Category : Science and Education
Archive   : TW20.ZIP
Filename : TWQUICK.REF

Output of file : TWQUICK.REF contained in archive : TW20.ZIP
Control Commands begin with #,@ or % which must be placed in the first
column of a row. The format of each command is critical to its correct
interpretation. For example, the Command to clear the screen is #EF[,15,1]
The parameters in square brackets are optional but if they are used, the
commas must also be put in the correct places. If optional parameters are
not used, pre-programmed default values will be used in their place.
Each Command is explained within the HELP system and fully described
in the TutorialWriter Tutorial.

% .................................................. Page Marker
#AH,Center,lines .................................... Huge Robot Box
#AP,Center,lines .................................... Pointer Box
#AR,Center,lines .................................... Remember Box
#AL,lines[,Fore,back] ................................ Logo Box
#AC,x1,y1,Fore,Back,Message .......................... Cheering Robot
#AB,n[,Fore,Back] .................................... Big Letters
#BN,x1,y1,x2,y2,Boxtype,Grow,Center,lines,Fore,Back .. Normal Box
#BO,x1,y1,x2,y2,Boxtype,Grow,Center,lines,Fore,Back .. Overlay Box
#Cx1 ................................................. Cursor at Col x1
#Cx1,Ry1 ............................................. Cursor at x1,y1
#Dn .................................................. Delay n seconds
#EF[,Fore,Back] ...................................... Clear Full Screen
#EW[,Fore,Back] ...................................... Clear Work Screen
#EL,y1 ............................................... Erase a Line
#ES,x1,y1,x2,y2[,Fore,Back] .......................... Erase a Section
#GT,Identifier ....................................... Show Textscreen
#HP,Pointer,Direction,x1,y1[,Fore,Back] .............. Highlight Pointer
#HH,x1,y1,x2,Linetype[,Fore,Back] .................... Horizontal Line
#HV,x1,y1,y2,Linetype[,Fore,Back] .................... Vertical Line
#HS,x1,y1,x2,y2[,Fore,Back] .......................... Color Section
#HF,x1,y1,x2,y2,n[,Fore,Back] ........................ Fill with ASCII n
#Mfilename ........................................... Activate Menu
#NB .................................................. Beep
#NC .................................................. Two-tone Chime
#ND .................................................. Discourage Noise
#NE .................................................. Encourage Noise
#QQ,R,lines .......................................... Quick Question Robot
#QQ,B,lines .......................................... Quick Question Box
#QM,A,t,n ............................................ Mult Choice t, n Ans
#QM,L,t .............................................. Loop to Question t
#QM,C,t .............................................. Continue
@Qt ................................................ Mark Mult Choice t
@n ................................................. Mark Answers
@Ct ................................................. Mark Continue Point
#QT,Q,filename ....................................... Run Quiz(filename)
#QT,T,filename ....................................... Run Test(filename)
#Ry1 ................................................. Cursor at Row y1
#SK,S,n .............................................. Save Screen n
#SK,D,n .............................................. Dispose Screen n
#SK,R,Direction,n .................................... Restore Screen n
#SS,Direction,x1,y1,x2,y2,n .......................... Scroll Screen
#T[Fore,Back] ........................................ Put Title on
#UFilename.ext[,Parameters] ......................... Run program Filename
#W[Switch[,Switch[,Switch] ........................... Continue plus
#W .................................................. Continue or Quit
#WH .................................................. Continue,Quit,Help
#WP .................................................. Continue,Quit,Pageback
#WN .................................................. Continue
#X ................................................... End CHAPTER

Inline Commands begin with the symbol ~ or | and can be placed anywhere
in the text. They are removed before the text is printed to the screen.

~lowercaseletter - changes the background color of the text being printed.
~Uppercaseletter - changes the color of the text being printed.
~K - print with a clicking sound; ~k - cancel the clicking sound.
~S - slow write to the screen; ~s - cancel slow writing.

|word| makes 'word' a HYPERTEXT Button.

Color Codes Back Inline Fore Inline Color
0 ~z 0 ~Z Black
1 ~b 1 ~B Blue
2 ~g 2 ~G Green
3 ~c 3 ~C Cyan
4 ~r 4 ~R Red
5 ~m 5 ~M Magenta
6 ~y 6 ~Y Brown
7 ~w 7 ~W LightGray
8 ~Z~I DarkGray
9 ~B~I LightBlue
10 ~G~I LightGreen
11 ~C~I LightCyan
12 ~R~I LightRed
13 ~M~I LightMagenta
14 ~Y~I Yellow
15 ~W~I White

Adding ~F to the in-line foreground command makes it blink.

Values of Variables in Control Commands

Center : 1 - center text 0 - left justify text
Grow : 1 - grow 0 - appear fully drawn
Linetype : 1 - single line 2 - double line
Pointer : A - arrow T - triangle
Direction : U - up; D - down; L - left; R - right
N - iNstantly ( only used with #SK,R )

Boxtype: #BN #BO
0 - no border 0 - no border
1 - single line border 1 - single line border
2 - double line border 2 - double line border
3 - single top/bot,double sides 3 - single top/bot,double sides
4 - double top/bot,single sides 4 - double top/bot/single sides
5 .. 255 ASCII character 5 - as 0 with dropped shadow
6 - as 1 with dropped shadow
7 - as 2 with dropped shadow
8 - as 3 with dropped shadow
9 - as 4 with dropped shadow
10 .. 255 ASCII character

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : TW20.ZIP
Filename : TWQUICK.REF

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: