Dec 202017
Collide is a deep space survival game that takes full advantage of your system's EGA graphics capabilities to place you in a realistic interplanetary world where you must evade and shoot to survive.
File COLLIDE.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Collide is a deep space survival game that takes full advantage of your system’s EGA graphics capabilities to place you in a realistic interplanetary world where you must evade and shoot to survive.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COLLIDE.EXE 75145 48915 deflated
README.DOC 2015 1041 deflated

Download File COLLIDE.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

* * * * * C O L L I D E * * * * *

Mike Widener, 1989

Collide is a deep space survival game that takes full advantage of your
system's EGA graphics capabilities to place you in a realistic interplanetary
world where you must evade and shoot to survive.

System Requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT or Compatible.
256K RAM.
640 X 350 EGA Graphics Capability w/256k video memory.
DOS 2.1 or higher.

Playing Instructions:

You are the commander of a third generation space probe. Your mission
is to explore this yet uncharted quadrant of space. You have a total of
five missions to complete. Each mission will last exactly one minute
(if you can survive that long). This sector of space is patrolled by
fiery enemy spacemines that will track you down. A collision with a
spacemine will decrease your shield strength by 2. A collision with
any planet, star or the viewport will cut your shield by 1. Be very
careful to stay clear of the planets as their gravitational pull can
suck you in and trap you.

Use the NUMERIC KEYPAD keys to control the direction of your spaceprobe
You can maneuver UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and DIAGONALLY. Make sure that
NumLock is OFF.
Press the SPACEBAR to FIRE your laser. Your sensors will detect and
automatically lock onto the nearest enemy vessel. Be careful though,
the number of shots is limited. Watch your Laser Status indicator.

Whatever you do, stay alert, move swiftly and shoot with precision
or you will surely COLLIDE!

I would be glad to hear your comments and suggestions on this new game.
Leave a message for Mike Widener at:

Software Plus BBS, FLW, MO DATA (314)-774-6053

If you enjoy this game please send a $5.00 contribution to:

Michael Widener
189 Turner ST
Ft Leonard Wood, MO 65473

 December 20, 2017  Add comments

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