Dec 152017
PCTRAK will graphically track your favorite terrestrial satellites with ease, accuracy, and money left in your pocket. Requires EGA or VGA.
File PCT214.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
PCTRAK will graphically track your favorite terrestrial satellites with ease, accuracy, and money left in your pocket. Requires EGA or VGA.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PCTRACK 0 0 stored
COLORS.DEF 12 12 stored
CONVERT.DOC 5834 2581 deflated
CONVERT.EXE 25744 16491 deflated
DATA 0 0 stored
OBJECTS.DAT 12816 9785 deflated
OBSERVER.DAT 1464 917 deflated
DESCRIBE.DOC 8484 3154 deflated
GETHELP.DOC 4839 1976 deflated
GRAPHICS 0 0 stored
CGLOBE0.IMG 29952 6232 deflated
CGLOBE0.PRM 52 50 deflated
CGLOBE1.IMG 29952 5134 deflated
CGLOBE1.PRM 52 47 deflated
CGLOBE2.IMG 29952 4442 deflated
CGLOBE2.PRM 52 48 deflated
CGLOBE3.IMG 29952 6168 deflated
CGLOBE3.PRM 52 48 deflated
FGLOBE0.IMG 29952 960 deflated
FGLOBE0.PRM 52 50 deflated
FGLOBE1.IMG 29952 916 deflated
FGLOBE1.PRM 52 47 deflated
FGLOBE2.IMG 29952 881 deflated
FGLOBE2.PRM 52 48 deflated
FGLOBE3.IMG 29952 966 deflated
FGLOBE3.PRM 52 48 deflated
MAP0.BMP 62 52 deflated
MAP0.IMG 44032 4881 deflated
MAP0.MGB 45824 3447 deflated
MAP0.MGT 45824 4699 deflated
MAP0.PRM 62 54 deflated
MAP1.BMP 62 55 deflated
MAP1.IMG 44032 3508 deflated
MAP1.MGB 45824 2501 deflated
MAP1.MGT 45824 3390 deflated
MAP1.PRM 62 55 deflated
MAP2.BMP 62 54 deflated
MAP2.IMG 44032 2287 deflated
MAP2.MGB 45824 1511 deflated
MAP2.MGT 45824 2154 deflated
MAP2.PRM 62 55 deflated
MAP3.BMP 62 53 deflated
MAP3.IMG 44032 3602 deflated
MAP3.MGB 45824 3104 deflated
MAP3.MGT 45824 2933 deflated
MAP3.PRM 62 53 deflated
MAP4.BMP 62 53 deflated
MAP4.IMG 44032 3589 deflated
MAP4.MGB 45824 2537 deflated
MAP4.MGT 45824 2897 deflated
MAP4.PRM 62 54 deflated
MAP5.BMP 62 55 deflated
MAP5.IMG 44032 2252 deflated
MAP5.MGB 45824 1209 deflated
MAP5.MGT 45824 2273 deflated
MAP5.PRM 62 56 deflated
MAP6.BMP 62 55 deflated
MAP6.IMG 44032 2507 deflated
MAP6.MGB 45824 1463 deflated
MAP6.MGT 45824 2512 deflated
MAP6.PRM 62 55 deflated
MAP7.BMP 62 54 deflated
MAP7.IMG 44032 3122 deflated
MAP7.MGB 45824 2714 deflated
MAP7.MGT 45824 2335 deflated
MAP7.PRM 62 54 deflated
HELP.TXT 32436 8802 deflated
LICENSE.DOC 7180 2173 deflated
OMBDSMAN.DOC 674 387 deflated
PACKING.LST 3800 1311 deflated
PCT.EXE 227642 96403 deflated
PCT.ICO 766 180 deflated
PCT.PIF 545 152 deflated
PCTSCAN.DOC 4002 1563 deflated
PCTSCAN.EXE 43392 22659 deflated
README 7400 2941 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 7472 2629 deflated
SHARWARE.DOC 28349 8900 deflated
SYSOP.DOC 4584 1782 deflated
SYSTEM.DEF 463 156 deflated
TLE.TXT 22516 8440 deflated
USRGUIDE.DOC 103280 24046 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 7834 2728 deflated
WARRANTY.DOC 2546 977 deflated

Download File PCT214.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file


What is PC-TRACK?

PC-TRACK is a simple but sophisticated means of tracking
earth orbiting satellites. PC-TRACK is capable of tracking up to
8 satellites simultaneously in 4D! (Using the x, y, z axes and

PC-TRACK is useful to amateur radio and weather satellite users,
science teachers, experimenters, and serious satellite users.
Use it for demonstrating orbital mechanics, predicting
availability times, making presentations, performing satellite
constellation studies, and general orbital analyses. PC-TRACK
uses satellite data readily available from NASA and other

PC-TRACK offers the following features.


- Can track in 3D on spherical world projections.
- Can track up to 8 satellites simultaneously.
- Text screen tracking for users with no EGA capability.
- Large (nearly full screen) maps included.
- Rapid graphics screen redraw.
- Informative satellite position display.
- Quick start-up.
- Downlink frequency display, showing doppler shift.
- Current Orbital Phase, based on current mean anomaly.
- Multiple maps of world and continents available.
- AUTOMAP feature available during track which selects appropriate map
or globe view for current position of selected satellite.
- All stations in database displayed on the maps and globes.
- Can be configured to track using UTC time or LOCAL time
(without changing time zones).
- Can be configured to display distances using metric or english system.
- Separate data paths for maps.
- Satellites can be tracked with or without ground track.
- Full control of Date, Time, and Interval used to predict object data.
- DOS real time clock can be set while tracking.
- Object and Observer files sorted by name.
- Can use custom named observer and object data files from command line.
- Disk errors reported to user.
- Can print computed data for any one of the 8 tracked objects.
- Can print either all points or just those in range of the observer.
- Simple option selection (by single letter).
- Uses overlay file to use less system RAM.
- Overlay uses EMS 4.0 memory if available to reduce conventional
memory usage.
- Can store data for up to 200 objects and 200 observers.
- Includes conversion program for NASA 2 line Orbital Elements.



In order to run properly, PC-TRACK needs...

any 8088, 8086, 80286, 80386SX, 80386, 80486 processor based
(A math coprocessor significantly improves performance, but is not
necessary to run.)

640K RAM. (Must have at least 500K available.) (will also use
EMS 4.0 memory for the overlay file.

at least 2MB of disk space.

MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.0 or greater.

EGA Color Video (Required for graphics use. Any lesser video
standard will work using the TEXT track capability).

an optional printer capable of printing 6 and at least 12
Characters Per Inch (CPI);

The operational files included on the Distribution Disk.


A] Change directory to PCTRACK by typing "CD \PCTRACK"

B] Print The Users Guide...

I recommend you print out the users guide provided on the
distribution disk in the PROGRAM.EXE file. It was installed
in the same subdirectory as the main program. It explains
how to use PC-TRACK. To print out the PC-TRACK Manual, just


C] Start PCTRACK by typing "PCT"


PC-TRACK contains in the file OBJECTS.DAT information on
several weather and amateur satellites. You may wish to track
other satellites and in time the included data will become out of
date. It will be necessary in any case to update this
information. The satellite information required can be obtained
by requesting the "NASA PREDICTION BULLETIN" or the "TWO LINE
ORBITAL ELEMENTS" for each of the objects desired, referenced by


You may also request a package of prediction bulletins for
certain categories of objects such as weather or amateur radio
satellites rather than by individual CATALOG NUMBERS.

If you do not know the CATALOG NUMBER of the satellites you wish
to order data for, you can request the current "SATELLITE
SITUATION REPORT". To the best of my knowledge there is no charge
for this document and it can also be obtained from the above

The Satellite Situation Report lists almost every object
currently in orbit. Each object is cataloged by the International
Designation and by Catalog number. It also lists the name, launch
date, orbital period in minutes, inclination, apogee, perigee,
and transmitting frequency. By using this document you can
determine the catalog numbers of the objects you wish to track
with PC-TRACK.


The Celestial BBS is a public domain Bulletin Board System (BBS)
designed to facilitate communications between individuals with
interests in the space sciences (Astronomy, Astrodynamics,
Astrophysics, Celestial Mechanics, and Satellite Technology) and
related computer applications. The BBS may be used to pass
information and ask questions on these and related subjects. The
BBS is intended to provide a Public Domain Software Exchange
(PDSE) primarily for applications relating to the space sciences,
as well as general utilities. All contributions are welcome!

The Celestial BBS receives calls at
(513) 427-0674.

The SYSOP is T.S. Kelso.

The mailing address is:

Celestial BBS
2340 Raider Drive
Fairborn, OH 45324-2001

 December 15, 2017  Add comments

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