Category : Forth Source Code
Archive   : SMILY46B.ZIP
Filename : FILES.DOC

Output of file : FILES.DOC contained in archive : SMILY46B.ZIP
\ FILES.DOC Graphics files in SMILEY.ZIP 22Dec91mds
Note: see SMILEY.DOC for more extensive file descriptions, as well as
some documentation.

³ Here is a list of the files in SMILEY.ZIP. ³
³ They are in approximate loading order. ³

Filename What it is
SMILEY .DOC documentation
GRAPHICS.NTS list of recent bugs and answers to questions
GRDEMOS .DOC list of demos that use the graphics package
FILES .DOC list of all the supplied files (this file)

GRAPHICS.SEQ main load file for non-floating pt. graphics
THE .SEQ main routines: required by GRAFKRNL.SEQ
GRAFKRNL.SEQ main routines: graphics kernel
VGA64LIN.SEQ main routines: 640 hres direct lines
VGA32LIN.SEQ main routines: 320 hres direct lines
CGAKRNL .SEQ main routines: CGA graphics kernel
MCOLOR .SEQ main routines: text colors (for menus)
FILESEL .SEQ main routines: file selection for BRECALL
BRECALL .SEQ main routines: saving & recalling a graphics screen
PAL .SEQ main routines: palettes
VGA .SEQ main routines: modes
VGA .HLP main routines: help file
****** The above is the minimum for plotting & saving points and lines. *****
VGABIOS .SEQ main routines: BIOS lines and points
WHITE .SEQ main routines: whiting the screen
WHITE .HLP main routines: help on screen whiting
INVERT .SEQ main routines: invert colors of an image
RECTANGL.SEQ main routines: moving a rectangle around
ELLIP .SEQ main routines: ellipses and circles
ELLIP .HLP main routines: help on ellipses

RAND3 .SEQ a very random number generator
DOSEDIT .SEQ better than XEXPECT in graphics modes
SWITCH .SEQ applications only: switch defs of 2 words

XGAAPP .ZIP applications that work in any mode
VGAAPP .ZIP applications that only work in VGA/MCGA modes
FLTGRAPH.ZIP graphics routines that require floating point

The following files are not part of the graphics package proper, but
are distributed in SMILEY.ZIP.
SM-FPC .BAT uses MDS35.SEQ to create a smaller F-PC
MDS35 .SEQ an extend file used by SM-FPC.BAT

CGA .ZIP old CGA-specific files
DLINE .SEQ old high-level line routines (unnecessary)

The following files are not distributed, but are available for the
FLSEL225.SEQ an old version of FILESEL.SEQ for use w/ F-PC v 2.25
To use it, rename it to FILESEL.SEQ.
FLSEL353.SEQ an old version of FILESEL.SEQ for use w/ F-PC v 3.53
BRCL353 .SEQ an old version of BRECALL.SEQ for use w/ F-PC v 3.53

³ There now follows a list of the files contained in each .ZIP archive.³

FLTGRAPH.ZIP graphics routines that require floating point
SGRAPH.SEQ Load file after SFLOAT.SEQ.
HGRAPH.SEQ Load file after HFLOAT.SEQ.
FUNCPLT.SEQ Function plotting
FUNCPLT.HLP Function plotting help
FLT-EXT.SEQ Floating point extensions.
FLT-EXT.HLP Floating point extension help.
386GRAPH.SEQ Load file after loading PASM386.SEQ and SFLOAT.SEQ. (experimental)

XGAAPP .ZIP 38644 28-Nov-89 applications that work in any mode
LAND.SEQ Fractal Landscapes
A-XX.SEQ CHAOS: graph of A-x^2
FUNCT.SEQ Function plotting examples
BARN.SEQ Iterated Function Systems (IFS)
BARN.DOC Documentations on IFS
BARNEX.SEQ Examples of IFSs
JULIA.SEQ Julia sets
JULIA.HLP Help for Julia sets

VGAAPP .ZIP 63107 28-Nov-89 applications that only work in VGA/MCGA modes
FTURT.SEQ floating point turtle graphics
GETVGA.SEQ stand alone file that reads and displays a VGA320 image
GIRLDEMO.BAT runs girl demo
GIRL.SEQ load file of picture of a face
GIRL.PAL palette for face picture
GIRL.PIC image of face picture (don't list)
VKAL.SEQ VGA Kaleidoscopes: main program
VKAL.DOC VGA Kaleidoscopes: documentation
VKAL.HLP VGA Kaleidoscopes: help file

The following files are not part of the graphics package proper. They
are independent of all other files.

CGA .ZIP 25806 28-Nov-89 CGA-only files
These files may be loaded directly on top of F-PC (no need to load
CGRAPH.SEQ load file for CGA BIOS routines
CGA.SEQ CGA BIOS routines: main file
CWHITE.SEQ CGA BIOS routines: screen whiting
CVRECT.SEQ CGA BIOS routines: rectangles
GRAPHSAV.SEQ save CGA image to (& from) a graphics buffer
save CGA image to disk

The following files (sprites for CGA graphics) are no longer supplied,
since they do not work with the current version of F-PC. They are
CGA-specific anyway, so I assume there is no interest in fixing them.

SP.SEQ Sprites: load file
SPRITE.SEQ Sprites: main file
SPRITE.HLP Sprites: help on editing sprites
SPSCRED.SEQ Sprites: sprite screen editor
SPSCRED.HLP Sprites: help on screen editor
SP1.FNT Sprites: sample sprite font
CHESS2.FNT Sprites: sample sprite font
CHESS3.SCR Sprites: sample screen

The following files are no longer supplied, since they were only needed
for the above sprite routines.
CURSOR.SEQ sprites only: read cursor position
CASEOP.SEQ sprites only: adds. to CASE structure

  3 Responses to “Category : Forth Source Code
Archive   : SMILY46B.ZIP
Filename : FILES.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: