Category : Science and Education
Archive   : FGSMMF.ZIP
Filename : FGSREADM.1ST
formerly Flying Mouse Software
All rights reserved - Copyright 1990-91
Member Association of Shareware Professionals
This is a SHAREWARE Program
Program designed and written by
Roger A. Johnston
Fischer Grafix & Software
P.O. Box 606
Midway City, Ca 92655
SECTION 1 ----------------------- Getting Started & Hardware
SECTION 2 ----------------------- MMF & Windows
SECTION 3 ----------------------- General Description
SECTION 4 ----------------------- Initialization Screen
SECTION 5 ----------------------- Flashcard Screen
SECTION 6 ----------------------- About Shareware
SECTION 7 ----------------------- Problems & Tech Support
SECTION 8 ----------------------- Planned Upgrades
SECTION 9 ----------------------- Permissom to Copy
SECTION 10 ---------------------- Disclaimer
SECTION 11 ---------------------- Upgrades this Version
SECTION 12 ---------------------- Registration Information
SECTION 13 ---------------------- ASP (Ombudsman)
SECTION 14 ---------------------- Registration Form
SECTION 15 ---------------------- Vendor Information
SECTION 16 ---------------------- ASP Vendor
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Flying Mouse Software
SECTION 1: Getting Started & Hardware Requirements
You must have a minimum of EGA to display program.
Your system must also have a mouse with the latest driver.
One Drive System;
Start your computer as you normally would (with the DOS diskette)
then insert the Melissa's MF Diskette into drive "A", at the
DOS prompt type in "A:\FGSMMF.EXE". The program will run slowly
from diskette but is acceptable.
Hard Disk System;
Start your computer as you normally would. Make a directory
for MMF (consult your DOS manual for instructions on how to
make a directory and copy files). Copy all the files from your
MMF diskette into this directory. At the DOS prompt type in
"FGSMMF.EXE" to run the program.
To insure proper operation of the program it is best to place it
in it's own directory. This is only a precaution, progams that
are in there own directories do not bother or are not bothered by
any other program. This is not a must, just good practice. This
program does not write any file to disk.
SECTION 2: Melissa's Music Flashcards in Windows
To use MMF in Windows 3.0 and install the Icon, use the normal
procedure to start Windows. Select the window in which you want
to install the program (refer to your windows manual for
installation of programs). Once you have installed the program in
Windows, single click on the program just to highlight it. Pull
down the "FILE" menu and select properties. Click on change icon.
In the "File Name Box", type in the Drive:\path\icon name.ico,
(ie: C:\MMF\FGSMMF.ICO). Click OK & OK. You should now have the
FMSMMF icon on the screen above the program. If you have a problem
with this procedure consult your windows manual.
SECTION 3: General Description
In watching kids try to learn the notes and keys of the music staff
for piano lessons, the use of old-fashioned flashcards was boring
to the kids (and the adults). This program was written with those
flashcards in mind. An interactive computer environment would be
both entertaining and interesting. The use of this program probably
requires some knowledge of music, such as what a note is, what sharps
and flats do, the difference between treble and bass clefs, etc.
However, when this program is used in the context of learning a
musical instrument, the theory should pose no problem. Fundamentally,
this program allows one to choose the clef and the number of sharp or
flats in the key signature after which key signatures and notes are
displayed at random on the staff. You can guess at the note or have
it displayed as a key on the keyboard.
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Fischer Grafix & Software
Animating the notes adds interest to the process of learning the
names of the notes and keys.
SECTION 4: Initialization Screen
The opening screen consists of a column of key boxes, a column
of clef boxes and a row of option boxes at the bottom of the
screen. The KEY and CLEF boxes may be scrolled through with the
cursor keys or selected with the mouse.
The four KEY boxes are:
KEY OF C - To practice notes in the Key of C
SHARP KEYS - To practice notes in the sharp keys only
FLAT KEYS - To practice notes in the flat keys only
FLAT & SHARP KEYS - To practice all possible key signatures
NOTE: Except in the case of the Key of C option, pressing a number
key between 0 & 7 will set the upper limit on the number of sharps
and/or flats that will be displayed (the left & right cursor keys
will also increase & decrease this value). This feature is handy
when introducing the concept of keys to a student.
The Three CLEF boxes:
TREBLE CLEF - To practice notes in the treble (or G) clef
BASS CLEF - To practice notes in the bass (or F) clef
BOTH CLEFS - To select both treble & bass
The Bottom option boxes:
BEGIN - Starts flashcard generation (See section 5)
HELP - Displays a one page quick help
EXIT - Exit this program to DOS
SECTION 5: Flachcard Screen
You can either supervise the student along with the progam or let
them practice at the students own pace.
The Flashcard screen displays a musical staff with clef sgin, a
note, and sharps or flats if selected in the initialization menu.
There is also a row of boxes across the top of the screen showing
note letters with sharp and flat symbols. Across the bottom of
the screen are the option boxes. To be shown the name of the
displayed note, simply press the enter key or the right mouse button
with the cursor positioned to the right of the note. Pressing the
enter key or left mouse button will cause the new note to be
displayed. To guess the name of the note, move the mouse cursor to
the upper row of boxes and click the right mouse button when you
are positioned over the note name. A correct answer will result in
an animated happy face; whereas an incorrect answer results in an
animated sad face. If the note name is sharped or flatted due to
the key signature, the sharp or flat symbol associated with the
note name should be selected. A display of the note on the keyboard
can be seen by clicking on the hint box at the bottom of the screen
or by pressing the "H" key. To really cheat, clicking in the center
of the note on the staff will highlight the correct note box at the
top of the screen. Selecting the EXIT box at the bottom of the
screen returns you to the initialization screen where perameters
may be changed or the program exited.
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Fischer Grafix & Software
SECTION 6: About Shareware
Shareware is a try-before-you-buy process in which you are allowed to
use the program for a specific amount of time. This time will vary
from program to program. The grace period for this program is 3 weeks.
If after that time you find the program useful, you are expexted to
register with the author (see registration form below). If however
after the specified time you do not find the program useful you are
required to remove it from use. Remember that the shareware system will
only work if you support it by registering your program with the
author. This does a few thing like, encourage the authors of shareware
to continue to write quality programs, upgrade existing programs and
supply support for those programs.
If you choose not to register, we would still like to hear about any
comments or suggestions you may have on Melissa's Music Flashcards.
SECTION 7: Problems & Technical Support
Some older mouse driver may not work with this program.
If you encounter any problems with the program, write us stating the
problem along with the version number of the program or you can
give us a call at (714) 898-7262 between 5:00 - 7:00 PST for
technical problems. We will be glad to do everything we can to get
your problems solved quickly. Please limit calls to problems ONLY,
send in your comments or suggestions. Note: We will NOT accept collect
phone calls. Phone help is only for Registered users. If you call and
get our answering machine. Please leave you name, phone number,
program, version number and the problem you are encountering. We will
get back to you as quickly as possible.
Also on CompuServe User ID : [70233,1315]
SECTION 8: Planned upgrades
The planned upgrades to the program include:
Add High Score screen for those who want to see their name
in the program.
SECTION 9: Permission to Copy
Clubs, Individuals and other Organizations are granted permission to
freely distribute this program and its associated documents by Flying Mouse Software.
Distribution Requirements:
1. The registration fees for this program are to the author ONLY.
No fees charged for the software and it's documentation above and
beyond the fees for disk duplication and distribution,
(normally under $6.00)
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Fischer Grafix & Software
2. No advertisment made as to the program being public domain, free
or cheap. All advertisements must state this program is SHAREWARE.
3. No modifications made to this program, it's name or to any of the
accompanying documentation or files.
4. All persons whom this program is distributed to should be informed
of and encouraged to support the shareware concept.
5. Doc files with Melissa's Music Flashcards must remain together and
be distributed on the same diskette or Arc'd together.
6. This program may NOT be rented or leased by anyone.
SECTION 10: Disclaimer
The author reserves all rights to Melissa's Music Flashcards and it's
associated documentation. FG&S assumes no liability to you or any
other party for the use or misuse of this program for damages
caused either direct or consequential.
SECTION 11: Upgrades this version
1. Added through speaker note play.
2. Minor bug fixes
See above for future upgrades.
SECTION 12: Registration Information
Registration entitles you to the latest version of the program as they
become available. You can also call us with any problems (see Tech
support). Only registered users will receive over the phone help.
We will verify registrations. Registered user you will be the first
ones to be informed of any major upgrades or modifications made to the
program. Your comments / suggestions will have the highest
consideration for incorporation into the program.
SECTION 13: ASP (Ombudsman)
This program is produced by Fischer Garafix & Software, a member of the
Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure
that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting
the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the
ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a
Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
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Fischer Grafix & Software
Registration Fee (Circle disk size)
5 1/4" diskette ------------------ $18.50
3 1/3" diskette ------------------ $19.50
Shipping & Handling US - $ 1.50
Shipping & Handling Outside US - $ 3.00
Calif Res. add approp. sales tax - ($__.__)
Total = $___.__
Make CHECK/M.O./P.M.O payable to Fischer Grafix & Software,
fill in and return this form to:
Fischer Grafix & Software
P.O. Box 606
Midway City, CA. 92655
Name : __________________________________________________
Address : __________________________________________________
City : __________________________________________________
State : _________________________ Zip : __________________
Ver. # : 2.0 Melissa's Music Flashcards
Where did you get this program from :
Company : ______________________________ Disk # : ______
Where did you hear about this program :
Comments or Suggestions : _______________________________
Use extra sheet if needed for comments.
Thank You for your time in Registering this Program .....
To our English Friends (We will convert your Pounds but
please add $1.00 for this service) Thank You.
For those wishing to pay by Credit Card or through * CompuServe
we have authorized Software Excitement to accept registrations,
Software Excitement VISA & MASTERCARD Accepted
Orders Only 1-800-444-5457
Orders (Fax) 1-503-826-8090
* for CompuServe type "GO SE" at any promt.
If you have a problem see Problems & Tech Support above.
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Fischer Grafix & Software
******* VENDOR INFORMATION *******
SECTION 15: Vendor Information
Program Name : Melissa's Music Flashcards
Catagories : (in order of preference)
1 : Music
2 : Education
3 : Children
Program Requirements :
Minimum of EGA system
Mouse with latest driver
(100% MicroSoft or Logitech compatible)
List of Features :
On screen help
Acknowledge correct with happy face
Acknowledge wrong with crying note
Hint that shows note on piano keys
Cheat which shows proper note on screen
Modify to cycle through notes user selects
normal, sharps & flats
Easy to use for kid's
Play notes through system speaker
Included Files :
Only two other files exist with this program,
they are NOT to be seperated. If you must
ark the files, ark them together.
They include,
Registration Information :
See above Registration form for pricing
This varies by diskette size
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Fischer Grafix & Software
Author Information : Vendors may contact us;
Fischer Grafix & Software
P.O. Box 606
Midway City, CA. 92655
(714) 898-7262
CompuServe ID: 70233,1315
Program Description :
This program teachs kid's of all ages about musical notes.
You can set the type of note that appears on the screen from flats
to sharps. The program will acknowledge if your right with a happy
face note or the note will cry if your wrong. This is a very
entertaining way to learn the musical notes. The program was
written to add some fun to the drudgery of trying to learn Music.
You can click on hint and the program will show you the proper note
on the piano keys. Very simple to use, just point and click.
Help Us to Serve You Better:
If you are going to include Melissa's Music Flashcards in you library
/Catalog, please notify us so you can be placed on our update list.
We would also very much appreciate anything you write about, review
or enter in your catalog about Melissa's Music Flashcards. If we do
not hear from you we will assume you are not going to place the program
in your library/catalog and remove your name from our list.
We would like to thank you for your time and for your support in
the Shareware Concept.
Software Reviewers:
Please contact us to be sure you have the latest version of the
program. This is to insure your information on the program and
it's registration is correct at the time of your review.
Thank You in advance.
SECTION 16: ASP Vendor
We would recommend that you think about becoming an ASP approved
vendor if you are not one now. The ASP is working for all of us in
the Shareware Market Concept. The ASP has guidelines for programs to
meet thier standards, these help give customers confidence that they
are getting quality programs and a place to turn if no one else can
help. For more info about ASP contact them at:
Association of Shareware Professionals
Vendor Certification Committee
545 Grover Road
Muskegon, MI 49442
---- End of Document ----
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: