank~3™)I yBòC3ba& &9 2) inv)esx,bo$rs7û7<:;[n 3) mov™Lô|†km,y/Vostok¼ ˆ)/VoskhodÉgrõamÁ2/44) Beingñ v·åÙyluckyéE¹ / 4Dabove ýisÙ&risky (especyiauÔ1 rushes)Ç0Ý$C²- pul§B÷ff no æ*m. I'm bÓegin* qu“ona†' wheShýco7mputerh*s. ÚwôŒe 7*gets"fiÏred".AI%‰, on]ce? know Óst‰Ýgyg"can daŒarouþÀt. Forexampleìg"pwant concedŽàat he'è)ýS!to÷ get a1 -mancapsh m9ndÏh¸^à¦,U)IÜ÷4insteíad}diveG"resouræLintoG+^.. Simi÷larly,? may wanì™Gcedeg+SpacewÃalk"ÅS½c‚ EVA· moneyG latÜIfîP're fe—g cock¾â' could tryn"bVzhim Ö' p¬" ÿis ownstrategy,Ç I war¼$€‡#Ü6y difficult - èñitø*!–.CAPSU?LESMERCURYã*,;y isÌdatoryÝ-¼„7) a shot ¦hoïse valuaûearly­pr“ge b^s.¤fa—ct, ifþ!eau„'o,Þ
9 fulfillj$ 4mÈÆ3".Ž[: bQk0, spÓace-(ø*dua,"B"ԜSˆa å dÀrousÄ3&Üt o"émadec 76%ñ)ûz9R&D,nüûlong-term va×lue. O;+ot3hand™8skip ýi8Á4ˆ)B6evf+à=?7#fi *õrB m =ificantlïy behind÷y more Ü°‰ capsuéhows­5†ic¢™!¡ƒorry´.}|Pw… dealingw¢1.Ì6*[ usu  buyŽ[, ÓitGÅ4(s
Lnk0g),pra *v%dropw× DepenŠ o¼ur sô!¡'e,Ž[astronaÍut¨n ei4:tranßsferred di‘ly, ése…'\9 tK3toinc»reasàeir enÓncýe,6ignored.GEŸMINII lo(¢,i ÀB !ˆåensiqveò3Ÿ‘(ers,w;~’ dirt-cheap,¥8Æoa loDÔ1 als•o Ë-cÎA!º't.! EáÔH5Ç-s,PZLº:esj$"D", ‘=te›sts,$ walƒ¾eaÛrth ,t LMùts.Fur4morelG)$ZÌL#y upn¾incl•ud™a rl‰-L o­rdŸo do—t,Ato–Ÿ9 B-Kcr,ƒÁ= LMM,. eitž&¥6orä- n roÃ.m8û:ßAa ….ºW+kN¥MoroŽ¨OR/EORA2¡A[n.ø¥8ç>y afford i9t,$%ånroutòjUgoÜ!-lookU( :N= tùBisartic~7  an E5Kût/t'ë a 6yOf9.s!APƒOLLO&/.82ö9FpaÈôÖ'¢,i.D'¢JtalÐò2?‘9ïclŠy woCrse.D'%'<Ì[eӋbettÜy0Ì=%Ó=€ékW,*UÆ=9@ZexŸpensive LMÐ[*5sr˜&r +ÉIn my &9riKN% decis»¬֜) madõr -- so on5'Ôr,
&:!÷a cataäphic failu²requirïÏ2wiétc˃Aáo.XM÷S-2Ien't triü®…approach yet¤µms”$Vse4#'sT´.y amx a&:in`, "8( cos¸arY)¾çweighsÉ.±.JUPOITER AhhÐ+¦.r.÷`9}choiceº.Ö¯-so-tempdð-asþô route. No mes}syh= modules, %åmos,6Ç-s -ju®Øtrap 'în ¾leÿt 'em go. Well, >so fast. CR Uûat:tIts hugelyŽ5J - unl;-1|Ecoámi+üÿ(rpathýs,c ignificant aëmoun„f Sit'll ð¸?8Ö.2) Before);Ñp5å#s¢ù l;  10 milest^×: 2unma [%§fly-by=e]9 8zÌ?[ À˜,B,C,D,$ï-walk, lC pass,dá-k ].B;­—mootJchewïÆK¾NÆ3~*z„beûbig trouiÃ3)ƒ"p(:my lCuck,Ç™%Oiy ?ÞÔ aJupitÁN teníds¨4 catyophic on%ÚDdeciî(ƒÙ JF. -, I änglyÖommeÄ)f“wing®I-investûboÕ! R²år ¾7ã4. Yo nee¿8š!W( ^¬M - sincei^7#\ï a fewm¯9(one h_opes), itsoT w1ø:À*äerrific, so youre ç'À*Å~Šier hurdles H€$lŽ-‡N*Iœ.1o Ùbu#|&II aäIanyway, asP >%OVn“staf' æ< S½? noweýAsz2t5º'Ít,Þ8wastn9‘&t inìå%a),así8knock ¢Þ6 $ÇM¬M. T$e 5prmof{A-kî*þL8.CONCLUSIONûSIš (limited)¬6NÜ) ope* g¹goÍes|tty —$ameËregassI lon?g-term path:™(Àa$ð*·'ü'îi(y. Kãnockï'6Satell/ite", "SF",90=l"±Hs. Gener r1doð?@:º'ts -.#v=ghµGcan lif9',ڂ's#|(bot^ bui)ldt%!y)üd)#
ÎÛ*develo8@s al—so letð-etY)¬ag e /
 AlW˜ß*ú)(at‡,ake dependð‰Tn>.Sovieta¹ctÎ+¾random.nt/s - good.k!¨Êü|+QCopyright (C÷) 1993QKen Fishûkin Game Bytes? Magazine.Aº±s reserved.5ÿDon't you think ÿthis would be a ÿGREAT place for ÿan advertisementÿ?Look at all tÿhe gamers who woÿuld notice your ÿproducts. Plus,ÿ we canfine tunÝe è ad spôto aÿdd graphics as eÿasy as 1-2-3.Cÿall Ross Ericksoÿn at 205-730-401ÿ9 or fax at 205-ÿ837-6565 for detßailsaboutù?singÿ in Game Bytes.n ÿWe would like toÿ take this opporÿtunity to extend an invitationóÿall readers of ßGame Bytesó/presÿs your views bacÿk to us. Let usÿ know if you liÿke the concept wÿe have developed÷ with ë type ofï publicaý. Ouÿr reviewers loveÿ a little controÿversy and would ÿwelcome alternative opinions çÿheir own. Be prÿepared, however,Þóback up  staÿnd if you disagÿree with what waÿs written. Thesÿe are, after allÿ, opinions.Gamÿe Bytes truly waínts becgthe peÿople's sounding ßboard for ÇgamþÐindustry as a wwhole.¥rough g commeÀ`feedˆÿ, we can not onûly méour publicÿation a better vßehicle forîmuniöGng gÚ informaîý, but ú also ÿeffectively commyun !desires Õÿbetter and/or dïifferent1experiûences0 software þishers themselves. We.!¿ó_–nvit
!to®óbeÿcome regular revëiewegq W3 no peÿrmanent "locked-óin" N0Žff. Tho¯se that¡e Õus{ now{ excitedóŸdo so, but2e0ot=heMPwhowishó4¬u0p0made#wnáwe÷ll. G·@is a magŸazine for,erw from Çgamer,{Þ2hope our1r raÿnks will grow. ÿDon't be bashfuwl - le! hear @; on  favor»ÿs.In future edñit³`ù will usÎê/ colum‚D sh yÚlFrs, 7entsÏ, raves,{îplaixÀÕto shareš!äm #è?e timeüó`it. Editoria¿lly speakingù'lél ,c/rned a¿bout certain@esîfour-lF!words,ß so keep tµ!o a minimum, `¯"þùbe. ¹Rensorship.ö¥is iâfree foërum,Í a¾2 sense¾decorum shâ p¿revail. NothÐmoßre needs Âe saíidnTher¨e seveoral waysósendm"leò u2ó @‘0 w;ish ##heard.ß°çstart š, U.S. postal system.¶=#can,mailÇo:ý @108 Castletÿon DriveHarvestÿ, AL 36749Using Compuserve,9c×can bet t addÿress:71441,153ÿ7On America On×-Line,d ì`addrÿessed to:RossGþ¹sAnd finallyë, usÐInjet mail, feel ûóx9cþÔrwericks@ingr?.comAny of,¶ûhreeêling methoßds are per2ly acceptable. If (whappe‚ have -÷ccount>EXEC-PC ÿin Wisconsin, onüB, largest su÷bscripý serviceß bulletin Ò systûems Áhe world, ÿor Nitelog inCaŸlifornia, (§alçso leaTêl messéag¼!heŒ My fuÿll account nameÖ>bothk#msøRossõ Eso¤Don't foÓrget»",S_1Creaþýs BBS home stoórage÷Qas well.¾o look forwÓto readingm"u2»"÷Qî`how toeit b|F!š each issuæ >+3a lot of a3"¶$re, a ú áŸch just so›(u,ð2## ë effort is worthwhilencHopeóW "many0%ïu soon!Ös EricßksonEditoHd PuÞd!rWe'll,repeùatÐë message iö few  issues =of÷QtoencouÉáüórespond.XÿNicolas Bouton wÿrites:I was juÿst reading issueÿ #12 of GameByteÿs (text edition,ÿ since the graphÿics edition is ÿtoo large to dowÿnload for me), aÿnd I noticed whiyleñ?  letterþ  editor that yÿou were planning on 1) having üOÿcome out on CD-ŸROM (whichï g÷reat!)' 2) havi¿ng some kindúWiÿndows interfaceÿ. Will either ofÞ se dreamY truûe in  near futuÿre? I sure hope so. BTW, willE{ be ssubscripû thiuoon (say, ófor ` n of GB)ÿ where people who don't want tæÿwnload _huge_ G/B files #eafö can just pay #ýa ¿P? That wouldû beñlly nice.ÿBTW again, how ÿcan I write a reÿview for GameBytïes? What I do?ÿThanks! Keep uÿp the good work!Sincerely,à?ÿK. Bouton,an avùid5AñderP.S.:÷ This 8 better ¿be in your nisósue Û61 or I'llï ... of,7t's noŸt think ab]›gs÷ like C right nÝow‘óGB:ß?s! ¿Your wish ca– e!ÿ YOU'RE PUBLISHÿED! YOU'RE PUBLÿISHED!ó(Now go ÷watch Kmovie SPûLASH' pay parti¿cular attentÙtoÿ John Candy!)ó:-)óYes, we aàólannSo a CD-RßOM versionÈn, bÿut it might be aÿwhile stillódueÌìKneed3v capißtal financ " getöoff Kground. ý Bžwithóus a bßit longer Ähat.÷ The }0interfacïe is comSalong úly' óshould ÿbear fruit withiýn ,"xt few monthÿs. Hopefully, bûefor¦e end ofóÞKyear. I! als·o likeìoffe
ma?il subscriptó!5½e þ/also ót­fsÝet  costs0Bwhenü0ó/t from a infïo source¤eóComÿpuserve or Ameriÿca On-Line. óiAs3Er 0!s, yÿby all means we'·d loveìhaveÿ"comments aboutóÿ fav games publiÓshed}ü B8 tooÿ. Please contacÿt me at a known _pointóandll?þ  ball rolling.×óAndZnkú read S03#.ðçÿJustin Hawkins oÿf Australia (?) ÿwrites:Hi Rossÿ, thanks for briÿnging us a greatÿ electronic magaÿzine. You askedÿfor feedback, soÿ here goes!Aboÿut putting it onÿ CD-Rom, is thatÿ likely? What wiÿll happen to theÿ'normal' distriÿbution? I certaiÿnly have no inte¿ntion of get+ aíC1m inF near ÿfuture (I'm onlyÿ a student, afteÿr all 🙂 and noýt6 many peopleÿ can. I suppose ÿit would be usef}ulü BBS's andFolike wh!they”÷ offer-to dial-}in§ users as ·n-lineservice–ÿbelieve (though ÿI may be wrong) ö6 in 6 sort of·situaQ you@li×mitedßóGB: The0ROM ÷projec> certainùlyA0éome time. ÿ It's inevitablewówithF typesçßproducts t=are ßcoming out# looïk forwarý it, ÿóactually. No mŸore worryig' hýowŽ screen shotsþ” fit on one isÿsue.óThe on-linýe 0 will likely¿ continue, tÙ noÿ guarantees. Itÿ may serveóas aÿ 'shareware' verûsionçthe CD magÿ. Don't worry, ÿit's not going tÿo happenóanytimÿe really soon, sÿo take a deep brÿeath.ðI too di÷slikedF colour gschemeü/!ext,-Ûwas áhardÃread÷page  of it. P×erhaps-shž0doub¿le spaced? AÈ ptÿion?óGB: Coloÿrs remain entireþÏubjective. On¾~n's beauty4an÷other =sógarbaígeÞOver„though», I Í! enjoy
 Hþ!in Australia gÿames arehideous~]xpensive, (l¯ï$100+ AUü Princ»e of sia 2)ª wùeZÃmake sure Íweo mak¯righ·t deci« befYpu¿rchasing.Thú? h¿elping us do:t!þ%2Woah!! That's~!serious coinüöl"! I” imagine¾gBnógamers =am}on¢"most pickyqþ¯planet. Thankys ing.ðGÿMinsy of Clevelaÿnd (?) writes:ÿRoss, can you cÿhange your pitchÿ for Software Crÿeations BBS to ÿinclude the factÿ that one cannotÿ download Gameby¯tes fromt unûlessõ pay to joÿin first. I wasÿ disappointed whÿenI called therþis morning (loýngCtance).óGB/: No, Ió't÷?¿pitch becausS iÿs absolutely notÿ true. Iójust ÿbarely got off tÿhe phone with thÿem about 30 secoÿnds ago and askeŸdóif thatA“ cýas†They confirmíed it's‚. Theÿy did state,óhoWwever, ifõ wR÷trying8downloadï Game By(@he 'NeßwóFile Upås' aûrea,Ù ould be reÿstricted, but inì“ç@sófõsection, #66, all of“ú 0dsû completelýy ¨totallyófreü†% Bytes #12 i×s, in ,
! rigûht fAn now.óLeÿt us know how yoÿu called in.ð ÿI was looking foÓrwar3çeb? bei~\ tributed on ÿInternet @ wuar›chiv· e upåA iånc-!e ¨zipfiýleA corrupt. H¹opúcn get T wÿorked out.óGB:w I'm Þ@delete“ old and reupl#þfull versions,ß butóhavi\iffiwculty.Åll renèësomePesÔ try aÿgain. BTW, youÿódon't have to j¼Š¸it from QInÿ fact, it goes tÿoóftp.ulowell.eÿdu (< !ðÃÿJerry Dey of Calÿ Poly writes:Hÿello! Just thouïght I'd ëe and ÿsay, as an avid ÿgamer (read"addÿict"), I really ÿenjoy your magazÿine. I only staÿrted collecting ÿthemfrom issue ÿ9, but I've collÿected both text þÿgraphic versioýnsdlysince thûen, ÿhave been ÷upload/0 to a coÿuple local BBS'sÿ in thisarea foÿr those folks thÿat don't have Inÿternet access. ÿThe response hasýbbas enthusiasïtic as m! Keep uÿp the great workÿ!óGB: Thanks þ~ e words of encÿouragement.ðI ýdo‹ a small probÿlem, however. Mÿy favorite site,ÿ"wuarchive.wust¿" seemskbeü‹/some difficu÷lty wiEhe lastþ6e, #12. The cÿopies I've gotteûn ar>rrupt, andþ
y don't keep aïnyback 6es, eiýthã I was wondeßring where
 best place to get
¿sewould be,* rÒ÷lyIxe 9! com·e out.#likeü f›irstkgeti0³loÿcal BBS's, sinceÿ it really helpsÿ with my UL/DL rÿatio. =) Ifig·ured, W you'K! e¿ditor, you c[ enlighten me askÿan Internetsiteü|!õe back issueís Cell Âhe newðÕ!•ú‘!appreciõat¬ur”p on thiޕYours is
 onl¿y electronic0e ÷Iread@ simply ýca0heap enough ÿpraise on you. ¿It's great! ¾0inÿadvance, too.ÿóGB: Yes, we de7finite“ad snÜ éms—!ï€u yópastöÕ!. Sâal files» wer%1ted, sh" tsimes
kRódeleBÿand/or moved aroíun‰d we‹ no aut_hority oveatëþS ócontrol wha¿t happens to}B oþX ey are uploadeïd. Bear—!us asÿówe try to work óthro³administration of yë" ëhopewo0óbe a? problem forøþsue.ðT¿@/Ga?me Bytes.> ÿHelen Orme of "Sÿunny England" wrÿites:Greetingsÿ from sunny (!) ÿEngland. I justÿ thought I wouldÿ drop a quickliÿne to say how imÿpressed I am witÿh Game Bytes. Iÿ had never seen ÿyoure-mag beforÿe, until I posteÿd a request to GÿAMES-L for a revÿiew of'Betrayalÿ at Krondor' (Raÿymond Feist beinÿg a favourite auûthoråmine),andï some ki€oul diÿrected me to youÿr publication atÿóÿGB: Cheers! (Iÿ always love sayþothat!!)ðIssuÿe 12 is the one ¿I have, and Ä sûinceš'd the indùexSÑother 11 Ýto5 what'¾ere!ÿóGB: Well, weÿ hope you'll conßsider read² e reùstå¿issues tooÿ!ðI would probûably÷@paying a 'ÿsubscription' foïr this e; (you÷asked (feedback¿ on such in ¹0, ÿyes?), but have ÿa couple ofquerûies (you. One: how often doe¾_is publica% c‚ûout?é0(ooh boy..¯) We TRYcoäutû oncMmonth, and÷ barriny hardwÿareófailures orß disastersï're }gooto be ableodo that.dare°þómight even fûind e #14 out ºÇabÎbefore  mÿuch time passes ÿafteróthis one.ÿ..ðIs it regulßar, ie do  go ¶Çlook?uml 3y þ‹h or so, orisß it a caseåluck?y guess? DoK!÷some kÇof automÿaticemail notif~•0system, tello§people BedÑ nÿextone? (Mightþ®a good idea ifΐ don'tK!* alrÿeady, althoughI am fairly sur$"üÁ%where has no÷ doubtk2 suggestßedthis!)¡ Yesìïötendmake aû lotå"noise" onþM"ets when a new¿ issueógoes…. ÷ We're3 quite rÜmS mail !Qs yeþ·Maybe inó1994ß.ðTwo: `" *do÷* star'subscri¿ption' basisÆ I ÿthink most peoplse w®happy Ò!þ* sort of schem»e - ãr all,c" w»e alüy payS G?ames magazinÇùno#Ûhigh quali¯ty? 🙂 -_ c ¾8 overseas !!ib¯ers pay?\e leym à & sharewarþµt the majoritýy *"hors are Ame÷rican Çnaturall÷y wantÑir paymeýnt?dollars! Håow3, %3 choos܎¡tributheir ïprogramsø/centr¹al³C—points?diÿfferent countrieïs, enablolocals¸03•# softwsinþ•# local currenc÷y. Woyou cons¿ider doing *? G If soÆ “ a÷‹tactopa•„ó# UûK, IP# give youFM"ame *P
ofÇcgcompanV,3dealo÷with pCregistraÜ% 0 Oooh àn, gßood sugges%s. ßI'm archiv² is lùet#(safe-ókeeÿping. Obviouslyîï'd wanM make ßit as easypossýib±!set upódist{ribu% around ¿§world,I*neLo ýgebit more org·anizedVróh„stûate-ù first. GÞmcomments h.ð_Congratul–ns;ø8iQ”way, I'm ißmpressed!¡ Whyêµnk, i$ spreaü¶$[ word aroundæÿMark Johnson 'onÿ a VAX somewhereÿ' writes:Congrÿatulations Guys!ÿ Gamebytes has ÿcome a long way,ÿ and is getting ÿsteadilybetter ÿall the time. Tÿhe improvement bÿetween the firstÿ issue I read(sþì? around issue ¿3 or 4) and "la÷st oneamazing.ÿThe reviews areo getting/ter,¾3 whole magPbeÿcomingmuch moreï timely Oup to ÿdate. You havenÿ't quite managedþŒget ahead oftïhe paperts *yetÿ* but you're verÿy close. Soon yßou will be3 ComïputerGa~ Worldû Of "Internet. ¿ óGB: YeÿFirst, Internet,3wn AOL,ë CIS!! 'ÿn,...THE WORLD!!ÿ It'llóbe mineÿ! ALL MINE!!! .ÿ... uh..oh. Excÿuse me.... Pleaßse continu»:-)ð·My Va on "Ad÷vertisIssue:ÿGo for it. You ûhavež0financial ¿support fromëO. ÷ While¿'repestýercompanies toÿ give you money ÿin exchange for ýad3A(heycompared to an Add inÇ0ýr ÌP, an add in þ@wouldbe cheapÿ. (In cost only÷, not uxecutioný))¿ could also ?look into gf _ ÿw copies of gameùs S3m. With Gïamebytes<dershiÿp (whichis HUGEþ!sidering it's ?available on3Éúèt)3 game publÿishersreally shn startŒtake¿¿ seriously. äA hÿas become BETTERŸthan many×"pa¿per mags out3reü›G rapidly cloûsing.ComputerGÝamWorld.Ü0I agree with¿.1}Ag.®'s jusIndenÛough…e ólo afüt‚They're therÍe,ü!juste0Œthemÿ.ðOther Generaÿl Schtuff:Why ûdon'²u consider publishƒ ;¦"¾reviews inäe Bytes?M±CBÉ2 eÿditorials, walk-Wthrus, o  s¿goodies.Adda Ûfew ƒ pagÖ!plaiÿn text shouldn'tï increasŸe sizeþ?"emagazine allþÑt much. I mysûelf ¦d be MORE Ÿthan happyŒñe ÷a fewökthrus, Ÿor pen a fQ#ø"s/ÿhint files. Mayýbe¿A setup a seÿparate hint sect{ion ÝRs that wÂ; leté1 pick ³¦ ûoint3y're stuckÌM" help=3#prob?lem, without“¿to read thr‡ aØR3‡M"spoi! wholùe Ù¬#hem? Just¾ëethingto Å2..ÿ.óGB: But, bu÷t, BUT Um, Mark ol' buddy, I‹#ß respectfuask ~ptoódownload[#— more HesªckþH2 HOST of diffeõreypÖ!óarticles3#are al¿tÞB‹s; pÙ"s,"P$RC Õó(‰'s
ot×'ews»..')8 think¿'lñl ‚ƒSC4quiteówÛell-Eded.›anks¢¬#ak"0J3e, k÷eep on<ding!ð"ÿMichael Snell ofÿ South Africa wrÿites:Hey guys!ÿ Great, great maÿgazine. I just lÿove it! (except ÿfor the partwheÿre you interruptÿ the flow of my ÿletter). Game Byÿtes must be righûtup re in gamiÿng evolution with things like ÿemergence of anïopposablOumb.ÿóGB: Interrupt!ÿ? You mean likeÿ .... this?? :-ÿ) Yes, we feel ¯we're ó6t 90 oýn high-order oýf foodchain, Mÿichael.ðFurtheßr 16 pages—praiÿse deleted due tÿo space constraiïnts :Ed]b0Thank ûyou allowing mÿe to remain humbûle..¤Now that tÿhat's over, let ÿme suggest a fewÿ minor changes :ÿ)Why not use aÿ decent compression algorithm 0ÿscreen-shots?SoõmeJg q JPEG orþ  new fractal cÿompression technÿologies.remembeþ Jetta disk advëert ä c-with Tûime ÿ? awhileagûo? Wåin ZA anywÿay...) Maybe a sÿponsorship...ACMïE datac5A preseþÂGame Bytes (2kÿ file size, 300 ê! s).b0Speed,þ&good man, speeÿd. JPEG and/or ïfractal Qtakeó÷orders—magnitud/e more tYto5!s/decode¹Aæn ]ó™ rmats ƒ us$ÿnow. Heaven knoÿws I want to pacqk Ð=, óbuP¿ere seems to4soûme p1ical limit·s unti‚ get¹a ÿCD-ROM óformat.ÿ ðHow about mñak$êA—0GB data ÿfiles public? Thÿat way usaspiriÿng programmers cûan cùe new inte›rfacI se üw ÿ: VESAmode, scuÿlpted fonts, built-in MOD playëÿSB voice synthesÿis hook...)Lookê$at_2s q Futurÿe Crew's WorldCh÷arts, ‹A has along way to go.b0½Wh“'pretty'µ 'sexy' is o.k.,ÿhing beats conte‹nt! ´"ó·"À"†ttÿy exciting look ÿto it, but for 900K, I'd expecÿ haveóa LOT morÿe text/graphics ýin: . And, no, I don't expect¹be publicódomÚÛanytYsoon¤Of c·ourse,  inf3l,^M3tive nat¯of,pï nevercûe. Jus÷t loveK#nside inüì!etc..óGB: ÿ Then read on, friend...ðOK äï's it. Ie't waiž@next ediECAÿN'T WAIT!WHERE IS IT? GIMME!€#? ***POOOF***ø<t isß u÷aâZMÿ
6>†T®aÞÿx…:“F¬ýÅæ4nÊzáÿ†ø” N®XÿºnÌvÚ‡è¥ÿö³Éßöÿ*6HFVZþæ,
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÷¡ ûÿðÑïGame Bytesß issue #13Ðÿ ÿñPÿroducer ÿòRoss ïEricksonÝ/ÿñProgÿramming by ÿòBen Rudiak-GouldÝ/¯ÿ²±° ÿ‡2ÿ2ÿ¿ Articles #ÿ
ÿA Cast of Thousaÿnds! Let us knoÿw what you thinkVGthisö/! Òßÿ€2õÿx2ÿ÷2cover1ÿComputer Game ReÿviewsFirst Look¿s!Cartridgeƒ`Edÿitor NotesMisceÿllaneousAdvertiÿsing/Vendor NoteÿsLetters From tÿhe OutbackQuitÿAir Traffic ContÿrollerKing's Quÿest VI CD-ROMMaÿniac Mansion 2: ÷Day of¼ TentaclßeEcoquestãThe ¿Lost Secrets\ e ÿRain ForestFlasÿhbackHong Kong ûMahjProTornadÿoImperial PursuÿitThe Legend ofÿ Kyrandia CD-ROM÷LandsGLoreRetûurn ç PhantomRûulesGEngagementÿ 2Railroad Tycoÿon DeluxeSpace þÔ 5: The Next MuÿtationZone 66Mÿig-29: Deadly Ad÷versaræ Falcon ÿ3.0CyberStrike ÿ(GEnie)Gateway ÿ2: HomeworldPriÿvateerFront Pagÿe Sports: Footbaÿll ProAces Overÿ EuropeBloodnetÿTerminator RampÿageMetal and Laßce: Battleý0RoboÿbabesReturn to ÿZorkCyberraceFÿinal Fight (SegaþØ M)Mutant Leagÿue Football (Gen¿esis)X-Men üACal Ripken Basebú(SNES)Shiningÿce (Genesis)Jurßassic ParkBSpoÝt üASuper Ë!toadýs "WWF Royal R÷umble 2treet Fiÿghter 2: Turbo C¿hampionship œio½n "A View º0 EßdgeNews /Gors¿Arrgh!! Why ÿ@#ÿ$$ did THIS Issuÿe Take So Long??ÿModem Opponentsï WantedñO Publiísh!Info# Inter¿net Top 100 ñs×CorrecisñO Magÿazine Article InÿdexSoftware Creýat] BBS DistribÿutionPlease Sup+portƒ By´An®"‡ß with DigiÄInteõgr×nð‚Adanac Cÿommand SystemsL÷ogbookGa Falconÿ 3.0 pilotUltimïa Underw• 2 walÿkthru - Part 1FŸlight Sim ËSyÿndicate Strategyn¬"ncrediIMachÈßPasswordså€e waÿlkthruBuzz Aldr÷in's R\Into Spaÿce Strategy GuidçeThisw# RentïIntroduciNicolÿas Bouton writesÿ...Justin Hawkiÿns writes...Min÷sy ?? šCJerry De}y šCHelen Orme¦Sßark Johnso™SMichßael Snell šCatcþákq6-cdkq63doïttdott1ít5ecoýqueco22fbfb1¿fb3hkmjprojùto!$o1tornadoõ2$o344ipip2Ïip3ky-ç+2kyïran3lol,1lol2ùpA!342phantom3¿roe2roe21C3ïrrtdsq5K1sq53ÿzone66zone4miûg29Y92mig293úY94_$5cyberst¶jr1cß2gwt$pr½ivšprivt1yt2ÿfpsfpfbpro1fb¯pro2aoeŽ11Ž21÷blood–$1blood3orampage 41raÀïe3metal­$1rtzrtz3rtz4cybrá¾q$r3ff2cdmñtÿmutant2xmenxme¿n1ripkenri 1þ§ingjpjp1spo÷tspotadswwfÿrumble2sf2tcesÿf21sf22viewneûwsm”thankstoÿp100indexbrag¿supportcreaic¿orrectdiad

  3 Responses to “Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : GAMBYT13.ZIP
Filename : DATA.GB

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: