Dec 072017
Adventure game reminiscent of Apogee but with slightly higher thought process - EGA or VGA.
File ELF1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Adventure game reminiscent of Apogee but with slightly higher thought process – EGA or VGA.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARMOR.MAP 1093 337 deflated
BALLOON.MAP 1478 557 deflated
BOARD.MAP 1231 445 deflated
COUNTRY.MAP 1317 633 deflated
COUNTRY2.MAP 1661 799 deflated
CREATUR1.DAT 11264 489 deflated
CREATUR1.EGA 74192 13247 deflated
ELF1.EXE 130928 50350 deflated
GO.BAT 914 526 deflated
GORGIMER.MAP 1189 479 deflated
INFO1.EGA 802 163 deflated
INST1.DAT 256 102 deflated
INVENTOR.MAP 947 403 deflated
MUSIC1.DAT 3628 1014 deflated
ORDER.FRM 1141 527 deflated
PET.MAP 213 140 deflated
ROPE.MAP 1451 567 deflated
SOUNDS1.DAT 63707 54372 deflated
TALK1.EGA 3638 744 deflated
TERRAIN1.DAT 1792 254 deflated
TERRAIN1.EGA 26650 4588 deflated
TITLE.MAP 328 164 deflated
VILLAGE.MAP 1456 613 deflated

Download File ELF1.ZIP Here

 December 7, 2017  Add comments

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