Dec 262017
Write music and words with graphics (works).
File MUSIC.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Write music and words with graphics (works).
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AUTOEXEC.BAT 20 20 stored
COPYMUSC.BAT 1099 569 deflated
MUSIC.COM 48132 25962 deflated
MUSIC.DOC 80083 20629 deflated
NTL-ANTH 25600 2030 deflated
PRINTDOC.BAT 889 436 deflated
README.TXT 241 143 deflated
SDIR.COM 1408 1046 deflated
SDIR.DOC 1028 605 deflated
SIMPLE 12800 1085 deflated
START.BAT 18 18 stored
VDEL.COM 768 513 deflated
VDEL.DOC 851 497 deflated

Download File MUSIC.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

=== PC MusicNotation I ===

To run PC MusicNotation I ...

-- Type MUSIC

-- To print the PC MusicNotation I User's Manual, type PRINTDOC

-- To copy PC MusicNotation I to another disk, type COPYMUSC

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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