Dec 162017
12 rebus word puzzles. All are in .GIF format so a viewer with zoom is prefered. They should print out to one page. Only the intelligent.
File WDPUZ8.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
12 rebus word puzzles. All are in .GIF format so a viewer with zoom is prefered. They should print out to one page. Only the intelligent.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
WDPUZ8.DOC 904 496 deflated
WDPUZ8.GIF 34725 34725 stored
WDPUZ8A.GIF 46478 46478 stored

Download File WDPUZ8.ZIP Here

Contents of the WDPUZ8.DOC file

This zipped file should contain :

1. wdpuz8.gif

2. wdpuz8a.gif

3. wdpuz.doc

People have been having fun with the written English language for a very long time. Crosswords, anagrams, codes, and ciphers are just a few examples. Another form is the rebus, defined as a
puzzle representing a word, phrase, or sentence by letters, numerals, pictures, etc., often with pictures of objects whose names have the same sounds as the words represented.



would read: A line in the sand

'A' single word 'line' is 'in' between the
words 'the sand.'

There are a dozen puzzles in the file wdpuz8.gif. They are in .GIF format because of the graphical nature of some of the puzzles.

The file wdpuz8a.gif shows the original puzzles with the answers.

I hope you have as much fun working on them as I did.

Robert B. Agran
Baltimore, Md.

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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