Category : Forth Source Code
Archive   : FPCSLICE.ZIP
Filename : SLICORE.HLP

Output of file : SLICORE.HLP contained in archive : FPCSLICE.ZIP
SLICE#->AL Converts slice number to aL where data is stored.
SLICE#->OFF Converts slice number to offset where data is stored.
OFF->SLICE# Converts offset back to slice error checking.
SET-SLICE# Sets to slice number on stack (from zero).
GET-SLICE# Gets the current slice number.
#USED-SLICES Number of used slices ( - s.first).
#FREE-SLICES Number of slices not used (s.tot - used.slices).
FIRST-USLICE To the first used slice.
LAST-USLICE To lasst used slice.
NEXT-USLICE? To next used slice if available no change if not.
returns a flag T=on next used slice, F=no change
PREV-USLICE? To previous used slice if available no change if not.
returns a flag T=on previous used slice, F=no change
NEXT-USLICE To next used slice or wraps to first used slice if on last.
PREV-USLICE To prev. used slice wraps to last used slice if on first.
FIRST-SLICE To slice number zero. (i.e. the first slice)
LAST-SLICE To slice# - 1. (i.e. the last slice)
NEXT-SLICE? To next slice if available or no change if on last.
returns a flag T=on next slice, F=allready on last slice.
PREV-SLICE? To previous slice if available or no change if on first.
returns a flag T=on previous slice, F=no change.
NEXT-SLICE To next slice or wraps to slice number zero.
PREV-SLICE To previous slice or wraps to the last physical slice.
HERE-SLICE#? Next available slice# or last slice + 1 if all used.
returns flag: T=here slice available, F=all slices used
TO-HERE-SLICE To next available slice if one is available.
COPY-SLICE->SLICE Copies from slice# to slice# leaves from# untouched.
SWAP-SLICES Swaps from slice# & to slice# through temp slice#
temp slice# is overwritten.
SLIDE-> Slides from lo# to hi# count slices up.
SLICE<- Slides from lo# to hi# count slices down.
OPEN-SLICE Opens up one slice at current slice# if an unused
slice is available.
CLOSE-USLICE Closes up current slice.
Slides from current + 1 to last used slice.
CLOSE-SLICE Closes up current slice.
Slides from current + 1 to last physical slice.
INIT-SLICE Fills the current slice with zeros.
INIT-ALL-SLICES Fills all slices to zeros.
MOVE-SLICE->SLICE Moves from slice# to slice# then deletes from slice#.
->PUSH-SLICE Pushes one slice on to front (low number end) of slice
array. Does not dynamically alter the structure.
Does not push if all slices are full
PUSH-SLICE<- Pushes one slice on to end (high number end) of slice
array. Does not dynamically alter the structure.
Does not push if all slices are full
<-POP-SLICE Pops one slice off the front of the slice array.
Does not dynamically alter the structure.
Does not pop if all slices are empty.
POP-SLICE-> Pops one slice off the back of the slice array.
Does not dynamically alter the structure.
Does not pop if all slices are empty.
UROT-> Rotates the last used slice in front of the first.
UROT<- Rotates the first used slice after the last used slice.
SET-SLICE-ACTION> Puts cfa of word following on stack for use with
RUN-USLICES Goes through all the USED slices and executes the
cfa on the stack for each one. Restores to the
slice coming in on when finished.
RUN-SLICES Goes through ALL the slices and executes the
cfa on the stack for each one. Restores to the
slice coming in on when finished.

  3 Responses to “Category : Forth Source Code
Archive   : FPCSLICE.ZIP
Filename : SLICORE.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: