Dec 242017
PROGENITORS - A comprehensive genealogical database program.
File PROGEN.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
PROGENITORS – A comprehensive genealogical database program.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
EPSON.PRD 150 108 deflated
MAKEPRD.COM 16483 11772 deflated
OKI9293.PRD 195 139 deflated
PGSETUP.COM 12109 9024 deflated
PROGEN.000 3072 1584 deflated
PROGEN.001 8704 5039 deflated
PROGEN.002 13824 7324 deflated
PROGEN.003 17152 7446 deflated
PROGEN.COM 25525 14831 deflated
PROGEN.CRL 64 54 deflated
PROGEN.DOC 57984 12774 deflated
PROGEN.LST 21504 5341 deflated
PROGENS1.SCR 4000 322 deflated
PROPRINT.PRD 155 125 deflated
READ.ME 1107 572 deflated
SOUNDEXA.COM 11392 8475 deflated
WHEELPTR.PRD 152 110 deflated

Download File PROGEN.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

Notes on Progenitors Version 1.1
Notes on Progenitors Version 1.1 Dec 1, 1985

1. Marriage records now include place of marriage. Maximum number of
children for a marriage increased from 10 to 12. Registered users who submit
a serial number ending in .1 rather than .11 as the copy they are initially
using will receive a utility program which converts version 1.0
marriage records to version 1.1 marriage records.

2. Strike any key prompt removed from printer listings of datbase. Thus the
entire listing will printout unattended.

3.Miscellaneous other bugs which resulted in inappropriate promtps corrected.

4. When adding records the prompt "Add Marriage" appears. If the marriage
has already been added for the individual's spouse then answer 'N' to this.

5. if a child died in infancy before it was named enter "DI" when prompted
for the ID of this child. This will allow for such entries in marriage
records without occupying a space in the database. When the record is
output "Died in infancy" will printout.

Jay Anderson

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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