Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : $SOLAR.ZIP
Filename : BH_START.DAT

Output of file : BH_START.DAT contained in archive : $SOLAR.ZIP
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K#dCLAW $Known to be the Ship of Emer Kane. Kane is a wealthy opportunist with strong government ties. He owns a large plot of land where he resides on RAILUS, near Government City.$ROC $The ship is licenced as a general security vessel for the moon of TITUS, a small moon of MAGELUS. There are no other statistics on this vessel.$BATROK $Unregistered fighter class craft.$DALMIAN $ $MANTICORA $ $UNKNOWN $This is possibly a recon ship from the nearby star system, Rigian. It is know that intelligent life exists there since long range sensors have detected spacecraft in that region. All attempts to make contact have ended in mystery and violence. Two manned recon ships have been destroyed entering the Rigian system. That is the extent of the known knowledge on those beings.$NIGHTSHADE $This ship is of the same design as yours. It is registered to MODIAN, a very wealthy man. Scan reports there are modifications to the weapons systems and engines.$
DOMAC $This ship is registered to Titus as a prototype.$ PHOENIX $Unregistered figher class ship.$UNKNOWN $ $UNKNOWN $ $UNKNOWN $ $UNKNOWN $ $UNKNOWN $ $UNKNOWN $ $UNKNOWN $ $IMBAN I $ $IMBAN II $ $IMBAN III $ $IMBAN IV $ $IMBAN V $ $IMBAN VI $ $IMBAN VII $ $DOMAC $This ship is registered to Titus as a prototype.$IMBAN VIII $ $IMBAN IX $ $IMBAN X $ $ROBOT SHIP $Standard government droid figher. These ships comprise the robot figher squadrons in the army.$ROBOT SHIP $Standard government droid figher. These ships comprise the robot figher squadrons in the army.$ROBOT SHIP $Standard government droid figher. These ships comprise the robot figher squadrons in the army.$ROBOT SHIP $Standard government droid figher. These ships comprise the robot figher squadrons in the army.$ROBOT SHIP $Standard government droid figher. These ships comprise the robot figher squadrons in the army.$ROBOT SHIP $Standard government droid figher. These ships comprise the robot figher squadrons in the army.$ROBOT SHIP $Standard government droid figher. These ships comprise the robot figher squadrons in the army.$IMBAN XI $ $IMBAN XII $ $IMBAN XIII $ $

ENIGMA $The star of this solar system.$INGMAR $This desert planet has a thin and harsh, but livable atmosphere. Sparce vegetation can be found on the surface as well as small communities of people who wish little interferance from outsiders. It is believed that the rebels have their headquarters somewhere below this planets surface.$GLOBAN $Globan is the wealthiest planet in the solar system due to its control of the ilimium deposits of Luma. The ilimium ore from the moon is processed on Globan and then shipped to anyone who can pay for the ilimite steel. 50 years ago, ilimite became only export from Globan.$LUMA $A small moon devoid of life and atmosphere. A large mining colony exists in south polar region. The moon`s core is rich with ilimium, a key element in the construction of spacecraft hulls. This moon is the only source ilimium in the solar system and was discovered over 400 years ago.$RAILUS $This planet is home to Government City. Each planet in the solar system has their own local regulations and laws. Government city lays down and enforces the laws of the solar system.$RAMUS $Ramus is dedicated soley to military activities. All military research, development and training occurs here.$MAGELUS $Magelus is the source of all intelligent life in this solar system except for one race which lives on ELIGN in sector -37,-75. Over the last 1000 years since space travel began, life has spread out from Magelus to all of the hospitable and even some of the less hospitable planets in the solar system.The people of Magelus and its moons are the most technically advanced in the solar system. Magelus and its three moons each have their own specific industry. Magelus is devoted to agriculture, suppling all of the moons with food.$TITUS $The people of this world specialize in scientific research and development.$ROOK $Rook is a world which produces industrial equipment and various lower technology items.$ILAC $ Ilac is the moon of Magelus which specializes in medicine, medical supplies and other related activites.$COBOLD $Cobold is a wet, hot, humid planet, covered with hundreds of thousands of species of vegetation. The inhabitants are very primative, using little or no modern day technology.$JELINA $This large moon of INGMAR has no atmosphere and insignificant mineral resources. A number of military bases were built here hundreds of years ago, but have since been abandoned after the Ramus installation was opened.$AMPAC $67 years ago, this planet was selected as a dump site for all of the solar system`s garbage. There is a small waste management community living in the south polar region of the moon.$EM $ The people of this planet live in constant darkness due to the vast clouds which continuously swirl through the upper reaches of the atmosphere. 1000 years ago, the first colonists arrived on this planet from Magelus. Since then these people have become fairly reclusive, relying very little on technology and now fear the light which off-worlders bring with them.$GYMI $This is the moon of Em. According to government city, it is controlled by the people of Em so they have all rights to the moon and its great wealth of minerals. Since the people of Em do not have the desire or technology to mine the moon, it remains uninhabited and its resources untapped.$ELIGN $This planet was purchased many years ago by a single person. The planet has a very harsh, dry atmosphere and the crust of the planet has only a few mineral deposits of any significance. The mining companies which controlled the half dozen mining communities were bought out and shut down by the current owner. These communities were the only intelligent life living on the planet at that time.$GALAEN $Little is known about the people of this planet since they will not accept outside communications or visitors. It is known that they are not originally from Magelus as everyone else in the solar system is. Anyone who has landed on the planets after receiving the warning laser blasts from the surface, have never been heard from again.$ASTEROID $These asteroids are all that remains of once huge planet which was destroyed by a large comet which passed though the solar system over 7 million years ago.$ASTEROID $This particular asteroid is emitting an abnormally high level of alpha particles.$RIGIAN $The star of the rigian solar system$MA HOGH $NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE$JIK $NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE$TOK MAR $NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE$JUROOK $ NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE$MA HITH $NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE$HUROOK $NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE$UNKNOWN $ $UNKNOWN $
NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE$HYTH $A small sun which has no known planets.$UNKNOWN $UNKNOWN$ò2²3ò324r4²4ò4ŠLLŒÔ
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  3 Responses to “Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : $SOLAR.ZIP
Filename : BH_START.DAT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: