Category : Science and Education
Archive   : UCALC28.ZIP
Filename : UCALC.DOC

Output of file : UCALC.DOC contained in archive : UCALC28.ZIP

Copyright (C) 1992-1995 by Daniel Corbier
All Rights Reserved.



1. Introduction
2. UCALC Features
3. Getting Started
3.1 Installation
3.2 Single Calculations at the DOS Prompt
3.3 Interactive Calculations
3.4 Loading UCALC as a TSR
3.4.1 Memory
3.4.2 Swap file
3.4.3 Hot Key
3.4.4 Extra Memory
3.4.5 Text Buffer
4. UCALC Prompt
5. Table of Symbols
6. Order of Precedence
7. Flexible Syntax
8.1 How to Plot
8.1.1 Cartesian
8.1.2 Parametric
8.1.3 Polar
8.1.4 Plotting data from another file

8.1.5 Line Segment
8.1.6 Rectangle
8.1.7 Filling an Area
8.2 Graph Menu
8.2.1 [F2] Reset
8.2.2 [F3] Fill
8.2.3 [F4] Color
8.2.4 [F5] Grid/Axis
8.2.5 [F6] Dot/Connect
8.2.6 [F7] Trace
8.2.7 [F8] Mono
8.2.8 [F9] Zoom In
8.2.9 [F10] Zoom Out
8.3 Special Graphing Commands
8.3.1 AUTOCLR (automatic coloring)
8.3.2 AXIS (sets axis line color)
8.3.3 CONNECT (toggle for dot/connect)
8.3.4 GCOLOR (background color in graphic mode)
8.3.5 GRID (sets grid color & pattern)
8.3.6 MODE (selects graphic card)
8.3.7 MONO (turns colors off)
8.3.8 PPLOT (edits previously plotted equations)
8.3.9 PREC (sets graph precision)
8.3.10 WINDOW (sets screen coordinate system)
8.3.11 ZOOM (changes zoom factor)
8.4 Moving the Crosshair
8.5 Adding Text to the Screen
8.6 Printing a Graphic Screen
9. Summation
10. Numerical Integration
11. Solving Equations
12. Numerical Notations
13. Implicit Multiplications
14. Assigning Variables
15. Assigning Functions
16. Miscellaneous Commands
16.1 LOAD
16.2 WRITE
16.3 SHELL
16.4 COLOR
18. Technical Notes
19. Registration
20. Shareware Author & User Case Study
21. My Address
22. Distribution
23. Acknowledgments

1. Introduction

UCALC is a graphing scientific calculator which can optionally be
loaded as a TSR taking less than 6K of main memory. It can be used for
simple arithmetic, or complex scientific calculations. It supports
many built-in functions, operators, numerical notations, and modes. It
also allows for user-defined functions and variables. It can evaluate
expressions, solve equations, plot equations, perform numerical
integrations, do summations, and more. Expressions such as the
following are accepted:

63 - 5 + 4.75

(5.9-abs(2.8/5-3))^2 + sin( 3-(pi+3/4)*myfunction(a,b) )

solve 3*x^2+2*x-5 = 27

#b101010 and (#b10101 or #h1CC) * 2^5

plot sin(x)*x^2/10

2. UCALC Features

- MATH EXPRESSION EVALUATOR for simple or complex operations
- Arithmetic, bitwise, and relational operators
- Decimal, hexadecimal, binary and octal notations
- Trig, hyperbolic, and many other common sci. functions
- Supports user defined variables & functions with multiple arguments
- Radian, degree, and gradient modes for trig functions
- High precision: 18 significant digits. +/-3.4E-4932 to +/-1.2E+4932
- Equation solver, summation & sumtable, numerical integration

- Less than 6K main memory using EMS or file
- Main memory, EMS, or file, can be chosen
- Hot key can be chosen
- PASTE command
- TSR can be unloaded from memory

- Interactive menu with ZOOM, TRACE, COLOR, FILL, GRID, etc...
- Support for up to 16 supper-imposed multi-color user graphs
- Cartesian (rectangular), polar, and parametric user graphs
- Data from another file can be plotted
- Adjustable precision & screen coordinate system
- Text can be typed anywhere on the graph screen
- VGA, EGA, MCGA, CGA, and Hercules modes (auto detection or select)

- Online help with F1
- Line editor with expression recall
- Expressions can be entered at the DOS command line
- DOS redirection option
- Adjustable FIX & DIG notation

3. Getting Started

3.1 Installation

There is no elaborate procedure for installing UCALC. Simply type
UCALC to run the program. To customize UCALC, simply create or modify
the UCALC.DEF and UCALC.TSR text files (explained further down).
UCALC.EXE, UCALC.DEF, and UCALC.TSR can be placed in a directory
defined in the PATH statement of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file (such as the DOS
or UTILS directory), for easier access.

3.2 Single Calculations at the DOS Prompt

There are several ways of running the Ultimate Calculator. The first
way is to enter an expression at the DOS command line as follows:

UCALC 5+4*8/2 [enter]

At the DOS command line, UCALC will accept the following options:

/? Help
/TSR Loads UCALC as a memory resident program

UCALC also supports redirection from the DOS command line.

If an expression is present at the command line, it is evaluated, and
control returns to DOS. If redirection is performed, control also
returns to DOS when finished. Otherwise, it goes to the 'ucalc> '
prompt, where you may enter many expressions and quit with [Esc]. If a
symbol in the expression is in conflict with DOS, then enclose the
expression in quotes.


UCALC 3+6-2

UCALC "5^4 | 5*8"


UCALC < > output.uc

3.3 Interactive Calculations

UCALC also provides a line editor for performing multiple calculations.
This environment allows you to assign values to variables, and define
functions as you go along. To run UCALC in that mode, simply type
"UCALC" at the DOS command line without any expression as follows:

UCALC [enter]

When you are in this mode, you can press [F1] any time for help, and
[Esc] to quit the program. See EXAMPLES.DOC to get more ideas on how
to use UCALC. For a graphing demo, enter UCALC < PLOTDEMO from the
DOS prompt.

3.4 Loading UCALC as a TSR

A third and more convenient way of running UCALC is to first load it as
a TSR file. From then on, UCALC can be called instantly at any time
with a hot key, without the user having to go to the DOS prompt.

To load UCALC as a TSR program, simply type this at the DOS prompt:


Or, include that line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Once UCALC is memory
resident, it can be invoked at any time with a hot key such as "ALT U".
Before running UCALC as a TSR for the first time, check the parameters
in UCALC.TSR to make sure they match your needs.

The presence of a UCALC.TSR file is optional. In the absence of this
file, the parameters are set as follows:


The following parameters can be set in UCALC.TSR:

3.4.1 Memory

The following line sets how UCALC is loaded into memory as a TSR:


  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : UCALC28.ZIP
Filename : UCALC.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: