Category : Science and Education
Archive   : VOCROOTS.ZIP
Filename : VOC_02.TST

Output of file : VOC_02.TST contained in archive : VOCROOTS.ZIP
BI-,DI-,DU-,DUO- two,twice,second long, extended slow, lethargic tall, high BImonthly, DUel, DIoxide DIVERSE varied colorful hidden crooked DI+VERse: 2+turn DILEMMA 2-choice problem religious man sweet beverage 2-sided figure DI+lemma -POLY- many sarcastic, critical plastic ancient POLYgon = many angled CUSP pointed end wager weather front hat CUSPid (tooth) -OCULAR of the eye ajar, crooked distant mystical OCUList -GAMY marriage sticky hatred dogma polyGAMY=many+marriage -OXIDE atom of oxygen negation love of fear of carbon diOXIDE -VERT-,-VERS- turn, change path love of truth, ideal obsession for inVERT,reVERT,conVERT BILATERAL 2-sided political 2-wheeled parallel BI+LATERAL = 2+side BINOCULAR 2-eyed device 1-eyed device distant number system BI+OCULAR: 2+eyed DUPLICITY deception intelligence sorrow exactness DUplicity= 2 + behavior BIPED 2-footed animal one of twin boys detour 2-wheeled vehicle BI+PED: 2 + foot BICUSPID two-pointed (tooth) two-geared device edict water vessel BI+CUSPid= 2+point BICAMERAL 2-chambered 2-storied desert animal of the heart BI+CAMERAL: 2+chamber DIODE 2-element device food coloring written decree 2-sided figure DI+cathODE/anODE BIFURCATE divide lie swindle 2-faced person BIfurcate: 2+forks AMPHI- two, both magnified approximate ancient AMPHIbian= both+like BILIOUS ill-tempered huge puffy sleepy from BILE, no 2's here! VERTIGO turning sensation girl's skirt Indian dance skin disease VERTigo BIVOUAC encampment ancient ruin severe pain children's fable no 2's (bi) here POLYGAMY multi-marriage idealdisease card game multi-lingual group POLY+GAMY=many+marriage AMPHITHEATER seats on both sides uses amplified soundoutdoor theater ceiling-less arena AMPHI (both) BIJOU small, delicate 2-jointed 2-ingredient sauce French Official no 2's here! AMPHIBIAN both land and sea reptile-like military medical AMPHI (both) - H - H - H - H - H - H - 1086 H - Complimentary H - Test H - 2's You Use. H 

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : VOCROOTS.ZIP
Filename : VOC_02.TST

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: