Dec 242017
New teacher grade averaging program, including single keystroke entry, error correction, and variable letter grade breakpoints.
File TCHRAVG9.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
New teacher grade averaging program, including single keystroke entry, error correction, and variable letter grade breakpoints.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
TCHRAVG9.ASC 1548 746 deflated
TCHRAVG9.BAS 1353 872 deflated
TCHRAVG9.DOC 892 514 deflated

Download File TCHRAVG9.ZIP Here

Contents of the TCHRAVG9.DOC file

25 May 1992
Documentation for TCHRAVG9.BAS
Teacher Grade Averaging Program for BASIC, BASICA, GWBASIC, QUICKBASIC

1) Edit lines 450 - 540 if necessary to change letter grade transition
points to match those of your school system

2) To run the program:
a) Execute under any of the popular BASIC language routines
b) Enter each new grade by keying in the 2 digit numeric grade
c) To repeat the last previous entry just hit (CR)
d) To enter a 100% grade just hit H
e) To reset after an average is obtained hit R (no (CR) needed)
f) To clear an erroneous line enterred hit C (no (CR) needed)
g) To end the program hit Q (no (CR) needed)

3) Program includes "error filter" to automatically reject a disallowed entry;
this filter returns to previous values before erroneous keystroke.

4) Have fun and enjoy!

Dick Lodwig
Gaithersburg, Md 20882

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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