Dec 112017
Check the calorie count of your meals. Contains 4,000 items with calorie counts, and even a list from the top 10 fast food joints.
File CALWATCH.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Check the calorie count of your meals. Contains 4,000 items with calorie counts, and even a list from the top 10 fast food joints.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
!!README 1964 854 deflated
ADISCTRL 2304 552 deflated
CALORIE.DAT 189848 37422 deflated
CALORIE.IDX 24064 4773 deflated
CALWATCH.EXE 90543 86903 deflated
CALWATCH.SCR 4000 191 deflated
FIXFILE.BAT 133 103 deflated
REBUILD.EXE 134188 68526 deflated

Download File CALWATCH.ZIP Here

 December 11, 2017  Add comments

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