Dec 142017
Analyze ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves) that one can derive from catagorical data.
File ROCV5.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Analyze ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves) that one can derive from catagorical data.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ATT.BGI 6029 4173 deflated
CENTOR1.ROC 20 20 stored
CENTOR2.ROC 20 20 stored
CENTOR3.ROC 20 20 stored
CGA.BGI 6029 4176 deflated
DASUBJ1.ROC 24 24 stored
DASUBJ2.ROC 24 24 stored
DASUBJ3.ROC 24 24 stored
DASUBJ4.ROC 24 24 stored
EGAVGA.BGI 5139 3726 deflated
EXAMPLE1.ROC 20 20 stored
HANMCNL1.ROC 20 17 deflated
HERC.BGI 5933 4176 deflated
README.1ST 1350 619 deflated
ROC.DOC 21817 6688 deflated
ROC.EXE 106336 44161 deflated
YATES_F2.ROC 20 20 stored
YATES_R3.ROC 20 20 stored
YATES_S2.ROC 20 20 stored

Download File ROCV5.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

Thanks for evaluating the ROC ANALYZER. This file is one of
several on this disk (or archive if you downloaded it from a
bulletin board). We have tried to provide adequate help
throughout the program. We have also provided a brief manual. If
you have difficulties with our program, please contact Robert M.
Centor by any of the 3 electronic methods listed in the

This disk should contain the following files:

ROC.EXE The main program file
*.BGI Four graphics files
*.ROC Several .ROC files to examine
ROC.DOC The reference guide
README.1ST This file

We recommend that you print the reference guide and read it prior
to running the program, however, we know that you probably won't
(since we hardly ever read guides first). To run the program,
just type ROC and press the Enter key.

Please communicate with us and let us know what features might
help you further. We have several ideas of expanded features,
however, our major goal is to add features that users need.

Robert M. Centor
Jerry Keightley

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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