Dec 142017
A Medline File Conversion Utility 1/91.
File MED2GO.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
A Medline File Conversion Utility 1/91.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
MED2GO.DOC 15606 5007 deflated
MED2GO.EXE 102192 34087 deflated
MED2GO.HLP 5675 2271 deflated
MED2GO.ICO 766 214 deflated
README.DOC 3718 1493 deflated
TEST.BRS 9849 3249 deflated
TEST.CD 232 167 deflated
TEST.ERI 2580 1261 deflated
TEST.MED 1703 770 deflated
TEST.PSY 3785 1775 deflated

Download File MED2GO.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

ReadMe.Doc file for Med2Go.Exe version 1.01, January 1991

This file contains information on Med2Go(tm). Med2Go is a
MedLine file interconversion utility. It is provided for clinicians
and biomedical scientists who routinely use MEDLINE-type files for
their bibliographic reference database needs.

The files you should have received on this disk or in this
compressed file include:

ReadMe.Doc: The file you are reading now.

Med2Go.Exe: The is the executable file for the Med2Go program.
Just type "Med2Go" at the DOS prompt to start the program. (You can
enter "Med2Go /a" to start Med2Go in black & white mode.)

Med2Go.Hlp: This is the text file for the on-line help system.
You can press F1 for help while in Med2Go.

Med2Go.Doc: The documentation files for the Med2Go program.

Med2Go.Ico: A Microsoft Windows 3.0 Program Manager icon for
Med2Go.Exe. Although Med2Go is a DOS application, it can be run
under Microsoft Windows 3.0 without modification. To set up Med2Go
with its own icon in the Program Manager:
1. Select the Program Group you want Med2Go to appear in.
2. Choose [F]ile/[N]ew at the Program Manager menu, then
click on Program Item, and choose OK.
3. At the "Program Item Properties" dialog box, choose
[D]escription and enter "Med2Go". At [C]ommand line, enter the drive,
path, and filename for Med2Go.Exe. For example, if Med2Go.Exe in on
drive "C:" in directory "\MED2GO", then enter "C:\MED2GO\Med2Go.Exe".
You can also include the "/a" command line option here, like this:
"C:\MED2GO\Med2Go.Exe /a".
4. Click on the button that says Change [I]con..., and the
"Select Icon" dialog box appears. At [F]ile Name, enter the drive
and directory where Med2Go.Ico is. Using the same example as before,
if Med2Go.Ico is on drive "C:" in the directory "\MED2GO", then
enter "C:\MED2GO\Med2Go.Ico". Then click on View [N]ext to see what
the icon looks like.
5. Click on the OK buttons until you are back at the Program
Manager. Then double-click on the Med2Go icon to start it up.

Test.CD: A sample comma-delimited input file.

Test.Med: A sample MEDLINE input file.

Test.BRS: A sample BRS/Colleague input file.

Test.Psy: A sample Psyclit input file.

Test.Eri: A sample ERIC input file.

New features for version 1.01 ******************************************
1. Less stringent distribution requirements (see below).
2. Bug fix: Titles are no longer truncated if they contain a
3. If you are using DOS version 3.0 or higher, Med2Go can now
find the help file (Med2Go.Hlp) in the same directory
that Med2Go.Exe is located. The help file no longer has
to be in the *current* directory.
4. A Microsoft Windows 3.0 Program Manager icon has been
included in the package (see file listing above).

Med2Go(tm) is Copyright 1990, 1991 by Louis M. Miranda. Med2Go is
a trademark of Louis M. Miranda.

DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS***********************************************
You are free to distribute and use Med2Go at no charge, provided
you include all the files listed here, and those files are unaltered.

Med2Go author:

Louis M. Miranda (CompuServe: 73567,471)
6033 E. Northwest Hwy, #1106
Dallas, TX 75231-7463

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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