Category : Science and Education
Archive   : HERB300.ZIP
Filename : IRIS.MSG

Output of file : IRIS.MSG contained in archive : HERB300.ZIP
:IRIS | PRISM MESSAGES version 1.28
! -- online help for menu system --
Select a new book to read. To select a new drive\directory, choose Utilities, FileúPath.
Flip to an author-defined table of contents.
Pop up the built-in notetaker. Notes creates or revises a file with your book name and a .NTS extention. Use [Alt-Z] (Zoom) to move or size the note window.
[Back Space] or [PgUp] for prior screen. [Enter] or [PgDn] for next screen. [Esc] or [F10] to show or exit menu. [Ins] to move menu. Use [Arrows] and [Enter] to hilite and select items.
The Help text is kept in a file named Iris.MSG. This file must be available to display Help. Some books may also offer help for their own menu items, but this is optional.
Flip to an author-defined index.
Send the current topic to your default printer. "Lines per page" means the total lines that will fit on a sheet of your paper. Usually 66 lines.
Recall the place you last saved. (See Save).
Save your place in this book for later Recall.
Flip to another topic. The menu lists all available topics in alphabetical order.
Select to change colors, run dos commands, et cetera.
Flip back to a recently viewed topic. Use [BackSpace] to backup by a single screen or topic.
Quit application and return to dos.
Backup by a single screen.
Backup by a full topic.
Display the ViewúList.
Select a default border for text, when a book does not specify one.
Select a default color for text, when a book does not specify one.
Drop to dos (for some house keeping).
List the drives and directories where Iris should look for your books. Format is identical to the dos PATH command.
Save your selections for later use (colors,borders,file path) to an Iris.CFG file.
Select a default Rate for timed pauses.
Enable or disable use of the speaker.
Enable or disable speech compatibility. Leave off if you are not using a synthesizer.
! -- prism only section --
Program will select items by random until [Escape] is pressed.
Run a text editor. To use the internal notetaker, enter .NOTES as the editor name. The notetaker can only edit plain ascii files, 60K or smaller.
Show the topic and variable count. The maximum is 400 per book.
Flip to any topic (even when Contents is off).
Step-thru commands and watch variables change.
List variables and their current values.
Type in and execute any book command.
! program variables
Name of the current book file.
Current line of book file.
Dos exit code from an .exec[] program.
The topic displayed before this one.
First letter of the menu item to default. Use Key=# to generate a random item. Use Key=@ to hilite last item selected.
Maximum column used by this monitor. Usually 80.
Maximum row used by this monitor. Usually 25.
Arbitrary number generated between topics. See RandomBase#.
Highest range for Random#. RandomBase#=100 returns a Random# between 1 and 100.
Outcome of last comparison.
Current (or next) topic name.
Total number of topics displayed to this reader so far.
The topic shown before this topic.
Topic# when current topic first displayed.
Number of times this topic was displayed.
First physical topic name in the book.
Release number of program. 12 = 1.2x.
! -- error message section --
A program file could not be found.
A number was expected.
Keyword expected. It might be misspelled or not supported by this version of the program.
There is a problem with the user menu. Either there are no items or one is blank.
The book you selected was created under another version of the program. If difficulties occur, this may be the cause.
A ^Lookup variable was expected.
The requested book is not in the current drive\directory. You can switch disks if appropriate.
The variable name is already in use. Use a different name or protect this command with the $V_Exist keyword.
Commands expected. Command line is empty.
"Label" expected. Each book must have at least one :Label.
A requested file has not been found. You may change disks or alter the file path, if necessary.
Identifier expected. Identifiers include names of Borders, Colors, and Windows.
Sorry, but the maximum number of topics or variables is already in use.
An operator symbol was expected.
A topic name was expected here.
A variable name was expected on the left-side of this calculation.
A variable name was expected on the right-side of this calculation.
User Break.
A problem occurred when trying to write information to disk. Maybe its already full.
There seems to be a problem with the disk drive.
There are no virtual books ( *.PGE ) in the current drive\directory or the requested book is missing. You can switch disks, if appropriate.
A problem occured while trying to read information from the disk.
A problem occurred when trying to write information to disk. Maybe its already full.
The index file ( *.MRK ) seems damaged. You might want to delete or rename it.
a quote was expected ( " ).
a quote was expected ( ' ).
a quote was expected ( ` ).
A close brace was expected.
Invalid function number
File not found
Path not found
Too many open files
File access denied
Invalid file handle
Memory control blocks invalid
Insufficient memory
Invalid memory block address
Invalid environment
Invalid format
Invalid file access code
Invalid data
Invalid drive specification
Cannot remove current directory

Cannot rename across drives
No more files
Disk write protected
Unknown media
Disk drive not ready
Unknown command
Disk data error (CRC)
Bad request structure length
Disk seek error
Unknown disk media type
Disk sector not found
Printer out of paper
Write error
Read error
General failure
File sharing violation
File locking violation
Improper disk change
No file control block (FCB) available
Sharing buffer overflow
Network request not supported
Remote computer not listening
Duplicate identifier on network
Network name not found
Network busy
Network device does not exit
Net BIOS command limit exceeded
Network adapter hardware error
Incorrect response from network
Unexpected network error
Incompatible remote adapter
Print queue full
Insufficient space for print file
Print file deleted
Network name deleted
Access denied
Network device type incorrect
Network name not found
Network name limit exceeded
Temporarily paused
Network request not accepted
Redirection paused
File already exists
Cannot make directory entry
Critical-error interrupt failure
Too many redirections
Duplicate redirection
Invalid password
Invalid parameter
Network device fault
Disk read error
Disk write error
File not assigned
File not open
File not open for input
File not open for output
Invalid numeric format
Disk is write-protected
Unknown unit
Drive not ready
Unknown command
CRC error in data
Bad drive request structure length
Disk seek error
Unknown media type
Sector not found
Printer out of paper
Device write fault
Device read fault
Hardware failure
TP4: Division by zero
TP4: Range check error
TP4: Stack overflow error
TP4: Heap overflow error
TP4: Invalid pointer operation
TP4: Floating point overflow
TP4: Floating point underflow
TP4: Invalid floating point operation
User break

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : HERB300.ZIP
Filename : IRIS.MSG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: