Dec 142017
A BattleTech (Boardgame/RPG) 'Mech editor, includes 3025/3050 'Mechs.
File BTECH22.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
A BattleTech (Boardgame/RPG) ‘Mech editor, includes 3025/3050 ‘Mechs.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BTECH.EXE 109056 38150 deflated
BTMECONV.EXE 26519 14530 deflated
CHANGES.TXT 1562 746 deflated
CLAN3050.MEC 21389 2041 deflated
INSTALL.TXT 1772 811 deflated
IS3050.MEC 12306 1808 deflated
MECHHELP.HLP 19714 10596 deflated
MECHHELP.ICO 2686 925 deflated
READ.ME 524 304 deflated
REGISTER.TXT 2110 822 deflated
SHAREW.PRN 3423 1532 deflated

Download File BTECH22.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

Please read the install.txt file.

Due to an internal change in mech file structure which dramatically reduces
storage requirements and allows split location of AC/20 and artillery weapons,
it is necessary to convert 2.0 mech files to 2.1 format. The BTMECONV.EXE
file is a DOS executable which does this conversion. Type
BTMECONV filename.mec to convert filename.mec to 2.1 format from 2.0 format.
Wildcards are also accepted: BTMECONV *.mec will convert all mec files to
2.1 format in the current directory.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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