Dec 052017
Adobe Type Manager fonts [6/7].
File ATMFNTS6.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Font Collections
Adobe Type Manager fonts [6/7].
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
NBSKRVL.PFB 39041 36371 deflated
NBSKRVL.PFM 694 334 deflated
NEWSGOTH.PFB 35428 32730 deflated
NEWSGOTH.PFM 689 442 deflated
NWSGTH-B.PFB 35674 32982 deflated
NWSGTH-B.PFM 687 431 deflated
OPTIMA.PFB 35705 33039 deflated
OPTIMA.PFM 677 297 deflated
PALATHIN.PFB 41022 38350 deflated
PALATHIN.PFM 688 369 deflated
PALATINO.PFB 39662 37015 deflated
PALATINO.PFM 681 330 deflated
PARIS.PFB 39037 36386 deflated
PARIS.PFM 681 328 deflated
PEIGLITE.PFB 30276 27620 deflated
PEIGLITE.PFM 691 329 deflated
PEIGNOT.PFB 31877 29227 deflated
PEIGNOT.PFM 679 318 deflated
POSTCRY_.AFM 7693 2706 deflated
POSTCRY_.PFB 35147 34142 deflated
POSTCRY_.PFM 712 462 deflated
PRESENT.PFB 44542 41864 deflated
PRESENT.PFM 691 302 deflated
README.TXT 748 384 deflated

Download File ATMFNTS6.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

Well, here are some nice Type 1 fonts for use with Adobe Type Manager.
I have heard that they will work with Superprint, but don't actually
know about that!

Just install with the Type Manager control panel. Don't worry about
the missing .AFM files....they install just fine!

If you have a PostScript printer, make the following change to your
win.ini file, so that the PostScript driver can find the .pfb file.

In the "softfonts" area you will see:

-> (#)= the font number in the list

change this to:

^must be a comma!

Now, just restart Windows!


 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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