Category : Forth Source Code
Archive   : SMILY46B.ZIP
Filename : WHITE.HLP

Output of file : WHITE.HLP contained in archive : SMILY46B.ZIP
\ Video Graphics Screen Whiting and Filling routines 18July88mds
\ by Mark Smiley

These routines fill the various graphics resolution screens with
pixel patterns. They were chiefly written to turn each such screen
completely white. This is useful if you want your routines to be
black (or any other color) on white. One reason to want this is
that some screen grabbing and printing utilities prefer their
backgrounds white.

WHITE.FILL a dummy word to allow forgetting and reloading.

WHITE-SCREEN a deferred word which turns the screen white in the
current graphics mode (when properly set, of course)
The different possibilities for WHITE-SCREEN are as follows:

SLOW-WHITE-SCREEN ( -- ) a word which turns the screen white. This
word works in all graphics modes, but you could fall
asleep watching it work!
The default value of WHITE-SCREEN

***** CGA Routines *****

FILL-CGA ( c -- ) ( pixel-pattern -- )
takes a value in the range 0-255 (0-FF hex)
(0-11111111 binary), and fills the MED or HIGH resolution
CGA graphics screen with that pattern.
Here are some sample bit-pattern colors for FILL-CGA (thanks, .SS):
255 dec³ FF hex³ 377 oct³ 0000-0000 1111-1111 white
170 dec³ AA hex³ 252 oct³ 0000-0000 1010-1010 magenta
85 dec³ 55 hex³ 125 oct³ 0000-0000 0101-0101 cyan

WHITE-CGA ( -- ) fill MED or HIGH resolution graphics screen with

***** EGA Routines *****

FILL-EGA ( c -- ) takes a value in the range 0-15 ( 0-F hex), and
fills the EGA, VGA640, or VEGA graphics screen with that

WHITE-EGA fills the screen with white in EGA, VGA640, and VEGA resolutions.

***** VGA Routines *****

FILL-VGA ( c -- ) takes a value in the range 0-15 ( 0-F hex), and
fills the VGA320 graphics screen with that bit pattern ( for
now, colors aren't allowed ).
Note: it also works in the EGA, VGA640, and VEGA modes,
but the number of pixels written is unecessarily large
for these modes, and so will overwrite extra parts of
the video buffer.

WHITE-VGA fills the screen with white in VGA320 resolution
Note: it also works in the EGA, VGA640, and VEGA modes,
but the number of pixels written is unecessarily large
for these modes, and so will overwrite extra parts of
the video buffer.

  3 Responses to “Category : Forth Source Code
Archive   : SMILY46B.ZIP
Filename : WHITE.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: