Category : Science and Education
Archive   : CANTONES.ZIP
Filename : LESSON15

Output of file : LESSON15 contained in archive : CANTONES.ZIP
"","chopsticks","n","se\ung; deui (pair); jek (each)","M\goi ne/ih ni-k se\ung faaiji/ be/i ngo/h","Please bring this chopstick to me."
"do-u","knife","n","ba/; je\ung","M\go\i ne/ih be/i ba/ do-u ngo/h.","Please give me this knife."
"do-uja/i","pocket knife; fruit knife","n","ba/; je\ung","Ne/ih ya/uh do-uja/i ma?","Do you have a fruit knife?"
"","dinner knife","n","","Ni-ba/ cha-ando-u ge/i chi/n a?","How much does this dinner knife cost?"
"cha-","fork","n","jek","Ne/ih tu\hng ngo/h heui ma/aih le/uhngjek cha-; da-k ma?","Will you go with me to buy two forks? Okay?"
"do-ucha-","silverware","n","fu; tou","Nei/hdi- do-ucha- gau m\gau a?","Is this silverware expensive?"
"fu","set of silverware (one of each piece)","m","","",""
"tou","set of furniture; dishes; set of silverware (more than one of each piece)","m","","",""
"yu/","fish","n","ti\uh","Ni-ti\uh yu/ ge/ido- chi/n a?","How much does this fish cost?"
"sung","dish of food","n","dihp; meih; me/i","Ne/ih ju\ngyi sihk ma-tye/h sung a?","What dish do you like to eat?"
"ma/aihsung","buy groceries","vo","","Ke/uih heuijo/ ma/aihsung.","Has he already bought the vegetables?"
"choi","dish of food (in a restaurant)","n","dihp; meih; go","Ngo/hdeih giu sa\amgo choi gau meih a?","We order three dishes; enough?"
"choi","leafy vegetables","n","ti/ng (type); ju/ng (kind); po\ (stalk)","Ne/ih ju\ngyi sihk choi ma?","Do you like to eat leafy vegetables?"
"to\ng","soup (in a home)","n","wu/n","Ne/ih ju\ngy choi tong ma? Ju\ngyi; m\go\i ne/ih be/i wu/n ngo/h.","Do you like vegetable soup? Yes; please give me a bowl."
"to\ng","soup (in a restaurant)","n","go","",""
"wu/n","bowl","n","jek; go","Ni-jek haih m\haih Ju\nggwok wu/n a?","Is this a Chinese bowl?"
"ja/u","wine","n","bui (glass); ji\ or je\un (bottle)","Ni-di- ja/u ha/i bi-nsyu la\ih ga?","Where does this wine come from?"
"bu-i","glass; cup","n","jek; go","Ni-jek bu-i ge/ido- chi/n a?","How much does this glass (cup) cost?"
"deihfo\ng","place","n","daat; go","Ne/ih ya/uh mo/uh heuigwo go/daat deihfo\ng a?","Have you been to that place?"
"ya/m","drink","fv","","Ya/m bu\i ja/u, ho/u ma?","Drink a glass of wine; okay?"
"ya/mcha\h","eat at teahouse; drink tea","vo","","Tu\hngma\aih ngo/h ya-tcha/i heui ya/mcha\h ho/u ma?","We go together (together) to drink tea; okay?"
"cha\h","tea","n","ti/ng; ju/ng; bu\i","Ne/ih ya/mgwo Ju\nggwok cha\h meih a?","Have you tried Chinese tea yet?"
"ja/uga-","restaurant (the most popular term)","n","ga\an","",""
"faahndim","restaurant (Chinese or Western)","n","ga\an","",""
"cha-ansa-t","restaurant (Western food)","n","ga\an","",""
"cha-ante-ng","hotel restaurant","n","ga\an","",""
"cha\hla\uh","restaurant (Cantonese food); teahouse","n","ga\an","",""
"=la\uh","restaurant (suffix; Shanghai or Peking food)","n","","",""
"ngoh; to/uhngoh","hungry; go without food","sv/fv","","Ne/ih to/uhngoh ma?","Are you hungry?"
"sa/i","spend; drive; operate (a machine)","fv","","",""
"sa/i","send; be necessary; have to","cv/av","","Sa/i m\sa/i ngo/h tu\hng ne/ih heui a?","Do I have to go with you?"
"jauh","then (introducing subsequent action)","a","","Be/i ng/hma-n ke/uih; ke/uih jauh maaih la.","Offer him $5; then he will sell."
"=ha/h","verb suffix which denotes casual action","p","","Ngo/h se/ung tu\hng ne/ih tingha/h.","I want to chat with you."
"yuhng","use","fv","","Ngo/h yuhngha/h ne/ih ji\ ba-t; da-k ma?","I use your pen; okay?"
"M\ga/nyiu; mo/uhga/nyiu","Nevermind; it doesn't matter.","x","","",""
"te\ngginwah...","I hear(d) it said that....","x","","",""
"Che\uihbi/n sihk la-","Help yourself; feel free to eat what you want.","x","","",""
"Che\uibi/n la-! Che\uih ne/ih bi/n la-!","As you please. (lit. follow convenience)","x","","",""
"Ya/m bu-i la-!","Drink up! Have a drink!","x","","",""
"Ya/m sing!","Bottoms up! Drink it all!","x","","",""
"Go\n bu\i!","Bottoms up! Empty the glass!","x","","",""

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : CANTONES.ZIP
Filename : LESSON15

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: