Category : EmTeX is a TeX/LaTeX document editor
Archive   : DVIPS54.ZIP
Filename : TFMLOAD.C

Output of file : TFMLOAD.C contained in archive : DVIPS54.ZIP
* Loads a tfm file. It marks the characters as undefined.
#include "structures.h" /* The copyright notice in that file is included too! */
* These are the external routines it calls:
extern void error() ;
extern integer scalewidth() ;
extern FILE *search() ;
* Here are the external variables we use:
extern real conv ;
extern real vconv ;
extern real alpha ;
extern char *tfmpath ;
extern char errbuf[] ;
extern integer fsizetol ;
* Our static variables:
static FILE *tfmfile ;
static char name[50] ;

* Tries to open a tfm file. Aborts job if unsuccessful.
register fontdesctype *fd ;
register char *d, *n ;

d = fd->area ;
n = fd->name ;
if (*d==0)
d = tfmpath ;
(void)sprintf(name, "%s.tfm", n) ;
if ((tfmfile=search(d, name, READBIN))==NULL) {
(void)sprintf(errbuf, "! Can't open font metric file %s%s",
fd->area, name) ;
error(errbuf) ;

tfmbyte ()
return(getc(tfmfile)) ;

tfm16 ()
register halfword a ;
a = tfmbyte () ;
return ( a * 256 + tfmbyte () ) ;

tfm32 ()
register integer a ;
a = tfm16 () ;
if (a > 32767) a -= 65536 ;
return ( a * 65536 + tfm16 () ) ;

register fontdesctype *curfnt ;
register shalfword i ;
register integer li ;
integer scaledsize ;
shalfword nw, hd ;
shalfword bc, ec ;
integer scaled[256] ;
halfword chardat[256] ;

tfmopen(curfnt) ;
* Next, we read the font data from the tfm file, and store it in
* our own arrays.
li = tfm16() ; hd = tfm16() ;
bc = tfm16() ; ec = tfm16() ;
nw = tfm16() ;
li = tfm32() ; li = tfm32() ; li = tfm32() ; li = tfm16() ;
li = tfm32() ;
if (li && curfnt->checksum)
if (li!=curfnt->checksum) {
(void)sprintf(errbuf,"Checksum mismatch in %s", name) ;
error(errbuf) ;
li = (integer)(alpha * (real)tfm32()) ;
if (li > curfnt->designsize + fsizetol ||
li < curfnt->designsize - fsizetol) {
(void)sprintf(errbuf,"Design size mismatch in %s", name) ;
error(errbuf) ;
for (i=2; i li = tfm32() ;
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
chardat[i] = 256 ;
for (i=bc; i<=ec; i++) {
chardat[i] = tfmbyte() ;
li = tfm16() ;
li = tfmbyte() ;
scaledsize = curfnt->scaledsize ;
for (i=0; i scaled[i] = scalewidth(tfm32(), scaledsize) ;
(void)fclose(tfmfile) ;
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
if (chardat[i]!= 256) {
li = scaled[chardat[i]] ;
curfnt->chardesc[i].TFMwidth = li ;
curfnt->chardesc[i].pixelwidth = ((integer)(conv*li+0.5)) ;
curfnt->chardesc[i].flags = (curfnt->resfont ? EXISTS : 0) ;
curfnt->loaded = 1 ;

  3 Responses to “Category : EmTeX is a TeX/LaTeX document editor
Archive   : DVIPS54.ZIP
Filename : TFMLOAD.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: