Category : Science and Education
Archive   : SURF1311.ZIP
Filename : GOURAUD.PRE

Output of file : GOURAUD.PRE contained in archive : SURF1311.ZIP
procedure GOURAUD;
{ Make a surface model drawing of the object with Gouraud interpolation
of surface shading }

var Node: integer; { node # }
Surf: integer; { surface # }
Shade: real; { shade of surface }
Shade2: real; { shade of 2nd side of surface }
Vert: integer; { vertex # }
Interp: boolean; { flag interpolated shading }
#ifndef BIGMEM
Shades: nodearray;
{ shade at each node }
Surfmin, Surfmax: surfaces;
{ surface minimum & maximum (Ztran) }
Nshades: array[1..MAXNODES] of integer;
{ # shades to average per node }
Sshade: surfaces;
{ shade at each surface }
label ABORTTEXT, { text-mode abort }
ABORTGRPH; { graphics-mode abort }

#ifdef BIGMEM
with ptrh^ do with ptri^ do with ptrj^ do

with ptra^ do with ptrb^ do with ptrc^ do
with ptrd^ do with ptre^ do with ptrf^ do
with ptrh^ do with ptri^ do with ptrj^ do
with ptrk^ do with ptrl^ do with ptrm^ do

if (checkey) then goto ABORTTEXT;
#ifndef NOSHADOW
if (Shadowing) then begin
shadows (Shades);
for Node := 1 to Nnodes do
Nshades[Node] := 0;
end else
if (Shadowing) then
writeln ('Error: Shadows not implemented in this version')
for Node := 1 to Nnodes do begin
Shades[Node] := 0.0;
Nshades[Node] := 0;

if (Viewchanged) or (Shadowing) then begin
if (checkey) then goto ABORTTEXT;
menumsg ('Transforming to 2-D...');
{ Transform from 3-D to 2-D coordinates }
for Node := 1 to Nnodes do
perspect (Xworld[Node], Yworld[Node], Zworld[Node],
Xtran[Node], Ytran[Node], Ztran[Node]);

{ Set plotting limits and normalize transformed coords to screen coords }
perspect (Xfocal, Yfocal, Zfocal, Xfotran, Yfotran, Zfotran);
if (not setnormal (Xfotran, Yfotran, XYmax)) then begin
menumsg ('Warning: Focal point outside data limits.');
write (' Press any key ...');
while (not keypressed) do;
{ Erase the previous message }
menumsg ('');
write (' ');

if (checkey) then goto ABORTTEXT;
{ Normalize all the nodes }
for Node := 1 to Nnodes do
normalize (Xtran[Node], Ytran[Node], Xfotran, Yfotran, XYmax);
{ Initialize all nodal shades to zero }

if (checkey) then goto ABORTTEXT;
menumsg ('Sorting surfaces...');
minmax (Surfmin, Surfmax, Nsurf);
shelsurf (Surfmin, Surfmax, Nsurf);
Viewchanged := FALSE;
end; { if Viewchanged }

setshade; { Setup for shading calculations }

{ Compute the cumulative shading at every node (sum the shades due to
all surrounding surfaces) }
if (checkey) then goto ABORTTEXT;
menumsg ('Computing shades...');
for Surf := 1 to Nsurf do begin
if (Nsides = 2) then begin
{ Use only the side of the surface with the brightest shade }
Shade := Shading (Surf, 1);
Shade2 := Shading (Surf, 2);
if (Shade2 > Shade) then
Shade := Shade2;
end else
Shade := Shading (Surf, 1);
{ Surface shade }
Sshade[Surf] := Shade;
{ Nodal shade }
for Vert := 1 to Nvert[Surf] do begin
Node := konnec (Surf, Vert);
if (Shade >= 0.0) and (Shades[Node] >= 0.0) then begin
Shades[Node] := Shades[Node] + Shade;
Nshades[Node] := Nshades[Node] + 1;
end; { for Vert }
end; { for Surf }

if (checkey) then goto ABORTTEXT;
{ Now average out the nodal shading }
for Node := 1 to Nnodes do
if (Nshades[Node] > 0) then
Shades[Node] := Shades[Node] / Nshades[Node];

{ Now plot all the surfaces, with Gouraud shading }
for Surf := 1 to Nsurf do begin
if (Sshade[Surf] >= 0.0) then begin
Interp := TRUE;
{ If any nodal shade varies from the average (surface) shade by more
than Epsilon, then don't use interpolated shading (unless the node
is in a shadow, in which case you should interpolate anyway) }
for Vert := 1 to Nvert[Surf] do begin
Node := konnec (Surf, Vert);
if (abs(Shades[Node] - Sshade[Surf]) > Epsilon) and
(Shades[Node] >= 0.0) then
Interp := FALSE;
if (Interp) then
intrfill (Surf, Color[Matl[Surf]], Shades)
fillsurf (Surf, Color[Matl[Surf]], Sshade[Surf]);
end; { if Sshade }
if (grafstat) then goto ABORTGRPH;
end; { for Surf }
drawaxes (Xfotran, Yfotran, XYmax);
{ Wait for user keypress to continue }
#ifdef BIGMEM
end; {with}
end; {procedure GOURAUD }

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : SURF1311.ZIP
Filename : GOURAUD.PRE

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: