Dec 312017
Great educational games for kids to learn math, good graphics and sound.
File GOOGOL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Great educational games for kids to learn math, good graphics and sound.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CLIMBER.SCO 231 53 deflated
CLIMBER.TBC 73763 25495 deflated
GO.COM 1982 952 deflated
MENU.EXE 73722 47518 deflated
PEDE.SCO 227 54 deflated
PEDE.TBC 60719 20611 deflated
REVIEW.TBC 70362 23939 deflated
S.BAT 443 241 deflated
VADERS.SCO 28 28 stored
VADERS.TBC 72018 25474 deflated

Download File GOOGOL.ZIP Here

 December 31, 2017  Add comments

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