Dec 182017
Push 29 balls down the bottom of a maze; from the author of BOLO and BOLO2.
File BOLOBALL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Push 29 balls down the bottom of a maze; from the author of BOLO and BOLO2.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BB_REG.DOC 1566 552 deflated
BOLOBALL.DOC 5167 1821 deflated
BOLOBALL.EXE 109890 59552 deflated
BOLOBALL.OV1 34613 6581 deflated
BOLOBALL.OV2 33459 6039 deflated
BOLOBALL.SCR 362 37 deflated

Download File BOLOBALL.ZIP Here

Contents of the BB_REG.DOC file

Version 1.0

by William Soleau
163 Amsterdam Ave #213
NYC, NY. 10023

Yes I would like to register Bolo Ball with this $12.00
check. Because I use the game regularly, I want to honor the
Shareware concept. I understand the registration will speed up the
loading and exiting of the program. With the registration, I also
will be able to receive any other of your games at reduced prices.
Please send me a list your other games and special bonus offers for
registered users.

So here is my $12.00 check, and please RUSH me my upgrade key!

(Registrations outside the USA add $1.00 for postage,
money orders or checks drawn on US banks only please!)

My Name and Address is:





I got this program from: _______________________________

Make Checks Payable to:

William Soleau
163 Amsterdam Ave
Suite #213
New York, NY. 10023

 December 18, 2017  Add comments

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