Dec 252017
Memory Master is a tutorial on how to improve your memory.
File MEMMASTR.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Memory Master is a tutorial on how to improve your memory.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ABSINT.TXT 3200 1530 deflated
ASSADD.TXT 2304 1077 deflated
ASSINT.TXT 4480 2012 deflated
ASSTUT.TXT 4371 2053 deflated
CARDS.LST 1107 388 deflated
CARDSINT.TXT 1073 561 deflated
FORADD.TXT 1408 713 deflated
FORINT.TXT 3799 1734 deflated
JOKINT.TXT 1106 587 deflated
LINADD.TXT 1047 531 deflated
LNKINT.TXT 3723 1702 deflated
MM.DOC 10896 3998 deflated
MM.EXE 117744 40296 deflated
MMMINT.TXT 2921 1302 deflated
NAFINT.TXT 1840 904 deflated
NAMADD.TXT 896 450 deflated
NUMADD.TXT 745 384 deflated
NUMINT.TXT 1280 593 deflated
PEGADD.TXT 1920 922 deflated
PEGINT.TXT 2048 921 deflated
REAADD.TXT 1727 817 deflated
README.BAT 23 23 stored
README.TXT 3978 1716 deflated
REAINT.TXT 2715 1240 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 1408 540 deflated
REGISTER.TXT 3004 1422 deflated
SPEINT.TXT 1408 692 deflated
STUINT.TXT 1963 941 deflated
SUBADD.TXT 2304 1068 deflated
SUBINT.TXT 2304 1042 deflated
TUT1.TXT 4860 1983 deflated
TUT10.TXT 3825 1710 deflated
TUT11.TXT 3430 1439 deflated
TUT12.TXT 5088 2024 deflated
TUT13.TXT 2432 1159 deflated
TUT14.TXT 5218 2151 deflated
TUT15.TXT 6298 2673 deflated
TUT16.TXT 6422 2560 deflated
TUT17.TXT 7192 3051 deflated
TUT18.TXT 4774 1974 deflated
TUT19.TXT 2211 1087 deflated
TUT2.TXT 6668 2665 deflated
TUT20.TXT 5414 2243 deflated
TUT21.TXT 6802 2878 deflated
TUT3.TXT 6130 2363 deflated
TUT4.TXT 1920 939 deflated
TUT5.TXT 5922 2535 deflated
TUT6.TXT 4441 1840 deflated
TUT7.TXT 3631 1555 deflated
TUT8.TXT 2432 1089 deflated
TUT9.TXT 4992 2043 deflated

Download File MEMMASTR.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.BAT file

type readme.txt | more

Contents of the README.TXT file

type readme.txt | more
How to Run Memory Master

Before running Memory Master, remember to take a backup copy of the
Memory Master disk. To run Memory Master from floppy disk, insert the
diskette into Drive 'A', and type 'MM' at the DOS prompt.

To run Memory Master from hard disk, you should first create a new
directory called 'MM', insert the diskette into drive 'A', then copy the
Memory Master files to drive 'C' :

C:\>COPY A:*.* C:\MM\*.*

Memory Master can then be run from drive 'C' by typing :


Please note that all the text files contained on the Memory Master disk
must be present in the directory from which the program is run.
When the program has loaded into memory, the Main Menu will be displayed.
For more information on using Memory Master, print the file 'MM.DOC'.

Memory Master is distributed as a Shareware package. You may copy and
evaluate the program freely, but if you like the program and decide to use
it then you are legally bound to register your use with Sharp Software.

Registration will bring you FREE OF CHARGE an upgraded version of Memory
Master, featuring the very latest in innovative Memory Improvement
techniques from Sharp Software. In addition to adding new Memory Training
systems to Memory Master, we are also expanding the existing sections to
bring you many extra practical exercises.

When you register, we will also send you ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE a copy
of 'SharpStar' - the professional text editor and word processor from Sharp
Software that boasts a truly impressive range of features.

The cost of registering your copy of Memory Master with Sharp Software in
England is twenty dollars (plus five dollars shipping charge). Compared to
the cost of most other educational software products currently on the
market, we believe that this price represents excellent value for money.
To print out your Registration Invoice, print the file 'REGISTER.DOC' on
your Memory Master disk.


The SharpStar editor gives you all the convenience and standard features
of advanced word processors costing upwards of fifty pounds, including :

* An easy-to-use pull-down menu user interface
* WordStar-compatible commands
* A RAM-based editor capable of handling very large files at
lightning speed
* Up to six text windows on screen at once
* Colours you can install, customise, and save
* DOS shell
* Comprehensive, online context-sensitive help system
* Extensive macro facility
* Adjustable/'smart' tab toggle
* Search and search/replace options
* 43-line mode (EGA)
* 'Undelete' facility
* Background printing
* Comprehensive print formatting commands

Does the editor you currently use have all these features ? If not then get
your copy of SharpStar ABSOLUTELY FREE by registering your copy of Memory
Master NOW ! Either print the invoice file REGISTER.DOC on your Memory Master
disk, or write to us at the following address, enclosing your registration
fee (cheque or cash) of twenty-five dollars :

Sharp Software,
10 Westbury Park
Wootton Bassett
Wiltshire SN4 7DL

(Remember to state 5.25" or 3.5" disks when registering)

Please note - the version of SharpStar supplied free with Memory Master
registration is the complete working version of the program. You will not be
required to register the program or purchase extra documentation in order to
use the package effectively - it is a genuine free gift from Sharp Software.

Thank you for supporting a shareware product.

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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