Dec 252017
Performs Ohm calculations, and is designed to perform most common electrical contracting calculations.
File OHMCALC.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Performs Ohm calculations, and is designed to perform most common electrical contracting calculations.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ELECTRC3.DOC 8026 2856 deflated
ELECTRC3.EXE 77056 38593 deflated
OHMS.EXE 34992 11294 deflated
OHMSLAW.DOC 3467 1313 deflated

Download File OHMCALC.ZIP Here

Contents of the ELECTRC3.DOC file

----------------------- ELECTRC3 -------------------------

MS/DOS OR PC/DOS Version 2 or higher
150k of free memory
Mono or color monitor
1 disk drive

Program Description :

ELECTRC3 is designed to perform most common electrical contracting
calculations such as:

Power/voltage/current/resistance of resistive loads.
Lighting fixture calculations based on zonal cavity method
Calculate voltage drop for various loads, voltages and run lengths.
Calculate required wire size based on allowable voltage drops.
Determine the cost to operate various loads at different kwh charges.
Determine conduit size for combination of different wire sizes & types.


Changes In This Update :

New screen layouts
Improved input error control
Single key menu selections
Conduit Selector Function has completely revised input routine


Functions in ELECTRC3 :

(1) Dc Power/Voltage/Current/Resistance :

Calculates values for two unknown values of power, voltage,
current and resistance in DC circuits or in 100% power factor AC circuits.

Enter the values for any two parameters and the results are calc-
ulated for the other two.


(2) Lighting Calculation ( Zonal Cavity Method )

Calculates the number of lighting fixtures required.

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) has devised a flexible
and accurate method for calculating lighting requirements, called the
Zonal Cavity Method. This method assumes that any room or area to be
lighted is made up of three cavities. The "Ceiling Cavity" extends from the
ceiling surface down to the fixture level. the "Room Cavity" extends from
the fixture level down to the work height level (usually desktop level).
The "Floor Cavity" extends from the work height level down to the floor.
Also, two of these cavities (Ceiling and Floor cavities) have
valus of "Effective Reflectance" which are calculated based on their
dimensions and their surface color/textures.
Each lighting equipment manufacturer publishes data for the
"Coefficient of Utilization" (CU) for each fixture type and size in it's line.
The CU of a fixture is a measure of it's efficiency under specific conditions
of room cavity values and effective reflectance values.
In calculating the fixture requirement for an area, the above param-
eters are combined with calculated values for "Depreciation Factor" and
"Maintenance Factor", both of which refer to the natural light reduction
over time due to lamp aging and dirt buildup.
Another important part of the calculation is the "Footcandle Level".
This is the degree of brightness you require in an area.
Using the values from all the above calculations, the actual quantity
of fixtures required can be accurately determined.

This version of ELECTRC3 supports the Zonal Cavity Method with
the following restrictions :

1. Fixtures are assumed to be mounted flush on or recessed in the ceiling.

2. The "Work Height level is assumed to be the floor (which means the foot-
candle level you specify is maintained at the floor instead of at the
work height level).

3. Ceiling reflectivity is assumed to be 80 % (average for white or off white).
4. Wall reflectivity is assumed to be 50 % (average for pastels, tans).
5. Floor reflectivity is assumed to be 20 % (accurate for most colors).

6. Depreciation and Maintenance factors are assumed to be 1 (average).

Even with the above six restrictions, this program will calculate results
that are accurate for most general purpose applications.

To proceed with a calculation, answer the prompts with the values
for your room or area. All prompts for dimensions must be entered in feet.
(ex... if ceiling height is 6' 6" then input 6.5 at the prompt).

****** See " REGISTERED USER UPGRADE " At The End Of This File. ******


(3) Voltage Drop Calculator :

Calculates the voltage drop on single phase or polyphase AC circuits.
Copper and aluminum conductors are supported.

This function is straightforward. Simply enter your values at
the prompts and the results will be automatically calculated.

****** See " REGISTERED USER UPGRADE " At The End Of This File. ******


(4) Select Wire Size Based On Percent Voltage Drop :

Calculates the conductor size required to carry a certain load
for some distance at a certain voltage while not exceeding a specific
voltage drop percentage.

This function is straightforward. Simply enter your values at
the prompts and the results will be automatically calculated.


(5) Calculate Cost To Operate Various Loads :

Calculates the cost to operate a certain load a number of hours daily
for some number of days at a certain KWH utility charge.

This function is straightforward. Simply enter your values at
the prompts and the results will be automatically calculated.


(6) Conduit Size Selector :

Calculates the trade size of conduit required for a group of conductors.

Move cursor block to the desired wire size/type position then enter
the quantity of that size/type to include in the conduit.
At this point you can press ENTER to record that entry or you can
abort that entry by moving the cursor block with the direction keys.
You can use the BACKSPACE key to edit the entry at any time.
If you want to include other size/types of conductors into the same
conduit, then repeat the above procedure. You can enter any combination
of conductors in the same conduit.
When you are finished entering, press the CONTROL and END keys
together. The program will then list all the conductors you chose for the
calculation then calculate the required trade size conduit required.



If you register your copy of ELECTRC3 you will be sent an expanded
version, ELECTRC4, which includes all the features of ELECTRC3 plus :

1. A substantially expanded .doc file with detailed information about all
the formulas and working principles of every function supported.

2. An expanded version of the ZONAL CAVITY METHOD lighting calculator which
is 100 percent compatible with the IES standard. Also a built in data-
base of CU specifications compiled by IES, which the program will
access and use in your calculations.

3. A version of the VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATOR which allows calculations
using a wider range of current values and conductor sizes.

4. Handy built in DEVICE BOX FILL table and GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SIZE table.

ELECTRC4 will be available ONLY to users who register version 3.

To register your copy of ELECTRC3 and immediately receive ELECTRC4,
send registration fee ( $25.00 ) along with any comments, questions, and
suggestions to :

Robert La Capra
808 Downing St.
Parlin,NJ 08859

Thanks for trying ELECTRC3.

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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