Jan 032018
SKY - a planetarium simulator. Works with CGA, EGA, or VGA.
File SKY121P.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
SKY – a planetarium simulator. Works with CGA, EGA, or VGA.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
LINE.DAT 1920 1669 deflated
NGC.DAT 25235 12480 deflated
READ.ME 390 185 deflated
SKY.DEF 382 262 deflated
SKY.DOC 6130 2395 deflated
SKY.EXE 94816 48582 deflated
STAR.DAT 109152 86416 deflated
STARNAME.DAT 3110 1620 deflated

Download File SKY121P.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

This just show's what files do what...

SKY.EXE <--- Planetarium sim. (main program)
SKY.DEF <--- DEFault's (edit to set your location, etc.)
LINE.DAT <--- data for SKY

 January 3, 2018  Add comments

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