Dec 112017
Good Morse code practice program.
File CODE.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Good Morse code practice program.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CODE.EXE 51852 33370 deflated
UNCLE’S.TXT 716 430 deflated

Download File CODE.ZIP Here

Contents of the UNCLE'S.TXT file


The system contained in this package has been sold
commercially for several years and has proven to
be an excellent product.

The program is now offered in DOS format as shareware. Be aware that
the programs are copyrighted and that I (Bill Clarke) retain
ownership of all rights. No product warranties or responsibility exist.

You are free to copy the software and distribute it among potential
users, clubs, and BBSs --- provided this text is included with the
other files.

The user's fee for the entire package is a modest $5.

Send fee(s) to: UNCLE BILL's Software
P.O. Box 2403
Falls Church
VA 22042

 December 11, 2017  Add comments

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