Dec 262017
SpanMath v1.0 Spanish/English math tutor.
File SPANMATH.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
SpanMath v1.0 Spanish/English math tutor.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
HOW.TO 333 213 deflated
README.1ST 1644 795 deflated
SPANMATH.EXE 49342 29148 deflated

Download File SPANMATH.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

Spanmath 1.0

This is the first in a series of foreign language math programs created by
ISD, there are at least two more coming in the months following the release of
this one. Much time and thought has been put into the designing of this
program, but if you see something that could be improved I encourage you to
write us about your suggestion. A $10 user fee is required to register the
program and send you the registered version (make checks payable to Chris
Thorson). I will work on designing this program to fit the needs for the
majority of the people I hear from. Send money or comments to:

Infinity Software Development
C/O Chris Thorson
17230 Driscoll St. NW
Ramsey, MN 55303

(Please indicate which program you are registering)
I can be reached on several BBSs four are listed below:

TwinLink CompuServe
(612) 884-4500 (Check Local Listings)
CIS ID#: 70053,1575

Zylink U.S. Veterans
(612) 776-1502 (612) 522-2026

(On BBSs where Chris Thorson cannot be found try Tiberus)

This program may be copied and shared freely under the condition that none
of the files are changed, no files are added, and no files are removed. Also,
no fee may be charged for distribution.


Spanmath (c)Copyright Chris Thorson, 1990-1991

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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