Dec 152017
The classic Life simulation and an interesting Predator simulation. Includes TP 4.0+ source code.
File LIFEPAS1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
The classic Life simulation and an interesting Predator simulation. Includes TP 4.0+ source code.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
LIFE.EXE 9360 5579 deflated
LIFE.PAS 10419 2219 deflated
PREDATOR.EXE 17312 8100 deflated
PREDATOR.PAS 20829 4972 deflated
README 571 374 deflated

Download File LIFEPAS1.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

LIFE.PAS is still under development; this is a preliminary version only.
Please consider the fact that I'm a relative novice if you happen to look at
the source code! Neither Predator or Life is a serious program anyway...
Predator was to help my daughter for a science project on predator/prey
ecology; if you downloaded this, you probably already know about Life.
That's Life! Hope you find it interesting or (at least) amusing.
column in Scientific American>

--- Don Holder ---

 December 15, 2017  Add comments

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