Dec 242017
Simulate a planetarium. EGA/VGA required.
File SKYPLOT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Simulate a planetarium. EGA/VGA required.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
OBJECTS.DAT 128 55 deflated
README.TXT 1176 547 deflated
SKYPLOT.DAT 37120 6828 deflated
SKYPLOT.DOC 31994 10409 deflated
SKYPLOT.EXE 84428 47584 deflated
SKYPLOTE.EXE 86076 48037 deflated
STARS.250 8192 1716 deflated
STARS.350 9344 1985 deflated
STARS.400 16256 3191 deflated
STARS.450 28288 5333 deflated
STARS.500 50560 9057 deflated

Download File SKYPLOT.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

Dog-Star Observatory
c/o G. Santoro
148 W. Hamilton Ave.
State College, PA 16801

On this disk you will find the latest version of my SKYPLOT
planetarium simulator. User instructions are in the file

Please note that if you are using the EGA version of skyplot
the appropriate exe file to use is SKYPLOTE.EXE.

SKYPLOT was created in the interest of furthering popular
education in astronomy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Please bear in mind that the $10 donation is only a request.
If you don't want to send $10 don't worry about it. Any
donations received will be used to finance my other
'freeware-type' projects.

Gerry Santoro

ps - if you have access to a networked mainframe you can
reach me at:

GMS @ PSUVM (bitnet)
. . . psuvax1!psuvm.bitnet!gms (uucp)

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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