Category : Financial and Statistics
Archive   : EFT93B.ZIP
Filename : F1116.DBF

Output of file : F1116.DBF contained in archive : EFT93B.ZIP
A020CA030CA040CA050CA060CA070CA080CA090CA100CA110C-A120C3A122N; A124CGA126NO A130C[A140Nk A150CwA160N‡ A170C“A180N£ A190N¯ A200N» A210NÇ A220NÓ A230Nß A240Në A250N÷ A260NA270N A280N A290N  A300N, A310N8 A320ND A330NP A340N\ A350Nh A360Nt A370N€ A380NŒA390N‘ A400N A410N© A420Nµ A430NÁ A440NÍ A450NÙ A460Nå A470Nñ A480Ný A490N  A500NA510N A520N& A530N2 A540N> A550NJ A560NV A570Nb A580CnA590CoA600DpA610Nx A620N„ A630N A640Nœ A650N¨ A660N´ A670NÀ A680NÌ A690NØ A700DäA710Nì A720Nø A730N A740N A750N A760N( A770N4 A780N@ A790NL A800DXA810N` A820Nl A830Nx A840N„ A850N A860Nœ A870N¨ A880N´ A890NÀ A900CÌA910NÒ A930NÞ A940CêA950Nð A960Nü A970CA980N A990N A1000N& A1010C2A1020N8 A1030ND A1040NP A1050N\A1060Na A1070Nm A1080CyA1090N| A1100Nˆ A1110N” A1120N  A1130N¬ A1140N¸ A1150NÄ A1160NÐ A1170NÜ A1180Nè A1190Nô A1200N

  3 Responses to “Category : Financial and Statistics
Archive   : EFT93B.ZIP
Filename : F1116.DBF

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: