Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : !STORM1.ZIP
Filename : ORDER.DOC
To order Space Chase starring Jason Storm, to place your order, simply fill
this form out and enclose your check or money order for the full amount and
mail it to us at the address below.
VISA/MASTERCARD customers may call our toll-free order line at (800)-238-1393
and we will take your order over the phone!! Thanks for your support!!
** PLEASE NOTE : Space Chase is shipping now. Your order will be processed and
shipped within 24 hours. Thanks!
First Name : ____________________ Last Name : ______________________________
Street Address : ____________________________________________________________
City : ___________________________ State : _____ Zip Code : ________________
Day Phone : ___________________ Night Phone : ________________ After : ___PM
Disk Type (Check One) [ ] 5.25" 360 or 1.2 m"
[ ] 3.5" 720 or 1.44 m"
Your System Type (Check One) [ ] 286
[ ] 386 How Fast? ______
[ ] 486
[ ] Pentium
[ ] _____________
First Order from Safari? [ ] Yes, this is my first order!
[ ] No, I've ordered before'
Payment Method (Check One) [ ] Check Enclosed
[ ] Money Order Enclosed
[ ] Visa/Mastercard Information Enclosed
Credit Card (Check One) [ ] Visa
[ ] Mastercard
Card # ________________________ Exp Date _______
Signature ______________________________________
Product(s) Ordered (Check Appropriate Items)
Description Qty Item Price Subtotal
Space Chase w/Jason Storm
[ ] Part I - CITY UNDER SIEGE ___ $15.00 ________
[ ] Part II - FORTRESS OF DOOM ___ $15.00 ________
[ ] Part III - SHOWDOWN IN ORBIT ___ $15.00 ________
* OR *
[ ] Space Chase Trilogy (All 3 Games!) ___ $30.00 ________
* Order all three games and get a *
* $15 discount off regular price! *
Texas Residents add 7.5% State Sales Tax ________
Shipping/Handling (Foreign Orders Add $2 additional) $ ____4.00
Overnight shipping: Add 7.00 to shipping and handling.
(US Dollars Only, please.) Total Enclosed ________
Mail to:
Safari Software Productions
P.O. Box 110490
Carrollton, TX 75011
214/245-1393 (tech support)
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: