Category : Financial and Statistics
Archive   : COSTEFF1.ZIP
Filename : COOKIES.CED

Output of file : COOKIES.CED contained in archive : COSTEFF1.ZIP
!@#$%^&*()_+=_)(*&^%$#@!%@#$%^&*()_+=_)(*&^%$#@!Sugar Brown (cup)keyy (.65ÎÌÌÌÌÌä?Sugar White (cup)ams).575gfffffâ? Butter (cup) .235®GázÎ?
Eggs (one)n)
.10š™™™™™¹?Flour (sifted - cup) sifted)+š.25” Ð?šChocolate Chips (cup))š€@.37Ër¯Gáz®×?ZVanilla (teaspoon)–4 Da0.11 na*\Âõ(¼?..
Walnuts (cup)on Work Diskette -
1.22 …ëQ¸…ó? iBaking Powder (teaspoon) is off.012 û~j¼t“ˆ?no
Milk (cup)espoon)cellaneous err
.09947ï8EGr¹?..Rolled Oats (cup).28š™™™™™É?Almond Extract (teaspoon)” š0.10˜ÒΚ™™™™™¹? Raspberry Preserves (jar)”e1.30…˜€ÍÌÌÌÌÌô? Coconut (lb)edded/bag/lb.)‡1Š 0.96‚€¹…ëQ¸î?Salt (teaspoon) š”Š+š‚€90.15”433333Ã?DCondensed Milk (can)€@€OË1.79š¥p=
×£ü? Evaporated Milk (can) Data Fil1.50...ø?atMarshmallows (cup)kette -= 0.35r igfffffÖ?amDark Corn Syrup (cup) linee 0.17 noÃõ(\ÂÅ? Milk Chocolate (cup)rorÕÿ0.50...à?y Peanut Butter (cup) " 0.48”¹…ëQ¸Þ?Shortening (cup)” š 瘔 0.32”|®GázÔ?”Baking Soda (teaspoon)š‚€0.04á|®Gáz¤?¦Rice Cereal (cup)†\‚€ëP`˜r0.27–áÐHáz®GÑ?ÝÇ
Peanuts (cup)€ p‚€#†\˜”
Almonds (cup)”° Ô¦¥ :t
0.78‚ö(\Âõè?Lemon Rind (teaspoon)‚€*†\˜”0.07¤*ìQ¸…ë±?Cinnamon (tablespoon)†\†\§ì§€0.33  …ëQ¸Õ?­Cloves (tablespoon)ëP`˜r`‚€0.06˜rº…ëQ¸®?`Confectioners' Sugar (cup)€LÝ0.25›5Ð?DOrange Juice (cup)Ô3†€®›5˜„+›0.10„+뚙™™™™¹?èOrange Rind (teaspoon)¦ŠºŠ¥0.07Ò€ìQ¸…ë±?‚€
Raisins (cup)‚€Q›5˜”Óš
0.48š¹…ëQ¸Þ?ŠEgg Yolk (one)­‡*²Ô,›5­짃0.10›š™™™™™¹?ì
Oatmeal (cup)ŠÍ‹´þ–S *š
0.20”š™™™™™É?ëGraham Cracker Crumbs (cup)›•0.28ìQ¸…ëÑ?€S Cocoa (cup)¥ :‹•›•…h`‚€g 0.58˜€SÂõ(\â?Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Vanila (teaspoon)”–4 Da.11e na*\Âõ(¼?..Chocolate Chip with WalnutsCChocolate Chipup)keyy (165€@X
Walnuts (cup)cup)ams)
.575à?XCoconut Cookiesp)keyy (.55à?C Coconut (lb)(cup)keyy ( 0.25Ð?XVanilla (teaspoon)ms)1.05ð?XSalt (teaspoon)0.12¹…ëQ¸¾?XCondensed Milk (can)1.0ð?XSugar Brown (cup)keyy (.55à?XSugar White (cup)ams).575à?X Butter (cup) .535à?X
Eggs (one)n)
110ð?XVanila (teaspoon)e - sifted)+š.55” à?XFlour (sifted - cup)))š€@1.125ò?XAlmond Rolled CookiesCSugar White (cup)keyy (2.0@X Butter (cup)(cup)ams) 0.50à?X
Eggs (one)p)
3.05@XFlour (sifted - cup)3.0@XAlmond Extract (teaspoon)ed)+š1.0” ð?XThumbprint CookiesnsCSugar Brown (cup)keyy (0.50à?X Butter (cup)(cup)ams) 1.05ð?XEgg Yolk (one)3.05@XFlour (sifted - cup)2.0@X
Walnuts (cup) - cup) sifted)+š
1.0” ð?XRaspberry Preserves (jar)€@1.0Ërð?X
Eggs (one)n)
110ð?XVanila (teaspoon)up) sifted)+š125” ð?XFlour (sifted - cup)))š€@137Ërð?XChocolate Chips (cup)4 Da.75e naè?X
Milk (cup)up)on Work Diskette -
.0625 °?XRolled Oats (cup)aspoon) is off1.42 ð?XGerman Honey Cookiesoon) is off1.42 ð?C
Almonds (cup)cup)keyy (
1.0ð?XLemon Rind (teaspoon)1.00ð?XCinnamon (tablespoon)3.05@XCloves (tablespoon))1.0ð?XConfectioners' Sugar (cup)d)+š3.50” @X
Eggs (one)
6.0@XOrange Juice (cup)0.25Ð?XFlour (sifted - cup)5.0@XButterless Drop Cookies5.0@CSugar White (cup)keyy (1.0ð?X
Eggs (one) (teaspoon)
3.00@XVanilla (teaspoon)on)0.50à?XFlour (sifted - cup)2.0@XBaking Powder (teaspoon)p)d)+š1.00” ð?XOrange Rind (teaspoon)1.0ð?XFavorite FudgeCSugar White (cup)keyy (1.50ø?XEvaporated Milk (can)1.00ð?X Butter (cup)spoon)on) 0.25Ð?XSalt (teaspoon) cup)0.25Ð?XMarshmallows (cup)spoon)p)d)+š3.00” @XChocolate Chips (cup))3.0@X
Walnuts (cup)(cup)
1.05ð?XVanilla (teaspoon)p)1.0ð?X
Oatmeal Chewspoon)p)1.0ð?C Butter (cup)(cup)keyy ( 0.50à?X
Oatmeal (cup)lk (can)
2.00@XSugar Brown (cup))on)0.50à?XDark Corn Syrup (cup)0.25Ð?XVanilla (teaspoon)spoon)p)d)+š1.00” ð?XSalt (teaspoon) (cup))0.25Ð?XMilk Chocolate (cup)2.05@X
Walnuts (cup)poon)p)
0.25Ð?XPeanut Butter Cookies
0.25Ð?C Butter (cup)(cup)keyy ( 0.25Ð?XPeanut Butter (cup)n)0.25Ð?XShortening (cup)))on)0.25Ð?XSugar White (cup)cup)0.50à?XSugar Brown (cup))spoon)p)d)+š0.50” à?X
Eggs (one)poon) (cup))
1.05ð?XVanilla (teaspoon)p)1.05ð?XFlour (sifted - cup)1.50ø?XBaking Soda (teaspoon)0.25Ð?XSalt (teaspoon)0.25Ð?XCrispy Delights0.25Ð?C Butter (cup)(cup)keyy ( 0.50à?XMarshmallows (cup))n)3.05@XRice Cereal (cup))on)4.05@X
Peanuts (cup)cup)cup)
Crazy CookiesC Butter (cup)(cup)keyy ( 0.25Ð?XGraham Cracker Crumbs (cup)0.75è?XPeanut Butter (cup)n)0.50à?XChocolate Chips (cup)0.50à?X Coconut (lb)(cup))spoon)p)d)+š 0.25” Ð?X
Walnuts (cup)n) (cup))
0.50à?XCondensed Milk (can)1.05ð?XBrownies C Butter (cup)(cup)keyy ( 0.50à?XSugar White (cup)umbs (cup)1.05ð?X
Eggs (one)ter (cup)n)
2.00@XVanilla (teaspoon)up)1.00ð?XFlour (sifted - cup)oon)p)d)+š0.75” è?X Cocoa (cup)p)n) (cup)) 0.50à?XBaking Powder (teaspoon)0.25Ð?XSalt (teaspoon) cup)0.25Ð?X
Walnuts (cup)teaspoon)
0.50à?XChocolate ChipCSugar Brown (cup)keyy (.55à?XSugar White (cup)ams).575à?X Butter (cup)e) .505à?X
Eggs (one)ted - cup)
1.0ð?XVanilla (teaspoon)p) sifted)+š.50” à?XFlour (sifted - cup)(jar)€@1.125ò?XOatmeal CookiesCShortening (cup))keyy (0.50à?XSugar White (cup)umbs (cup)0.25Ð?XSugar Brown (cup)p)n)0.25Ð?XVanilla (teaspoon)p)oon)p)d)+š1.05” ð?X
Oatmeal (cup) - cup) sifted)+š
2.0” @X

  3 Responses to “Category : Financial and Statistics
Archive   : COSTEFF1.ZIP
Filename : COOKIES.CED

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: