Dec 242017
New teacher grade averaging program, including single keystroke entry, error correction, and variable letter grade breakpoints. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
TCHRAVG9.ASC | 1548 | 746 | deflated |
TCHRAVG9.BAS | 1353 | 872 | deflated |
TCHRAVG9.DOC | 892 | 514 | deflated |
Download File TCHRAVG9.ZIP Here
Contents of the TCHRAVG9.DOC file
25 May 1992
Documentation for TCHRAVG9.BAS
Teacher Grade Averaging Program for BASIC, BASICA, GWBASIC, QUICKBASIC
1) Edit lines 450 - 540 if necessary to change letter grade transition
points to match those of your school system
2) To run the program:
a) Execute under any of the popular BASIC language routines
b) Enter each new grade by keying in the 2 digit numeric grade
c) To repeat the last previous entry just hit (CR)
d) To enter a 100% grade just hit H
e) To reset after an average is obtained hit R (no (CR) needed)
f) To clear an erroneous line enterred hit C (no (CR) needed)
g) To end the program hit Q (no (CR) needed)
3) Program includes "error filter" to automatically reject a disallowed entry;
this filter returns to previous values before erroneous keystroke.
4) Have fun and enjoy!
Dick Lodwig
Gaithersburg, Md 20882
December 24, 2017
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