Category : Science and Education
Archive   : SURF1311.ZIP
Filename : REFLECT.PAS

Output of file : REFLECT.PAS contained in archive : SURF1311.ZIP
program REFLECT;

{ Read an existing SOLMODL data file, and reflect all the data across
the X axis. }

const MAXNODES = 1000; { maximum # of nodes in the entire solid }
MAXCONNECT = 3000; { maximum # of connections in entire solid }
MAXSURF = 1000; { maximum # of surfaces in entire solid }
MAXMATL = 30; { maximum # of materials in entire solid }
MAXVAR = 20; { maximum # of numeric inputs on a line }
MAXLITE = 20; { maximum # of light sources }

type text80 = string[80];
vartype = array[1..MAXVAR] of real;
nodearray = array[1..MAXNODES] of real;

var Xworld, Yworld, Zworld: nodearray;
{ world coordinates of each node }
Connect: array[1..MAXCONNECT] of integer;
{ surface connectivity data }
Nvert: array[1..MAXSURF] of integer;
{ # vertices per surface }
Matl: array[1..MAXSURF] of integer;
{ material number of each surface }
R1, R2, R3: array[1..MAXMATL] of real;
{ material reflectivity constants }
Color: array[1..MAXMATL] of integer;
{ material color number }
Ambient: array[1..MAXMATL] of real;
{ ambient light intensity }
Xlite, Ylite, Zlite: array[1..MAXLITE] of real;
{ coords of light sources }
Intensity: array[1..MAXLITE] of real;
{ light source intensities }

Flpurpose: string[127]; { title for plot }
Maxvert: integer; { max # vertices per surface }
Nsurf: integer; { # surfaces }
Nnodes: integer; { # nodes }
Nlite: integer; { # light sources }
Nmatl: integer; { number of materials }
Nsides: integer; { #sides of surface used (1 or 2)}
Fileread: boolean; { flag that a file was read }

{ Two important functions for decoding the Connect array: }

function KONNEC (Surf, Vert: integer): integer;
{ Decode the Connect array to yield the connection data: Vertex Vert of
surface Surf. This function returns an index to the global Xtran, Ytran,
and Ztran arrays (i.e., a node number) }
Konnec := Connect[(Surf-1) * Maxvert + Vert];
end; { function Konnec }

{ null procedure READINI }
procedure READINI (Flnm: text80);

{ Procedure include files }
{$I INREAL.PAS } { procedure INREAL }
{$I READFILE.PAS } { procedure READFILE }

{ variables local to the main procedure }

var Outfile: text;
Mat: integer;
Node: integer;
Surf: integer;
Vert: integer;

Fileread := FALSE;
writeln ('Reading file ', paramstr(1));
readfile (paramstr(1));
assign (Outfile, paramstr(2));
writeln ('Writing file ', paramstr(2));
rewrite (Outfile);
writeln (Outfile, Flpurpose);
writeln (Outfile, 4);
writeln (Outfile, Nmatl:3, Nnodes*2:5, Nsurf*2:5, Maxvert:3, Nsides:3);
for Mat := 1 to Nmatl do
writeln (Outfile, R1[Mat]:7:3, R2[Mat]:7:3, R3[Mat]:7:3, ' ',Color[Mat]:3,
' ', Ambient[Mat]:7:3);
for Node := 1 to Nnodes do
writeln (Outfile, Xworld[Node]:7:3, Yworld[Node]:7:3, Zworld[Node]:7:3);

{ Reflecting Nodes }
for Node := 1 to Nnodes do
writeln (Outfile, -Xworld[Node]:7:3, Yworld[Node]:7:3, Zworld[Node]:7:3);
for Surf := 1 to Nsurf do begin
write (Outfile, Nvert[Surf]:3, Matl[Surf]:3);
for Vert := 1 to Nvert[Surf] do
write (Outfile, konnec (Surf, Vert):5);
writeln (Outfile);
{ Reflecting Surfaces }
for Surf := 1 to Nsurf do begin
write (Outfile, Nvert[Surf]:3, Matl[Surf]:3);
for Vert := 1 to Nvert[Surf] do begin
Node := konnec (Surf, Nvert[Surf]-Vert+1);
{ If node has X=0 then use the old node number instead of the new.
Makes interpolation across X=0 possible. }
if (Xworld[Node] <> 0.0) then
write (Outfile, (Node + Nnodes):5)
write (Outfile, Node:5);
writeln (Outfile);
close (Outfile);
end. { Program Reflect }

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : SURF1311.ZIP
Filename : REFLECT.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: