Category : Science and Education
Archive   : FINDO-P.ZIP
Filename : OK
Achille Bryan 335000N 0962313W
Acme Grady 344756N 0980108W
Ada Pontotoc 344628N 0964041W
Adair Mayes 362612N 0951616W
Adams Texas 364523N 1010436W
Adamson Pittsburg 345526N 0953249W
Addielee Adair 355732N 0943812W
Addington Jefferson 341440N 0975800W
Adel Pushmataha 343445N 0953539W
Afton Ottawa 364137N 0945746W
Agawam Grady 345224N 0975645W
Agra Lincoln 355349N 0965231W
Agra Lincoln 355341N 0965219W
Ahloso Pontotoc 344406N 0963814W
Akins Sequoyah 353025N 0944126W
Albany Bryan 335253N 0960945W
Albert Caddo 351358N 0982440W
Albion Pushmataha 343946N 0950559W
Alcorn Kay 363647N 0972334W
Alden Caddo 345831N 0983506W
Alderson Pittsburg 345400N 0954130W
Aledo Dewey 354938N 0990726W
Alex Grady 345453N 0974642W
Alfalfa Caddo 351308N 0983625W
Alikchi McCurtain 340946N 0950408W
Aline Alfalfa 363035N 0982655W
Allen Hughes 345244N 0962444W
Allen Pontotoc 345244N 0962444W
Allison Bryan 335345N 0962217W
Alluwe Nowata 363637N 0952913W
Alma Stephens 342510N 0973643W
Alpers Carter 342933N 0972313W
Alpha Kingfisher 355213N 0980600W
Alston Woodhard 362610N 0991724W
Alsuma Tulsa 360542N 0955148W
Altona Kingfisher 354659N 0981015W
Altus Jackson 343817N 0992001W
Alva Woods 364818N 0983958W
Amabel Payne 360039N 0965016W
Amber Grady 350937N 0975244W
America McCurtain 334855N 0943254W
Ames Major 361445N 0981106W
Amorita Alfalfa 365528N 0981729W
Anadarko Caddo 350421N 0981436W
Anchor Wagoner 355008N 0952410W
Anderson Lincoln 354935N 0965924W
Anderson Pottawatomie 350514N 0965903W
Anthon Custer 354425N 0990046W
Antioch Garvin 344330N 0972419W
Antlers Pushmataha 341352N 0953712W
Apache Caddo 345337N 0982156W
Apache Wye Caddo 350237N 0982123W
Apperson Osage 364504N 0964557W
Apple Choctaw 340739N 0952502W
Aqua Park Sequoyah 353713N 0950433W
Arapaho Custer 353440N 0985751W
Arcadia Oklahoma 354000N 0971935W
Arch Pittsburg 344628N 0953939W
Ardmore Carter 341027N 0970836W
Arkoma Le Flore 352116N 0942602W
Arlington Lincoln 353444N 0964046W
Armstrong Bryan 340305N 0962042W
Arnett Ellis 360806N 0994628W
Arnett Harmon 344450N 0995753W
Arpelar Pittsburg 345631N 0955755W
Artillery Village Comanche 343820N 0982449W
Asher Pottawatomie 345922N 0965524W
Ashland Pittsburg 344604N 0960410W
Ashley Alfalfa 364816N 0983128W
Asphaltum Jefferson 341536N 0974029W
Atlee Jefferson 340536N 0973756W
Atoka Atoka 342309N 0960741W
Atwood Hughes 345722N 0962018W
Autwine Kay 364319N 0971347W
Avant Osage 362922N 0960343W
Avard Woods 364156N 0984719W
Avery Lincoln 355303N 0964507W
Avoca Pottawatomie 350050N 0965549W
Aydelotte Pottawatomie 352639N 0965441W
Aylesworth Marshall 340141N 0963735W
Babbs Kiowa 345654N 0990333W
Bache Pittsburg 345339N 0953854W
Bacone Muskogee 354601N 0952024W
Bado Major 361301N 0984433W
Bailey Grady 344258N 0974752W
Baker Texas 365210N 1010103W
Bald Hill Okmulgee 354425N 0955013W
Baldridge Sequoyah 352143N 0943711W
Balko Beaver 363748N 1004104W
Ballard Adair 360540N 0943521W
Banner Canadian 353046N 0975055W
Banty Bryan 340411N 0960541W
Banzet Craig 365634N 0951505W
Barber Cherokee 354526N 0945203W
Barnsdall Osage 363343N 0960941W
Baron Adair 355525N 0943658W
Barr Garfield 361357N 0980200W
Bartlesville Washington 364450N 0955850W
Bashe Le Flore 351845N 0942601W
Battiest McCurtain 342336N 0945529W
Baum Carter 341605N 0965850W
Beachton McCurtain 342926N 0943359W
Bearden Okfuskee 352053N 0962318W
Beaver Beaver 364858N 1003110W
Bebee Pontotoc 345042N 0964729W
Beckwith Delaware 361149N 0944235W
Bedwell Le Flore 350935N 0944300W
Bee Johnstun 340719N 0963419W
Beggs Okmulgee 354433N 0960412W
Beland Muskogee 354130N 0953208W
Bell Adair 354305N 0943433W
Bellemont Pottawatomie 352747N 0964615W
Belleville Love 335532N 0973236W
Bellvue Creek 355403N 0962313W
Belva Woodhard 362956N 0985829W
Belzoni Pushmataha 341108N 0952755W
Bender Kay 365559N 0970814W
Bengal Latimer 344958N 0950342W
Bennington Bryan 340016N 0960215W
Bentley Atoka 341253N 0960443W
Berch Hole Cherokee 354938N 0950603W
Berlin Roger Mills 352702N 0993730W
Bernice Delaware 363657N 0945503W
Bessie Washita 352309N 0985916W
Bethany Oklahoma 353107N 0973755W
Bethel Comanche 343539N 0980932W
Bethel McCurtain 342135N 0945014W
Big Cabin Craig 363216N 0951316W
Big Cedar Le Flore 343845N 0943855W
Big Rocks Pushmataha 341346N 0953422W
Bigheart Osage 365106N 0961332W
Billings Noble 363144N 0972637W
Bills Corner Noble 361724N 0970402W
Binger Caddo 351832N 0982030W
Bison Garfield 361147N 0975323W
Bixby Tulsa 355631N 0955259W
Black Bear Noble 362026N 0971310W
Blackburn Pawnee 362223N 0963545W
Blackgum Sequoyah 353635N 0945922W
Blackjack Sequoyah 352550N 0943815W
Blackland Osage 364945N 0962931W
Blackwell Kay 364816N 0971657W
Blair Jackson 344646N 0992006W
Blanch Adair 354659N 0943957W
Blanchard McClain 350816N 0973928W
Blanco Pittsburg 344504N 0954627W
Blanton Garfield 362540N 0975536W
Blocker Pittsburg 350341N 0953405W
Bloomington Greer 350006N 0993750W
Blue Bryan 335947N 0961347W
Bluejacket Craig 364759N 0950415W
Boatman Mayes 361530N 0951103W
Boehler Atoka 341015N 0955300W
Boise City Cimarron 364346N 1023046W
Bokchito Bryan 340102N 0960833W
Bokhoma McCurtain 334922N 0943458W
Bokoshe Le Flore 351111N 0944708W
Boley Okfuskee 352936N 0962900W
Bond Pittsburg 344851N 0953915W
Boone Caddo 345355N 0982742W
Bordeaux Le Flore 350651N 0945224W
Boswell Choctaw 340138N 0955208W
Boudinot Garvin 344848N 0970629W
Boulanger Landing Osage 365812N 0961200W
Boulangerville Osage 365723N 0961305W
Bouse Junction Major 362518N 0985319W
Bowden Creek 360346N 0960513W
Bowers Latimer 345444N 0952508W
Bowlegs Seminole 350846N 0964011W
Bowlin Spring Craig 363708N 0952239W
Bowring Osage 365241N 0960711W
Box Cleveland 345817N 0970859W
Box Sequoyah 353452N 0945834W
Boyd Beaver 364212N 1004940W
Boynton Muskogee 353855N 0953921W
Braden Le Flore 351703N 0943004W
Bradley Grady 345241N 0974229W
Brady Garvin 343722N 0971656W
Braggs Muskogee 353948N 0951152W
Braidwood Le Flore 345654N 0944744W
Braithwaite Washita 352225N 0990329W
Braman Kay 365525N 0972000W
Bray Stephens 343816N 0974902W
Breckenridge Garfield 362613N 0974353W
Briartown Muskogee 351750N 0951422W
Bridgeport Caddo 353247N 0982303W
Briggs Cherokee 355537N 0945228W
Brink Woods 365028N 0983643W
Brinkman Greer 350036N 0993059W
Bristow Creek 354950N 0962327W
Bristow Point Pittsburg 350718N 0953644W
Britton Oklahoma 353356N 0973151W
Brock Carter 340657N 0971421W
Broken Arrow Tulsa 360309N 0954726W
Broken Bow McCurtain 340145N 0944420W
Bromide Johnstun 342506N 0962948W
Bromide Junction Johnstun 342415N 0962557W
Brooksville Pottawatomie 351153N 0965805W
Brown Bryan 340520N 0962848W
Broxton Caddo 345909N 0982432W
Bruno Atoka 342039N 0960430W
Brush Hill McIntosh 352512N 0953741W
Brushy Sequoyah 353325N 0944331W
Bryans Corner (Balko PO) Beaver 363659N 1004941W
Bryant Okmulgee 352326N 0960352W
Buck Creek Landing McCurtain 340135N 0943041W
Bucker Blaine 355451N 0982126W
Buffalo Harper 365008N 0993748W
Bug Tussle Pittsburg 350151N 0954123W
Bunch Adair 354057N 0944539W
Burbank Osage 364142N 0964354W
Burg Atoka 343450N 0955945W
Burlington Alfalfa 365400N 0982521W
Burmah Dewey 354937N 0990428W
Burnett Pottawatomie 350921N 0970450W
Burneyville Love 335428N 0971719W
Burns Flat Washita 352056N 0991012W
Burt Tillman 342701N 0990450W
Burton Cimarron 364754N 1020939W
Burwell McCurtain 341109N 0950904W
Burwell Pushmataha 341109N 0950904W
Bushyhead Rogers 362741N 0952938W
Butler Custer 353812N 0991108W
Butner Seminole 351539N 0962731W
Byars McClain 345227N 0970259W
Byng Pontotoc 345140N 0963955W
Byron Alfalfa 365407N 0981737W
Cabaniss Pittsburg 345630N 0960128W
Cache Comanche 343746N 0983742W
Cache Wye Comanche 344234N 0983741W
Caddo Bryan 340736N 0961547W
Cade Bryan 340555N 0955923W
Cairo Coal 343526N 0960754W
Caldwell Hill Carter 341114N 0970058W
Calera Bryan 335604N 0962542W
Calhoun Le Flore 350613N 0944445W
Callahan Garfield 361745N 0973407W
Calumet Canadian 353604N 0980706W
Calvin Hughes 345804N 0961454W
Camargo Dewey 360102N 0991720W
Cambridge Kiowa 350422N 0991218W
Cameron Le Flore 350802N 0943204W
Canadian Pittsburg 351038N 0953918W
Canadian Fork Pittsburg 351435N 0953139W
Canadian Shores Pittsburg 351029N 0954424W
Caney Atoka 341356N 0961250W
Caney Ridge Cherokee 354551N 0945250W
Canton Blaine 360313N 0983517W
Canute Washita 352519N 0991645W
Capron Woods 365348N 0983438W
Carbon Pittsburg 345534N 0953820W
Carbondale Tulsa 360543N 0960112W
Cardin Ottawa 365821N 0945055W
Carl Harmon 345729N 0995624W
Carlton Blaine 360052N 0983054W
Carmen Alfalfa 363444N 0982743W
Carnegie Caddo 350613N 0983612W
Carney Lincoln 354830N 0970045W
Carpenter Custer 353149N 0992217W
Carpenter Roger Mills 353149N 0992217W
Carrier Garfield 362837N 0980119W
Carson Hughes 350957N 0960518W
Carter Beckham 351308N 0993019W
Carter Nine Osage 364441N 0963940W
Carters Corner McIntosh 351722N 0953946W
Carters Landing Cherokee 354750N 0945413W
Cartersville Haskell 351353N 0945041W
Cartoco Payne 360514N 0964250W
Cartwright Bryan 335110N 0963342W
Carwile Alfalfa 362748N 0981803W
Carwile Major 362748N 0981803W
Casey Pawnee 361657N 0964026W
Cashion Kingfisher 354753N 0974042W
Cashion Logan 354753N 0974042W
Castaneda Cimarron 365252N 1023115W
Castle Okfuskee 352828N 0962255W
Caston Le Flore 345726N 0944958W
Catale Rogers 363339N 0952218W
Catesby Ellis 362935N 0995745W
Cato Kingfisher 360845N 0980156W
Catoosa Rogers 361120N 0954444W
Cavanal Le Flore 345849N 0944153W
Cayuga Delaware 363803N 0944047W
Cedar Latimer 350106N 0945921W
Cedar Crest Mayes 360648N 0951344W
Cedar Village Murray 342632N 0970802W
Cedardale Woodhard 361908N 0985946W
Cedars Le Flore 351627N 0942633W
Cement Caddo 345555N 0980824W
Center Pontotoc 344757N 0964855W
Center Point Latimer 345647N 0951848W
Centerview Pottawatomie 352601N 0963954W
Centerville Kiowa 344331N 0990620W
Centerville Pittsburg 345200N 0953103W
Centrahoma Coal 343635N 0962043W
Centralia Craig 364748N 0952111W
Ceres Noble 362838N 0971656W
Cestos Dewey 360839N 0990536W
Chambers Pittsburg 345211N 0954928W
Chance Adair 360337N 0943918W
Chandler Lincoln 354206N 0965250W
Chattanooga Comanche 342522N 0983922W
Chatto Crossing Comanche 344108N 0982314W
Checotah McIntosh 352812N 0953122W
Cheek Carter 340442N 0971656W
Chelsea Rogers 363208N 0952556W
Cherokee Alfalfa 364516N 0982123W
Cherry Tree Adair 354429N 0943835W
Chester Major 361259N 0985514W
Chewey Adair 360613N 0944602W
Cheyenne Roger Mills 353650N 0994016W
Cheyenne Valley Major 362209N 0983927W
Chickasha Grady 350309N 0975610W
Chigley Murray 343536N 0970441W
Childers Nowata 364618N 0953222W
Chilesville Okfuskee 353307N 0962835W
Chilli Latimer 345631N 0952611W
Chilocco Kay 365920N 0970410W
Chism McClain 345446N 0965612W
Chloeta Delaware 362523N 0945814W
Chockie Atoka 343455N 0955953W
Choctaw Oklahoma 352951N 0971607W
Chouteau Mayes 361109N 0952034W
Christie Adair 355729N 0944124W
Citra Hughes 344747N 0962234W
City View Greer 345029N 0992106W
Civit Garvin 344721N 0970731W
Claremore Rogers 361845N 0953657W
Clarita Coal 342858N 0962559W
Clarks Heights Pottawatomie 352235N 0970002W
Clarksville Wagoner 354932N 0953050W
Clayton Pushmataha 343522N 0952109W
Clear Lake Beaver 364120N 1001618W
Clearview Okfuskee 352349N 0961110W
Clebit McCurtain 342325N 0950112W
Clemscott Carter 342050N 0972723W
Cleo Springs Major 362419N 0982625W
Cleora Delaware 363444N 0945815W
Cleveland Pawnee 361836N 0962750W
Clifton Lincoln 353057N 0965442W
Clinton Custer 353056N 0985801W
Clothier Cleveland 351911N 0972452W
Cloud Chief Washita 351509N 0985034W
Cloudy Pushmataha 341807N 0951651W
Clyde Grant 365047N 0974915W
Coal Creek Le Flore 351120N 0943938W
Coalgate Coal 343217N 0961306W
Coalton Okmulgee 352951N 0955620W
Cobalt Junction Carter 340945N 0973042W
Cobb Bryan 340505N 0962427W
Cocklebur Flat Craig 364948N 0951151W
Cody Custer 354819N 0984125W
Cody Pawnee 361908N 0964236W
Cogar Caddo 352002N 0980749W
Coil Pontotoc 343929N 0963146W
Colbert Bryan 335111N 0963008W
Colcord Delaware 361551N 0944134W
Cold Springs Kiowa 344745N 0990017W
Cole McClain 350608N 0973421W
Coleman Johnstun 341617N 0962508W
Collinsville Tulsa 362152N 0955019W
Colony Washita 352055N 0984035W
Comanche Stephens 342208N 0975749W
Commerce Ottawa 365600N 0945222W
Compton Le Flore 344816N 0950116W
Concho Canadian 353656N 0975939W
Concho Canadian 353656N 0975939W
Connerville Johnstun 342651N 0963809W
Conrad Cimarron 363655N 1022223W
Conser Le Flore 345025N 0944105W
Coodys Bluff Nowata 364154N 0953350W
Cook Atoka 341616N 0961149W
Cookietown Cotton 341630N 0982711W
Cookson Cherokee 354239N 0945511W
Cooper Osage 364840N 0964506W
Cooperton Kiowa 345203N 0985159W
Copan Washington 365351N 0955533W
Copeland Delaware 363921N 0944941W
Copic Slab Sequoyah 353635N 0943332W
Cora Woods 364752N 0985500W
Corbett Cleveland 345824N 0971345W
Cordell Washita 351726N 0985917W
Corinne Pushmataha 341109N 0951728W
Corn Washita 352241N 0984654W
Cornatzar Craig 363820N 0950627W
Cornish Jefferson 340932N 0973548W
Corral Crossing Comanche 343956N 0982245W
Corum Stephens 342144N 0980614W
Cottingham Payne 355744N 0965707W
Cotton Valley Washington 365815N 0955131W
Cottonwood Coal 343321N 0961213W
Cottonwood Sequoyah 352206N 0943256W
Council Hill Muskogee 353320N 0953904W
Counts Pittsburg 344024N 0953443W
Countyline Carter 342655N 0973345W
Countyline Stephens 342655N 0973345W
Courtney Love 335625N 0973029W
Covington Garfield 361827N 0973510W
Cowden Washita 351452N 0984242W
Cowden Junction Washita 351727N 0984240W
Coweta Wagoner 355706N 0953902W
Cox City Grady 344331N 0974353W
Coxs Corner Comanche 343815N 0981243W
Coyle Logan 355724N 0971403W
Craig Pittsburg 345025N 0953738W
Crawford Roger Mills 354937N 0994757W
Creata Jackson 343109N 0993248W
Crekola Muskogee 354220N 0952914W
Crescent Logan 355709N 0973540W
Crescent Springs Logan 355347N 0973608W
Criner McClain 345817N 0973351W
Cromwell Seminole 352024N 0962725W
Cropper Garfield 362628N 0974123W
Cross Roads Hughes 350023N 0961451W
Crossroads McCurtain 335857N 0944727W
Crowder Pittsburg 350726N 0954011W
Crusher Murray 342102N 0970145W
Crystal Atoka 341336N 0955548W
Cumberland Marshall 340352N 0963558W
Curtis Woodhard 362621N 0990832W
Cushing Payne 355906N 0964600W
Custer City Custer 353954N 0985258W
Cyril Caddo 345347N 0981201W
Dacoma Woods 363934N 0983346W
Daisy Atoka 343209N 0954422W
Dale Pottawatomie 352324N 0970241W
Damon Latimer 345118N 0951827W
Dane Major 361301N 0983709W
Darrow Blaine 360553N 0982317W
Darwin Atoka 341452N 0954645W
Darwin Pushmataha 341452N 0954645W
Davenport Lincoln 354217N 0964554W
Davidson Tillman 341427N 0990431W
Davis Murray 343016N 0970709W
Dawes Ottawa 365253N 0945928W
Dawson Tulsa 361047N 0955430W
Dead Women Crossing Custer 353404N 0983902W
Deer Creek Grant 364821N 0973109W
Degnan Latimer 345650N 0952111W
Degroat Rogers 362011N 0953613W
Del City Oklahoma 352631N 0972626W
Dela Pushmataha 341201N 0953119W
Delaware Nowata 364643N 0953821W
Delhi Beckham 351029N 0994034W
Dempsey Roger Mills 353103N 0994921W
Denman Latimer 345612N 0950132W
Dennis Delaware 363221N 0945302W
Denny Murray 343412N 0965047W
Denton Stephens 343959N 0980727W
Dentonville Okmulgee 354428N 0960822W
Denver Cleveland 351357N 0971655W
Depew Creek 354810N 0963021W
Devol Cotton 341145N 0983523W
Dewar Okmulgee 352729N 0955628W
Dewey Washington 364745N 0955607W
Dibble McClain 350200N 0973746W
Dickson Carter 341114N 0965903W
Dighton Okmulgee 352803N 0955334W
Dill City Washita 351636N 0990805W
Dillard Carter 341114N 0972416W
Dilworth Kay 365629N 0971340W
Disney Mayes 362852N 0950053W
Divide Pushmataha 342833N 0951833W
Dixie Park Stephens 342914N 0975657W
Dixon Seminole 350934N 0963117W
Dodge Delaware 363425N 0943921W
Dog Creek Le Flore 350603N 0945104W
Doga Osage 363400N 0964743W
Dolberg Pontotoc 343736N 0965507W
Doolin Texas 364756N 1015933W
Dotyville Ottawa 365132N 0945431W
Dougherty Murray 342358N 0970319W
Douglas Garfield 361538N 0974008W
Douglas Tulsa 361101N 0955250W
Douthat Ottawa 365733N 0945009W
Dover Kingfisher 355853N 0975439W
Dow Pittsburg 345236N 0953600W
Doxey Beckham 351927N 0993458W
Drake Murray 342352N 0965702W
Drakes Corner Payne 355909N 0965224W
Driftwood Alfalfa 365245N 0982133W
Dripping Springs Carter 341113N 0970217W
Drumb Latimer 345547N 0952851W
Drummond Garfield 361801N 0980208W
Drumright Creek 355918N 0963603W
Dudley Lincoln 354841N 0970358W
Duhringe Pass Comanche 344346N 0982923W
Duke Jackson 343941N 0993411W
Dunbar Love 335627N 0971655W
Dunbar Pushmataha 342731N 0953337W
Duncan Stephens 343008N 0975727W
Dundee Carter 341352N 0973241W
Dunjee Park Oklahoma 353048N 0971801W
Durant Bryan 335928N 0962226W
Durham Roger Mills 355031N 0995528W
Durwood Carter 341036N 0965752W
Dustin Hughes 351614N 0960150W
Dutton Caddo 351214N 0980539W
Dutton Grady 351214N 0980539W
Eagle City Blaine 355559N 0983529W
Eagletown McCurtain 340203N 0943429W
Eakly Caddo 351819N 0983327W
Earl Johnstun 341206N 0965351W
Earlsboro Pottawatomie 351603N 0964811W
Eason Pottawatomie 350053N 0970748W
East Jesse Coal 343452N 0963043W
East Jesse Pontotoc 343452N 0963043W
East Junction Custer 353135N 0985751W
East Tulsa Tulsa 361021N 0955626W
Easter Pageant Comanche 344433N 0983524W
Eastman Love 335918N 0971552W
Eastport McCurtain 334720N 0942854W
Eastside Ottawa 365217N 0944259W
Econtuchka Pottawatomie 352420N 0964719W
Eddy Kay 364354N 0972730W
Edgewater Acres Rogers 362632N 0953743W
Edgewater Park Comanche 344933N 0982240W
Edith Woods 364810N 0991239W
Edmond Oklahoma 353910N 0972840W
Edna Creek 354214N 0961237W
El Reno Canadian 353156N 0975717W
Elba Rogers 362410N 0954045W
Eldon Cherokee 355541N 0945024W
Eldorado Jackson 342819N 0993852W
Elgin Comanche 344649N 0981731W
Eli Cherokee 355915N 0951121W
Elk City Beckham 352443N 0992414W
Ellaville Pottawatomie 350605N 0964833W
Ellerville Cherokee 360152N 0945407W
Elliott Nowata 365632N 0953745W
Elmer Jackson 342852N 0992102W
Elmore City Garvin 343722N 0972346W
Elmwood Beaver 363659N 1003120W
Emet Johnstun 341209N 0963231W
Empire City Stephens 342513N 0980136W
Emsey Lincoln 354603N 0970127W
England Adair 355304N 0944004W
Enid Garfield 362344N 0975241W
Enterprise Haskell 351347N 0952247W
Enville Love 335901N 0965910W
Eram Okmulgee 353701N 0954517W
Erick Beckham 351255N 0995158W
Erie Kay 365956N 0970431W
Erin Springs Garvin 344839N 0973623W
Esau Junction Pawnee 362113N 0964216W
Estella Craig 364105N 0951713W
Ethel Pushmataha 341346N 0953238W
Etna Garfield 362214N 0974447W
Eubanks Pushmataha 342519N 0953505W
Eucha Delaware 362331N 0945258W
Eufaula McIntosh 351714N 0953456W
Eva Texas 364754N 1015423W
Eville Love 340018N 0965913W
Fairfax Osage 363425N 0964214W
Fairland Ottawa 364504N 0945050W
Fairmont Garfield 362120N 0974219W
Fairvalley Woods 364408N 0990127W
Fairview Major 361608N 0982846W
Fallis Lincoln 354454N 0970713W
Fallon Choctaw 335952N 0952500W
Falls Creek Assembly Murray 342535N 0970639W
Fame McIntosh 352144N 0953844W
Fanshawe Le Flore 345703N 0945429W
Fargo Ellis 362234N 0993724W
Farmers Hill McCurtain 335528N 0950102W
Farris Atoka 341545N 0955159W
Farwell Grady 345309N 0980019W
Faxon Comanche 342725N 0983443W
Fay Dewey 354848N 0983927W
Featherston Pittsburg 350443N 0952923W
Felker McCurtain 340226N 0950307W
Felt Cimarron 363403N 1024735W
Fewell Pushmataha 343105N 0950313W
Fillmore Johnstun 341627N 0962945W
Finley Pushmataha 341942N 0952941W
Fisher Tulsa 360745N 0960831W
Fite Osage 364324N 0960445W
Fittstown Pontotoc 343653N 0963803W
Fitzhugh Pontotoc 343957N 0964629W
Five Mile Ottawa 365900N 0944134W
Fivemile Corner Cotton 342144N 0981334W
Fleetwood Jefferson 335348N 0975103W
Fletcher Comanche 344923N 0981438W
Flint Delaware 361114N 0944228W
Flora Atoka 343133N 0960154W
Floris Beaver 365211N 1004239W
Fluor Texas 365759N 1010302W
Flynn Oklahoma 352406N 0972914W
Fobb Marshall 335440N 0965045W
Fogel Le Flore 344225N 0942719W
Foley Custer 354102N 0985057W
Folsom Johnstun 341136N 0962513W
Foraker Osage 365220N 0963355W
Foreman Sequoyah 352005N 0943812W
Forest Hill Le Flore 345539N 0943710W
Forest Park Oklahoma 353015N 0972645W
Forgan Beaver 365425N 1003220W
Forney Choctaw 340147N 0953710W
Forrester Le Flore 345220N 0943135W
Fort Cobb Caddo 350552N 0982607W
Fort Coffee Le Flore 351721N 0943503W
Fort Gibson Muskogee 354751N 0951501W
Fort Supply Woodhard 363425N 0993419W
Fort Towson Choctaw 340107N 0951558W
Fort Washita Bryan 340610N 0963246W
Foss Washita 352716N 0991010W
Foster Garvin 343659N 0972920W
Four Mile Crossing Comanche 344110N 0982642W
Fowler Lincoln 353026N 0970310W
Fox Carter 342149N 0972931W
Foyil Rogers 362605N 0953109W
Francis Pontotoc 345225N 0963543W
Frankfort Osage 365833N 0964046W
Franklin Cleveland 351635N 0972007W
Franks Pontotoc 343623N 0963833W
Frederick Tillman 342331N 0990105W
Freedom Woods 364608N 0990645W
Frey Creek 360111N 0963636W
Friendship Jackson 344145N 0991343W
Frink Pittsburg 345303N 0954721W
Frisco Pontotoc 343852N 0963443W
Frogville Choctaw 335351N 0951845W
Frost Logan 355303N 0971448W
Fugate Atoka 342726N 0955518W
Gaar Corner Pontotoc 344748N 0965142W
Gaddy Pottawatomie 351959N 0970002W
Gage Ellis 361856N 0994526W
Gano Payne 360053N 0964517W
Gans Sequoyah 352320N 0944131W
Gansel Noble 361648N 0972219W
Garber Garfield 362613N 0973507W
Garden City Tulsa 360638N 0960010W
Garden Grove Pottawatomie 352510N 0964615W
Garland Haskell 351908N 0950305W
Garnett Tulsa 361113N 0954935W
Garvin McCurtain 335714N 0945632W
Gas City Stephens 342659N 0980512W
Gate Beaver 365112N 1000318W
Gay Choctaw 335713N 0953723W
Geary Blaine 353752N 0981901W
Geary Canadian 353752N 0981901W
Gene Autry Carter 341701N 0970216W
Gerlach Woodhard 362609N 0992708W
Geronimo Comanche 342852N 0982258W
Gerty Hughes 345012N 0961722W
Gibbon Grant 365634N 0975855W
Gibson Wagoner 355215N 0952106W
Gideon Cherokee 360034N 0950159W
Gilbert Grant 364723N 0975650W
Gilland Osage 363159N 0960914W
Gilmore Le Flore 350310N 0943122W
Glencoe Payne 361343N 0965531W
Glendale Le Flore 345523N 0944233W
Glenoak Nowata 364341N 0954831W
Glenoak Washington 364341N 0954831W
Glenpool Tulsa 355719N 0960031W
Glover McCurtain 340413N 0945352W
Golden McCurtain 340204N 0945346W
Goltry Alfalfa 363157N 0980905W
Goodlake McCurtain 334225N 0943832W
Goodland Choctaw 335854N 0953318W
Goodnight Logan 355705N 0970825W
Goodnight Payne 355705N 0970825W
Goodwater McCurtain 335436N 0943423W
Goodwell Texas 363543N 1013810W
Goodwin Ellis 361148N 0995605W
Gore Sequoyah 353145N 0950701W
Gore Landing Sequoyah 353123N 0950544W
Goss Atoka 343303N 0954128W
Gotebo Kiowa 350413N 0985219W
Gould Harmon 344015N 0994615W
Gowen Latimer 345253N 0952836W
Gracemont Caddo 351118N 0981537W
Grady Jefferson 340113N 0973955W
Graham Carter 342026N 0972603W
Grainola Osage 365614N 0963901W
Grainville Kay 365024N 0971341W
Grand Lake Towne Mayes 363015N 0950120W
Grandfield Tillman 341342N 0984103W
Grandview Heights Muskogee 354251N 0952158W
Granite Greer 345744N 0992249W
Grant Choctaw 335635N 0953048W
Gray Beaver 363330N 1004924W
Gray Tulsa 360749N 0960449W
Gray Horse Osage 363259N 0963851W
Grayson Okmulgee 353011N 0955221W
Greasy Adair 354002N 0944202W
Green Adair 355837N 0943735W
Green Mayes 362309N 0951721W
Green Country Estates Cherokee 355213N 0945917W
Green Pastures Oklahoma 353120N 0972008W
Greenfield Blaine 354343N 0982239W
Greenville Love 340026N 0970732W
Greenwood Pushmataha 341132N 0953515W
Grenade Crossing Comanche 344011N 0982250W
Griggs Cimarron 363610N 1020719W
Grimes Roger Mills 352758N 0994538W
Grove Delaware 363537N 0944608W
Gulf Junction Garvin 344344N 0971211W
Gulftown Okmulgee 352723N 0955439W
Guthrie Logan 355244N 0972530W
Guymon Texas 364058N 1012852W
Gypsy Creek 354242N 0962733W
Haileyville Pittsburg 345116N 0953455W
Half Bank Crossing Atoka 342111N 0960019W
Hall Park Cleveland 351413N 0972422W
Hallett Pawnee 361402N 0963402W
Hamden Choctaw 340832N 0953359W
Hammon Custer 353758N 0992253W
Hammon Roger Mills 353758N 0992253W
Hammon Junction Custer 353922N 0992230W
Hammon Junction Roger Mills 353922N 0992230W
Hanna McIntosh 351218N 0955324W
Hanson Sequoyah 352604N 0944155W
Happyland Pontotoc 344748N 0963257W
Harden City Pontotoc 343626N 0963558W
Hardesty Texas 363659N 1011125W
Hardy Kay 365815N 0964753W
Harjo Pottawatomie 351248N 0964939W
Harmon Ellis 360841N 0993336W
Harmony Star Rogers 361827N 0952815W
Harrah Oklahoma 352922N 0970948W
Harris McCurtain 334501N 0944344W
Harrisburg Stephens 342605N 0974722W
Harrison Sequoyah 352512N 0945202W
Hart Pontotoc 344251N 0965501W
Hartshorne Pittsburg 345042N 0953326W
Haskell Muskogee 354913N 0954026W
Hastings Jefferson 341336N 0980635W
Hatchetville Caddo 345631N 0982637W
Haw Creek Le Flore 344621N 0943033W
Hawley Grant 364511N 0980108W
Haworth McCurtain 335047N 0943909W
Haydenville Okfuskee 353543N 0961548W
Hayward Garfield 361640N 0973044W
Haywood Pittsburg 345314N 0955653W
Hazel Dell Pottawatomie 352656N 0970000W
Headrick Jackson 343739N 0990816W
Healdton Carter 341359N 0972915W
Heavener Le Flore 345321N 0943602W
Hectorville Okmulgee 355031N 0955530W
Helena Alfalfa 363246N 0981611W
Heman Woods 363206N 0985637W
Hendrix Bryan 334625N 0962420W
Hennepin Garvin 343032N 0972048W
Hennepin Murray 343032N 0972048W
Hennessey Kingfisher 360633N 0975354W
Henryetta Okmulgee 352623N 0955854W
Herd Osage 365152N 0961202W
Herring Roger Mills 353636N 0993103W
Hess Jackson 342753N 0991619W
Hester Greer 344804N 0992559W
Hewitt Carter 341008N 0972416W
Hext Beckham 351451N 0994509W
Heyburn Creek 355444N 0961701W
Hiawatha Le Flore 345333N 0942801W
Hibsaw Lincoln 354213N 0970826W
Hibsaw Oklahoma 354213N 0970826W
Hickory Murray 343324N 0965136W
Hickory Hill Osage 365645N 0960636W
Higgins Latimer 344841N 0952600W
High Hill Choctaw 340806N 0951748W
Hightower Jackson 343750N 0991512W
Highway 9 Landing Pittsburg 351424N 0952932W
Hill Le Flore 350540N 0942809W
Hill Chapel McCurtain 335910N 0944453W
Hillsdale Garfield 363347N 0975928W
Hinton Caddo 352817N 0982119W
Hird Pontotoc 344838N 0963906W
Hisle Rogers 362836N 0952834W
Hitchcock Blaine 355808N 0982053W
Hitchita McIntosh 353111N 0954504W
Hitchland Texas 362956N 1011903W
Hobart Kiowa 350146N 0990534W
Hochatown McCurtain 341138N 0944032W
Hocker Beckham 351724N 0992825W
Hockerville Ottawa 365938N 0944651W
Hodgen Le Flore 345033N 0943758W
Hoffman Okmulgee 352921N 0955033W
Hogshooter Washington 364155N 0955115W
Holdenville Hughes 350449N 0962356W
Hollis Harmon 344118N 0995442W
Hollister Tillman 342032N 0985214W
Hollow Craig 365315N 0951611W
Holly Creek McCurtain 335841N 0944859W
Homer Pontotoc 344653N 0963700W
Homestead Blaine 360859N 0982337W
Hominy Osage 362451N 0962342W
Honobia Le Flore 343220N 0945614W
Honobia Pushmataha 343220N 0945614W
Hontubby Le Flore 345101N 0943357W
Hooker Texas 365136N 1011247W
Hooper Cotton 340933N 0981025W
Hoover Garvin 343116N 0971449W
Hope Stephens 343408N 0975011W
Hopeton Woods 364117N 0983956W
Hopewell Atoka 341400N 0962222W
Hopkins Cimarron 364758N 1020454W
Horntown Hughes 350513N 0961451W
Hough Texas 365215N 1013436W
Hovey Texas 365146N 1014043W
Howard Rogers 362943N 0952731W
Howe Le Flore 345704N 0943813W
Hoxbar Love 340415N 0970220W
Hoyt Haskell 351618N 0951807W
Hucmac Dewey 360327N 0984745W
Hughart Haskell 351209N 0951746W
Hughes Latimer 345657N 0945818W
Hugo Choctaw 340038N 0953034W
Hulah Osage 365543N 0960206W
Hulbert Cherokee 355557N 0950828W
Hulen Cotton 343014N 0981316W
Humphreys Jackson 343321N 0991413W
Hunnewell Kay 365955N 0972427W
Hunter Garfield 363349N 0973939W
Huskey Choctaw 335645N 0951641W
Hy 10 Landing Muskogee 353655N 0951036W
Hyde Park Muskogee 354722N 0951814W
Hydro Blaine 353258N 0983440W
Hydro Caddo 353258N 0983440W
Iconium Logan 355209N 0971115W
Idabel McCurtain 335344N 0944934W
Imo Garfield 362114N 0975839W
Independence Custer 354330N 0985600W
Independence Le Flore 345302N 0944054W
Indiahoma Comanche 343711N 0984504W
Indiahoma Wye Comanche 344144N 0984218W
Indian City Caddo 350214N 0981332W
Indian Meadows Cherokee 355223N 0945756W
Indian Springs Logan 355347N 0973418W
Indian Village Osage 362438N 0962305W
Indianalo Pittsburg 350946N 0954628W
Indianapolis Custer 353305N 0985144W
Ingalls Payne 360606N 0965252W
Ingersoll Alfalfa 364747N 0982340W
Inola Rogers 360904N 0953033W
Iona Murray 343701N 0970146W
Iron Post Creek 354335N 0962419W
Iron Stob Corner McCurtain 335344N 0945650W
Ironbridge Haskell 351417N 0945718W
Irving Jefferson 340232N 0980310W
Isabella Major 361408N 0982023W
Ituna Garfield 362859N 0975809W
IXL Okfuskee 353121N 0962317W
Jacks Kingfisher 360240N 0975433W
Jacktown Lincoln 353025N 0970001W
Jamesville Muskogee 354518N 0953825W
Jasper Choctaw 340139N 0954450W
Jay Delaware 362516N 0944748W
Jaydee Pontotoc 344510N 0962620W
Jefferson Grant 364314N 0974725W
Jenks Tulsa 360122N 0955805W
Jennings Pawnee 361052N 0963410W
Jesse Pontotoc 343455N 0963146W
Jester Greer 350033N 0994141W
Jet Alfalfa 363958N 0981051W
Jimtown Love 335143N 0972209W
Jobes Pawnee 362620N 0964314W
Johnson Pottawatomie 352420N 0965029W
Johnsonville McClain 345344N 0970312W
Jollyville Murray 342738N 0970748W
Jonah Garfield 362640N 0975655W
Jones Oklahoma 353357N 0971712W
Joy Murray 343537N 0970831W
Jumbo Pushmataha 342643N 0954407W
Kansas Delaware 361218N 0944751W
Karns Canadian 353726N 0981328W
Katie Garvin 343446N 0972107W
Kaw City Kay 364537N 0964959W
Keefton Muskogee 353523N 0952021W
Keenan Woodhard 361633N 0993409W
Keetonville Rogers 361823N 0954229W
Kellond Pushmataha 341549N 0953824W
Kellyville Creek 355637N 0961248W
Kellyville Ottawa 364531N 0944153W
Kelso Craig 364220N 0950635W
Kemp Bryan 334610N 0962114W
Kendrick Lincoln 354705N 0964640W
Kenefic (Kenefick Station) Bryan 340853N 0962143W
Kengle Tulsa 360811N 0960304W
Kennady Le Flore 350052N 0944539W
Kent Choctaw 340647N 0953722W
Kenton Cimarron 365411N 1025746W
Kenwood Delaware 361852N 0945908W
Keokuk Falls Pottawatomie 352418N 0963810W
Keota Haskell 351520N 0945517W
Ketchum Craig 363128N 0950125W
Keyes Cimarron 364835N 1021518W
Keys Cherokee 354753N 0945803W
Kiamichi Pushmataha 343807N 0951043W
Kiefer Creek 355641N 0960354W
Kiersey Bryan 340020N 0962755W
Kiheki Osage 364023N 0961256W
Kildare Kay 364835N 0970256W
Kingfisher Kingfisher 355141N 0975553W
Kingston Marshall 335955N 0964310W
Kinta Haskell 350709N 0951415W
Kiowa Pittsburg 344314N 0955356W
Knowles Beaver 365224N 1001135W
Komalty Kiowa 350251N 0985924W
Konawa Seminole 345734N 0964509W
Kosoma Pushmataha 342054N 0953646W
Krebs Pittsburg 345540N 0954256W
Kremlin Garfield 363250N 0974952W
Kullituklo McCurtain 335107N 0944319W
Kusa Okmulgee 352657N 0955526W
Lacey Kingfisher 360658N 0980509W
Lafayette Haskell 351026N 0950612W
Lahoma Garfield 362315N 0980522W
Lake Tulsa 360824N 0960454W
Lake Aluma Oklahoma 353213N 0972627W
Lake Creek Greer 350146N 0992447W
Lake Hiwassee Oklahoma 353906N 0971821W
Lake Valley Washita 351005N 0985146W
Lakeside Bryan 335718N 0963306W
Lakeside Village Comanche 344754N 0982305W
Lakeview Logan 354752N 0972530W
Lamar Hughes 350558N 0960738W
Lamberson Le Flore 344741N 0950048W
Lambert Alfalfa 364059N 0982522W
Lamont Grant 364126N 0973322W
Lane Atoka 341755N 0955916W
Langley Mayes 362750N 0950251W
Langston Logan 355642N 0971518W
Last Chance Okfuskee 353212N 0961551W
Latham Le Flore 350724N 0944819W
Latta Pontotoc 344449N 0964220W
Laverne Harper 364235N 0995335W
Laverty Grady 345926N 0980430W
Lawrence Pontotoc 344111N 0964358W
Lawrie Logan 355724N 0972523W
Lawton Comanche 343631N 0982324W
Leach Delaware 361217N 0945520W
Leader Pontotoc 344344N 0962837W
Lebanon Marshall 335856N 0965427W
Leedey Dewey 355212N 0992047W
Leflore Le Flore 345355N 0945848W
Lehigh Coal 342809N 0961258W
Lela Pawnee 361908N 0965527W
Leliaetta Wagoner 360102N 0952204W
Lenapah Nowata 365102N 0953809W
Lenna McIntosh 352235N 0954609W
Lenora Dewey 360228N 0990342W
Lenox Le Flore 344144N 0944928W
Leon Love 335245N 0972544W
Leonard Tulsa 355513N 0954757W
Lep Osage 364726N 0964329W
Lequire Haskell 350616N 0950626W
Letitia Comanche 343446N 0981241W
Lewisville Haskell 350712N 0951636W
Lexington Cleveland 350053N 0972007W
Libbey Texas 365614N 1015828W
Liberty Bryan 334410N 0962033W
Liberty Cherokee 360429N 0945850W
Liberty Sequoyah 352839N 0943232W
Liberty Stephens 342657N 0975752W
Lige Kiowa 343930N 0990106W
Lillard Park Oklahoma 352543N 0973538W
Lima Seminole 351026N 0963558W
Limestone Gap Atoka 343602N 0955816W
Lincoln Jackson 342938N 0994536W
Lincolnville Ottawa 365637N 0944525W
Lindley Major 361222N 0981357W
Lindsay Garvin 345005N 0973608W
Linn Marshall 340705N 0963729W
Little Seminole 352053N 0964018W
Little Axe Cleveland 351357N 0971244W
Little Chief Osage 363957N 0963824W
Little City Marshall 340510N 0963657W
Little Ponderosa Beaver 365725N 1005233W
Loco Stephens 341945N 0974051W
Locust Grove Mayes 361200N 0951003W
Lodi Latimer 350033N 0950231W
Logan Beaver 363422N 1001301W
Lone Grove Carter 341031N 0971545W
Lone Oak Sequoyah 352326N 0943255W
Lone Pine Atoka 341120N 0954851W
Lone Wolf Kiowa 345922N 0991457W
Long Sequoyah 352951N 0943504W
Longdale Blaine 360800N 0983301W
Longtown Pittsburg 351443N 0953045W
Lookeba Caddo 352146N 0982200W
Lost City Cherokee 355916N 0950810W
Louis Harmon 343355N 0994804W
Loveland Tillman 341819N 0984617W
Lovell Logan 360325N 0973806W
Loving Le Flore 345201N 0942847W
Lowrey Cherokee 360553N 0945519W
Loyal Kingfisher 355816N 0980714W
Lucien Noble 361629N 0972716W
Ludlow Le Flore 343210N 0945102W
Lugert Kiowa 345345N 0991630W
Lula Pontotoc 344202N 0962555W
Lusta Mayes 361433N 0952013W
Luther Oklahoma 353942N 0971143W
Lyman Osage 365025N 0964435W
Lynn Lane Tulsa 360852N 0954646W
Lyons Adair 354504N 0944239W
Mackie Roger Mills 354110N 0994739W
Macomb Pottawatomie 350848N 0970031W
Macomb-Y Pottawatomie 350847N 0965535W
Madge Harmon 345401N 0995729W
Madill Marshall 340525N 0964617W
Magruder Major 361252N 0981323W
Maguire Cleveland 350752N 0971759W
Mallard Bay Wagoner 355135N 0951644W
Manchester Grant 365938N 0980214W
Mangum Greer 345219N 0993014W
Manitou Tillman 343027N 0985859W
Mannsville Johnstun 341109N 0965249W
Maple Sequoyah 352817N 0943735W
Maramec Pawnee 361431N 0964048W
Marble City Sequoyah 353449N 0944915W
Marena Payne 360420N 0971242W
Marietta Love 335613N 0970659W
Markham Creek 360340N 0963626W
Marland Noble 363339N 0970903W
Marlow Stephens 343853N 0975728W
Marsden Love 340320N 0971143W
Marshall Logan 360914N 0973731W
Martha Jackson 344331N 0992312W
Martin Muskogee 353359N 0951838W
Marty Jackson 343146N 0993027W
Masham Pawnee 362657N 0965112W
Mason Okfuskee 353358N 0962107W
Massey Point Pittsburg 350351N 0953841W
Matoaka Washington 364043N 0955841W
Matoy Bryan 340806N 0960335W
Maud Pottawatomie 350749N 0964632W
Maud Seminole 350749N 0964632W
Maxwell Pontotoc 345412N 0965038W
May Harper 363701N 0994449W
Mayfield Beckham 352020N 0995235W
Mayhew Choctaw 340339N 0955309W
Maysville Garvin 344902N 0972420W
Mazie Mayes 360627N 0952147W
McAlester Pittsburg 345600N 0954610W
McBride Marshall 335607N 0963759W
McClure Custer 353905N 0991819W
McCurtain Haskell 350859N 0945814W
McFarlin Rogers 361221N 0953159W
McGee Garvin 344932N 0965725W
McKey Sequoyah 352857N 0945305W
McKiddyville Cleveland 350515N 0971242W
McKnight Harmon 344558N 0995443W
McLain Muskogee 353359N 0951607W
McLoud Pottawatomie 352609N 0970528W
McMillan Marshall 340523N 0965613W
McQueen Harmon 344000N 0994205W
McWillie Alfalfa 363209N 0982115W
Mead Bryan 335958N 0963032W
Medford Grant 364825N 0974400W
Medicine Park Comanche 344345N 0983008W
Meeker Lincoln 353012N 0965409W
Meers Comanche 344658N 0983443W
Mehan Payne 360242N 0965632W
Mekko Pittsburg 350000N 0954513W
Mellette McIntosh 351302N 0954256W
Meno Major 362310N 0981039W
Meridian Logan 355031N 0971448W
Meridian Roger Mills 352757N 0995751W
Merrick Lincoln 355123N 0970827W
Merrick Logan 355123N 0970827W
Merritt Beckham 352211N 0993018W
Messer Choctaw 340514N 0952809W
Metory Cherokee 355025N 0950217W
Mexhoma Cimarron 364310N 1025903W
Miami Ottawa 365228N 0945238W
Micawber Okfuskee 353728N 0963043W
Middleberg Grady 350622N 0974405W
Middleton Kay 365721N 0970650W
Midlothian Lincoln 353814N 0965520W
Midway Lincoln 352933N 0970518W
Midway Logan 360421N 0973158W
Midway Muskogee 354517N 0954454W
Midway Okfuskee 353636N 0963352W
Midway Texas 365212N 1012137W
Midway Village Oklahoma 352734N 0972643W
Midwest City Oklahoma 352658N 0972347W
Milburn Johnstun 341427N 0963256W
Milfay Creek 354518N 0963356W
Mill Creek Johnstun 342415N 0964934W
Miller Pushmataha 341859N 0954441W
Millerton McCurtain 335909N 0950048W
Milo Carter 341957N 0972021W
Milton Le Flore 350942N 0945148W
Minco Grady 351846N 0975639W
Mingo Tulsa 361314N 0955207W
Mocane Beaver 365337N 1002220W
Moffett Sequoyah 352325N 0942648W
Mohawk Tulsa 361221N 0955538W
Monroe Le Flore 345933N 0943100W
Moodys Cherokee 360152N 0945727W
Moon McCurtain 334927N 0943417W
Moore Cleveland 352022N 0972911W
Mooreland Woodhard 362621N 0991216W
Moorewood Custer 354425N 0992055W
Moravia Beckham 350709N 0993035W
Moravia Greer 350709N 0993035W
Moreville Ottawa 364710N 0944730W
Morgans Corner Osage 362205N 0961250W
Morris Okmulgee 353627N 0955136W
Morrison Noble 361750N 0970028W
Morse Okfuskee 353212N 0961655W
Morvin Pottawatomie 351212N 0970056W
Mound Grove McCurtain 340455N 0950513W
Mounds Creek 355235N 0960339W
Mount Herman McCurtain 341821N 0944851W
Mount Scott Comanche 344642N 0983153W
Mount View Comanche 344749N 0981035W
Mount Zion McCurtain 335621N 0950204W
Mountain Park Kiowa 344150N 0985657W
Mountain View Kiowa 350551N 0984446W
Mouser Texas 365214N 1012453W
Moyers Pushmataha 341934N 0953912W
Muldrow Sequoyah 352422N 0943555W
Mulhall Logan 360353N 0972424W
Muncy (Tracy) Texas 364912N 1014544W
Murphy Mayes 360849N 0951440W
Murry Spur Le Flore 351535N 0943254W
Muse Le Flore 344019N 0944545W
Muskogee Muskogee 354452N 0952210W
Mustang Canadian 352303N 0974327W
Mutual Woodhard 361353N 0991004W
Myers Osage 364512N 0962402W
Nani-chito McCurtain 342520N 0943848W
Nanos Osage 364747N 0961609W
Narcissa Ottawa 364804N 0945536W
Nardin Kay 364820N 0972644W
Nash Grant 363958N 0980300W
Nashoba Pushmataha 342855N 0951254W
Nashoba Y Pushmataha 342858N 0951652W
Natura Okmulgee 354424N 0955607W
Navina Logan 354756N 0973336W
Neal Pottawatomie 351959N 0964722W
Nebo Murray 342141N 0965709W
Needmore Cleveland 350752N 0971243W
Negro Bend Atoka 341933N 0955607W
Neill Garvin 344918N 0973044W
Nelagoney Osage 363735N 0961431W
Nellie Stephens 343446N 0980727W
Nelson Choctaw 340738N 0954106W
Neodesha Wagoner 360246N 0952603W
New Liberty Beckham 352149N 0994302W
New Lima Seminole 351018N 0963532W
New Mannford Creek 360722N 0962126W
New Oberlin Choctaw 335341N 0955104W
New Prue Osage 361511N 0961614W
New Tulsa Ottawa 365504N 0944241W
Newalla Oklahoma 352418N 0970945W
Newby Creek 354241N 0962106W
Newcastle McClain 351450N 0973558W
Newkirk Kay 365256N 0970311W
Newport Carter 341510N 0971628W
Nichols Hills Oklahoma 353303N 0973255W
Nicoma Park Oklahoma 352928N 0971922W
Nicut Sequoyah 353502N 0943333W
Nida Johnstun 340835N 0962955W
Niles Canadian 352604N 0981516W
Ninnekah Grady 345700N 0975532W
Noble Cleveland 350821N 0972340W
Nobletown Seminole 351211N 0963146W
Noel Woods 364652N 0984308W
Nolia Pushmataha 342835N 0950905W
Non Hughes 344640N 0961426W
Norge Grady 345918N 0975948W
Norman Cleveland 351321N 0972621W
Norris Latimer 345956N 0945813W
North Enid Garfield 362608N 0975207W
North McAlester Pittsburg 345721N 0954538W
North Miami Ottawa 365502N 0945246W
North Pole McCurtain 340530N 0945321W
North Sobol Pushmataha 341109N 0951418W
North Village Payne 355908N 0963906W
Notichtown Sequoyah 353436N 0950529W
Nowata Nowata 364202N 0953816W
Noxie Nowata 365817N 0954356W
Numa Grant 364812N 0973621W
Nuyaka Okmulgee 353911N 0960822W
Oak Grove Murray 343653N 0965800W
Oak Grove Wagoner 360430N 0954020W
Oak Hill McCurtain 340227N 0945008W
Oak Ridge Osage 365349N 0960646W
Oakhurst Creek 360431N 0960351W
Oakhurst Tulsa 360431N 0960351W
Oakland Marshall 340600N 0964737W
Oakman Pontotoc 344956N 0963700W
Oakridge Creek 360430N 0960208W
Oakridge Tulsa 360430N 0960208W
Oaks Delaware 360958N 0945116W
Oakwood Dewey 355554N 0984217W
Oberlin Bryan 335225N 0955105W
Ochelata Washington 363600N 0955846W
Octavia Le Flore 343136N 0944210W
Odetta Kiowa 343950N 0985036W
Ogeechee Ottawa 364545N 0944851W
Oglesby Washington 363735N 0955123W
Oil Center Pontotoc 345207N 0964926W
Oil City Carter 341628N 0972505W
Oil City Stephens 343123N 0980422W
Oilton Creek 360504N 0963500W
Okarche Canadian 354333N 0975834W
Okarche Kingfisher 354333N 0975834W
Okay Wagoner 355102N 0951905W
Okeene Blaine 360658N 0981900W
Okemah Okfuskee 352557N 0961817W
Okesa Osage 364246N 0960804W
Okfuskee Okfuskee 353543N 0961341W
Oklahoma City Oklahoma 352803N 0973058W
Oklahoma Hills Stephens 342855N 0975541W
Okmulgee Okmulgee 353724N 0955737W
Okoee Craig 363107N 0950540W
Oktaha Muskogee 353435N 0952829W
Old Allison Bryan 335253N 0962013W
Old Bennington Bryan 340251N 0960130W
Old Bliss Noble 363251N 0970839W
Old Farris Atoka 341438N 0955230W
Old Retrop Washita 350843N 0992032W
Oleta Pushmataha 341158N 0952037W
Olive Bryan 335428N 0962652W
Olive Creek 360142N 0962847W
Olney Coal 342821N 0962139W
Olustee Jackson 343255N 0992519W
Omega Kingfisher 355213N 0981151W
Onapa McIntosh 352421N 0953311W
Oneida Kingfisher 355815N 0980401W
Oneta Wagoner 360108N 0954228W
Ontario Ottawa 365915N 0944546W
Oologah Rogers 362649N 0954229W
Oowala Rogers 362524N 0953652W
Opah Osage 364504N 0961735W
Optima Texas 364530N 1012121W
Ord Choctaw 335436N 0952957W
Orienta Major 362136N 0982825W
Oriental Okfuskee 353211N 0961343W
Orion Major 361300N 0984642W
Orlando Logan 360856N 0972240W
Orr Love 340155N 0973207W
Osage Osage 361734N 0962456W
Osage Junction Osage 363207N 0964305W
Oscar Jefferson 335902N 0974509W
Oseuma Ottawa 364347N 0945326W
Oswalt Love 340139N 0972004W
Otoe Noble 362302N 0971059W
Ottawa Ottawa 365124N 0944715W
Overbrook Love 340402N 0970827W
Owasso Tulsa 361610N 0955116W
Owen Washington 365957N 0955553W
Ozark Jackson 343817N 0991241W
Paden Okfuskee 353028N 0963402W
Page Le Flore 344238N 0943258W
Panama Le Flore 351002N 0944020W
Panola Latimer 345543N 0951247W
Panoma Texas 365002N 1011533W
Panther Haskell 350805N 0945954W
Paoli Garvin 344936N 0971532W
Paradise Hill Sequoyah 353734N 0950402W
Paradise View Mayes 360839N 0951807W
Parallel Dewey 355355N 0984952W
Park Hill Cherokee 355140N 0945731W
Park Wheeler Corner Okmulgee 353728N 0960926W
Parker Coal 344416N 0961048W
Parkersburg Custer 352933N 0990124W
Parkland Lincoln 355024N 0965031W
Parvin Kingfisher 360419N 0981026W
Patterson Latimer 345717N 0952405W
Patton Mayes 362836N 0951520W
Pauls Valley Garvin 344424N 0971319W
Paw Paw Sequoyah 351956N 0943048W
Pawhuska Osage 364004N 0962013W
Pawnee Pawnee 362016N 0964813W
Payne McClain 345422N 0973147W
Payson Lincoln 353301N 0965118W
Payton Crossing Atoka 341730N 0955329W
Peachtree Crossing Comanche 344113N 0982253W
Pearson Pottawatomie 350422N 0965503W
Pearsonia Osage 364806N 0962702W
Peckham Kay 365313N 0971032W
Peggs Cherokee 360451N 0950557W
Pemeta Creek 360128N 0963655W
Peno Corner Le Flore 351959N 0942801W
Pensacola Mayes 362718N 0950749W
Peoria Ottawa 365455N 0944011W
Perkins Payne 355826N 0970200W
Pernell Garvin 343341N 0973035W
Perry Noble 361722N 0971716W
Pershing Osage 363536N 0961630W
Petersburg Jefferson 335718N 0973410W
Petes Corner Noble 361725N 0970612W
Petros Le Flore 345210N 0943631W
Pettit Cherokee 354553N 0945755W
Pettit Bay Cherokee 354509N 0945635W
Pharoah Okfuskee 352513N 0960722W
Phillips Coal 343021N 0961310W
Phroso Major 361651N 0984903W
Picher Ottawa 365913N 0944950W
Pickens McCurtain 342347N 0950042W
Pickett Pontotoc 344655N 0964628W
Pickwick Bryan 335203N 0963135W
Piedmont Canadian 353831N 0974446W
Pierce McIntosh 352605N 0954258W
Pike Love 335752N 0971930W
Pin Oaks Acres Mayes 360744N 0951613W
Pine Knot Crossing Pushmataha 341455N 0950831W
Pine Ridge Caddo 350054N 0982639W
Pine Top Pittsburg 344038N 0954430W
Piney Adair 355304N 0943230W
Pink Pottawatomie 351538N 0970710W
Piper Major 361027N 0981602W
Pirtle Bryan 335920N 0961603W
Pittsburg Pittsburg 344247N 0955059W
Plainview Greer 350424N 0994319W
Plainview McCurtain 340648N 0950717W
Plainview Woods 365028N 0991427W
Platter Bryan 335425N 0963205W
Player Creek 360546N 0963610W
Pleasant Grove Seminole 351329N 0964414W
Pleasant Hill McCurtain 334608N 0943951W
Pleasant Valley Payne 355922N 0971801W
Plunketville McCurtain 342451N 0942918W
Pocasset Grady 351137N 0975708W
Pocola Le Flore 351352N 0942840W
Ponca City Kay 364225N 0970507W
Pond Creek Grant 364009N 0974803W
Pontotoc Johnstun 342919N 0963732W
Poole Oklahoma 353632N 0971335W
Pooleville Carter 342510N 0972358W
Port Washita 351216N 0991825W
Porter Wagoner 355215N 0953120W
Porter Hill Comanche 344657N 0982311W
Porum Muskogee 352122N 0951555W
Post Oak Carter 340416N 0972517W
Post Oak Love 340416N 0972517W
Poteau Le Flore 350313N 0943724W
Potter Ottawa 365724N 0945152W
Powell Marshall 335718N 0965144W
Powers Canadian 352659N 0975707W
Prague Lincoln 352912N 0964105W
Prairie Hill Jackson 343538N 0993238W
Prattville Tulsa 360616N 0960706W
Prentiss Beckham 352150N 0994819W
Preston Okmulgee 354241N 0955929W
Price Tulsa 360808N 0960405W
Pritchard Bryan 340503N 0960849W
Proctor Adair 355758N 0944638W
Provence Carter 340904N 0970114W
Prue Osage 361417N 0961859W
Pruitt City Carter 342512N 0973036W
Pulaski Creek 354849N 0962622W
Pumpkin Center Cherokee 354246N 0950737W
Pumpkin Center Muskogee 354246N 0950737W
Pumpkin Center Okmulgee 354055N 0954703W
Purcell McClain 350049N 0972139W
Purdy Garvin 344257N 0973514W
Putnam Dewey 355120N 0985805W
Qualls Cherokee 354313N 0950158W
Quapaw Ottawa 365716N 0944716W
Quay Pawnee 360934N 0964238W
Quay Payne 360934N 0964238W
Quinlan Woodhard 362716N 0990242W
Quinton Pittsburg 350722N 0952215W
Raiford McIntosh 351604N 0954712W
Ralph Custer 353032N 0990042W
Ralston Pawnee 363014N 0964355W
Rambo Pawnee 361608N 0965321W
Ramona Washington 363149N 0955524W
Randlett Cotton 341038N 0982748W
Range Texas 363238N 1010458W
Rankin Roger Mills 353728N 0995527W
Ratliff City Carter 342656N 0973033W
Rattan Pushmataha 341201N 0952446W
Ravia Johnstun 341430N 0964504W
Rayford Murray 342604N 0970540W
Reagan Johnstun 342056N 0964317W
Reams Pittsburg 350356N 0954159W
Red Bird Wagoner 355308N 0953519W
Red Fork Tulsa 360621N 0960129W
Red Hill Haskell 352050N 0945625W
Red Oak Latimer 345703N 0950448W
Red Rock (Redrock PO) Noble 362733N 0971043W
Redden Atoka 343023N 0955040W
Redland McCurtain 335436N 0944025W
Redland Sequoyah 351817N 0943727W
Reed Greer 345402N 0994143W
Reeder Ford Sequoyah 353444N 0943110W
Reeding Kingfisher 354727N 0974611W
Regnier Cimarron 365938N 1025124W
Reichert Le Flore 345209N 0944514W
Remington Osage 363840N 0964315W
Remy Sequoyah 352723N 0943202W
Renfrow Grant 365532N 0973920W
Rentiesville McIntosh 353117N 0952941W
Retrop Beckham 350935N 0992134W
Retrop Washita 350935N 0992134W
Rexroat Carter 341259N 0972416W
Reydon Roger Mills 353913N 0995507W
Reynolds Atoka 343955N 0955551W
Rhea Dewey 355030N 0991404W
Richardsville McIntosh 352842N 0954050W
Richland Canadian 353448N 0974816W
Richmond Woodhard 361127N 0990307W
Richville Pittsburg 345616N 0954027W
Ridley Comanche 344213N 0982240W
Ringling Jefferson 341042N 0973532W
Ringold McCurtain 341254N 0950730W
Ringwood Major 362246N 0981442W
Ripley Payne 360104N 0965419W
Ritts Junction Creek 354428N 0963043W
Roberta Bryan 335535N 0961808W
Robinson Corner Marshall 340507N 0963604W
Rock Creek Hughes 345024N 0960737W
Rock Island Le Flore 351056N 0942825W
Rocky Washita 350925N 0990336W
Rocky Ford Comanche 345043N 0980418W
Rocky Mountain Adair 354819N 0944602W
Rocky Point Wagoner 360142N 0951940W
Roff Pontotoc 343739N 0965026W
Rogers Craig 365501N 0951151W
Roland Sequoyah 352516N 0943052W
Roll Roger Mills 354645N 0994240W
Romulus Pottawatomie 350659N 0965523W
Ron Harmon 344732N 0995134W
Roosevelt Kiowa 345055N 0990117W
Rose Mayes 361310N 0950146W
Rosedale McClain 345506N 0971101W
Rosehill Roger Mills 353031N 0994301W
Rosston Harper 364848N 0995601W
Rossville Lincoln 353538N 0965955W
Row Delaware 361643N 0944125W
Roxana Logan 360605N 0973925W
Rubottom Love 335625N 0972724W
Rufe McCurtain 340725N 0950838W
Rush Springs Grady 344657N 0975724W
Russell Greer 344605N 0994001W
Russellville Pittsburg 350906N 0952606W
Russett Johnstun 341124N 0964817W
Ruthdale Nowata 364854N 0954414W
Ryan Jefferson 340112N 0975726W
Sacred Heart Pottawatomie 350004N 0964833W
Sadie Sequoyah 352316N 0945114W
Sageeyah Rogers 362216N 0953910W
Saint Louis Pottawatomie 350427N 0965110W
Salem Okmulgee 352302N 0955542W
Salina Mayes 361734N 0950911W
Sallisaw Sequoyah 352737N 0944714W
Salt Fork Grant 363806N 0973519W
Sams Point Pittsburg 351138N 0954136W
Sand Bluff Choctaw 340739N 0954757W
Sand Creek Grant 365025N 0980110W
Sand Point Bryan 335752N 0963344W
Sand Springs Tulsa 360823N 0960631W
Sanders Adair 355514N 0944224W
Sanders Nowata 364853N 0952658W
Sandy Harmon 344845N 0995752W
Sans Bois Haskell 350750N 0950921W
Santa Fe Stephens 342511N 0974132W
Sapulpa Creek 355955N 0960650W
Sardis Pushmataha 343957N 0952434W
Sasakwa Seminole 345655N 0963130W
Satterwhite Garvin 343353N 0972417W
Savanna Pittsburg 344944N 0955037W
Sawyer Choctaw 340049N 0952217W
Sayre Beckham 351728N 0993823W
Schlegel Payne 360027N 0964042W
Schoolton Seminole 352330N 0962730W
Schulter Okmulgee 353052N 0955723W
Scipio Pittsburg 350317N 0955723W
Scott Caddo 352236N 0981410W
Scott Canadian 352236N 0981410W
Scraper Cherokee 360522N 0945101W
Scullin Murray 343107N 0965144W
Sealy Seminole 345723N 0963011W
Sedan Kiowa 345818N 0984538W
Seiling Dewey 360853N 0985526W
Selman Harper 364807N 0992926W
Seminole Seminole 351328N 0964013W
Sentinel Washita 350928N 0991030W
Sequoyah Rogers 362224N 0953338W
Seven Oaks Sequoyah 352853N 0944355W
Sevenmile Corner Bryan 340648N 0960849W
Seward Logan 354753N 0972917W
Shady Grove McIntosh 352935N 0952457W
Shady Grove Sequoyah 352326N 0943047W
Shady Point Le Flore 350748N 0943930W
Shamrock Creek 355436N 0963501W
Sharon Woodhard 361633N 0992007W
Shattuck Ellis 361633N 0995251W
Shawnee Pottawatomie 351938N 0965530W
Shay Marshall 335558N 0964629W
Shea Garfield 362303N 0974650W
Sherwood McCurtain 341952N 0944641W
Shidler Osage 364655N 0963939W
Shiloh Logan 354820N 0970933W
Shinewell McCurtain 335252N 0943047W
Shirk Tulsa 360719N 0960738W
Shoals Choctaw 335352N 0952351W
Shrewder Harmon 344607N 0994519W
Shults McCurtain 335344N 0944421W
Sickles Caddo 352146N 0982651W
Silo Bryan 340229N 0962826W
Silver City Creek 360525N 0962939W
Simpson Marshall 340910N 0965321W
Skedee Pawnee 362246N 0964217W
Skiatook Osage 362206N 0960004W
Skiatook Tulsa 362206N 0960004W
Skullyville (Oak Lodge) Le Flore 351454N 0943536W
Slapout Beaver 363657N 1000630W
Slaughterville Cleveland 350514N 0972005W
Slick Creek 354637N 0961557W
Slim McCurtain 340503N 0950615W
Smacker Le Flore 350048N 0943952W
Smith Village Oklahoma 352703N 0972725W
Smith-Lee Bryan 335313N 0960128W
Sneed Acres Comanche 343811N 0982323W
Snow Pushmataha 342345N 0952445W
Snyder Kiowa 343932N 0985705W
Sobol Pushmataha 340940N 0951418W
Soldani Osage 364533N 0964750W
Sooner Grady 351357N 0975112W
Soonerville Lincoln 355539N 0965014W
Soper Choctaw 340158N 0954149W
Sorrels Le Flore 350145N 0943848W
South Coffeyville Nowata 365940N 0953712W
South Village Lincoln 355447N 0963831W
Southard Blaine 360321N 0982830W
Spade Mountain Adair 355239N 0944446W
Sparks Lincoln 353629N 0964915W
Spaulding Hughes 350050N 0962623W
Spavinaw Mayes 362328N 0950247W
Speer Choctaw 340648N 0953320W
Spelter City Okmulgee 352730N 0955747W
Spencer Oklahoma 353122N 0972237W
Spencerville Choctaw 340832N 0952129W
Sperry Tulsa 361750N 0955928W
Spiro Le Flore 351428N 0943711W
Spring Creek Caddo 351542N 0981059W
Spring Hill Cleveland 350053N 0971554W
Springer Carter 341852N 0970833W
Springhill Wagoner 354847N 0953414W
Squaretop Caddo 350431N 0981805W
Sroboda Kiowa 344237N 0985720W
Stafford Custer 353212N 0990718W
Staley Bryan 334936N 0963147W
Stanley Pushmataha 343224N 0952810W
Stapp Le Flore 344518N 0943725W
Star Haskell 351840N 0945153W
Star Pittsburg 344016N 0953219W
Stealy McClain 345541N 0972422W
Stecker Caddo 345727N 0981856W
Steedman Pontotoc 344856N 0962847W
Steel Junction McCurtain 340226N 0944631W
Stella Cleveland 351909N 0971245W
Sterling Comanche 344501N 0981017W
Stidham McIntosh 352207N 0954158W
Stigler Haskell 351513N 0950722W
Stillwater Payne 360656N 0970329W
Stilwell Adair 354852N 0943742W
Stone Bluff Wagoner 355309N 0954412W
Stones Corner Wagoner 355216N 0953623W
Stonewall Pontotoc 343909N 0963133W
Stony Point Adair 355052N 0944140W
Stony Point Le Flore 351510N 0944006W
Story Garvin 345119N 0972730W
Story McClain 345119N 0972730W
Straight Texas 365236N 1012654W
Strang Mayes 362438N 0950750W
Stratford Garvin 344748N 0965733W
Strawberry Spring Adair 355923N 0943858W
Stringtown Atoka 342800N 0960311W
Strohm Osage 363835N 0963319W
Strong City Roger Mills 354013N 0993557W
Stroud Lincoln 354455N 0963928W
Stuart Hughes 345405N 0960555W
Sturgis Cimarron 365338N 1020411W
Success Craig 363646N 0950205W
Sugar Creek Le Flore 345323N 0942843W
Sugden Jefferson 340455N 0975841W
Sulphur Murray 343028N 0965805W
Summerfield Le Flore 345355N 0945157W
Summit Muskogee 353957N 0952521W
Sumner Noble 361908N 0970716W
Sumpter Kay 365301N 0971739W
Sunkist Choctaw 340831N 0955309W
Sunray Stephens 342445N 0975753W
Sunrise Okfuskee 353114N 0960722W
Sunrise Okmulgee 352722N 0955503W
Sunset Custer 354516N 0985806W
Sunset Corner Le Flore 351418N 0944019W
Sunsweet Craig 363457N 0951926W
Swan Lake Caddo 351405N 0983057W
Sweetwater Beckham 352520N 0995440W
Sweetwater Roger Mills 352520N 0995440W
Swink Choctaw 340104N 0951207W
Sycamore Delaware 362418N 0944247W
Sylvian Seminole 352052N 0963355W
Tabler Grady 350239N 0974910W
Tabor Creek 354806N 0961548W
Taft Muskogee 354542N 0953246W
Tahlequah Cherokee 355455N 0945811W
Tahona Le Flore 350941N 0943611W
Tailholt Cherokee 355012N 0945031W
Talala Rogers 363147N 0954204W
Talihina Le Flore 344505N 0950252W
Tallant Osage 363551N 0961125W
Taloah Atoka 341532N 0961208W
Taloga Dewey 360219N 0985748W
Tamaha Haskell 352346N 0945900W
Tangier Woodhard 362515N 0993159W
Tatums Carter 342858N 0972741W
Taupa Comanche 343614N 0983036W
Taylor Beckham 351453N 0992255W
Taylor Cotton 341025N 0981951W
Taylor Corner Gin Tillman 341305N 0985524W
Taylor Ferry Wagoner 355639N 0951644W
Tecumseh Pottawatomie 351528N 0965611W
Tegarden Woods 364752N 0985811W
Temple Cotton 341619N 0981408W
Teresita Cherokee 360634N 0945933W
Terlton Pawnee 361117N 0962924W
Terral Jefferson 335348N 0975610W
Texanna McIntosh 352050N 0952612W
Texhoma Texas 363018N 1014657W
Texola Beckham 351309N 0995927W
Thackerville Love 334736N 0970834W
The Village Oklahoma 353339N 0973304W
Thomas Custer 354439N 0984450W
Thompson Corner Cherokee 355455N 0950457W
Three-Way Corner Caddo 351727N 0982442W
Ti Pittsburg 344233N 0953940W
Tia Juana Delaware 362844N 0950011W
Tia Juana Mayes 362844N 0950011W
Tiawah Rogers 361540N 0953338W
Tiger Rogers 361119N 0954816W
Tip Mayes 362103N 0951102W
Tipton Tillman 343010N 0990826W
Tishomingo Johnstun 341410N 0964042W
Titanic Adair 355403N 0944619W
Todd Craig 364000N 0950311W
Togo Major 362511N 0984552W
Tom McCurtain 334409N 0943422W
Tonkawa Kay 364042N 0971835W
Tonnece Delaware 361643N 0943642W
Toppers Wagoner 355814N 0951834W
Torpedo Osage 364337N 0960234W
Touzalin Ellis 362000N 0995828W
Trail Dewey 355807N 0991747W
Treece Cherokee 365956N 0945040W
Trestle Ford Le Flore 345932N 0942848W
Tribbey Pottawatomie 350655N 0970311W
Trousdale Pottawatomie 350228N 0970233W
Troy Johnstun 341938N 0964653W
Tryon Lincoln 355211N 0965749W
Tsa La Gi Indian Village Cherokee 355159N 0945730W
Tucker Le Flore 351813N 0944348W
Tullahassee Wagoner 355005N 0952615W
Tulsa Tulsa 360914N 0955933W
Tupelo Coal 343617N 0962526W
Turkey Ford Delaware 364003N 0944255W
Turkey Ford Ottawa 364003N 0944255W
Turley Tulsa 361431N 0955832W
Turner Love 335624N 0971859W
Turpin Beaver 365203N 1005237W
Tushka Atoka 341913N 0961001W
Tuskahoma Pushmataha 343704N 0951635W
Tuskegee Creek 353911N 0961651W
Tussy Carter 343024N 0973234W
Tussy Garvin 343024N 0973234W
Tuttle Grady 351727N 0974843W
Twin Lakes Kingfisher 355210N 0973952W
Twin Lakes Logan 355210N 0973952W
Twin Oaks Delaware 361219N 0945104W
Tyler Marshall 340613N 0965434W
Tyner Kay 364420N 0971731W
Tyrola Pontotoc 345425N 0964143W
Tyrone Texas 365715N 1010354W
Ulan Pittsburg 350658N 0955310W
Ultima Thule McCurtain 340333N 0942843W
Uncas Kay 364744N 0965546W
Unger Choctaw 340134N 0954654W
Union Kingfisher 360144N 0974803W
Union Tulsa 360425N 0955152W
Union City Canadian 352330N 0975628W
Union Hill Pontotoc 344922N 0964556W
Union Valley Pontotoc 344139N 0963457W
Unity Texas 364543N 1014230W
Ury Bryan 340306N 0962222W
Utica Bryan 335405N 0961316W
Valley Brook Oklahoma 352407N 0972852W
Valliant McCurtain 340008N 0950537W
Vamoosa Seminole 345908N 0964011W
Vanoss Pontotoc 344550N 0965218W
Velma Stephens 342736N 0974025W
Vera Washington 362657N 0955250W
Verden Grady 350500N 0980515W
Verdigris Rogers 361405N 0954127W
Vernon McIntosh 351256N 0955532W
Vian Sequoyah 352954N 0945810W
Vici Dewey 360859N 0991752W
Victor Le Flore 345759N 0944712W
Victory Jackson 343908N 0992619W
Vinco Payne 355713N 0970214W
Vining Alfalfa 364603N 0980950W
Vinita Craig 363819N 0950914W
Vinson Harmon 345402N 0995134W
Virgil Choctaw 340411N 0952256W
Vivian McIntosh 351723N 0954258W
Wade Bryan 335320N 0960433W
Wadena Pushmataha 342409N 0953548W
Wagoner Wagoner 355734N 0952209W
Wainwright Muskogee 353645N 0953351W
Wakita Grant 365300N 0975518W
Waldron Alfalfa 365952N 0981059W
Walls Le Flore 350213N 0945432W
Wallville Garvin 344605N 0973013W
Walters Cotton 342135N 0981827W
Wandel Kingfisher 355306N 0974443W
Wanette Pottawatomie 345743N 0970156W
Wann Nowata 365455N 0954815W
Wapanucka Johnstun 342226N 0962527W
Ward Le Flore 351414N 0944331W
Ward Springs Pittsburg 344840N 0960119W
Wardville Atoka 343913N 0960148W
Warner Muskogee 352939N 0951819W
Warr Acres Oklahoma 353121N 0973707W
Warren Jackson 344659N 0991229W
Warwick Lincoln 354109N 0970014W
Washington McClain 350332N 0972903W
Washita Caddo 350610N 0982026W
Washita Murray 343249N 0970752W
Washunga Kay 364701N 0965016W
Wasseta Bryan 340447N 0961836W
Watchorn Pawnee 362512N 0965947W
Waterloo Logan 354331N 0972840W
Waterloo Oklahoma 354331N 0972840W
Watkins Tulsa 355851N 0960041W
Watonga Blaine 355041N 0982446W
Watova Nowata 363702N 0953920W
Watson McCurtain 342614N 0943326W
Watts Adair 360633N 0943412W
Wauhillau Adair 355125N 0944623W
Waukomis Garfield 361649N 0975352W
Waurika Jefferson 341001N 0975950W
Wayne McClain 345505N 0971851W
Waynoka Woods 363456N 0985246W
Weatherford Custer 353134N 0984226W
Weathers Pittsburg 343934N 0953500W
Webb Dewey 355540N 0990756W
Webb City Osage 364825N 0964230W
Webber Falls Muskogee 353039N 0950747W
Weeks Bryan 335206N 0955002W
Wekiwa Tulsa 360911N 0961022W
Welch Craig 365225N 0950544W
Weleetka Okfuskee 352008N 0960810W
Welling Cherokee 355240N 0945403W
Wellston Lincoln 354139N 0970347W
Welon Jackson 343907N 0992046W
Welty Okfuskee 353728N 0962418W
Wesley Atoka 343516N 0955351W
West Cleo Major 362420N 0982754W
West Fort Smith Sequoyah 352349N 0942623W
West Fort Towson Choctaw 340122N 0951625W
West Muskogee Muskogee 354413N 0952442W
West Point Payne 361118N 0965114W
West Tulsa Tulsa 360806N 0960008W
Westville Adair 355933N 0943404W
Wetumka Hughes 351415N 0961429W
Wewoka Seminole 350931N 0962935W
Wheatland Oklahoma 352352N 0973907W
Wheeless Cimarron 364309N 1025338W
Whippoorwill Osage 365444N 0960747W
White Eagle Kay 363630N 0970433W
White Oak Cherokee 354332N 0950146W
White Oak Craig 363713N 0951550W
Whitebead Garvin 344539N 0971801W
Whitefield Haskell 351509N 0951414W
Whitesboro Le Flore 344133N 0945306W
Whitmire Adair 355639N 0943949W
Wilburton Latimer 345507N 0951832W
Wildcat Point Cherokee 354553N 0945502W
Wildhorse Lincoln 355446N 0964813W
Willard Harper 365821N 0994330W
Williams Le Flore 350953N 0943254W
Willis Marshall 335308N 0964944W
Willow Greer 350305N 0993033W
Willow View Cleveland 350330N 0971553W
Wilson Atoka 342045N 0962116W
Wilson Carter 340943N 0972532W
Wilson Okmulgee 353027N 0960204W
Wilzetta Lincoln 353301N 0964407W
Winchester Woods 365726N 0984749W
Winganon Rogers 363314N 0953339W
Winrock Farms Murray 343056N 0965022W
Wirt Carter 341351N 0973153W
Wister Le Flore 345802N 0944328W
Witcher Oklahoma 353538N 0972521W
Witteville Le Flore 350511N 0943902W
Wolco Osage 363218N 0960416W
Wolf Seminole 350515N 0963930W
Woodard Corner Okfuskee 353119N 0960931W
Woodford Carter 342019N 0971703W
Woodlawn Park Oklahoma 353041N 0973859W
Woods Oklahoma 352607N 0971552W
Woodville Marshall 335811N 0963912W
Woodward Woodhard 362601N 0992324W
Woolaroc Osage 363939N 0960651W
Wright City McCurtain 340336N 0950011W
Wyandotte Ottawa 364736N 0944330W
Wybark Muskogee 354841N 0951953W
Wynnewood Garvin 343836N 0970951W
Wynona Osage 363246N 0961937W
Yahola Muskogee 354545N 0953624W
Yale Payne 360651N 0964156W
Yanush Latimer 344235N 0951849W
Yarnaby Bryan 334727N 0961524W
Yeager Hughes 350927N 0962021W
Yerby Le Flore 350002N 0944040W
Yewed Alfalfa 364056N 0982435W
Yonkers Wagoner 360310N 0951538W
Yost Payne 361203N 0970040W
Yuba Bryan 334834N 0961215W
Yukon Canadian 353024N 0974544W
Zafra Le Flore 343031N 0942912W
Zaneis Carter 341021N 0972956W
Zeb Cherokee 354918N 0950316W
Zena Delaware 362946N 0945112W
Zincville Ottawa 365929N 0944831W
Zion Adair 354657N 0943805W
Zoe Le Flore 344604N 0943741W
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: