Dec 152017
Another very good shareware Morse Code learning system.
File CODE2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Another very good shareware Morse Code learning system.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ANTENNAS.CW 173 116 deflated
CITIES.CW 2007 833 deflated
CODE.COM 53180 31314 deflated
CW.BAT 12 12 stored
CW.CFG 32 25 deflated
CW.DOC 27593 9568 deflated
CWGUIDE.TXT 7936 2520 deflated
FEEDBACK.FRM 1208 446 deflated
GROUPS.1 60 56 deflated
GROUPS.2 49 49 stored
GROUPS.CW 53 53 stored
HAMRADIO.INF 5961 2584 deflated
JOBS.CW 417 217 deflated
MYGROUP.CW 13 13 stored
NAMES.CW 530 246 deflated
PAIRS.CW 251 147 deflated
PROBLEM.RPT 1585 469 deflated
README.1ST 2056 900 deflated
RIGS.CW 358 173 deflated
SETTINGS.DOC 858 257 deflated
WORDS.CW 1554 578 deflated

Download File CODE2.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

The first thing you should do when you run CW is to calibrate the code speed
to suit the clock speed for your computer and to account for any memory
resident programs which you have loaded. Each time you change the memory
resident program enviroment you will need to recalibrate code speed. When
doing so use the following procedure:

1. Use the

arameters command and the peed subcommand to set the
code speed to a multiple of 10 words per minute (20 or 30 are most
convenient). Set the send speed, character speed, and word speed to the same

2. Select the tilities command on the main menu and the peed
test subcommand.

3. Using a clock or watch with a sweep second hand, count the number
of times the standard word PARIS is sent in exactly one minute. If the
number matches the code speed set in step 1, then no further calibration
is necessay. The count is not automated since the counting process would
consume time and thus render the result innacurate.

4. If the number of words and code speed do not match, then use the
tilities command and iming subcommand to set the timing constant.
Increasing the number slows the send speed down, and vice versa. Using a
PC with a clock speed of 4.77 MHz. and with no memory resident programs
installed, the author has found that a timing factor of about 1075 produces
the correct speed.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 until the code speed shown at the bottom of the
screen matches the number of words sent in one minute.

In counting the number of times PARIS is send, be sure to include the
last word space as part of the last PARIS. In other words, if you are
attempting to calibrate at 20 words per minute, start timing when the first
word is sent and stop timing when the 21st word starts.

On my Zenith Z-150 running at 4.77 MHz. and with no memory resident
programs installed, the timing factor is about 1080. With several memory
resident programs installed, the timing factor decreased to about 620.

 December 15, 2017  Add comments

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