Dec 232017
DOOMCAD (formerly DoomVB) 4.2: The state of the art Doom level creation facility. Features: 3D LEVEL PREVIEW, levels from scratch, prefab construction kit, etc. Req. VBRUN300.DLL.

Full Description of File

DOOMCAD (formerly DoomVB) 4.2: THE state
of the art Doom level creation facility.
Features: 3D LEVEL PREVIEW, levels from
scratch, prefab construction kit, too
much to mention! Req. VBRUN300.DLL

File DOOMVB.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
DOOMCAD (formerly DoomVB) 4.2: The state of the art Doom level creation facility. Features: 3D LEVEL PREVIEW, levels from scratch, prefab construction kit, etc. Req. VBRUN300.DLL.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CMDIALOG.VBX 18688 8719 deflated
COMMDLG.DLL 89248 41122 deflated
DIDC.DLL 79936 35832 deflated
DOOMCAD.EXE 343875 94735 deflated
DOOMCAD.HLP 61772 22061 deflated
DOOMCAD.LST 5049 1922 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 203 171 deflated
MHAS200.VBX 30080 8624 deflated
MHSL200.VBX 16576 5848 deflated
NODEBLD.EXE 76252 44197 deflated
README.1ST 3257 1454 deflated
THREED.VBX 64544 26072 deflated
VB3D.DLL 365056 112796 deflated

Download File DOOMVB.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

DOOMCAD (formerly DoomVB) 4.2: THE state
of the art Doom level creation facility.
Features: 3D LEVEL PREVIEW, levels from
scratch, prefab construction kit, too
much to mention! Req. VBRUN300.DLL

DOOMCAD (formerly DoomVB) 4.2
THE state of the art Doom level creation system

Installation instructions: Put all .VBX files in your
\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Put all other files in some other
directory. Make sure you have VBRUN300.DLL in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory. (VBRUN300.DLL is located on BBSs everywhere)

If you have any suggestions for improvements or find any bugs, let me
know via [email protected].

Files Included:

DOOMCAD.EXE the program
DOOMCAD.LST .INI file (then why isn't it named .INI?)

CMDIALOG.VBX Windows stuff
MHAS200.VBX ditto
MHSL200.VBX ditto
VB3D.DLL 3D stuff

NODEBLD.EXE the DOS port of the node/blockmap building algorithms.
Run with -H to see command line options. This runs
much faster than the node builder in Windows, so you
can save your WAD files without building the Nodes in
DOOMCAD, then run them through NODEBLD.

not included: VBRUN300.DLL, available on BBSs everywhere

NOTE: if you have DOOMCAD 4.0, you can delete the following file,
located in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: VBX3D.VBX

Revision history:
1.1: Can now specify where Doom file is in DOOMVB.LST file (at bottom)
Use like a Windows .INI file: [DOOM], WADFILELOC = C:\DOOM\DOOM.WAD

Nifty DOOM logo in about box.

Sector Editing.
Changes to mouse use (right click for thing/sector edit box, CTRL-mouse
for centering)
Things broken into categories, buttons to select which category on thing edit.
DOOM 1.2 support (required bug fixes as Thing and Sector Data got bigger)

LineDef/SideDef Editing
Real Windows Help
Sector texture preview.
More interface improvments (more 'drag/drop stuff)
trigger typing sectors-linedefs
PWAD saving: no more direct .WAD editing

Name change to reflect 3D CAD-like stuff
3D preview
Prefab Mode
Interface change (toolbar)
levels from scratch (node/blockmap etc algorithm)
even niftier DOOM logo in about box

fixed 3D memory crash
changed 3D inteface (slider bars)
improved Integrity Check
Added LineDef Split (godsend!)
Added LineDef sector reference remove
fixed path not found bug on init
Added Save (not Save As) option
Added Node Save options
Split out Triggers into Walk/Switch/Door sections
Squash/Stretch x,y relative map scales
fixed Subscript out of range on init (?)
Prefab teleporters
"the Running Pinky"

Multiple Thing Editing
Multiple Sector Editing
Look for closed sectors in integrity check
Arrow key panning
Template Load/Save
NODEBLD.EXE, DOS version of BSP/BLOCKMAP algorithms
Arrow key multiple vertex movement

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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