Category : Font Collections
Archive   : TOPFONT.ZIP
Filename : VENDOR.DOC

Output of file : VENDOR.DOC contained in archive : TOPFONT.ZIP
VENDOR.DOC file for Top Fonts Sampler

Questions or Comments, contact:

Elfring Soft Fonts, PO Box 61, Wasco, IL, USA 60183
phone: 708-377-3520 fax: 708-377-6402

Rubicon Computer Labs Inc, Box 336, Chelsea, Quebec, Canada J0X 1N0
phone/fax: 819-827-4496

Top Fonts Sampler, along with its associated files and documentation, is
NOT in the public domain. All programs and data files are Copyright 1992
by Elfring Soft Fonts and Rubicon Computer Labs. All rights are reserved.
Distribution restriction rights are claimed under that copyright and are
outlined below. This package must be distributed intact. These products are
distributed under the shareware concept. Elfring Soft Fonts and Rubicon
Computer Labs are both ASP members.

BBS Systems

* These programs may be distributed by SYSOPS on BBS systems. All program
files *must* be kept together and must remain unmodified. You may use LHARC,
LHA, PKZIP, or a similar program to compress and group these files. This file
should be named TOPFONT.ZIP or TOPFONT.LZH.

User Groups / Computer Clubs

* These programs may be distributed by not-for-profit User Groups or Computer
Clubs. For-profit groups must follow the rules outlined below for Disk Vendors.
All program files must be kept together and *must* remain unmodified. You may
use LHARC, LHA, PKZIP, or a similar program to compress and group these files.
You may *not* combine these files and fonts with any other fonts from any
other sources.

Catalog Disk Vendors

* Current ASP approved disk vendors may distribute this program without prior
written permission. You must remain an ASP approved vendor to keep distribu-
ting this package in this fashion. *All* other disk vendors must write for
permission to distribute these programs. Be *sure* to include sample copies
of your catalog or other written materials when you write to ask for
permission. We will not respond to vendors who do not include this material
with their request.

* Top Fonts Sampler, when listed in vendors' catalogs, advertisements,
brochures, mailers, etc. must be named "Top Fonts Sampler" and not some other
pseudonym like "TrueType Fonts".

* These programs and font files may *not* be combined with other fonts and

Rack Vendors

* All Rack Vendors must contact Elfring Soft Fonts *prior* to distributing a
rack version of this product. You may NOT distribute THIS copy on a rack.
Please send sample copies of your rack packaging when requesting a rack
version. Preference is given to those rack vendors who pay royalties and
report rack sales to the author.


* All CD-ROM Vendors must contact Elfring Soft Fonts *prior* to distributing a
CD-ROM that includes this product. You may NOT distribute THIS copy on a
CD-ROM. Please send sample copies of your CD-ROM packaging when requesting a
CD-ROM version.

Other Restrictions

* No organization may bundle this shareware product with any other hardware
or software product without the prior written permission of Elfring Soft

* This package may not be be "rented" or leased.

* These fonts may not be modified in any way.

* If you violate any of the terms of this Agreement you agree to pay ESF a
minimum royalty of 55% of the list price charged for your product, regardless
of whether you used all or only some portion of our product.

  3 Responses to “Category : Font Collections
Archive   : TOPFONT.ZIP
Filename : VENDOR.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: