Category : Science and Education
Archive   : VOCAB.ZIP
Filename : VOCAB.BAS

Output of file : VOCAB.BAS contained in archive : VOCAB.ZIP
:Ù >>>>> VOCAB <<<<<ÄÈ , :¿ ,, :É Ý :­ AêZ :Ù ** Color defined here **î— ÑU$(X$)çÿ–(ÿ•(X$)ê ëÿ…(ÿ•(X$)ìa))9#VOCAB$ç"FRENCH.VOC" :‰ „ :Ù ** Change the default data set here **€(… "ENTER THE FILE NAME CONTAINING THE VOCABULARY WORDS => ",VOCAB$–-‹ VOCAB$ç"" Í #Ð2 **** CHECK FILE NAME AND CONVERT TO UPPER CASE ****ø<DOTçØ(VOCAB$,".") :‹ DOT æ  Í F=‹ DOTç î ÿ’(VOCAB$) æ  Í F>>‹ DOTç î ÿ’(VOCAB$) è  Í Za?‹ ÿ’(ÿƒ(VOCAB$,DOT)) æ  Í P‡A‹ ÿ’(ÿƒ(VOCAB$,,DOT)) è 
Í ZÃFÅ :‘ "File name cannot be longer than 8 letters" :‰ (ÿPÅ :‘ "Extension cannot be longer than 3 letters" :‰ (Z‚ Mç Ì ÿ’(VOCAB$)=dÿƒ(VOCAB$,M,)çÑU$(ÿƒ(VOCAB$,M,))Enƒ M}x ********** END CONVERSION TO UPPER CASE *********—„‹ HARD$ æè "" Í  x¿…À: Ê ,:‘ "VOCABULARY BUILDER": »Ø†Ê ,: ‘ Ö(,"-")‡Ê ,: ‘ "Vocabulary File = " VOCAB$8ˆÊ ,: ‘ "1. Change vocabulary file .. F or C"m‰Ê 
,: ‘ "2. Input new vocabulary words ... I"¢ŽÊ  ,: ‘ "3. Test in sequence ............. T"×“Ê ,: ‘ "4. Test randomly ................ R" ˜Ê ,: ‘ "5. Search and Edit .............. S"AšÊ ,: ‘ "6. Print a sorted listing ....... P"vÊ ,: ‘ "7. Exit to DOS .................. D"«žÊ ,: ‘ "8. Exit to MENU ................. M"àŸÊ ,: ‘ "9. Exit to BASIC ................ B"ø¶L$çÞ :‹ L$ç"" Í ¶»‹ L$ç"i" ï L$ç"I" ï L$ç"2" Í èBÀ‹ L$ç"t" ï L$ç"T" ï L$ç"3" Í ÐgÅ‹ L$ç"r" ï L$ç"R" ï L$ç"4" Í ¸ ŒÆ‹ L$ç"s" ï L$ç"S" ï L$ç"5" Í  ¶Ç‹ L$ç"c" ï L$ç"C" ï L$ç"1" Í ‘ :‰ (ÛÈ‹ L$ç"f" ï L$ç"F" Í þ :‘ :‰ (Ê‹ L$ç"m" ï L$ç"M" ï L$ç"8" Í Š "MENU.BAS,Ï‹ L$ç"d" ï L$ç"D" ï L$ç"7" Í þƒOÔ‹ L$ç"b" ï L$ç"B" ï L$ç"9" Í tÞ‹ L$ç"p" ï L$ç"P" ï L$ç"6" Í p‡ß‹ L$ç"?" Í @±ãÅ :Ê , :‘ "*** Invalid Entry ***"ÝäÊ ,; :‘ "For help enter => ?" :‰ ¶ç ************* INPUT NEW WORDS ************è ˆEüÊ ,
:‘ " INPUT NEW VOCABULARY WORDS "OÊ ,~‘ "To stop entering new words, enter => S"§Ê , :‘ "Vocabulary File = " VOCAB$ÎÊ 
, :‘ "Last Record =" LASTREC%ñÊ , :‘ "^" :Ê ,1 :‘ "^"'!Ê , :° … "Enter new vocabulary word => ",WORD$I$‹ WORD$ç"s" ï WORD$ç"S" Í e)‹ ÿ’(WORD$) èç  Í ,§*Ê , :Å :‘ "ERROR! WORD CANNOT BE OVER 20 LETTERS LONG ^"Æ+Ê , :‘ Ö(O," ") :‰ !é,Ê , :‘ " " :Ê ,1 :‘ " " -Ê , :‘ "^" :Ê ,< :‘ "^"<.Ê , :° … "Enter definition => ",MEANING$[8‹ ÿ’(MEANING$) èç ( Í `BÊ ,:Å:‘ "ERROR! PHRASE CANNOT BE OVER 40 CHARACTERS LONG"¼LÊ ,: ‘ Ö(O," ") :‰ .õ`Ê , :… "Entries OK? (Y or / N) ==> ",ENTRY$%j‹ ÿ(ENTRY$,)ç"n" ï ÿ(ENTRY$,)ç"N" Í â9tþ… RWORD$çWORD$O~þ… RDEF$çMEANING$b°þˆ #,NEXTREC%“ºLASTREC%çLASTREC% é  :NEXTREC%çNEXTREC% é  âÀ :‰ üÒþ… RWORD$çý„(LASTREC%) :þ… RDEF$çý„(TESTNUM%)Þ(þˆ #,èF‰ „Ϗ ********** TEST IN SEQUENCE *******Ѝ ˆLÔCCç :Cç :REVç :P$ç"" :PP$ç"" :Dç :DDç‘ÕÊ ,
:‘ "VOCABULARY TEST IN SEQUENTIAL ORDER. File = " VOCAB$ÐÚÊ , :‘ "The last record number tested was " TESTNUM% "."äÊ , :… "Enter the record number on which to start => ",T%"å‹ T%ç Í T%ç>æ‹ T% èæ  Í TESTNUM%çT%nç‹ TESTNUM% èç LASTREC% î TESTNUM% æ  Í ê¯èÅ :Ê 
, :‘ "ERROR! Enter a number between 2 and " LASTREC%¹é‰ äÄêÊ 
,ë‘ "Enter R to reverse the order of testing, enter S to stop the test.5ìÊ 
, :‘ "Last Record =" LASTREC%WíÊ 
,$ :‘ "Current Record ="bîÊ  ,³ï‘ "Enter + for correct answers, Push spacebar to write word to another file"Æøþ‰ #,TESTNUM%ßúÊ , :‘ Ö((," ")øûÊ , :‘ Ö(," ")ýÊ 
,4 :‘ TESTNUM%"‹ REVç Í HÊ , :‘ "WORD: " RWORD$`A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í y‹ REVç î Cç Í T1ç“‹ REVç î CCç Í T2ç´‹ REVç Í T1çT1é :¡ T2çT2éЋ A$ç"s" ï A$ç"S" Í  ‹ A$ç"r" ï A$ç"R" Í REVçREVé :‹ REV æ  Í REVç3 ‹ REVç î A$ç"+" Í CCçCCé :Ê ,J :‘ CCP ‹ REVç î A$ç" " Í  X‡‹ CC æè  Í QQ$çÿ“((CCìT2)ëd)é".":DDçØ(QQ$,".")êÄ‹ REVç î CC æè  Í PP$çÿ(QQ$,DD)é"%":Ê ,J:‘ PP$ " "Ö‹ REVç Í HúÊ , :‘ "DEFINITION: "RDEF$*A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í *.4‹ A$ç"s" ï A$ç"S" Í c5‹ A$ç"r" ï A$ç"R" Í REVçREVé :‹ REV æ  Í REVçŽ7‹ REVç î A$ç"+" Í CçCé :Ê ,J :‘ C«8‹ REVç î A$ç" " Í  Xà9‹ C æè  Í Q$çÿ“((Cì(T1))ëd)é"." :DçØ(Q$,".")ê :‹ REVç î C æè  Í P$çÿ(Q$,D)é"%" :Ê ,J :‘ P$ " ", ;‹ REVç Í F HTESTNUM%çTESTNUM% é g \‹ TESTNUM% èç LASTREC% Í øŸ fTESTNUM%çTESTNUM%ê :Ê , :‘ "** End of File **"· pA$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í pÁ z‰ ê ·  ********* TEST RANDOMLY **********ô ¸  ˆ)!¹ CCç :Cç :REVç :P$ç"" :PP$ç"" :Dç :DDç :NNçW!º ¿  :Ê , :‘ "READING DATA ..." :¿ ™!» Ê ,
:‘ "VOCABULARY TEST IN RANDOM ORDER. File = " VOCAB$£!¼ Ê ,í!½ ‘ "Enter R to reverse the order of testing, enter S to stop the test.C"¾ ‘ Î) "Enter + for correct answers, Press spacebar to write word to another file""¿ Ê 
, :‘ "LAST RECORD =" LASTREC% Î%) "THIS RECORD ="ž"À IIIçIIIé :‹ III æ  Í Å ¯"Á LLLçLASTREC%½" † M$(LLL)Í"Å ‚ Kç Ì LLLø"Æ þ‰ ,K :M$(K)çRWORD$ é RDEF$ é ÿ“(K)#Ç ƒ K#È Ê , :‘ Ö(," "),#Ì Sçÿ”(ÿ‚(þŽ,))9#à ¹ S :NçN#ê ‚ IçLLL Ì  Ï êf#ô Rçÿ…((Iê)ëÿˆé)«# RWORD$çÿƒ(M$(R),,) :RDEF$çÿƒ(M$(R),,() :K$çÿƒ(M$(R),=)Ô#& NçNé :Ê 
,2 :‘ K$ ÎE) "N =" Né#+ ‹ REVç Í X $0 Ê , :‘ "WORD: " RWORD$-$D A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í D B$E ‹ CCç Í T2çV$F ‹ Cç Í T1çz$G ‹ REVç Í T2çT2é :¡ T1çT1é™$H ‹ A$ç"s" ï A$ç"S" Í „Ñ$I ‹ A$ç"r" ï A$ç"R" Í REVçREVé :‹ REV æ  Í REVç%K ‹ REVç î A$ç"+" Í CCçCCé :Ê ,J :‘ CC"%L ‹ REVç î A$ç" " Í  XZ%M ‹ CC æè  Í QQ$çÿ“(CCìT2ëd)é".":DDçØ(QQ$,".")ê—%N ‹ REVç î CC æè  Í PP$çÿ(QQ$,DD)é"%":Ê ,J:‘ PP$ " "Ä%O ‹ REVç Í Ê , :‘ Ö(," ") :‰ ž ì%X Ê , :‘ "DEFINITION: " RDEF$&€ A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í € &&” ‹ A$ç"s" ï A$ç"S" Í „^&• ‹ A$ç"r" ï A$ç"R" Í REVçREVé :‹ REV æ  Í REVçŒ&— ‹ REVç î A$ç"+" Í CçCé :Ê ,J :‘ C¬&˜ ‹ REVç î A$ç" " Í  Xà&™ ‹ C æè  Í Q$çÿ“(CìT1ëd)é"." :DçØ(Q$,".")ê'š ‹ REVç î C æè  Í P$çÿ(Q$,D)é"%" :Ê ,J :‘ P$ " "/'› ‹ REVç Í 0 K'œ Ê , :‘ Ö((," ")^'ž M$(R)çM$(I)f'¨ ƒ I‰'² Ê , :‘ "** End of File **"¡'¼ A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í ¼ «'Ð ‰ „Ò'Ÿ ******* SEARCH FOR WORD ********Ü'  ˆ(ªÊ , :‘ "SEARCH AND EDIT. File = " VOCAB$?(¾Ê , :° … "ENTER WORD TO SEARCH FOR => ",S$Q(ÈLçÿ’(S$) :Açw(ÒÊ , :‘ "LAST RECORD =" LASTREC%§(ÜÊ ,( :‘ "SEARCHING RECORD NUMBER "¼(‚ Iç Ì LASTREC%Î( Ê ,A :‘ IÜ(, þ‰ #,Iû(@ ‹ Ø(RWORD$,S$) æ  Í ”)Tƒ I)hAçAé :‹ A æ  Í „B)m‹ ÿ•(S$) æ @ î ÿ•(S$) è [ Í „q)|‚ Mç Ì L :ÿƒ(S$,M,)çÑU$(ÿƒ(S$,M,)) :ƒ M{)‰ Ü¡)”Ê  , :‘ "WORD: " RWORD$Æ)ÆÊ 
, :‘ "DEFINITION: " RDEF$Ñ)øÊ ,* ‘ "To Edit the word or definition, reenter the word correctly."[**‘ "To continue the search, push the enter key without any entry."‚*H‘ "To stop the search, enter => S"¥*RÊ , :‘ "^" :Ê ," :‘ "^"Í*\Ê , :° … "WORD: ", WORD$ä*p‹ WORD$ ç "" Í T+z‹ ÿ’(WORD$) æ  Í Å :‘ "Word must be < 20 characters"Q+‹ ÿ’(WORD$) æ  Í Ê , :‘ Ö(O," ") :‰ \t+‚Ê , :‘ " " :Ê ," :‘ " "–+Ž‹ WORD$ç"S" ï WORD$ç"s" Í „¹+“Ê , :‘ "^" :Ê ,6 :‘ "^"ã+˜Ê , :° … "DEFINITION: ",MEANING$&,¢‹ ÿ’(MEANING$) æ ( Í Å:‘ "Definition must be < 40 characters"\,§‹ ÿ’ (MEANING$) æ ( Í Ê , :‘ Ö(O," ") :‰ ˜p,¬þ… RWORD$çWORD$†,Àþ… RDEF$çMEANING$’,Ôþˆ #,Iœ,è‰ „Ò,‡ ****** OPEN RANDOM ACCESS FILE SUBROUTINE *****ì,ˆÀ :º "R",#,VOCAB$,<-’þ‚ #, AS RWORD$,( AS RDEF$-œþ‰ #,4-¡‹ ÿ•(RWORD$)ç Í ìc-¦LASTREC%çý(RWORD$) :NEXTREC%çLASTREC% é z-°TESTNUM%çý(RDEF$)€-ºŽ¦-ë **** IF FILE IS NEW FILE ****Í-ìLASTREC%ç :TESTNUM%ç :NEXTREC%çñ-þ… RWORD$çý„() :þ… RDEF$çý„()ý-þˆ #,&.‹ L$ ç "I" ï L$ ç "i" ï L$ ç "2" Í ŽK. Å :Ê  , :‘ "*** NEW FILE ***"c.!A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í !m.(‰ „.o ******* QUICKSORT ********.pNN%çNN%é±.z‹ NN% æ  Í ã».¢ ˆÌ.¬NçLASTREC%êó.¶Ê , :‘ "PRINT A SORTED LISTING"-/ÀÊ , :‘ "File = " VOCAB$ " Number of words =" N:/ʸ BASE 1U/Ô† X$(LASTREC%),S(,)ƒ/ÞÊ  , :¿  :‘ "READING DATA ..." :¿ ˜/è‚ Iç Ì LASTREC%Ê/ü þ‰ #,I :X$(I)ç" "éRWORD$é" "éRDEF$Ò/ƒ Iô/$Ê  , :‘ "SORTING ... "0.Ê 
, :‘ "NUMBER OF SWAPS =" C2,08Pç :S(P,)ç@0LS(P,)çLASTREC%S0`‹ P èç  Í œs0tI1çS(P,) :J1çS(P,) :PçPê}0ˆ‰ d§0œÊ ,
:¿  :‘ "PRINTING ..." :¿ À0¦Ê  , :‘ Ö(," ")ì0° Ò) "VOCABULARY BUILDER " þ Ò) þŽ1ĝ Ò
) "FILE = " VOCAB$ Ò) N " WORDS" 1ɝ :N1Ν Î) "WORD" Î) "DEFINITION " : :C!ç
c1Ø‚ Iç Ì LASTREC%q1ì  X$(I)›1ñ C!çC!é :‹ Ø(ÿ“(C!ìA),".") ç  Í £1öƒ I­1‰ „Â1d‹ J1 èç I1 Í `×1ŒIçI1 :JçJ1 :Sçêê1 ‹ I æç J Í 2È‹ X$(I) èç X$(J) Í , 2ܤ X$(I),X$(J) :C2çC2é22ðÊ 
,/ :‘ C2;2SçêSM2,‹ S è  Í hW2@JçJêa2T‰  k2hIçIéu2|‰  ‹2‹ Ié æç J1 Í Ì¬2¤PçPé :S(P,)çIé :S(P,)çJ1·2ÌJ1çIêÁ2à‰ dù2W ***** OUTPUTS TO SEPARATE FILE IF SPACEBAR ******3X‹ ÿƒ(VOCAB$,Ø(VOCAB$,"."),) æè ".XXX" Í l3]Å :Ê , :‘ "No words written to another file. Change extension name XXX to something else."¥3bA$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í bÀ3gÊ , :‘ Ö(P," ") :ŽØ3l‹ HARD$ æè "" Í è4€HARD$çÿ(VOCAB$,Ø(VOCAB$,"."))é"XXX"=4ŠÊ ,
:‘ "Number of words written to file " HARD$ " ="w4”Ê , :‘ "Total number of words in file " HARD$ " ="4¼º "R",#,HARD$,<±4Ðþ‚ #, AS KEEPW$,( AS KEEPD$½4äþ‰ #,Ö4ø‹ ÿ•(KEEPW$)ç Í \5 LASTREC2çý(KEEPW$) :NEXTREC2çLASTREC2 é %5 TESTNUM2çý(KEEPD$) :‰ èK5H **** IF FILE IS NEW FILE ****r5\LASTREC2ç :TESTNUM2ç :NEXTREC2ç—5pþ… KEEPW$çý„() :þ… KEEPD$çý„()£5„þˆ #,É5èþ… KEEPW$çRWORD$ :þ… KEEPD$çRDEF$Ü5Lþˆ #,NEXTREC26eÊ ,/éÿ’(HARD$) :‘ NEXTREC2êLASTREC2)6oÊ ,/éÿ’(HARD$) :‘ NEXTREC2êA6~NEXTREC2çNEXTREC2éG6°Žr6w *** RECORD LAST RECORD FOR HARD$ ***Š6xLASTREC2çNEXTREC2ê½6Œþ… KEEPW$çý„(LASTREC2) :þ… KEEPD$çý„(TESTNUM2)É6ªþˆ #,Ö6´HARD$ç""Ü6ÈŽï6? *** HELP ***ø6@À :‘A7J‘ "The purpose of VOCABULARY BUILDER is to aid in buidling a larger"‰7T‘ "vocabulary by using the flash card approach. Words with their "Ó7^‘ "definitions can be entered and later presented to the user either"8h‘ "in the sequence they were entered or randomly without replacement."i8r‘ "The system allows the user to search for a word and edit it or its"´8|‘ "definition, and the system allows printing an alphabetized list of"û8†‘ "the words and definitions. Troublesome words can be output to"C9‘ "a separate file during testing for more rigorous testing later."I9š‘9¤‘ "Most of the options at the main menu are self-explanatory, but"Ò9®‘ "some explanation may be needed for the following options:"Ø9¸‘:‘ "2. Input new vocabulary words ... I"H:Ç‘ Ò) "A new file is started simply by changing the file name"Œ:È‘ Ò) "to a file name which is not on the default disk drive."Ô:Ì‘ Ò) "Words and definitions are written to a random access file.";Ö‘ Ò) "Words cannot exceed 20 characters, and definitions cannot"b;à‘ Ò) "exceed 40 characters, including spaces. The ^ characters"©;ê‘ Ò) "mark the boundaries for entries. Because the case of the"ñ;ë‘ Ò) "words matter for the search and edit option, I usually use"7<ì‘ Ò) "all upper case for words and definitions, and lower case"|<í‘ Ò) "for comments. Any characters, including commas, may be"Ê<î‘ Ò) "entered. Disk space is not conserved by shortening definitions."â<ôA$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í ô= À :‘ "3. Test in sequence ............. T"W= ‘ Ò) "Words entered together often have a common theme. It is"= ‘ Ò) "sometimes desireable to study these together. The first"ä=& ‘ Ò) "prompt after entering T asks for a record number on which"+>0 ‘ Ò) "to start. Every word when originally entered is assigned"s>: ‘ Ò) "to the next available record. Record number 1 is reserved"¶>N ‘ Ò) "for bookkeeping, but every other record number is for"ù>X ‘ Ò) "words and definitions. The first word and definition" ) "Spacebar ... Pushing the spacebar will cause the word and"Bø ‘ Ò) "definition currently displayed to be written"CB!‘ Ò) "to a file with the same name as the file being"‡B !‘ Ò) "used but having the extension XXX. Words can be added"ŸB!A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í !äB!À :‘ Ò) "to this file anytime. Before testing a file with an"+C*!‘ Ò) "extension of XXX, it might be a good idea to rename it so"pC4!‘ Ò) "that you can write any troublesome words to a new file."vC>!‘¢CH!‘ "3. Test randomly ................ R"¨CM!‘îCR!‘ Ò) "The same things mentioned above apply here; however, the"5D\!‘ Ò) "words are presented randomly without being repeated. The"rDf!‘ Ò) "N counter indicates the number of words tested."xDp!‘¤Dz!‘ "5. Search and Edit .............. S"ªD!‘ïD„!‘ Ò) "The search matches any similar string in the word. For"5EŽ!‘ Ò) "example, searching for ABC matches words like ABC, ABCD,"zE˜!‘ Ò) "or DABCDE. Case of the letters matters. If the search"ÁE¢!‘ Ò) "cannot find a match and the search word is in lower case,"F¬!‘ Ò) "the search word will be converted to upper case and the"NF­!‘ Ò) "file is searched again before going back to the main menu."fF±!A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í ±!«F¶!À :‘ "The default data set may be changed by modifying line 35."ðFÀ!‘ "When the main menu appears, enter B to exit to Basic. Enter"9GÊ!‘ "LIST 35. Change FRENCH.VOC (or whatever filename is assigned to"ƒGÔ!‘ "VOCAB$) to the desired filename, and push the enter key (carriage"ÊGÙ!‘ "return) while the cursor is still on that line. Then save the"HÞ!‘ "program over the old program by entering SAVE VOCAB with the word"ZHã!‘ "VOCAB in quotation marks. Be sure the disk used to load this"žHä!‘ "program is in the default drive. Color may be changed in a"çHå!‘ "similar way by changing the numbers following COLOR in lines 20,"ÿHæ!‘ "3002, and 6110."Iç!‘4Ið!‘ :‘ Ò) "This is my first BASIC program"fIñ!‘ Ò ) "Comments and suggestions are welcome"†Iò!‘ :‘ Ò) "David E. Miller"£Ió!‘ Ò) "1904 148th Ave."ÀIô!‘ Ò) "Lutz, FL 39553"ÜIõ!‘ Ò) "(813) 971-2088"ôI÷!A$çÞ :‹ A$ç"" Í ÷!þIü!‰ „

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : VOCAB.ZIP
Filename : VOCAB.BAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: