Category : EmTeX is a TeX/LaTeX document editor
Archive   : DVIPS54.ZIP
Filename : DVIPS.C

Output of file : DVIPS.C contained in archive : DVIPS54.ZIP
* This is the main routine.
#ifndef DEFRES
#define DEFRES (300)
#ifndef DEFPFMT
#define DEFPFMT "letter"

#include "structures.h" /* The copyright notice in that file is included too! */
* First we define some globals.
fontdesctype *fonthead ; /* list of all fonts mentioned so far */
fontdesctype *curfnt ; /* the currently selected font */
sectiontype *sections ; /* sections to process document in */
Boolean manualfeed ; /* manual feed? */
Boolean compressed ; /* compressed? */
Boolean safetyenclose ; /* enclose in save/restore for stupid spoolers? */
Boolean removecomments ; /* remove comments from included PS? */
Boolean nosmallchars ; /* disable small char optimization for X4045? */
int collatedcopies = 1 ; /* how many collated copies? */
int sectioncopies = 1 ; /* how many times to repeat each section? */
shalfword linepos = 0 ; /* where are we on the line being output? */
integer maxpages ; /* the maximum number of pages */
Boolean notfirst, notlast ; /* true if a first page was specified */
Boolean sendcontrolD ; /* should we send a control D at end? */
integer firstpage ; /* the number of the first page if specified */
integer lastpage ;
integer firstseq ;
integer lastseq ;
int numcopies ; /* number of copies of each page to print */
char *oname ; /* output file name */
char *iname ; /* dvi file name */
char *strings ; /* strings for program */
char *nextstring, *maxstring ; /* string pointers */
FILE *dvifile, *bitfile ; /* dvi and output files */
quarterword *curpos ; /* current position in virtual character packet */
quarterword *curlim ; /* final byte in virtual character packet */
fontmaptype *ffont ; /* first font in current frame */
real conv ; /* conversion ratio, pixels per DVI unit */
real vconv ; /* conversion ratio, pixels per DVI unit */
real alpha ; /* conversion ratio, DVI unit per TFM unit */
integer mag ; /* the magnification of this document */
Boolean overridemag ; /* substitute for mag value in DVI file? */
int actualdpi = DEFRES ; /* the actual resolution of the printer */
int vactualdpi = DEFRES ; /* the actual resolution of the printer */
int maxdrift ; /* max pixels away from true rounded position */
int vmaxdrift ; /* max pixels away from true rounded position */
char *paperfmt = DEFPFMT ; /* paper format */
int landscape = 0 ; /* landscape mode */
integer fontmem ; /* memory remaining in printer */
integer pagecount ; /* page counter for the sections */
integer pagenum ; /* the page number we currently look at */
long bytesleft ; /* number of bytes left in raster */
quarterword *raster ; /* area for raster manipulations */
integer hh, vv ; /* horizontal and vertical pixel positions */
char *tfmpath = TFMPATH ; /* pointer to directories for tfm files */
char *pkpath = PKPATH ; /* pointer to directories for pk files */
char *vfpath = VFPATH ; /* pointer to directories for vf files */
char *figpath = FIGPATH ; /* pointer to directories for figure files */
char *headerpath = HEADERPATH ; /* pointer to directories for header files */
char *configpath = CONFIGPATH; /* where to find config files */
char *fontsubdirpath = FONTSUBDIRPATH ;
#ifdef FONTLIB
char *flipath = FLIPATH ; /* pointer to directories for fli files */
char *fliname = FLINAME ; /* pointer to names of fli files */
integer swmem ; /* font memory in the PostScript printer */
int quiet ; /* should we only print errors to stderr? */
int filter ; /* act as filter default output to stdout,
default input to stdin? */
int prettycolumn ; /* the column we are at when running pretty */
int totalpages = 0 ; /* total number of pages */
Boolean reverse ; /* are we going reverse? */
Boolean usesPSfonts ; /* do we use local PostScript fonts? */
Boolean usesspecial ; /* do we use \special? */
Boolean headers_off ; /* do we send headers or not? */
char *headerfile ; /* default header file */
char *warningmsg ; /* a message to write, if set in config file */
Boolean multiplesects ; /* more than one section? */
Boolean disablecomments ; /* should we suppress any EPSF comments? */
char *printer ; /* what printer to send this to? */
char *mfmode ; /* default MF mode */
frametype frames[MAXFRAME] ; /* stack for virtual fonts */
fontdesctype *baseFonts[256] ; /* base fonts for dvi file */
integer pagecost; /* memory used on the page being prescanned */
int delchar; /* characters to delete from prescanned page */
integer fsizetol; /* max dvi units error for psfile font sizes */
Boolean includesfonts; /* are fonts used in included psfiles? */
fontdesctype *fonthd[MAXFONTHD];/* list headers for included fonts of 1 name */
int nextfonthd; /* next unused fonthd[] index */
char xdig[256]; /* table for reading hexadecimal digits */
char banner[] = BANNER ; /* our startup message */

#ifdef DEBUG
integer debug_flag = 0;
#endif /* DEBUG */
* This routine calls the following externals:
extern void outbangspecials() ;
extern void prescanpages() ;
extern void initprinter() ;
extern void cleanprinter() ;
extern void dosection() ;
extern void getdefaults() ;
extern void cmdout() ;
extern void numout() ;
extern int add_header() ;
extern char *strcpy() ;
extern void checkenv() ;
#ifdef FONTLIB
extern void fliload() ;
* This error routine prints an error message; if the first
* character is !, it aborts the job.
static char *progname ;
char *s ;
extern void exit() ;

(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, s) ;
if (*s=='!') {
if (bitfile != NULL) {
cleanprinter() ;
exit(1) ; /* fatal */

* Initialize sets up all the globals and data structures.
extern char *malloc() ;
int i;
char *s;

nextfonthd = 0;
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
xdig[i] = 0;
i = 0;
for (s="0123456789ABCDEF"; *s!=0; s++)
xdig[*s] = i++;
i = 10;
for (s="abcdef"; *s!=0; s++)
xdig[*s] = i++;
strings = malloc(STRINGSIZE) ;
if (strings == 0)
error("! no memory for strings") ;
maxpages = 100000 ;
numcopies = 1 ;
nextstring = strings ;
iname = strings ;
*nextstring++ = 0 ;
maxstring = strings + STRINGSIZE - 200 ;
bitfile = NULL ;
bytesleft = 0 ;
swmem = SWMEM ;
oname = OUTPATH ;
sendcontrolD = 0 ;
multiplesects = 0 ;
disablecomments = 0 ;
maxdrift = -1 ;
vmaxdrift = -1 ;
* This routine copies a string into the string `pool', safely.
char *
char *s ;
int l ;

if (s == NULL)
return(NULL) ;
l = strlen(s) ;
if (nextstring + l >= maxstring)
error("! out of string space") ;
(void)strcpy(nextstring, s) ;
s = nextstring ;
nextstring += l + 1 ;
return(s) ;
* Finally, our main routine.
#ifndef VMS
main(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
extern void exit() ;
int i, lastext = -1 ;
register sectiontype *sects ;
int noenv = 0 ; /* do we read PRINTER or not? */

#ifdef VMS
char *ind = strrchr (argv[0], ']');
if (ind == NULL)
progname = argv[0];
progname = ++ind;
progname = argv[0] ;
/* we sneak a look at the first arg in case it's debugging */
#ifdef DEBUG
if (argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-d", 2)==0) {
if (sscanf(argv[1]+2, "%d", &debug_flag)==0)
debug_flag = 0 ;
initialize() ;
checkenv(0) ;
getdefaults(CONFIGFILE) ;
getdefaults((char *)0) ;
* This next whole big section of code is straightforward; we just scan
* the options. An argument can either immediately follow its option letter
* or be separated by spaces. Any argument not preceded by '-' and an
* option letter is considered a file name; the program complains if more
* than one file name is given, and uses stdin if none is given.
for (i=1; i if (*argv[i]=='-') {
char *p=argv[i]+2 ;
char c=argv[i][1] ;
switch (c) {
case 'c' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &numcopies)==0)
error("! Bad number of copies option (-c).") ;
break ;
case 'd' :
#ifdef DEBUG
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i];
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &debug_flag)==0)
error("! Bad debug option (-d).");
error("not compiled in debug mode") ;
break ;
#endif /* DEBUG */
case 'e' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &maxdrift)==0 || maxdrift<0)
error("! Bad maxdrift option (-e).") ;
vmaxdrift = maxdrift;
break ;
case 'f' :
filter = (*p != '0') ;
if (filter)
oname = "" ;
noenv = 1 ;
break ;
case 'h' : case 'H' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (strcmp(p, "-") == 0)
headers_off = 1 ;
(void)add_header(p) ;
break ;
case 'm' :
manualfeed = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case 'n' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (sscanf(p, "%ld", &maxpages)==0)
#else /* ~SHORTINT */
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &maxpages)==0)
#endif /* ~SHORTINT */
error("! Bad number of pages option (-n).") ;
break ;
case 'o' : case 'O' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1] && *argv[i+1]!='-')
p = argv[++i] ;
oname = p ;
noenv = 1 ;
break ;
case 'p' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
switch(sscanf(p, "%ld.%ld", &firstpage, &firstseq)) {
#else /* ~SHORTINT */
switch(sscanf(p, "%ld.%ld", &firstpage, &firstseq)) {
#endif /* ~SHORTINT */
case 1: firstseq = 0 ;
case 2: break ;
error("! Bad first page option (-p).") ;
notfirst = 1 ;
break ;
case 'l':
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
switch(sscanf(p, "%ld.%ld", &lastpage, &lastseq)) {
#else /* ~SHORTINT */
switch(sscanf(p, "%ld.%ld", &lastpage, &lastseq)) {
#endif /* ~SHORTINT */
case 1: lastseq = 0 ;
case 2: break ;
error("! Bad last page option (-p).") ;
notlast = 1 ;
break ;
case 'q' : case 'Q' :
quiet = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case 'r' :
reverse = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case 't' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (strcmp(p, "landscape") == 0)
landscape = 1;
paperfmt = p ;
break ;
case 'x' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &mag)==0 || mag < 10 ||
mag > 100000)
error("! Bad magnification parameter (-x).") ;
overridemag = 1 ;
break ;
case 'C' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &collatedcopies)==0)
error("! Bad number of collated copies option (-C).") ;
break ;
case 'D' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &actualdpi)==0 || actualdpi < 10 ||
actualdpi > 10000)
error("! Bad dpi parameter (-D).") ;
vactualdpi = actualdpi;
break ;
case 'K' :
removecomments = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case 'U' :
nosmallchars = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case 'X' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &actualdpi)==0 || actualdpi < 10 ||
actualdpi > 10000)
error("! Bad dpi parameter (-D).") ;
break ;
case 'Y' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &vactualdpi)==0 || vactualdpi < 10 ||
vactualdpi > 10000)
error("! Bad dpi parameter (-D).") ;
vactualdpi = vactualdpi;
break ;
case 'F' :
sendcontrolD = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case 'N' :
disablecomments = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case 'P' :
if (*p == 0 && argv[i+1])
p = argv[++i] ;
printer = p ;
noenv = 1 ;
getdefaults("") ;
break ;
case 'R' :
reverse = 0 ;
break ;
case 's' :
safetyenclose = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case 'Z' :
compressed = (*p != '0') ;
break ;
case '?' :
(void)fprintf(stderr, banner) ;
break ;
error("! Bad option, not one of cefhlmnopqrtxCDFKNPUXYZ?") ;
} else {
if (*iname == 0) {
register char *p ;

lastext = 0 ;
iname = nextstring ;
p = argv[i] ;
while (*p) {
*nextstring = *p++ ;
if (*nextstring == '.')
lastext = nextstring - iname ;
else if (*nextstring == '/' || *nextstring == ':')
lastext = 0 ;
nextstring++ ;
if (lastext == 0) {
lastext = nextstring - iname ;
*nextstring++ = '.' ;
*nextstring++ = 'd' ;
*nextstring++ = 'v' ;
*nextstring++ = 'i' ;
*nextstring++ = 0 ;
} else
error("! Two input file names specified.") ;
if (noenv == 0) {
register char *p ;
extern char *getenv() ;
if (p = getenv("PRINTER")) {
strcpy(nextstring, "config.") ;
strcat(nextstring, p) ;
getdefaults(nextstring) ;
checkenv(1) ;
if (!quiet)
(void)fprintf(stderr, banner) ;
if (oname[0] == '-' && oname[1] == 0)
oname[0] = 0 ;
if (*oname == 0 && ! filter) {
oname = nextstring ;
for (i=0; i<=lastext; i++)
*nextstring++ = iname[i] ;
*nextstring++ = 'p' ;
*nextstring++ = 's' ;
*nextstring++ = 0 ;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (dd(D_PATHS)) {
(void)fprintf(stderr,"input file %s output file %s swmem %ld\n",
#else /* ~SHORTINT */
(void)fprintf(stderr,"input file %s output file %s swmem %d\n",
#endif /* ~SHORTINT */
iname, oname, swmem) ;
(void)fprintf(stderr,"tfm path %s\npk path %s\n", tfmpath, pkpath) ;
(void)fprintf(stderr,"fig path %s\nvf path %s\n", figpath, vfpath) ;
(void)fprintf(stderr,"config path %s\nheader path %s\n",
configpath, headerpath) ;
#ifdef FONTLIB
(void)fprintf(stderr,"fli path %s\nfli names %s\n", flipath, fliname) ;
} /* dd(D_PATHS) */
#endif /* DEBUG */
* Now we try to open the dvi file.
if (warningmsg)
error(warningmsg) ;
headerfile = (compressed? CHEADERFILE : HEADERFILE) ;
(void)add_header(headerfile) ;
if (*iname != 0)
dvifile = fopen(iname, READBIN) ;
else if (filter)
dvifile = stdin;
error("! No input filename supplied.") ;
if (dvifile==NULL)
error("! DVI file can't be opened.") ;
#ifdef FONTLIB
fliload(); /* read the font libaries */
* Now we do our main work.
if (maxdrift < 0) {
if (actualdpi <= 599)
maxdrift = actualdpi / 100 ;
else if (actualdpi < 1199)
maxdrift = actualdpi / 200 + 3 ;
maxdrift = actualdpi / 400 + 6 ;
if (vmaxdrift < 0) {
if (vactualdpi <= 599)
vmaxdrift = vactualdpi / 100 ;
else if (vactualdpi < 1199)
vmaxdrift = vactualdpi / 200 + 3 ;
vmaxdrift = vactualdpi / 400 + 6 ;
prescanpages() ;
if (includesfonts)
(void)add_header(IFONTHEADER) ;
if (usesPSfonts)
(void)add_header(PSFONTHEADER) ;
if (usesspecial)
(void)add_header(SPECIALHEADER) ;
sects = sections ;
if (sects == NULL || sects->next == NULL) {
sectioncopies = collatedcopies ;
collatedcopies = 1 ;
} else {
totalpages *= collatedcopies ;
multiplesects = 1 ;
initprinter() ;
outbangspecials() ;
for (i=0; i sects = sections ;
while (sects != NULL) {
if (! quiet) {
if (prettycolumn > 77) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
prettycolumn = 0 ;
(void)fprintf(stderr, ". ") ;
prettycolumn += 2 ;
(void)fflush(stderr) ;
dosection(sects, sectioncopies) ;
sects = sects->next ;
cleanprinter() ;
if (! quiet)
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
exit(0) ;

  3 Responses to “Category : EmTeX is a TeX/LaTeX document editor
Archive   : DVIPS54.ZIP
Filename : DVIPS.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: