Category : Science and Education
Archive   : VOCP10.ZIP
Filename : TEST1.TST

Output of file : TEST1.TST contained in archive : VOCP10.ZIP
Jhis ABRASIVE manner pleasing irritating soothing loud 2Jfew ACCESSIBLE highways unapproachable closed reachable bumpy 3Jthe ACCLAIM of the critics hostility praise indifference review 2Jto ACKNOWLEDGE an authority recognize refuse act as dislike 1Ja clever ADAGE proverb idea argument answer 1Jsome ADDICTED people intelligent free of problems charged with an offense given up to a habit 4Jan unknown ADVERSARY helper friend enemy difficulty 3Jto ADVOCATE a principle oppose eliminate ignore support 4his AFFECTED manner false\P¸Pèßû¸;\P¸PèÔûsincereÇÿÿëMÿ65\¡;\º simple harsh¤;;\|狃?ÿuÇ1Jto move with AGILITY hesitation awkwardness pain nimbleness 4Jthe AGITATION of the crowd composition disturbance rebel leader focus of interest 2Jmany ALLEGED attacks vicious unproven victorious mean 2the ALLUSION to a poem answers applause reference
dedication 3Jto be ALOOF hesitant tall upright indifferent 4Ja simple ALTERATION execution explanation change elaboration 3Jmaking amends a substitute up for something space a scene 1Ja feeling of AMITY hopelessness great anger anxiety friendship 4Jsome ANIMATED discussions dull long lively brief 3Jthe ANNALS of exploration results heroes historical records difficulties 3Ja feeling of APATHY anxiety anger curiosity indifference 4Jan APPARITION at midnight quiet street cemetery ghost snack 3Ja few APPLICABLE solutions appropriate novel interesting poor 1Jto show ARROGANCE excessive pride concern great ignorance foolishness 1Jthe king's ASSASSIN assistant murderer advisor successor 2Jto ABHOR violence witness fear hate condone 3Jto ASSESS the property steal develop determine value buy 3Jthe ASTERISK in the text mistake new paragraph star-shaped mark exclamantion mark 3Jto ATTRIBUTE his skills to heredity to trace the history of to give the reason for to leave behind, bequeathto look for the cause of 2Ja few AUTONOMOUS nations industrial powerful wealthy self-governing 4Jvery BELLIGERENT behavior warlike friendly unpopular appropriate 1Jan anonymous BENEFACTOR phone call patron letter enemy 2Jsome BENIGN people evil mischievous gentle unfriendly 3Ja BIBLIOGRAPHY of books list shelf carton writer 1Jneeding BILINGUAL directions in two columns confusing handwritten in two languages 4Jto BISECT a cake create give away decorate divide in two 4Jher BIZARRE appearance usual odd attractive friendly 2Jthe BIOGRAPHICAL study important of someone's life self-written scientific 2Ja BLAND diet weight-reducing mild fattening nutritious 2Ja brief BROCHURE pamphlet cough illness report 1Jthe BUOYANT cork wooden able to float likely to smell fragile 2Jthe CADENCE of the poem title figurative language rhythmic flow theme 3Ja CARNIVOROUS plant sturdy flesh-eating decorative green 2Jthe CASCADE of sparks shower brilliance danger explosion 1Jto CENSURE that movie strongly criticize praise dislike immensely watch carefully 1Jthe ideal of CHIVALRY gratitude honor softness warfare 2Ja CHRONIC pain slight new severe constant 4Jseveral CHRONOLOGICAL accounts random dull fast ordered 4Jto CIRCUMSCRIBE his actions restrict allow praise blame severely 1Ja high CITADEL ideal church fortress road 3Jto CLAMBER down the hillside fall climb look slide 2

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : VOCP10.ZIP
Filename : TEST1.TST

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: