Dec 222017
Facing the Empire is a one-player interstellar conflict simulation.
File FTEM205.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Facing the Empire is a one-player interstellar conflict simulation.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FTE.COM 38747 37658 deflated
FTE.DOC 64428 18528 deflated
FTE.SCR 3712 681 deflated
FTEDEFET.DAT 256 130 deflated
FTEDEMO.DAT 5632 2298 deflated
FTEFAIL.DAT 256 127 deflated
FTEGAME.DAT 5632 2268 deflated
FTEGAMVA.DAT 128 13 deflated
FTEINT.COM 19755 18979 deflated
FTEINTRO.DAT 1024 501 deflated
FTENEW.BAT 28 26 deflated
FTEPLAY.DAT 2304 35 deflated
FTERANK.COM 18459 17740 deflated
FTETEM.DAT 128 15 deflated
FTEVICT.DAT 256 189 deflated
README 314 191 deflated
SHIP.COM 18635 17893 deflated
VICTORY.COM 17867 17144 deflated

Download File FTEM205.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

Documentation for Facing The Empire is contained in the file FTE.DOC.
To print the documentation, make sure your printer is on line, and the paper
is at the top of the printer, and your Facing The Empire disk is in the
logged drive. Type


Documentation is 26 pages long.

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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