Dec 162017
3-D dungeon adventure, uses same graphics as Castle Wolfenstein 3-D.

Full Description of File

THE CATACOMB ABYSS in 3-D! A captivating
tale of wizards & fantasy trips into other
dimensions. You've been called upon to
perform feats of magic & courage against your
arch-rival, Nemesis. You'll discover a myriad
of bizzare creatures and places as you embark
on an unforgettable adventure into the wild
world of the Abyss. Definitely among the best
3-D graphics available anywhere!
Sys.Req.: 286 or better, 640K, EGA or better.

File CATABS12.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
3-D dungeon adventure, uses same graphics as Castle Wolfenstein 3-D.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARMAPC.ABS 10489 10489 stored
AUDIO.ABS 6904 6080 deflated
BEGIN.ABS 12742 11524 deflated
BKGND.SHL 285 274 deflated
CATABYSS.EXE 82982 78954 deflated
CONFIG.ABS 474 47 deflated
CREDITS.ABS 15237 14244 deflated
EGAGRAPH.ABS 320626 233072 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 497 352 deflated
FINALE.ABS 11918 10963 deflated
GAMEMAPS.ABS 20433 12394 deflated
HELP.BAT 34 34 stored
HELP.TXT 15371 5339 deflated
HELPINFO.TXT 979 469 deflated
INSTRUCT.SHL 6193 6193 stored
LAST.ABS 1290 1290 stored
LICENSE.DOC 9201 3279 deflated
LOADSCN.EXE 13425 12847 deflated
MENU.SHL 449 449 stored
NAME.SHL 22 20 deflated
ORDER.SHL 1441 1441 stored
PRODUCTS.SHL 4515 4515 stored
QUICK.SHL 3701 3701 stored
README.TXT 1655 790 deflated
SDLOGO.ABS 1431 1358 deflated
START.EXE 17446 16855 deflated
TITLE.ABS 17486 16170 deflated
VENDOR.BAT 32 32 stored
VENDOR.DOC 12812 4025 deflated
VENDOR.TXT 810 338 deflated

Download File CATABS12.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

THE CATACOMB ABYSS in 3-D! A captivating
tale of wizards & fantasy trips into other
dimensions. You've been called upon to
perform feats of magic & courage against your
arch-rival, Nemesis. You'll discover a myriad
of bizzare creatures and places as you embark
on an unforgettable adventure into the wild
world of the Abyss. Definitely among the best
3-D graphics available anywhere!
Sys.Req.: 286 or better, 640K, EGA or better.


To start THE CATACOMB ABYSS, type the following at the DOS prompt:

START (followed by the [ENTER] key)

Your computer should have at least the following features:

* 640K of conventional memory with at least 590K free
* EGA graphics required (supported on EGA, VGA, & SVGA cards)

For Product Ordering or inquiries: 1-800-831-2694 or 1-318-221-8718

To correspond with us: GAMER'S EDGE
Softdisk Publishing
P.O. Box 30008
Shreveport, LA 71130-0008

If you have any trouble starting or running this software,
please call us at either of the numbers listed above!

* * * * * * * * *
The SOFTWARE CREATIONS BBS is the official home BBS (Bulletin Board System)
of GAMER'S EDGE where you can find all of our latest shareware game releases
ready for immediate downloading as well as information on how to get other
great games from GAMER'S EDGE.

You can also communicate with us electronically over the BBS by leaving
e-mail which we will read and answer promptly. Address your e-mail messages
to GAMER'S EDGE when writing.

BBS phone lines: (508) 365-2359 2400 baud
(508) 368-4137 2400-14.4K USR
(508) 368-7036 2400-14.4K V.32

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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